REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=plb \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 1995 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | wfprfb.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL body for package: WF_PREF | | MODIFICATION LOG: | 01/2002 JWSMITH BUG 2001012 - Increased username, admin_role, l_username, | to varchar2(320), display_name to 360 *=======================================================================*/ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; set arraysize 1 set scan off create or replace package body WF_PREF as /* $Header: wfprfb.pls 26.35 2005/03/11 06:21:27 anachatt ship $ */ -- -- Package Globals -- -- -- Error (PRIVATE) -- Print a page with an error message. -- Errors are retrieved from these sources in order: -- 1. wf_core errors -- 2. Oracle errors -- 3. Unspecified INTERNAL error -- procedure Error as error_name varchar2(30); error_message varchar2(2000); error_stack varchar2(32000); begin htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title(wf_core.translate('ERROR')); htp.headClose; begin wfa_sec.Header(background_only=>TRUE); exception when others then htp.bodyOpen; end; htp.header(nsize=>1, cheader=>wf_core.translate('ERROR')); wf_core.get_error(error_name, error_message, error_stack); -- Bug 4215720 error_message:=wf_core.substitutespecialchars(error_message); error_stack:=wf_core.substitutespecialchars(error_stack); if (error_name is not null) then htp.p(error_message); else htp.p(sqlerrm); end if;; htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRNAME')||': '||error_name);; htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFENG_ERRSTACK')||': '|| replace(error_stack,wf_core.newline,'
')); wfa_sec.Footer; htp.htmlClose; end Error; /*=========================================================================== Function get_open_lov_window_html Purpose Get the javascript function to open a lov window based on a url and a window size. ============================================================================*/ PROCEDURE get_open_lov_window_html IS BEGIN htp.p(''); htp.p(''); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN Wf_Core.Context('wf_pref', 'get_open_lov_window_html'); RAISE; END get_open_lov_window_html; -- Javascript function to validate new passwords -- Bug# 2127392 PROCEDURE validate_password IS BEGIN htp.p(''); htp.p(''); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN Wf_Core.Context('wf_pref', 'validate_password'); RAISE; END validate_password; procedure create_reg_button ( when_pressed_url IN VARCHAR2, onmouseover IN VARCHAR2, icon_top IN VARCHAR2, icon_name IN VARCHAR2, show_text IN VARCHAR2) IS onmouseover_text varchar2(240) := null; BEGIN wfa_html.create_reg_button (when_pressed_url, onmouseover, icon_top, icon_name, show_text); exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Pref', 'create_reg_button',when_pressed_url,onmouseover, icon_top,icon_name,show_text); wf_pref.Error; end create_reg_button; -- -- Edit -- Edit user preferences -- procedure edit (edit_defaults in varchar2) is username varchar2(320); -- Username to query realname varchar2(360); -- Display name of username admin_role varchar2(320); -- Role for admin mode admin_mode varchar2(1); -- Does user have admin privledges s0 varchar2(2000); language varchar2(30); -- Language preference territory varchar2(30); -- Territory preference mail_type varchar2(30); -- Email preference text_signon varchar2(10); -- Text only signon install_type varchar2(30); -- Embedded install vs standalone date_format varchar2(40); -- date format preference dm_node_id number; -- Document Management Home preference dm_node_name varchar2(240); l_checked varchar2(1); l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; l_message varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_LOV')); l_text varchar2(30) := ''; l_onmouseover varchar2(240); l_url varchar2(1000); l_error_msg varchar2(2000) := null; web_agent varchar2(2000); -- Web agent /* ** Bug 2307342 classid varchar2(2000); -- Jinitiator Class id plugin_loc varchar2(2000); -- Java Plugin (Jinitiator) Download Location plugin_ver varchar2(2000); -- Java Plugin Version */ l_sguid raw(16); -- Local System GUID l_sname varchar2(30); -- Local System Name l_sdname varchar2(80); -- Local System Display Name l_sstatus varchar2(240); -- Local System Status l_ldap_host varchar2(240); -- LDAP host name l_ldap_port varchar2(240); -- LDAP port number l_ldap_user varchar2(240); -- LDAP username l_ldap_pwd varchar2(240); -- LDAP password l_ldap_log_base varchar2(240); -- LDAP directory containing change logs l_ldap_user_base varchar2(240); -- LDAP directory containing user records begin -- Check session and current user wfa_sec.GetSession(username); username := upper(username); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(username, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); IF (edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN admin_mode := 'N'; admin_role := wf_core.translate('WF_ADMIN_ROLE'); if (admin_role = '*' or Wf_Directory.IsPerformer(username, admin_role)) then admin_mode := 'Y'; username := '-WF_DEFAULT-'; else -- cannot edit defaults unless you're the administrator l_error_msg := wf_core.translate('WFPREF_INVALID_ADMIN'); end if; -- get the default web agent web_agent := wf_core.translate ('WF_WEB_AGENT'); /* ** Bug 2307342 ** Jinitiator related info will no longer be ** displayed on the Global Preferences page --get the Java Plugin (Jinitiator) related info classid := wf_core.translate ('WF_CLASSID'); plugin_loc := wf_core.translate ('WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD'); plugin_ver := wf_core.translate ('WF_PLUGIN_VERSION'); */ -- get the local system info --l_sguid := Wf_Setup.GetLocalSystemGUID; if wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID') <> '[WF_SYSTEM_GUID]' then l_sguid := hextoraw(wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID')); begin select NAME into l_sname from WF_SYSTEMS where GUID = l_sguid; l_sdname := l_sname; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.token('GUID', rawtohex(l_sguid)); l_sdname := wf_core.translate('WFE_SYSTEM_NOGUID'); end; end if; -- find out the system status l_sstatus := substr(wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_STATUS'), 1, 8); if (l_sstatus = 'LOCAL') then l_sstatus := wf_core.translate('LOCAL_ONLY'); elsif (l_sstatus = 'EXTERNAL') then l_sstatus := wf_core.translate('EXTERNAL_ONLY'); else l_sstatus := wf_core.translate(l_sstatus); end if; END IF; -- Get the language preference language := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'LANGUAGE'); -- Get the terriory preference territory := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'TERRITORY'); -- get the mail preference mail_type := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'MAILTYPE'); -- get the text mail only preference text_signon := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'WF_SIG_TEXT_ONLY'); -- get the date format preference date_format := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'DATEFORMAT'); -- get the installation type (Embedded vs