#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999,2019 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG #"@(#)93 1.14 src/rsct/utils/cli/bin/lsclcfg.perl, cucli, rsct_rady, rady2035a 9/24/15 10:02:08" ###################################################################### # # # Module: lsclcfg # # # # Purpose: # # lsclcfg - Lists (displays) cluster configuration information # # for this node. # # # # Syntax: # # Current Usage: # # lsclcfg [-h] [-c] [-l|-d|-D delimitter] [-x] [-V] # # lsclcfg -r [-l|-d|-D delimitter] [-x] [-V] Cluster # # # # Future Usage: # # lsclcfg [-h] [-a|-c|-r] [-l|-d|-D delimitter] [-x] [-V] # # lsclcfg -r [-l|-d|-D delimitter] [-x] [-V] Cluster # # # # Flags: # # -h help - writes this command's usage statement to stdout # # -a Not supported in this release. # # Display the cluster information associated with all the # # cluster definitions for this node. A node can be # # defined as belonging to a specific cluster or as an # # Independent Workstation (IW). Where a node can be # # defined as both a member of a cluster or as an IW it can # # only be online (or online pending) in one. # # -c Default. Display the current cluster information # # associated with this node. A node can be defined as # # belonging to a specific cluster or as an Independent # # Workstation (IW). Where a node can be defined as both # # a member of a cluster or as an IW it can only be online # # (or online pending) in one. That one is the current # # cluster. # # -r Not supported in this release. # # Display the list of System Registry Servers in the # # current cluster or in the specified cluster where this # # node is defined. # # -l Long formatted output, one entry per line. This flag # # overrides the -d, -D flags. # # -d Delimitter formatted output. The default delimiter is # # a colon ":", use the -D flag if you wish to change # # the default delimiter. # # -D delimiter Delimiter formatted output using the specified # # delimiter. Use this flag to specify something other than # # the default colon ":", when the data to be displayed # # may contain colons. Use this flag to specify a one or # # more character delimitter. # # -x Exclude printing of the header. When this flag is # # specified the header will not be displayed in the output.# # -T Trace. IBM Support Center use only. # # -V Verbose. # # # # Operands: # # Cluster The name of a cluster. A Cluster operand will # # only be accepted when used with the -r flag. # # Use this to specify another cluster where this # # node is defined to find the list of system # # registry servers associated with the specified # # cluster. # # TODO: Test this when we can work between # # clusters. Warning use of this operand has not # # yet been tested. # # # # Description: # # TODO: Need to determine if any flavor of this command should be # # shipped in 9/00 or 3/01. # # # # TODO: If this command should get shipped and we expect it to # # also be in 3/01 we should use the CT_cli_display_utils.pm. # # To display the information. # # # # The lsclcfg command displays local cluster configuration # # information related to the node where this command is run. The # # data displayed by the command is really just local configuration # # data. Data that needs to be available before all the daemons # # associated with the cluster are up and running. # # # # A node can be defined as belonging to a specific cluster or as # # an Independent Workstation (IW). Where a node can be defined as # # both a member of a cluster or as an IW it can only be online # # (or online pending) in one. For example, if a node is online in # # cluster foo then it is not acting as an IW. If a node is acting # # as an IW than it is not online in any cluster. # # # # lsclcfg -c displays information about the current cluster, # # the cluster that this node is online or online pending. # # This includes information like the name of the cluster, the # # cluster id and this node's node number which is a unique number # # associated with this node in this cluster. # # # # The -a flag is not supported in this release. # # lsclcfg -a displays cluster information associated with all # # of the cluster definitions for this node. This includes # # the cluster name and id. # # # # The -r flag is not supported in this release. # # lsclcfg -r displays information about the system registry # # servers associated with either the current cluster (by default) # # or a specified cluster name. The specified cluster name must # # be a cluster name where this node is defined. # # Use lsclcfg -a to get a list of clusters where this node is # # defined. This includes information like the system registry # # server host name, IP address, and port number. # # # # Exit Values: # # 0 CU_CLI_SUCCESS Command completed successfully. # # 1 CU_CLI_RMC_ERROR Command terminated due to an underlying # # Cluster Utils error. # # 2 CU_CLI_ERROR Command terminated due to an underlying # # error in the command script. # # 3 CU_CLI_BAD_OPERAND Command terminated due to user # # specifying a bad operand. # # 4 CU_CLI_BAD_FLAG Command terminated due to user # # specifying an invalid flag. # # 5 CU_CLI_USER_ERROR