REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none package &phase=pls \ REM dbdrv: checkfile:~PROD:~PATH:~FILE /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 2000 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================+ | FILENAME | WFEVENTS.pls | DESCRIPTION | PL/SQL spec for package: WF_EVENT | MODIFICATION LOG: | 02/2002 JWSMITH BUG 2001012 - Changed account name to 320 | 09/2002 DLAM BUG 2580807 - Moved Render to WF_RENDER package | 12/2002 KMA Add NOCOPY hint to OUT or IN OUT parameter *=======================================================================*/ /* ** package WF_EVENT - Business Event System ** ** FUNCTION test ** PROCEDURE enqueue ** PROCEDURE dequeue ** PROCEDURE send ** PROCEDURE dispatch ** PROCEDURE raise ** PROCEDURE listen ** PROCEDURE listen_concurrent ** PROCEDURE Listen_GRP ** PROCEDURE Listen_GRP_concurrent ** PROCEDURE setErrorInfo ** FUNCTION newAgent ** PROCEDURE AddParametertoList ** PROCEDURE AddParametertoListPos ** FUNCTION GetValueForParameter ** FUNCTION GetValueForParameterPos ** PROCEDURE SetDispatchMode ** PROCEDURE InitPhaseMinThreshold ** PROCEDURE DeferEvent ** PROCEDURE DeferEventToJava ** PROCEDURE GetDeferEventCtx ** PROCEDURE SetAccountName ** PROCEDURE CreateParameter ** PROCEDURE raise2 ** PROCEDURE raise3 ** PROCEDURE Set_Correlation ** PROCEDURE SetMaxNestedRaise ** PROCEDURE SetNestedRaiseCount ** FUNCTION GetMaxNestedRaise ** FUNCTION GetNestedRaiseCount ** PROCEDURE GetLocalSystemInfo ** PROCEDURE GetSourceAgentGUID ** PROCEDURE StartAgent ** FUNCTION Peek_Agent ** */ SET VERIFY OFF WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK; create or replace package WF_EVENT as /* $Header: WFEVENTS.pls 26.42 2005/02/22 21:45:26 yohuang ship $ */ /*# * This package provides the APIs that can be called by an application * program or a workflow process in the runtime phase to communicate with * the Business Event System and manage events. * @rep:scope public * @rep:product OWF * @rep:displayname Workflow Business Event System * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY WF_EVENT * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis See the related online help */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ navigation binary_integer := dbms_aq.first_message; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** exception source indicator - used by dispatch and listen (NONE | WF | RULE) */ WF_EXCEPTION_SOURCE varchar2(10) := 'NONE'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** ** phase maxthreshold - used by dispatch to determine which subscriptions to ** execute, only those with a phase < phase threshold ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** */ PHASE_MAXTHRESHOLD number := 100; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** ** phase minstart - used by dispatch to determine which subscriptions to ** execute, only those with a phase >= phase threshold ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** */ PHASE_MINTHRESHOLD number := 0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** ** account name - current schema ** ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** */ ACCOUNT_NAME varchar2(320); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** ** local_system_guid - the value of local system guid ** local_system_status - status of the local system ** local_system_name - status of the local system ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** */ local_system_guid raw(16); local_system_status varchar2(10); local_system_name varchar2(30); schema_name varchar2(30); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** ** evt_param_index - pl/sql table to hold hash values of event parameters. ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** */ TYPE Event_Param_INDEX is table of varchar2(4000) index by binary_integer; evt_param_index Event_Param_INDEX; /* ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** ** sub_param_index - pl/sql table to hold hash values of subscription parameters. ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** */ TYPE Subscription_Param_INDEX is table of varchar2(4000) index by binary_integer; sub_param_index Subscription_Param_INDEX; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** ** g_correlation - Current correlation id. ** g_queueType - Current Queue Type. ** g_deq_condition - Dequeue Condition (9i feature) ** g_dispatch_result - Result returned from dispatch_internal ** **** PRIVATE VARIABLE - NOT FOR CUSTOMER USE ****** */ /* ** **** PUBLIC VARIABLE ****** ** Max nested raise gives the number of recursive raises ** possible. ** */ NESTED_RAISE_COUNT number := 0; MAX_NESTED_RAISES number := 100; g_correlation varchar2(240); g_queueType varchar2(20); g_deq_condition varchar2(4000); g_message_grouping varchar2(30); g_msgid raw(16); -- g_local_system_guid raw(16); -- /*# * Internally dispatch an event to one of the event's * subscription. * @param p_source_type The source of the evnet * @param p_rule_data indicator if the event data should be generated * @param p_rule_func the rule function of this subscription * @param p_sub_guid GUID of this subscription * @param p_source_agent_guid the agent where event comes * @param p_phase the phase of this subscription * @param p_priority priority of this sub * @param p_event Event to