#    Original copy: /usr/dt/config/C/sys.dtwmrc
#    The Resource Description File for the CDE Window Manager dtwm
#    (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company.
#    (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp. 
#    (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#    (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Unix System Labs, Inc., a subsidiary
#        of Novell, Inc.
#    $Revision: 1.16 $

#  Please make a COPY of this file before editing it.
#  Personalized copies typically exist as:
#       $HOME/.dt/dtwmrc

# Root Menu Description

Menu DtRootMenu
    "작업장 메뉴"			f.title
    "그래픽 작업장 관리자 표시"			f.show_gwm
    "응용프로그램 리스트"			f.show_app_list
    "위로"			f.circle_up
    "아래로"			f.circle_down
    "화면 갱신"				f.refresh
    "프론트 패널을 가장 작게/이전 상태로"	f.toggle_frontpanel
     no-label				f.separator
    "작업장 관리자 재시작..."	f.restart
     no-label				f.separator
    "로그아웃..."			f.action ExitSession

# Front panel Manu Description

Menu DtPanelMenu
    "이전 상태로(R)"	_R	f.normalize
    "위치 이동(M)"		_M	f.move
    "가장 작게(N)"		_N	f.minimize
    "뒤로 보내기(L)"		_L	f.lower
    "화면 갱신(F)"		_F	f.refresh
     no-label				f.separator
    "로그아웃(O)..."		_O	f.action ExitSession

# Sample Window Menu Description
# This menu description exists as a sample only.
# The normal window manager menu is built in.

Menu SampleWindowMenu
    "이전 상태로(R)"		_R			f.normalize
    "위치 이동(M)"			_M			f.move
    "크기 재조정(S)"		_S			f.resize
    "가장 작게(N)"		_N			f.minimize
    "가장 크게(X)"		_X			f.maximize
    "뒤로 보내기(L)"		_L			f.lower
     no-label						f.separator
    "표시할 작업장(O)..."		_O			f.workspace_presence
    "모든 작업장에 표시(A)"	_A			f.occupy_all
    "표시하지 않을 작업장(U)"	_U			f.remove
     no-label						f.separator
    "닫기(C)"			_C	Alt<Key>F4	f.kill

# Alternate Window Menu Description without accelerators

Menu NoAcceleratorWindowMenu
    "이전 상태로(R)"		_R	f.normalize
    "위치 이동(M)"			_M	f.move
    "크기 재조정(S)"		_S	f.resize
    "가장 작게(N)"		_N	f.minimize
    "가장 크게(X)"		_X	f.maximize
    "뒤로 보내기(L)"		_L	f.lower
     no-label				f.separator
    "표시할 작업장(O)..."		_O	f.workspace_presence
    "모든 작업장에 표시(A)"	_A	f.occupy_all
    "표시하지 않을 작업장(U)"	_U	f.remove
     no-label				f.separator
    "닫기(C)"			_C	f.kill

# Key Bindings Description

Keys DtKeyBindings

#   Alt<Key>Menu		root|icon|window	f.toggle_frontpanel 

    Shift<Key>Escape		icon|window		f.post_wmenu
    Alt<Key>space		icon|window		f.post_wmenu
    Alt<Key>Tab			root|icon|window	f.next_key
    Alt Shift<Key>Tab		root|icon|window	f.prev_key
    Alt<Key>Escape		root|icon|window	f.next_key
    Alt Shift<Key>Escape	root|icon|window	f.prev_key
    Alt<Key>Down		root|icon|window	f.circle_down
    Alt<Key>Up			root|icon|window	f.circle_up
    Alt Ctrl Shift<Key>exclam	root|icon|window	f.set_behavior
    Alt<Key>F6			window			f.next_key transient
    Alt<Key>F10			root|icon|window	f.menu DtRootMenu

# Mouse Button Bindings Description

Buttons DtButtonBindings
    <Btn1Down>		root			f.marquee_selection
    <Btn3Down>		root			f.menu  DtRootMenu
    <Btn1Down>		frame|icon		f.raise
    <Btn3Down>		frame|icon		f.post_wmenu
    Alt<Btn1Down>	icon|window		f.move
    Alt<Btn3Down>	window			f.minimize

# Defaults:   Window menus, key bindings, and mouse button bindings

Menu DefaultWindowMenu
    "이전 상태로(R)"	_R	Alt<Key>F5	f.normalize
    "위치 이동(M)"		_M	Alt<Key>F7	f.move
    "크기 재조정(S)"	_S	Alt<Key>F8	f.resize
    "가장 작게(N)"	_N	Alt<Key>F9	f.minimize
    "가장 크게(X)"	_X	Alt<Key>F10	f.maximize
    "뒤로 보내기(L)"	_L	Alt<Key>F3	f.lower
    no-label					f.separator
    "닫기(C)"		_C	Alt<Key>F4	f.kill

Keys DefaultKeyBindings
    Shift<Key>Escape		icon|window		f.post_wmenu
    Alt<Key>space		icon|window		f.post_wmenu
    Alt<Key>Tab		root|icon|window	f.next_key
    Alt Shift<Key>Tab		root|icon|window	f.prev_key
    Alt<Key>Escape		root|icon|window	f.next_key
    Alt Shift<Key>Escape	root|icon|window	f.prev_key
    Alt Ctrl Shift<Key>exclam	root|icon|window	f.set_behavior
    Alt<Key>F6			window			f.next_key transient

Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
    <Btn1Down>		frame|icon	f.raise
    <Btn3Down>		icon		f.post_wmenu

#################  End of the dtwmrc file   #####################