Standalone) install_type := wf_core.translate ('WF_INSTALL'); -- get the document management home node information fnd_document_management.get_dm_home (username, dm_node_id, dm_node_name); -- get the LDAP related information l_ldap_host := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'HOST'); l_ldap_port := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'PORT'); l_ldap_user := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'USERNAME'); -- Bug 2127392 -- commented password retrieval to avoid display in web page -- l_ldap_pwd := fnd_preference.eget('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH', 'EPWD', -- 'LDAP_PWD'); -- Bug3471734: Added token to translate the text "Not Shown" -- l_ldap_pwd := 'Not Shown'; l_ldap_pwd := wf_core.translate('WFPREF_NOT_SHOWN'); l_ldap_log_base := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH', 'CHANGELOG_DIR'); l_ldap_user_base := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH','USER_DIR'); -- Set page title htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; if (edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_DEF_PREFS_TITLE')|| ' - '||realname); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/gpr.htm?GPREF'); else htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_PREFS_TITLE')|| ' - '||realname); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/upr.htm?UPREF'); end if; htp.headClose; -- Page header if (edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN wfa_sec.Header(FALSE, '', wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_DEF_PREFS_TITLE'), TRUE); else wfa_sec.Header(FALSE, '', wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_PREFS_TITLE'), TRUE); end if; IF (l_error_msg IS NOT NULL) THEN; return; END IF; htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER', cattributes=>'summary=""'); -- If you can edit the defaults then allow them to set the admin user -- and the Web Agent if (edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN -- admin role title htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WF_ADMIN'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); if (admin_role <> '*') then wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(admin_role, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); else realname := '*'; end if; htp.tabledata(''||realname||''); htp.tableRowClose; -- web agent htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFA_WEB_AGENT_DESC'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||web_agent||''); htp.tableRowClose; /* ** Bug 2307342 ** JInitiator Info will no longer be displayed on the ** Global Preferences page --jinitiator htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFA_CLASSID_DESC'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||classid||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFA_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_DESC'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||plugin_loc||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFA_PLUGIN_VERSION_DESC'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||plugin_ver||''); htp.tableRowClose; */ htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('LOCAL_SYSTEM'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||l_sdname||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('SYSTEM_STATUS'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||l_sstatus||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LDAP_HOST_PROMPT'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||l_ldap_host||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LDAP_PORT_PROMPT'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||l_ldap_port||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LDAP_USER_PROMPT'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||l_ldap_user||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LDAP_PASSWORD_PROMPT'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||l_ldap_pwd||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate( 'WFPREF_LDAP_CHNGLOGDIR_PROMPT'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||l_ldap_log_base||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LDAP_USERDIR_PROMPT'), calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(''||l_ldap_user_base||''); htp.tableRowClose; end if; -- Only show language/territory/date format if this is standalone install IF (install_type = 'STANDALONE') THEN -- Language htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LANGUAGE_PROMPT'), calign=>'right'); htp.tableData(''||language||''); htp.tableRowClose; -- Territory htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_TERRITORY_PROMPT'), calign=>'right'); htp.tableData(''||territory||''); htp.tableRowClose; -- Date Format htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_DATE_FORMAT'), calign=>'right'); htp.tableData(''||date_format||''); htp.tableRowClose; END IF; -- Document Management Home Node htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_DMHOME_PROMPT'), calign=>'right'); htp.tableData(''||dm_node_name||''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tablerowopen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_SENDEMAIL_PROMPT'), calign=>'RIGHT'); -- Mail Type field IF (mail_type = 'MAILHTML') THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_SENDHTML_PROMPT')||''); ELSIF (mail_type = 'MAILTEXT') THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_SENDPLAIN_PROMPT')||''); ELSIF (mail_type = 'MAILATTH') THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_SENDATTACH_PROMPT')||''); ELSIF (mail_type = 'MAILTEXT') THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_SENDPLAIN_PROMPT')||''); ELSIF (mail_type = 'SUMMARY') THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_SENDSUMMARY_PROMPT')||''); ELSIF (mail_type = 'SUMHTML') THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_SENDSUMHTML_PROMPT')||''); ELSIF (mail_type = 'QUERY' or mail_type IS NULL) THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_QUERYONLY_PROMPT')||''); ELSIF (mail_type = 'MAILHTM2' or mail_type IS NULL) THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_SENDHTM2_PROMPT')||''); ELSIF (mail_type = 'DISABLED' or mail_type IS NULL) THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('WFPREF_DISABLED_PROMPT')||''); END IF; htp.tablerowclose; if (install_type = 'STANDALONE' and edit_defaults = 'Y') then htp.tablerowopen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>wf_core.translate('WFPREF_TEXT_SIGNON'), calign=>'RIGHT'); IF (text_signon = 'Y') THEN htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('YES')||''); ELSE htp.tableData(''||wf_core.translate('NO')||''); END IF; htp.tablerowclose; end if; htp.tableclose;; htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER'); --Submit Button htp.tableRowOpen; l_url := owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'wf_pref.edit_form?edit_defaults='||edit_defaults; l_icon := 'FNDJLFOK.gif'; l_text := wf_core.translate ('UPDATE'); l_onmouseover := wf_core.translate ('UPDATE'); htp.p(''); wf_pref.create_reg_button (l_url, l_onmouseover, l_media, l_icon, l_text); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableclose; htp.formClose; wfa_sec.Footer; htp.htmlClose; exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Pref', 'Edit', edit_defaults); wf_pref.Error; end edit; -- -- Edit -- Edit user preferences -- procedure edit_form (edit_defaults in varchar2) is username varchar2(320); -- Username to query realname varchar2(360); -- Display name of username admin_role varchar2(320); -- Role for admin mode admin_mode varchar2(1); -- Does user have admin privledges s0 varchar2(2000); language varchar2(30); -- Language preference territory varchar2(30); -- Territory preference mail_type varchar2(30); -- Email preference text_signon varchar2(10); -- Test only signon dm_node_id number; -- Document Management Home preference dm_node_name varchar2(240); install_type varchar2(30); -- Embedded install vs standalone date_format varchar2(40); -- date format preference l_checked varchar2(1); l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; l_text varchar2(30) := ''; l_onmouseover varchar2(240); l_url varchar2(1000); l_mail_pref varchar2(20); l_error_msg varchar2(2000) := null; web_agent varchar2(2000); -- Web agent /* ** Bug 2307342 ** Global preferences page will no longer display ** Jinitiator Info classid varchar2(2000); -- Jinitiator Class id plugin_loc varchar2(2000); -- Java Plugin (Jinitiator) Download Location plugin_ver varchar2(2000); -- Java Plugin Version */ l_ldap_host varchar2(240); -- LDAP host name l_ldap_port varchar2(240); -- LDAP port number l_ldap_user varchar2(240); -- LDAP username l_ldap_pwd varchar2(240); -- LDAP password l_ldap_log_base varchar2(240); -- LDAP directory containing change logs l_ldap_user_base varchar2(240); -- LDAP directory containing user records l_sguid raw(16); -- Local System GUID l_sname varchar2(30); -- Local System Name l_sdname varchar2(80); -- Local System Display Name l_sstatus varchar2(240); -- Local System Status template varchar2(4000); l_message varchar2(240) := wfa_html.replace_onMouseOver_quotes(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LOV')); selected boolean := FALSE; cursor get_lang is SELECT CODE, NLS_LANGUAGE, NLS_TERRITORY FROM wf_languages WHERE installed_flag = 'Y' ORDER BY NLS_LANGUAGE; cursor get_mail is select NAME, TEXT from WF_RESOURCES where TYPE = 'WFTKN' and NAME LIKE 'WFPREF_MAILP%' and LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG') ORDER BY NAME; CURSOR get_dm is SELECT node_id, node_name FROM fnd_dm_nodes ORDER BY node_name; begin -- Check session and current user wfa_sec.GetSession(username); username := upper(username); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(username, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); IF (edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN admin_mode := 'N'; admin_role := wf_core.translate('WF_ADMIN_ROLE'); if (admin_role = '*' or Wf_Directory.IsPerformer(username, admin_role)) then admin_mode := 'Y'; username := '-WF_DEFAULT-'; else -- cannot edit defaults unless you're the administrator l_error_msg := wf_core.translate('WFPREF_INVALID_ADMIN'); end if; -- get the default web agent web_agent := wf_core.translate('WF_WEB_AGENT'); /* ** Bug 2307342 ** Jinitiator Info will no longer be displayed ** on the Global Preferences Page --get the Java Plugin (Jinitiator) related info classid := wf_core.translate ('WF_CLASSID'); plugin_loc := wf_core.translate ('WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD'); plugin_ver := wf_core.translate ('WF_PLUGIN_VERSION'); */ -- get the local system info if wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID') <> '[WF_SYSTEM_GUID]' then l_sguid := hextoraw(wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID')); begin select NAME into l_sname from WF_SYSTEMS where GUID = l_sguid; l_sdname := l_sname; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then wf_core.token('GUID', rawtohex(l_sguid)); l_sdname := wf_core.translate('WFE_SYSTEM_NOGUID'); end; end if; -- find out the system status l_sstatus := substr(wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_STATUS'), 1, 8); END IF; -- Get the language preference language := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'LANGUAGE'); -- Get the language preference territory := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'TERRITORY'); -- get the mail preference mail_type := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'MAILTYPE'); -- get text only mail preference text_signon := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'WF_SIG_TEXT_ONLY'); -- get the date format preference date_format := wf_pref.get_pref (username, 'DATEFORMAT'); -- get the installation type (Embedded vs Standalone) install_type := wf_core.translate ('WF_INSTALL'); -- get the document management home node information fnd_document_management.get_dm_home (username, dm_node_id, dm_node_name); -- get the LDAP related information l_ldap_host := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'HOST'); l_ldap_port := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'PORT'); l_ldap_user := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'USERNAME'); -- commented ldap password retrieval for Bug 2127392 --l_ldap_pwd := fnd_preference.eget('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH', 'EPWD', -- 'LDAP_PWD'); l_ldap_pwd := NULL; l_ldap_log_base := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH', 'CHANGELOG_DIR'); l_ldap_user_base := fnd_preference.get('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH','USER_DIR'); -- Set page title htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; if (edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_DEF_PREFS_TITLE')|| ' - '||realname); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/gpr.htm?GPREF'); else htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_PREFS_TITLE')|| ' - '||realname); wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/links/upr.htm?UPREF'); end if; fnd_document_management.get_open_dm_display_window; wf_pref.get_open_lov_window_html; wf_lov.OpenLovWinHtml; wf_pref.validate_password; -- Bug# 2127392 htp.headClose; -- Page header if (edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN wfa_sec.Header(FALSE, '', wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_DEF_PREFS_TITLE'), TRUE); else wfa_sec.Header(FALSE, '', wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_PREFS_TITLE'), TRUE); end if; IF (l_error_msg IS NOT NULL) THEN; return; END IF; htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER', cattributes=>'summary=""'); htp.p('