be dispatched. * @return The status of the subscription execution * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Test Event * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evtest See the related online help */ FUNCTION dispatch_internal(p_source_type in varchar2, p_rule_data in varchar2, p_rule_func in varchar2, p_sub_guid in raw, p_source_agent_guid in raw, p_phase in number, p_priority in number, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t, p_on_error in varchar2) return varchar2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** test - Verifies the specified event is enabled. Then, tests if there ** is an enabled LOCAL subscription for this event, or an enabled ** subscription for an enabled group that contains this event. ** ** Returns the most costly data requirement for active subscriptions ** on the event: ** NONE no subscription or no event (best) ** KEY subscription requiring event key only ** MESSAGE subscription requiring event message (worst) */ /*# * Tests whether the specified event is enabled and whether there are any * enabled subscriptions by the local system referencing the event, or * referencing an enabled event group that contains the event. Returns NONE if * there are no enabled local subscriptions reference the event, or the event * does not exist. Returns KEY if at least one enabled local subscription * references the event, but all such subscriptions require only the event key. * Returns MESSAGE if at least one enabled local subscription on the event * requires the complete event data. * @param p_event_name Event Name * @return Costly data requirement among Subscriptions * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Test Event * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evtest See the related online help */ FUNCTION test(p_event_name in varchar2) return varchar2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** send - send event message to agent ** ** The event's FROM_AGENT specifies an output agent/queue upon which ** the message should be placed. The event's TO_AGENT_LIST specifies ** the message recipients for propagation. ** ** The message will be asynchronously delivered to the ** TO_AGENT by AQ propagation. If the FROM_AGENT is not specified, ** the system will automatically enqueue the message to an output agent ** that matches the recipient's queue type. */ /*# * Sends an event message from one agent to another. If the event message * contains both a From Agent and a To Agent, the message is placed on the * outbound queue of the From Agent and then asynchronously delivered to the * To Agent by AQ propagation, or whichever type of propagation is implemented * for the agents' protocol. * @param p_event Event Message to Send * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Send Event * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evsend See the related online help */ PROCEDURE send(p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*# * Sets the Recipient_List when an event is sent from one agent to another * This method handles both Agent and Agent Group. * @param p_event Event to be sent * @param p_out_agent_name Source Agent Name * @param p_out_system_name Source System Name * @return x_message_properties the enqueue options with recipient list generated * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Send Event * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evsend See the related online help */ PROCEDURE Set_Recipient_List(p_event in wf_event_t, p_out_agent_name in varchar2, p_out_system_name in varchar2, x_message_properties in out nocopy dbms_aq.message_properties_t); /* ** newAgent - Construct a wf_agent_t from a guid */ /*# * Creates a WF_AGENT_T structure for the specified agent and sets the agent's * system and name into the structure. * @param p_agent_guid Agent GUID * @return wf_agent_t structure with Agent Information * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname New Agent * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evnewagt See the related online help */ FUNCTION newAgent(p_agent_guid in raw) return wf_agent_t; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** dispatch - (internal) run event dispatcher for an event ** ** Main subscription execution loop. Finds all matching ** subscriptions and executes their rules. ** ** P_SOURCE_TYPE is one of 'LOCAL', 'EXTERNAL', or 'ERROR', ** indicating the general class of the event. This will be ** matched against the corresonding column in the ** subscriptions table when selecting subscriptions. ** ** P_SOURCE_AGENT_GUID is NULL if local, otherwise is set to the ** GUID of the agent that sent the event. ** ** All matching subscriptions are then queried and executed. ** Subscription execution is ordered by the PHASE attribute of the ** subscriptions table. Subscription execution involves */ /*# * Creates a WF_AGENT_T structure for the specified agent and sets the agent's * system and name into the structure. * @param p_source_type LOCAL, EXTERNAL or ERROR * @param p_source_agent_guid where the event comes * @param p_event event to be dispatched * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname New Agent * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evnewagt See the related online help */ PROCEDURE dispatch(p_source_type in varchar2, p_source_agent_guid