## @(#)62  src/tcpip/etc/inetd.conf, tcpinet, tcpip72V, v2020_06A6 1/31/20 03:54:03
## This is an automatically generated prolog. 
## tcpip72V src/tcpip/etc/inetd.conf 
## Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
## COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,2020 
## All Rights Reserved 
## US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
## disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
## ORIGINS: 26  27
## (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993
## All Rights Reserved
## Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
## US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
## disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
##                 Internet server configuration database
##	Services can be added and deleted by deleting or inserting a
##	comment character (ie. #) at the beginning of a line  If inetd
##	is running under SRC control then the "refresh -s inetd" command
##	needs to be executed for inetd to re-read the inetd.conf file.
##	NOTE: The TCP/IP servers do not require SRC and may be started
##	by invoking the service directly (i.e. /etc/inetd). If inetd
##	has been invoked directly, after modifying this file, send a
##	hangup signal, SIGHUP to inetd (ie. kill -1 "pid_of_inetd").
##	NOTE: The services with socket type of "sunrpc_tcp" and "sunrpc_udp"
##	require that the portmap daemon be running.
##	Also please use ## to designate comments in this file so that
## 	the smit commands can edit this file correctly.
##	NOTE: When using IPv6 services, specify "tcp6" or "udp6" for the 
##	protocol.  "tcp" and "udp" are interpreted as IPv4.
## service  socket  protocol  wait/  user    server    server program
##  name     type             nowait         program     arguments
ftp     stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/sbin/ftpd         ftpd
telnet  stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/sbin/telnetd      telnetd -a
#shell   stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/sbin/rshd         rshd
kshell  stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/krshd        krshd
#login   stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/sbin/rlogind      rlogind
klogin  stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/krlogind     krlogind
#exec    stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/sbin/rexecd       rexecd
#comsat dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/comsat       comsat
#uucp   stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/uucpd        uucpd
#bootps	dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/bootpd       bootpd /etc/bootptab
## Finger, systat and netstat give out user information which may be
## valuable to potential "system crackers."  Many sites choose to disable
## some or all of these services to improve security.
#finger stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/sbin/fingerd     fingerd
#systat	stream	tcp	nowait	nobody	/usr/bin/ps           ps -ef
#netstat stream	tcp	nowait	nobody	/usr/bin/netstat      netstat -f inet
#tftp	 dgram	udp6	SRC	nobody	/usr/sbin/tftpd		tftpd -n
#talk   dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/talkd         talkd
#ntalk   dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/talkd         talkd
# rexd uses very minimal authentication and many sites choose to disable
# this service to improve security.
#rquotad  sunrpc_udp     udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad rquotad 100011 1
#rexd	 sunrpc_tcp	tcp	wait	root	/usr/sbin/rpc.rexd rexd 100017 1
#rstatd	 sunrpc_udp	udp	wait	root	/usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd rstatd 100001 1-3
#rusersd sunrpc_udp	udp	wait	root	/usr/lib/netsvc/rusers/rpc.rusersd rusersd 100002 1-2
#rwalld	 sunrpc_udp	udp	wait	root	/usr/lib/netsvc/rwall/rpc.rwalld rwalld 100008 1
#sprayd	 sunrpc_udp	udp	wait	root	/usr/lib/netsvc/spray/rpc.sprayd sprayd 100012 1
#pcnfsd	 sunrpc_udp	udp	wait 	root	/usr/sbin/rpc.pcnfsd pcnfsd 150001 1-2
#echo	stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
#discard	stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
#chargen	stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
daytime	stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
time	stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
#echo	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
#discard	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
#chargen	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
daytime	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
time	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
## The following line is for installing over the network.
#instsrv stream	tcp	nowait	netinst	/u/netinst/bin/instsrv instsrv -r /tmp/netinstalllog /u/netinst/scripts
xmquery	dgram	udp6	wait	root	/usr/bin/xmtopas xmtopas -p3
klogin	stream	tcp6	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/krlogind krlogind
#pop3	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/pop3d pop3d
#imap2	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/imapd imapd
caa_cfg	stream	tcp6	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/clusterconf clusterconf >>/var/adm/ras/clusterconf.log 2>&1
dtspcd	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/dt/bin/dtspcd /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd
cmsd	sunrpc_udp	udp	wait	root	/usr/dt/bin/rpc.cmsd cmsd 100068 2-5
ttdbserver	sunrpc_tcp	tcp	wait	root	/usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserver rpc.ttdbserver 100083 1