'); htp.formHidden(cname=>'p_edit_defaults', cvalue=>edit_defaults); -- If you can edit the defaults then allow them to set the admin user -- and the Web Agent if (edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN htp.formHidden('p_admin_role', admin_role); if (admin_role <> '*') then wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(admin_role, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); else realname := '*'; end if; -- admin role title htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle id=""'); -- add LOV here: Note:bottom is name of frame. -- Note: The REPLACE function replaces all the space characters with -- the proper escape sequence. l_url := 'javascript:fnd_open_dm_display_window('||''''|| REPLACE('wf_lov.display_lov?p_lov_name='||'owner'|| '&p_display_name='||'WFA_FIND_USER'|| '&p_validation_callback=wfa_html.wf_user_val'|| '&p_dest_hidden_field=top.opener.parent.document.WF_PREF.p_admin_role.value'|| '&p_current_value=top.opener.parent.document.WF_PREF.p_display_admin_role.value'|| '&p_display_key='||'Y'|| '&p_dest_display_field=top.opener.parent.document.WF_PREF.p_display_admin_role.value', ' ', '%20')||''''||',500,500)'; htp.tabledata(htf.formText(cname=>'p_display_admin_role', csize=>30, cmaxlength=>360, cvalue=>realname, cattributes=>'id="i_admin"')|| ''|| ''||
                           l_message||'', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; -- web agent htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle, id="' || WF_CORE.Translate('WFA_WEB_AGENT_DESC') || '"'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_web_agent', csize=>'40', cvalue=>web_agent, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_webagent"'), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; /* ** Bug 2307342 ** JInitiator Details will no longer be displayed on the ** Global Preferences page --jinitiator htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle, id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_classid', csize=>'40', cvalue=>classid, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_classid"'), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle, id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_plugin_loc', csize=>'40', cvalue=>plugin_loc, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_plugin_loc"'), calign=>'left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_plugin_ver', csize=>'40', cvalue=>plugin_ver, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_plugin_ver"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; */ -- Local System htp.tableRowOpen; htp.formHidden('p_system_guid', rawtohex(l_sguid)); htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right'); -- add LOV here: -- Note: The REPLACE function replaces all the space characters with -- the proper escape sequence. l_url := 'javascript:fnd_open_dm_display_window('||''''|| REPLACE('wf_lov.display_lov?p_lov_name='||'p_system_guid'|| '&p_display_name='||'SYSTEM'|| '&p_validation_callback=wf_event_html.wf_system_val'|| '&p_dest_hidden_field=top.opener.parent.document.WF_PREF.p_system_guid.value'|| '&p_current_value=top.opener.parent.document.WF_PREF.p_system_name.value'|| '&p_display_key='||'Y'|| '&p_dest_display_field=top.opener.parent.document.WF_PREF.p_system_name.value', ' ', '%20')||''''||',500,500)'; -- print everything together so there is no gap. htp.tabledata(htf.formText(cname=>'p_system_name', cvalue=>l_sdname, csize=>32, cmaxlength=>240, cattributes=>'id="i_system_name"')|| ''|| ''||
                     l_message||'', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; -- System Status template := htf.formSelectOpen('p_system_status', cattributes=>'id="i_system_status"') || wf_core.newline; if (l_sstatus = 'LOCAL') then template := template||htf.formSelectOption( wf_core.translate('LOCAL_ONLY'), 'SELECTED', 'VALUE="'||l_sstatus||'"')||wf_core.newline; selected := TRUE; else template := template||htf.formSelectOption( wf_core.translate('LOCAL_ONLY'), NULL, 'VALUE="LOCAL"')||wf_core.newline; end if; if (l_sstatus = 'EXTERNAL') then template := template||htf.formSelectOption( wf_core.translate('EXTERNAL_ONLY'), 'SELECTED', 'VALUE="'||l_sstatus||'"')||wf_core.newline; selected := TRUE; else template := template||htf.formSelectOption( wf_core.translate('EXTERNAL_ONLY'), NULL, 'VALUE="EXTERNAL"')||wf_core.newline; end if; if (l_sstatus = 'ENABLED') then template := template||htf.formSelectOption(wf_core.translate(l_sstatus), 'SELECTED', 'VALUE="'||l_sstatus||'"')||wf_core.newline; selected := TRUE; else template := template||htf.formSelectOption(wf_core.translate('ENABLED'), NULL, 'VALUE="ENABLED"')||wf_core.newline; end if; -- Default to DISABLED if nothing has been set. if (not selected) then template := template||htf.formSelectOption(wf_core.translate('DISABLED'), 'SELECTED', 'VALUE="DISABLED"')||wf_core.newline; selected := TRUE; else template := template||htf.formSelectOption(wf_core.translate('DISABLED'), NULL, 'VALUE="DISABLED"')||wf_core.newline; end if; template := template||htf.formSelectClose; htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'Right'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>template, calign=>'Left', cattributes=>'id=""'); htp.tableRowClose; -- LDAP host htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_ldap_host', csize=>'40', cvalue=>l_ldap_host, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_ldap_host"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; -- LDAP port htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_ldap_port', csize=>'10', cvalue=>l_ldap_port, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_ldap_port"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; -- LDAP user htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle id=""'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_ldap_user', csize=>'20', cvalue=>l_ldap_user, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_ldap_user"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; /* Bug 2127392 */ -- Added Old LDAP password field to capture old LDAP password -- to check authenticity before changing the LDAP password -- New LDAP passwrods are captured twice to ensure the password is -- corrent and checked in the PL/SQL procedure -- LDAP password htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle id=""'); -- changed htf.formText to htf.formPassword for Bug 2127392 htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formPassword(cname=>'p_ldap_opwd', csize=>'20', cvalue=>l_ldap_pwd, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_ldap_opwd"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; -- New LDAP password Bug 2127392 htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle id=""'); -- changed htf.formText to htf.formPassword for Bug 2127392 htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formPassword(cname=>'p_ldap_npwd', csize=>'20', cvalue=>l_ldap_pwd, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_ldap_npwd"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; -- confirm LDAP password added for Bug 2127392 htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle id=""'); -- changed htf.formText to htf.formPassword for Bug 2127392 htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formPassword(cname=>'p_ldap_rpwd', csize=>'20', cvalue=>l_ldap_pwd, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_ldap_rpwd"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; -- LDAP Change Log base directory htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_ldap_log_base', csize=>'40', cvalue=>l_ldap_log_base, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_ldap_log_base"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; -- LDAP user base directory htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_ldap_user_base', csize=>'40', cvalue=>l_ldap_user_base, cmaxlength=>'240', cattributes=>'id="i_ldap_user_base"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; end if; -- Only show language/territory/date format if this is standalone install IF (install_type = 'STANDALONE') THEN -- Language htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; -- Territory htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right'); htp.p (''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; -- date format htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'right', cattributes=>'valign=middle'); htp.tableData(cvalue=>htf.formText(cname=>'p_date_format', csize=>'20', cvalue=>date_format, cmaxlength=>'40', cattributes=>'id="i_date_format"'), calign=>'left'); htp.tableRowClose; END IF; -- Document Management Home Node htp.tableRowOpen; htp.formHidden(cname=>'p_dm_home', cvalue=>null); htp.tableData('', calign=>'RIGHT'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tablerowopen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>'', calign=>'RIGHT'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.tablerowclose; -- Get value for preference WF_SIG_TEXT_ONLY through Global -- User preference screen if it is a Standalone install if (install_type = 'STANDALONE' and edit_defaults = 'Y') then -- Send Text Notifications only htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData('', calign=>'RIGHT'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; end if; htp.tableclose;; htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER', cattributes=>'summary=""'); --Submit Button htp.tableRowOpen; -- Bug# 2411267 URL for user preference and Global preference should -- be different. if (edit_defaults = 'Y') then l_url := 'javascript:form_submit()'; else l_url := 'javascript:document.WF_PREF.submit()'; end if; l_icon := 'FNDJLFOK.gif'; l_text := wf_core.translate ('WFMON_OK'); l_onmouseover := wf_core.translate ('WFMON_OK'); htp.p(''); wf_pref.create_reg_button (l_url, l_onmouseover, l_media, l_icon, l_text); htp.p(''); l_url := wfa_html.base_url|| '/wf_pref.edit?edit_defaults='||edit_defaults; l_icon := 'FNDJLFCN.gif'; l_text := wf_core.translate ('CANCEL'); l_onmouseover := wf_core.translate ('CANCEL'); htp.p(''); wf_pref.create_reg_button (l_url, l_onmouseover, l_media, l_icon, l_text); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableclose; htp.formClose; wfa_sec.Footer; htp.htmlClose; exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Pref', 'Edit_Form', edit_defaults); wf_pref.Error; end edit_form; -- -- Lang_LOV -- Create the data for the Language List of Values -- procedure Lang_LOV (p_titles_only IN VARCHAR2, p_find_criteria IN VARCHAR2) IS l_username VARCHAR2(320); l_code VARCHAR2(4); l_language VARCHAR2(30); l_territory VARCHAR2(30); l_row_count NUMBER := 0; CURSOR c_lang_lov (c_find_criteria IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT nls_language, nls_territory, code FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_language like c_find_criteria AND installed_flag = 'Y' ORDER BY nls_language; BEGIN -- Authenticate user wfa_sec.GetSession(l_username); IF (p_titles_only = 'N') THEN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_row_count FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_language like p_find_criteria||'%' AND installed_flag = 'Y'; END IF; htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LANGUAGE_PROMPT')); htp.p('3'); htp.p(TO_CHAR(l_row_count)); htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LANGUAGE_PROMPT')); htp.p('50'); htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_TERRITORY_PROMPT')); htp.p('50'); htp.p('CODE'); htp.p('0'); IF (p_titles_only = 'N') THEN OPEN c_lang_lov (p_find_criteria||'%'); /* ** Loop through all the language rows for the given find_criteria ** and write them out to the web page */ LOOP FETCH c_lang_lov INTO l_language, l_territory, l_code; EXIT WHEN c_lang_lov%NOTFOUND; htp.p (l_language); htp.p (l_territory); htp.p (l_code); END LOOP; END IF; exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Pref', 'lang_lov',p_titles_only, p_find_criteria); wf_pref.Error; END lang_lov; -- -- Terr_LOV -- Create the data for the Territories List of Values -- procedure Terr_LOV (p_titles_only IN VARCHAR2, p_find_criteria IN VARCHAR2) IS l_code VARCHAR2(4); l_territory VARCHAR2(30); l_language VARCHAR2(30); l_row_count NUMBER := 0; l_username VARCHAR2(320); CURSOR c_Terr_lov (c_find_criteria IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT nls_territory, nls_language, code FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_territory like c_find_criteria AND installed_flag = 'Y' ORDER BY nls_language; BEGIN -- Authenticate user wfa_sec.GetSession(l_username); IF (p_titles_only = 'N') THEN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_row_count FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_territory like p_find_criteria||'%' AND installed_flag = 'Y'; END IF; htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_TERRITORY_PROMPT')); htp.p('3'); htp.p(TO_CHAR(l_row_count)); htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_TERRITORY_PROMPT')); htp.p('50'); htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_LANGUAGE_PROMPT')); htp.p('50'); htp.p('Code'); htp.p('0'); IF (p_titles_only = 'N') THEN OPEN c_Terr_lov (p_find_criteria||'%'); /* ** Loop through all the language rows for the given find_criteria ** and write them out to the web page */ LOOP FETCH c_Terr_lov INTO l_territory, l_language, l_code; EXIT WHEN c_Terr_lov%NOTFOUND; htp.p (l_territory); htp.p (l_language); htp.p (l_code); END LOOP; END IF; exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Pref', 'Terr_lov',p_titles_only, p_find_criteria); wf_pref.Error; END terr_lov; -- -- DM_LOV -- Create the data for the Territories List of Values -- procedure DM_LOV (p_titles_only IN VARCHAR2, p_find_criteria IN VARCHAR2) IS l_username VARCHAR2(320); l_node_id NUMBER; l_node_name VARCHAR2(80); l_node_desc VARCHAR2(240); l_row_count NUMBER := 0; CURSOR c_dm_lov (c_find_criteria IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT node_id, node_name, node_description FROM fnd_dm_nodes WHERE node_name like p_find_criteria||'%' ORDER BY node_name; BEGIN -- Authenticate user wfa_sec.GetSession(l_username); IF (p_titles_only = 'N') THEN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_row_count FROM fnd_dm_nodes WHERE node_name like p_find_criteria||'%'; END IF; htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_DMHOME_PROMPT')); htp.p('3'); htp.p(TO_CHAR(l_row_count)); htp.p(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_DMHOME_PROMPT')); htp.p('40'); htp.p(wf_core.translate('DESCRIPTION')); htp.p('60'); htp.p('NODE_ID'); htp.p('0'); IF (p_titles_only = 'N') THEN OPEN c_dm_lov (p_find_criteria||'%'); /* ** Loop through all the language rows for the given find_criteria ** and write them out to the web page */ LOOP FETCH c_dm_lov INTO l_node_id, l_node_name,l_node_desc; EXIT WHEN c_dm_lov%NOTFOUND; htp.p (l_node_name); htp.p (l_node_desc); htp.p (TO_CHAR(l_node_id)); END LOOP; END IF; exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Pref', 