in raw, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** raise - raise a local event to the event manager ** -- Below Moved to Dispatcher -- ** Calls TEST to determine whether a MESSAGE type subscription ** exists. If a MESSAGE is required, and none is specified by ** the caller, we generate one using the GENERATE_FUNCTION ** identified for the event in the WF_EVENTS table. If no ** GENERATE_FUNCTION is found, we create a default message using ** the event name and event key data. ** -- Above moved to Dispatcher -- ** ** Event is passed to the dispatcher. ** ** Note: If the event is not defined, no error will be raised. */ /*# * Raises a local event to the Event Manager. Creates a WF_EVENT_T structure * for this event instance and sets the specified event name, event key, * event data, parameter list, and send date into the structure. The event data * can be passed to the Event Manager within the call to the Raise() API, or * the Event Manager can obtain the event data itself by calling the Generate * function for the event, after first checking whether the event data is * required by a subscription. * @param p_event_name Event Name * @param p_event_key Event Key * @param p_event_data Event Message * @param p_parameters List of Parameter objects * @param p_send_date Send Date for delayed events * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Raise Local Event * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evraise See the related online help */ PROCEDURE raise(p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_event_data in clob default NULL, p_parameters in wf_parameter_list_t default NULL, p_send_date in date default NULL); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* ** listen - dequeues and dispatches all events currently enqueued ** for this agent. ** ** Uses the appropriate QUEUE_HANDLER interface package to ** dequeue events into the WF_EVENT_T type structure. Then ** calls DISPATCH with the appropriate source type ** (usually 'EXTERNAL' but 'ERROR' if agent name is 'WF_ERROR') ** ** Exits after all the events have been dequeued. ** ** The WF_SETUP package schedules LISTEN procedures for all active ** inbound agents. */ /*# * Monitors an agent for inbound event messages and dequeues messages * using the agent's queue handler. The standard WF_EVENT_QH queue handler * sets the date and time when an event message is dequeued into the * RECEIVE_DATE attribute of the event message. Custom queue handlers can * also set the RECEIVE_DATE value if this functionality is included in the * Dequeue API. When an event is dequeued, the Event Manager searches for and * executes any active subscriptions by the local system to that event with * a source type of External, and also any active subscriptions by the local * system to the Any event with a source type of External. If no active * subscriptions exist for the event that was received (apart from * subscriptions to the Any event), then Oracle Workflow executes any active * subscriptions by the local system to the Unexpected event with a source type * of External. * @param p_agent_name Agent Name * @param p_wait Wait period in seconds * @param p_correlation Correlation ID * @param p_deq_condition Dequeue condition as in SQL WHERE clause * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Listen to Agent * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evlis See the related online help */ PROCEDURE listen(p_agent_name in varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer default dbms_aq.no_wait, p_correlation in varchar2 default null, p_deq_condition in varchar2 default null); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** listen - New API to implement GSC-alike Logic ** ** Two more parameters are added: p_message_count and p_max_error_count */ /*# * New Listen API with Two more parameters are added: p_message_count and p_max_error_count * to limit how many messages listener is going to process. * @param p_agent_name Agent Name * @param p_wait Wait period in seconds * @param p_correlation Correlation ID * @param p_deq_condition Dequeue condition as in SQL WHERE clause * @param p_message_count maximum count of messages to be processed * @param p_max_error_count maximum number of errors tolerated. * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Listen to Agent * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evlis See the related online help */ PROCEDURE listen(p_agent_name in varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer default dbms_aq.no_wait, p_correlation in varchar2 default null, p_deq_condition in varchar2 default null, p_message_count in out nocopy number, p_max_error_count in out nocopy number); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** listen_concurrent - This is a cover of listen() that can be used ** by the Concurrent Manager. */ --Bug 2505487 --Included the AQ wait parameter for the listen_concurrent PROCEDURE listen_concurrent(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2, p_agent_name in varchar2, p_correlation in varchar2 default null, p_deq_condition in varchar2 default null, p_wait in binary_integer default dbms_aq.no_wait ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** listen_grp - dequeues and dispatches all events currently enqueued ** for this agent. ** ** Supports