Command terminated due to a user error. # # For example specifying an undefined # # Resource name as the Resource operand. # # # # Examples: # # lsclcfg # # lsclcfg -D:: # # lsclcfg -a -dx # # lsclcfg -lr Cluster2 # # # # Man Page: # # For the most current detailed description of this command see # # the lsclcfg man page in /opt/rsct/man. # # # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Inputs: # # /opt/rsct/msgmaps/cucli.lsclcfg.map - message mapping # # # # Outputs: # # stdout - display of the directory list. # # stderr - any error message. # # # # External Ref: # # Commands: ctdspmsg # # Modules: CU_cli_utils.pm, CU_cli_rc.pm # # Extensions: CT::CU.pm # # Perl library routines: Getopt::Std # # # # Tab Settings: # # 4 and tabs should be expanded to spaces before saving this file. # # in vi: (:set ts=4 and :%!expand -4) # # # # Change Activity: # # 990409 SAB 48413: Initial design & write. # # 011212 JAC 78957: Let -a work and replace cfg file name. # # 021212 DS 89145: lsclcfg command without perl extensions # # 030224 JAC 92077: Rework current cluster method. # # 051102 JAC 129508: Strip leading/trailing blanks from current # # cluster name (directory name). # # 051118 JAC 131295: Fix how CT_CLUSTER_NAME is processed. # ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # General Program Flow/Logic: # # # # A. Parse command line flags and operands, determine which flavor # # of this command we are actually invoking. # # 1. Listing current cluster information. # # A node can be defined in multiple clusters but only online # # (or online pending) in one, this is the current cluster. # # 2. Listing all the clusters where this node is defined. # # 3. Listing the system registries (when registry is replicated # # there will be more than one in the list) in the specified # # cluster or for the current cluster when no cluster name is # # specified. If a cluster name is specified it must be one of # # the clusters that this node is defined to. # # TODO: When we have a multi node cluster make sure that # # the cluster utility gives a bad rc for a bad cluster name. # # B. Based on which flavor of the command we are using, set up # # the appropriate cluster utility structures and call the # # appropriate extensions. # # TODO: For now when we list all of the cluster that a node is # # defined to we are reading the /var/ct/dcm/cfg/clusters file. # # We shouldn't read this file directly since its format will # # eventually be binary. In the future we should call a yet to # # be written cluster utility to do this. # # C. Format the output depending again on which flavor of this # # command we are running (-c, -a, -r). # # D. Cleanup. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Included Libraries and Extensions # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# use lib "/opt/rsct/pm"; use locale; use Getopt::Std; use CT_cli_utils qw(printIMsg printEMsg); #use CT::CU; #use CT::CU qw( get_cluster_info # get_registry_server_list # free_registry_server_list); use CU_cli_rc qw(CU_CLI_UTILS_ERROR CU_CLI_BAD_FLAG CU_CLI_BAD_OPERAND CU_CLI_USER_ERROR); use CU_cli_utils qw(host printCEMsg); #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global Variables # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# $TRUE = 1; $FALSE = 0; $Verbose = $FALSE; # default - verbose turned off $Trace = $FALSE; # By default output is written in tabular (table) form, # not long form (one entry per line) and not with delimitters. $Opt_Long_Format = $FALSE; # default - see -l (long form) $Opt_Delm_Format = $FALSE; # default - see -d (delimitter) $Opt_Delm_Str = ":"; # default - see -D (colon :) $Opt_No_HDR = $FALSE; # default - see -x $Opt_Current = $TRUE; $Opt_All = $FALSE; $Opt_SR = $FALSE; $PROGNAME = "lsclcfg"; # Program Name for messages $MSGCAT = "cucli.cat"; # This cmds message catalogue $CTDIR = "/opt/rsct"; # RSCT root directory $CTBINDIR = "$CTDIR/bin"; # Cluster Bin directory path $LSMSG = "$CTBINDIR/ctdspmsg"; # list / display message rtn $ENV{'MSGMAPPATH'} = "$CTDIR/msgmaps"; # msg maps used by $LSMSG #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Main Code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # parse the command line, exit if there are errors ($rc, $cluster_name) = &parse_cmd_line; ($rc == 0) || exit $rc; # Get and display Current Cluster information # A node can be defined in multiple clusters but can only be # online or online pending in one. That one is the current cluster if ($Opt_Current) { # Create a Perl object of type cluster_info_t to store the # cluster information #$cluster_info = CT::CU::cluster_info_t->new; # Get the Cluster Information #($Trace) && print STDERR "Calling CT::CU::get_cluster_info\n"; #$rc = CT::CU::get_cluster_info($cluster_info); #($Trace) && print STDERR "Return CT::CU::get_cluster_info\n"; #($rc == 0) || exit CU_CLI_UTILS_ERROR; # Display Information associated with the current cluster #formatCurrentClusterInfo($cluster_info); &get_cluster_info_a(1); #($cu_cluster_name_a, $cu_cluster_id_a, $cu_node_number_a) = &get_current_cluster_info; formatCurrentClusterInfo($cu_node_number_a, $cu_cluster_id_a, $cu_cluster_name_a); } # Get and display the list of clusters where this node has # been defined. A node can be defined to more than one cluster. if ($Opt_All) { # TODO: temporary how we get the list of clusters # there should be a real cluster utility that does this # in ct_cu.h for now we read /var/ct/dcm/cfg/clusters file. @cluster_def_list = get_cluster_defs(); formatClusterDefList(@cluster_def_list); } # Get and display information regarding System Registries for # the specified cluster. There can be more than one registry server # that will run in a cluster since replication is important for # high availability. if ($Opt_SR) { # If a cluster name is not specified as the command operand then # assume we are interested in the current cluster. if (!