'DM_lov',p_titles_only, p_find_criteria); wf_pref.Error; END DM_LOV; PROCEDURE update_pref ( p_admin_role IN VARCHAR2, p_display_admin_role IN VARCHAR2, p_web_agent IN VARCHAR2, p_edit_defaults IN VARCHAR2, p_language IN VARCHAR2, p_territory IN VARCHAR2, p_date_format IN VARCHAR2, p_dm_node_id IN VARCHAR2, p_dm_home IN VARCHAR2, p_mailtype IN VARCHAR2, p_classid IN VARCHAR2, p_plugin_loc IN VARCHAR2, p_plugin_ver IN VARCHAR2, p_system_guid IN VARCHAR2, p_system_name IN VARCHAR2, p_system_status IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_host IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_port IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_user IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_opwd IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_npwd IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_rpwd IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_log_base IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_user_base IN VARCHAR2, p_text_signon IN VARCHAR2 ) IS l_row_count number := 0; l_combo_count number := 0; l_dm_node_id number; l_name varchar2(320); -- Username to query username varchar2(320); -- Username to query realname varchar2(360); -- Display name of username admin_role varchar2(320); -- Role for admin mode admin_mode varchar2(1); -- Does user have admin privledges s0 varchar2(2000); l_url varchar2(240); l_test_date varchar2(40); l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; l_text varchar2(30) := ''; l_onmouseover varchar2(240) := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_LOV'); l_error_msg varchar2(2000) := NULL; l_sguid raw(16); rowid varchar2(30); /* Bug 2127392 */ l_ldap_error varchar2(2000) := NULL; l_ldap_pwd varchar2(30); l_ldap_opwd varchar2(30); BEGIN l_ldap_opwd := p_ldap_opwd; -- Check session and current user wfa_sec.GetSession(username); username := upper(username); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(username, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); IF (p_edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN admin_mode := 'N'; admin_role := wf_core.translate('WF_ADMIN_ROLE'); if (admin_role = '*' or Wf_Directory.IsPerformer(username, admin_role)) then admin_mode := 'Y'; username := '-WF_DEFAULT-'; else -- cannot edit defaults unless you're the administrator l_error_msg := wf_core.translate('WFPREF_INVALID_ADMIN'); end if; END IF; -- Validate the language preference IF (p_language IS NOT NULL) THEN SELECT count(*) INTO l_row_count FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_language = p_language AND installed_flag = 'Y'; ELSE -- If there is no value then set it to null l_row_count := 1; END IF; -- Validate the combination of language/territory preferences are valid IF (p_language IS NOT NULL AND l_row_count <> 0 AND p_territory IS NOT NULL) THEN SELECT count(*) INTO l_combo_count FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_language = p_language AND nls_territory = p_territory AND installed_flag = 'Y'; IF (l_combo_count = 0) THEN l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_COMBO'); END IF; END IF; IF (l_row_count > 0) THEN IF (l_combo_count > 0) THEN -- put the language preference fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'LANGUAGE', p_language); END IF; ELSE l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_LANGUAGE'); END IF; -- Validate the territory preference IF (p_territory IS NOT NULL) THEN SELECT count(*) INTO l_row_count FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_territory = p_territory AND installed_flag = 'Y'; ELSE -- If there is no value then set it to null l_row_count := 1; END IF; IF (l_row_count > 0) THEN IF (l_combo_count > 0) THEN -- put the territory preference fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'TERRITORY', p_territory); END IF; ELSE l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_TERRITORY'); END IF; -- Validate the date format BEGIN SELECT TO_CHAR(sysdate, RTRIM(p_date_format)) INTO l_test_date FROM dual; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT') || ': ' || p_date_format; END; IF (l_error_msg IS NULL) THEN -- put the date format preference -- The rtrim is required if the user adds a blank space at the end -- of the format and we concatenate on a time format with a space then -- the double space will cause an ora-1830 errror. fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'DATEFORMAT', RTRIM(p_date_format)); END IF; -- Bug 2589782 Update LDAP info only if Global preference values are -- updated by an Admin IF (p_edit_defaults = 'Y' AND admin_mode = 'Y') THEN -- put the LDAP preferences fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'HOST', p_ldap_host); fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'PORT', p_ldap_port); fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'USERNAME', p_ldap_user); -- Bug 2127392 Validating LDAP password l_ldap_pwd := fnd_preference.eget('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH', 'EPWD', 'LDAP_PWD'); IF (l_ldap_opwd is NULL) THEN l_ldap_opwd := 'x'; END IF; IF (l_ldap_pwd is NULL) THEN l_ldap_pwd := 'x'; END IF; IF (l_ldap_opwd <> 'x' OR length(p_ldap_rpwd) > 0) THEN IF (l_ldap_pwd <> l_ldap_opwd) THEN l_ldap_error := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_LDAP_PASSWORD'); END IF; -- New password updated only if the Old password is valid IF (l_ldap_error IS NULL) THEN fnd_preference.eput('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH', 'EPWD', p_ldap_rpwd, 'LDAP_PWD'); ELSE l_error_msg := l_ldap_error; END IF; END IF; fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'CHANGELOG_DIR', p_ldap_log_base); fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'USER_DIR', p_ldap_user_base); END IF; -- put the mail preference fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'MAILTYPE', p_mailtype); -- put the text only mail preference fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'WF_SIG_TEXT_ONLY', p_text_signon); -- put the dm home node preference fnd_document_management.set_dm_home (username, l_dm_node_id); IF (admin_mode = 'Y') THEN -- Check the admin role IF (p_display_admin_role <> '*') THEN admin_role := p_admin_role; -- Get all the username find criteria resolved wfa_html.validate_display_name (p_display_admin_role, admin_role); BEGIN wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(UPPER(admin_role), realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); if (realname IS NULL) then l_name := NULL; else l_name := UPPER(admin_role); end if; END; ELSE l_name := '*'; END IF; IF (l_name IS NOT NULL) THEN -- Update the admin role UPDATE wf_resources SET text = UPPER(l_name) WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE'; ELSE l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_ROLE_NAME')|| ': ' || UPPER(p_display_admin_role); END IF; -- Update the web agent UPDATE wf_resources SET text = p_web_agent WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_WEB_AGENT'; /* ** Bug 2307342 ** It is no longer possible to update jinitiator info ** from the Global Preferences page -- Update the jinitiator info UPDATE wf_resources SET text = p_classid WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_CLASSID'; UPDATE wf_resources SET text = p_plugin_loc WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD'; UPDATE wf_resources SET text = p_plugin_ver WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_PLUGIN_VERSION'; */ -- Update/Insert the Local System Info -- validate the system name if p_system_guid is not null then l_sguid := hextoraw(p_system_guid); Wf_Event_Html.Validate_System_Name(p_system_name, l_sguid); -- update the local system guid begin Wf_Resources_Pkg.Update_Row( x_type=>'WFTKN', x_name=>'WF_SYSTEM_GUID', x_protect_level=>0, x_custom_level=>0, x_id=>0, x_text=>rawtohex(l_sguid) ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then Wf_Resources_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid=>rowid, x_type=>'WFTKN', x_name=>'WF_SYSTEM_GUID', x_protect_level=>0, x_custom_level=>0, x_id=>0, x_text=>rawtohex(l_sguid) ); end; end if; -- update the local system status begin Wf_Resources_Pkg.Update_Row( x_type=>'WFTKN', x_name=>'WF_SYSTEM_STATUS', x_protect_level=>0, x_custom_level=>0, x_id=>0, x_text=>p_system_status ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then Wf_Resources_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid=>rowid, x_type=>'WFTKN', x_name=>'WF_SYSTEM_STATUS', x_protect_level=>0, x_custom_level=>0, x_id=>0, x_text=>p_system_status ); end; END IF; IF (l_error_msg IS NULL) THEN -- use owa_util.redirect_url to redirect the URL to the home page owa_util.redirect_url(curl=>wfa_html.base_url || '/wf_pref.edit?edit_defaults='||p_edit_defaults, bclose_header=>TRUE); ELSE -- show error message -- Set page title htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; wfa_html.create_help_function('wf/notif16.htm'); if (p_edit_defaults = 'Y') then htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_DEF_PREFS_TITLE')); wfa_sec.Header(FALSE, '', wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_DEF_PREFS_TITLE'), TRUE); else htp.title(wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_PREFS_TITLE')); wfa_sec.Header(FALSE, '', wf_core.translate('WFPREF_EDIT_PREFS_TITLE'), TRUE); end if;;; htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER', cattributes=>'summary="' || WF_CORE.Translate('WFMON_ERROR_MESSAGE') || '"'); -- Error message htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(cvalue=>l_error_msg, calign=>'right', cattributes=>'id="' || WF_CORE.Translate('WFMON_ERROR_MESSAGE') || '"'); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableclose;; htp.tableopen(calign=>'CENTER', cattributes=>'summary=""'); --Retry Button htp.tableRowOpen; l_url := wfa_html.base_url||'/wf_pref.edit_form'|| '?edit_defaults='||p_edit_defaults; l_icon := 'FNDJLFOK.gif'; l_text := wf_core.translate ('WFMON_RETRY'); l_onmouseover := wf_core.translate ('WFMON_RETRY'); htp.p(''); wf_pref.create_reg_button (l_url, l_onmouseover, l_media, l_icon, l_text); htp.p(''); l_url := wfa_html.base_url||'/wf_pref.edit?edit_defaults='||p_edit_defaults; l_icon := 'FNDJLFCN.gif'; l_text := wf_core.translate ('CANCEL'); l_onmouseover := wf_core.translate ('CANCEL'); htp.p(''); wf_pref.create_reg_button (l_url, l_onmouseover, l_media, l_icon, l_text); htp.p(''); htp.tableRowClose; htp.tableclose; END IF; exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Pref', 'update_pref', p_language , p_territory , p_admin_role, p_display_admin_role ); wf_pref.Error; END update_pref; --update_pref for OA FWK UI. This is Framework specific API that gives --validation errors using out parameter p_err_msg. Exceptions are --wrapped in OAF. PROCEDURE update_pref_fwk ( p_admin_role IN VARCHAR2, p_display_admin_role IN VARCHAR2, p_web_agent IN VARCHAR2, p_edit_defaults IN VARCHAR2, p_language IN VARCHAR2, p_territory IN VARCHAR2, p_date_format IN VARCHAR2, p_dm_node_id IN VARCHAR2, p_dm_home IN VARCHAR2, p_mailtype IN VARCHAR2, p_classid IN VARCHAR2, p_plugin_loc IN VARCHAR2, p_plugin_ver IN VARCHAR2, p_system_guid IN VARCHAR2, p_system_name IN VARCHAR2, p_system_status IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_host IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_port IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_user IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_opwd IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_npwd IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_rpwd IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_log_base IN VARCHAR2, p_ldap_user_base IN VARCHAR2, p_text_signon IN VARCHAR2, p_num_format IN VARCHAR2, p_browser_dll_loc IN VARCHAR2, p_err_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS l_row_count number := 0; l_combo_count number := 0; l_dm_node_id number; l_name varchar2(320); -- Username to query username varchar2(320); -- Username to query realname varchar2(360); -- Display name of username admin_role varchar2(320); -- Role for admin mode admin_mode varchar2(1); -- Does user have admin privledges s0 varchar2(2000); l_url varchar2(240); l_test_date varchar2(40); l_media varchar2(240) := wfa_html.image_loc; l_icon varchar2(30) := 'FNDILOV.gif'; l_text varchar2(30) := ''; l_onmouseover varchar2(240) := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_LOV'); l_error_msg varchar2(2000) := NULL; l_sguid raw(16); rowid varchar2(30); /* Bug 2127392 */ l_ldap_error varchar2(2000) := NULL; l_ldap_pwd varchar2(30); l_ldap_opwd varchar2(30); BEGIN l_ldap_opwd := p_ldap_opwd; -- wfa_sec.GetSession(username) cannot be used from Framework, Use GetFWKUserName instead username := wfa_sec.GetFWKUserName; username := upper(username); wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(username, realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); IF (p_edit_defaults = 'Y') THEN admin_mode := 'N'; admin_role := wf_core.translate('WF_ADMIN_ROLE'); if (admin_role = '*' or Wf_Directory.IsPerformer(username, admin_role)) then admin_mode := 'Y'; username := '-WF_DEFAULT-'; else -- cannot edit defaults unless you're the administrator l_error_msg := wf_core.translate('WFPREF_INVALID_ADMIN'); end if; END IF; -- Validate the language preference IF (p_language IS NOT NULL) THEN SELECT count(*) INTO l_row_count FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_language = p_language AND installed_flag = 'Y'; ELSE -- If there is no value then set it to null l_row_count := 1; END IF; -- Validate the combination of language/territory preferences are valid IF (p_language IS NOT NULL AND l_row_count <> 0 AND p_territory IS NOT NULL) THEN SELECT count(*) INTO l_combo_count FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_language = p_language AND nls_territory = p_territory AND installed_flag = 'Y'; IF (l_combo_count = 0) THEN l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_COMBO'); END IF; END IF; IF (l_row_count > 0) THEN IF (l_combo_count > 0) THEN -- put the language preference fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'LANGUAGE', p_language); END IF; ELSE l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_LANGUAGE'); END IF; -- Validate the territory preference IF (p_territory IS NOT NULL) THEN SELECT count(*) INTO l_row_count FROM wf_languages