message grouping to dequeue by transactions. ** Uses the appropriate QUEUE_HANDLER interface package to ** dequeue events into the WF_EVENT_T type structure. Then ** calls DISPATCH with the appropriate source type ** (usually 'EXTERNAL' but 'ERROR' if agent name is 'WF_ERROR') ** ** Exits after all the events have been dequeued. ** ** */ PROCEDURE listen_grp(p_agent_name in varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer default dbms_aq.no_wait); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** listen__grp_concurrent - This is a cover of listen_grp() that can be used ** by the Concurrent Manager. */ PROCEDURE listen_grp_concurrent(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2, p_agent_name in varchar2); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** dequeue - generic dequeue. ** ** Determines the appropriate QUEUE_HANDLER interface package to ** dequeue events into the WF_EVENT_T type structure. */ /* @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Enqueue Event Message * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evenq See the related online help */ PROCEDURE dequeue(p_agent_guid in raw, p_event out nocopy wf_event_t, p_queue_handler in out nocopy varchar2, p_wait in binary_integer default dbms_aq.no_wait, p_correlation in varchar2 default null, p_deq_condition in varchar2 default null); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** enqueue - generic enqueue. ** ** Determines the appropriate QUEUE_HANDLER interface package to ** enqueue events from the WF_EVENT_T type structure. ** ** If the p_out_agent_override is specified, enqueues to that ** agent instead of the one specified in p_event.From_agent. */ /*# * Enqueues an event message onto a queue associated with an outbound agent. * You can optionally specify an override agent where you want to enqueue the * event message. Otherwise, the event message is enqueued on the From Agent * specified within the message. The message recipient is set to the To Agent * specified in the event message. Enqueue() uses the queue handler for the * outbound agent to place the message on the queue. * @param p_event Event Message to enqueue * @param p_out_agent_override Outbound Agent to enqueue * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Enqueue Event Message * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evenq See the related online help */ PROCEDURE enqueue(p_event in wf_event_t, p_out_agent_override in wf_agent_t default null); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** setErrorInfo - retrieve the error information from the ** stack and set into the wf_event_t. ** ** p_type should be WARNING or ERROR */ /*# * Retrieves error information from the error stack and sets it into the event * message. The error message and error stack are set into the corresponding * attributes of the event message. The error name and error type are added to * the PARAMETER_LIST attribute of the event message. * @param p_event Event Message to set Error Info * @param p_type Error Type. 'ERROR' or 'WARNING' * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Set Error Information * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evseinf See the related online help */ PROCEDURE setErrorInfo(p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t, p_type in varchar2); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** AddParameterToList - adds name and value to varray size 100 ** wf_parameter_list_t ** if the varray is null, will initialize ** otherwise just adds to end of list */ /*# * Adds the specified parameter name and value pair to the end of the specified * parameter list varray. If the varray is null, AddParameterToList() * initializes it with the new parameter. * @param p_name Parameter Name * @param p_value Parameter Value * @param p_parameterlist Parameter List to add the parameter * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Add Parameter to List * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evaptl See the related online help */ PROCEDURE AddParameterToList(p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2, p_parameterlist in out nocopy wf_parameter_list_t); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** AddParameterToListPos - adds name and value to varray size 100 ** wf_parameter_list_t ** if the varray is null, will initialize ** After the value is set, ** the index will be set into the position. */ /*# * Adds the specified parameter name and value pair to the end of the specified * parameter list varray. If the varray is null, AddParameterToListPos() * initializes it with the new parameter. The procedure also returns the * index for the position at which the parameter is stored within the varray. * @param p_name Parameter Name * @param p_value Parameter Value * @param p_position Position at which Parameter is added * @param p_parameterlist Parameter List to add the parameter * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Add Parameter to List and return Position * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evaptlp See the related online help */ PROCEDURE AddParameterToListPos(p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2, p_position out nocopy integer, p_parameterlist in out nocopy wf_parameter_list_t); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetValueForParameter - Gets value for name from wf_parameter_list_t */ /*# * Retrieves the value of the specified parameter from the specified parameter * list varray. GetValueForParameter() begins at the end of the parameter list * and searches backwards through the list. * @param p_name Parameter Name * @param p_parameterlist Parameter List * @return Parameter Value * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Get Value for Parameter * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evgvfp See the related online help */ FUNCTION getValueForParameter(p_name in varchar2, p_parameterlist in wf_parameter_list_t) return varchar2; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetValueForParameterPos - Gets value for position from wf_parameter_list_t */ /*# * Retrieves the value of the parameter stored at the specified position in * the specified parameter list varray. * @param p_position Parameter Position in the List * @param p_parameterlist Parameter List * @return Parameter Value * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Get Value for Parameter in a Position * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evgvfpp See the related online help */ FUNCTION getValueForParameterPos(p_position in integer, p_parameterlist in wf_parameter_list_t) return varchar2; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** SetDispatchMode ** - Sets Phase Max Threshold to -1 or 100 */ /*# * Sets the dispatch mode of the Event Manager to either deferred or * synchronous subscription processing. Call SetDispatchMode() with the * mode 'ASYNC' just before calling Raise() to defer all subscription * processing forever for the event that you will raise. In this case, the * Event Manager places the event on the WF_DEFERRED queue before * executing any subscriptions for that event. The subscriptions are not * executed until the agent listener runs to dequeue the event from the * WF_DEFERRED queue. You can call SetDispatchMode() with the mode 'SYNC' to * set the dispatch mode back to normal synchronous subscription processing. * In this mode, the phase number for each subscription determines whether * the subscription is executed immediately or deferred. * @param p_mode Dispatch Mode * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Set Dispatch Mode * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evsdmode See the related online help */ PROCEDURE SetDispatchMode(p_mode in varchar2); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** InitPhaseMinThreshold ** - Sets Phase Min Threshold to 0 */ PROCEDURE InitPhaseMinThreshold; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** DeferEvent - Saves Event to Deferred Queue */ PROCEDURE DeferEvent(p_source_type in varchar2, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** DeferEventToJava - Saves Event to WF_JAVA_DEFERRED Queue */ PROCEDURE DeferEventToJava(p_source_type in varchar2, p_event in out nocopy wf_event_t); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** GetDeferEventCtx - Determines the Source Type and Start Phase ** of deferred events */ PROCEDURE GetDeferEventCtx (p_source_type in out nocopy varchar2, p_agent_name in varchar2, p_system_name in varchar2, p_event in wf_event_t); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** SetAccountName - Populates Global Variable with account name ** the session is logged in under */ PROCEDURE SetAccountName; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Bug# 2211719 - New API raise2 for calls that do not understand -- Oracle data types /* ** Raise API for calls that donot understand Oracle types */ PROCEDURE raise2(p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_event_data in clob default NULL, p_parameter_name1 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value1 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name2 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value2 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name3 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value3 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name4 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value4 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name5 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value5 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name6 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value6 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name7 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value7 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name8 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value8 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name9 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value9 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name10 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value10 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name11 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value11 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name12 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value12 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name13 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value13 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name14 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value14 