WHERE nls_territory = p_territory AND installed_flag = 'Y'; ELSE -- If there is no value then set it to null l_row_count := 1; END IF; IF (l_row_count > 0) THEN IF (l_combo_count > 0) THEN -- put the territory preference fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'TERRITORY', p_territory); END IF; ELSE l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_TERRITORY'); END IF; -- Validate the date format BEGIN SELECT TO_CHAR(sysdate, RTRIM(p_date_format)) INTO l_test_date FROM dual; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT') || ': ' || p_date_format; END; IF (l_error_msg IS NULL) THEN -- put the date format preference -- The rtrim is required if the user adds a blank space at the end -- of the format and we concatenate on a time format with a space then -- the double space will cause an ora-1830 errror. fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'DATEFORMAT', RTRIM(p_date_format)); END IF; -- put the number format preference - Added new parameter for Global preference OAF page IF(p_num_format IS NOT NULL) THEN fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'NUMBERFORMAT', p_num_format); END IF; -- Bug 2589782 Update LDAP info only if Global preference values are -- updated by an Admin IF (p_edit_defaults = 'Y' AND admin_mode = 'Y') THEN -- put the LDAP preferences fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'HOST', p_ldap_host); fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'PORT', p_ldap_port); fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'USERNAME', p_ldap_user); -- Bug 2127392 Validating LDAP password l_ldap_pwd := fnd_preference.eget('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH', 'EPWD', 'LDAP_PWD'); IF (l_ldap_opwd is NULL) THEN l_ldap_opwd := 'x'; END IF; IF (l_ldap_pwd is NULL) THEN l_ldap_pwd := 'x'; END IF; IF (l_ldap_opwd <> 'x' OR length(p_ldap_rpwd) > 0) THEN IF (l_ldap_pwd <> l_ldap_opwd) THEN l_ldap_error := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_LDAP_PASSWORD'); END IF; -- New password updated only if the Old password is valid IF (l_ldap_error IS NULL) THEN fnd_preference.eput('#INTERNAL','LDAP_SYNCH', 'EPWD', p_ldap_rpwd, 'LDAP_PWD'); ELSE l_error_msg := l_ldap_error; END IF; END IF; fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'CHANGELOG_DIR', p_ldap_log_base); fnd_preference.put('#INTERNAL', 'LDAP_SYNCH', 'USER_DIR', p_ldap_user_base); END IF; -- put the mail preference fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'MAILTYPE', p_mailtype); -- put the text only mail preference fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'WF_SIG_TEXT_ONLY', p_text_signon); -- put the browser signing DLL location preference - Added new parameter for Global preference OAF page --IF (p_browser_dll_loc IS NOT NULL) THEN // not required fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'WF_SIG_IE_DLL', p_browser_dll_loc); --END IF; -- put the dm home node preference fnd_document_management.set_dm_home (username, l_dm_node_id); IF (admin_mode = 'Y') THEN -- Check the admin role IF (p_display_admin_role <> '*') THEN admin_role := p_admin_role; -- Get all the username find criteria resolved wfa_html.validate_display_name (p_display_admin_role, admin_role); BEGIN wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(UPPER(admin_role), realname, s0, s0, s0, s0); if (realname IS NULL) then l_name := NULL; else l_name := UPPER(admin_role); end if; END; ELSE l_name := '*'; END IF; IF (l_name IS NOT NULL) THEN -- Update the admin role UPDATE wf_resources SET text = UPPER(l_name) WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE'; ELSE l_error_msg := wf_core.translate ('WFPREF_INVALID_ROLE_NAME')|| ': ' || UPPER(p_display_admin_role); END IF; -- Update the web agent UPDATE wf_resources SET text = p_web_agent WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_WEB_AGENT'; /* ** Bug 2307342 ** It is no longer possible to update jinitiator info ** from the Global Preferences page -- Update the jinitiator info UPDATE wf_resources SET text = p_classid WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_CLASSID'; UPDATE wf_resources SET text = p_plugin_loc WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD'; UPDATE wf_resources SET text = p_plugin_ver WHERE type = 'WFTKN' AND name = 'WF_PLUGIN_VERSION'; */ -- Update/Insert the Local System Info -- validate the system name if p_system_guid is not null then l_sguid := hextoraw(p_system_guid); Wf_Event_Html.Validate_System_Name(p_system_name, l_sguid); -- update the local system guid begin Wf_Resources_Pkg.Update_Row( x_type=>'WFTKN', x_name=>'WF_SYSTEM_GUID', x_protect_level=>0, x_custom_level=>0, x_id=>0, x_text=>rawtohex(l_sguid) ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then Wf_Resources_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid=>rowid, x_type=>'WFTKN', x_name=>'WF_SYSTEM_GUID', x_protect_level=>0, x_custom_level=>0, x_id=>0, x_text=>rawtohex(l_sguid) ); end; end if; -- update the local system status begin Wf_Resources_Pkg.Update_Row( x_type=>'WFTKN', x_name=>'WF_SYSTEM_STATUS', x_protect_level=>0, x_custom_level=>0, x_id=>0, x_text=>p_system_status ); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then Wf_Resources_Pkg.Insert_Row( x_rowid=>rowid, x_type=>'WFTKN', x_name=>'WF_SYSTEM_STATUS', x_protect_level=>0, x_custom_level=>0, x_id=>0, x_text=>p_system_status ); end; END IF; IF (l_error_msg IS NULL) THEN p_err_msg := NULL; ELSE -- to be returned back to OAF page p_err_msg := l_error_msg; END IF; exception when others then rollback; wf_core.context('Wf_Pref', 'update_pref', p_language , p_territory , p_admin_role, p_display_admin_role ); --Since Error procedure cannot be called here, raise the exception so that it can be wrapped in Framework raise; END update_pref_fwk; FUNCTION get_pref ( p_user_name IN VARCHAR2, p_preference_name IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_preference_value VARCHAR2(240) := NULL; BEGIN -- Check if there is a preference for this user SELECT MAX(PREFERENCE_VALUE) INTO l_preference_value FROM FND_USER_PREFERENCES WHERE USER_NAME = p_user_name AND PREFERENCE_NAME = p_preference_name AND MODULE_NAME = 'WF'; -- If there is no preference for this user then try to -- get the default IF (l_preference_value IS NULL) THEN SELECT MAX(PREFERENCE_VALUE) INTO l_preference_value FROM FND_USER_PREFERENCES WHERE USER_NAME = '-WF_DEFAULT-' AND PREFERENCE_NAME = p_preference_name AND MODULE_NAME = 'WF'; END IF; /* ** The following hard code is for the mailer. The wf_roles view ** defaults the language to the session value if it doesn't find a ** preference. If the global is not set and one user is set and another ** one isn't then it could cause the next user to receive a message in ** a random laguage. At least if it's in american we can detect the bug ** and set it to 32. Yes it's a narrow case but it may prevent a bug */ if (l_preference_value IS NULL AND p_preference_name = 'LANGUAGE') THEN l_preference_value := 'AMERICAN'; elsif (l_preference_value IS NULL AND p_preference_name = 'TERRITORY') THEN l_preference_value := 'AMERICA'; end if; return l_preference_value; END get_pref; end WF_PREF; / commit; exit;