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name15 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value15 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name16 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value16 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name17 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value17 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name18 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value18 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name19 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value19 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_name20 in varchar2 default NULL, p_parameter_value20 in varchar2 default NULL, p_send_date in date default NULL); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** CreateParamater - Creates a wf_parameter_t type object based in the ** input name and value */ FUNCTION CreateParameter (p_name in varchar2, p_value in varchar2) return wf_parameter_t; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Bug2375902 --New API that raises an event with the parameterlist and --returns the same to the calling program ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*# * Raises a local event to the Event Manager and returns the parameter list for * the event. Raise3() performs the same processing as the Raise() procedure, * except that Raise3() passes the event parameter list back to the calling * application after completing the event subsription processing. * @param p_event_name Event Name * @param p_event_key Event Key * @param p_event_data Event Message * @param p_parameter_list List of Parameter objects * @param p_send_date Send Date for delayed events * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Raise Local Event and return Parameter List * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evrsthree See the related online help */ PROCEDURE raise3(p_event_name in varchar2, p_event_key in varchar2, p_event_data in clob default NULL, p_parameter_list in out nocopy wf_parameter_list_t, p_send_date in date default NULL); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sets the queue correlation (g_correlation) for dequeuing. -- -- NOTE: This has been done because we did not want to change the signature of -- dequeue in the queue handler -- -- p_correlation - the correlation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE Set_Correlation(p_correlation in varchar2); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PUBLIC ** SetMaxNestedRaise - Populates Global Variable : max_nested_raises ** with the value specified in the input parameter. */ /*# * Sets the maximum number of nested raises that can be performed to the * specified value. A nested raise occurs when one event is raised and a Local * subscription to that event is executed and raises another event. The default * maximum is 100. * @param maxcount Maximum number of Nested Raise * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Set Maximum Nested Raise Count * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evsmnr See the related online help */ PROCEDURE SetMaxNestedRaise (maxcount in number default 100); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PUBLIC ** SetNestedRaiseCount - Populates Global Variable : nested_raises_count ** with the value specified in the input parameter. */ PROCEDURE SetNestedRaiseCount (nestedcount in number default 0); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PUBLIC ** GetMaxNestedRaise - Get the value of the Global Variable max_nested_raises */ /*# * Returns the maximum number of nested raises that can currently be performed. * A nested raise occurs when one event is raised and a Local subscription to * that event is executed and raises another event. * @return Maximum number of Nested Raise * @rep:scope public * @rep:lifecycle active * @rep:displayname Get Maximum Nested Raise Count * @rep:compatibility S * @rep:ihelp FND/@evtapis#a_evgmnr See the related online help */ FUNCTION GetMaxNestedRaise return number; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PUBLIC ** GetNestedRaiseCount - Get the value of the Global Variable ** nested_raises_count */ FUNCTION GetNestedRaiseCount return number; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION Get_MsgId return varchar2; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PUBLIC ** GetLocalSystemInfo - Gets the local system name, guid and status */ PROCEDURE GetLocalSystemInfo(system_guid out nocopy raw, system_name out nocopy varchar2, system_status out nocopy varchar2); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PUBLIC ** GetSourceAgentGUID - Gets the agent guid based on the agent name and the ** system name */ PROCEDURE GetSourceAgentGUID(agent_name in varchar2, agent_system in varchar2, agent_guid out nocopy raw); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PUBLIC ** StartAgent - Starts the given agent (if not already running) based on ** whether it is enabled for enqueue or dequeue or both */ procedure StartAgent(agent_name in varchar2); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ** PUBLIC ** Peek_Agent - Listens on the given queue to check for messages */ FUNCTION Peek_Agent(p_agent_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; end WF_EVENT; / commit; exit;