$cluster_name) { # No cluster name. $cluster_name = ¤tCluster(); } # Create a Perl object of type registry_server_list_t to store the # system registry server list $registry_server_list = CT::CU::registry_server_list_t->new; # Get the System Registry Server List for the specified cluster ($Trace) && print STDERR "Calling CT::CU::get_registry_server_list\n"; $rc = CT::CU::get_registry_server_list($cluster_name, $registry_server_list); ($Trace) && print STDERR "Return CT::CU::get_registry_server_list\n"; ($rc == 0) || exit CU_CLI_UTILS_ERROR; # Display the list of System Registries available in this cluster formatClusterSRList($cluster_name, $registry_server_list); ($Trace) && print STDERR "Calling CT::CU::free_registry_server_list\n"; $rc = CT::CU::free_registry_server_list($registry_server_list); ($Trace) && print STDERR "Return CT::CU::free_registry_server_list\n"; ($rc == 0) || exit CU_CLI_UTILS_ERROR; } # Cleanup #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # End Main Code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # parse_cmd_line - Parse the command line for options and operands. # # Set appropriate global variables as outlined below, make sure we # # have a valid combination of arguments / options. # # # # Return: # # $rc 0 Command line parsed fine, no problem. # # SR_CLI_BAD_FLAG Command line contained a bad flag. # # # # Global Variables Modified: # # $Opt_Current output True (-c) print current cluster info # # $Opt_ALL output True (-a) print all clusters where # # the node is defined. # # $Opt_SR output True (-r) print system reg list # # $Opt_Long_Format output True (-l) print one entry per line # # $Opt_Delm_Format output True (-d|-D) print delimitter # # separated output. # # $Opt_Delm_Str output the string to use as the delimitter, # # default is colon (:). # # $Opt_No_HDR output True (-x) print without header # # $Trace output True (-T) turns Trace mode on. # # $Verbose output True (-V) turn Verbose mode on. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub parse_cmd_line { my(@original_argv) = @ARGV; my %opts = (); my $cluster_name; $cluster_name = ""; # Process the command line... # Note: Change from GSI to SSI cluster - not supporting -a and -r # flags for first release of RSCT. The code to support this has not # been removed just not allowing it through getopts and changed # this commands usage statement to show this. # if (!&getopts('hacrdD:lxV', \%opts)) { # Gather options; if errors if (!&getopts('hacdD:lxVT', \%opts)) { # Gather options; if errors &print_usage; # display proper usage return CU_CLI_BAD_FLAG; # return bad rc - bad flag } # Check for invalid combinations of flags and operands # Cannot have a combination of -a, -c, -r only -a or -c or -r if (defined $opts{a} && defined $opts{c}) { printCEMsg("EMsgCUcliImproperUsageCombination", "-a", "-c"); &print_usage; return CU_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } if (defined $opts{a} && defined $opts{r}) { printCEMsg("EMsgCUcliImproperUsageCombination", "-a", "-r"); &print_usage; return CU_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } if (defined $opts{c} && defined $opts{r}) { printCEMsg("EMsgCUcliImproperUsageCombination", "-c", "-r"); &print_usage; return CU_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } # There should be no operands specified unless -r flag specified if (!defined $opts{r} && $#ARGV >= 0) { printCEMsg("EMsgCUcliImproperUsageOperand", @ARGV); &print_usage; return CU_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; # return nogood - bad operand } # If an operand is specified with the -r flag make sure they # only pass in one operand. # TODO: Maybe in the future we accept multiple cluster names. if (defined $opts{r} && $#ARGV >= 0) { $cluster_name = $ARGV[0]; if ($#ARGV >= 1) { # more than one operand printCEMsg("EMsgCUcliImproperUsageOperand", $ARGV[1]); &print_usage; return CU_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; # no good - too many operands } } # See which options/flags were used... if (defined $opts{h}) { # -h, help request &print_usage; # print usage statement exit(0); # all done with good return! } # The -l flag has higher precedence over the -d flag which has # higher precedence over the -D flag if (defined $opts{D}) { # -D <delimitter> format $Opt_Delm_Format = $TRUE; $Opt_Long_Format = $FALSE; $Opt_Delm_Str = $opts{D}; } if (defined $opts{d}) { # -d delimitter format $Opt_Delm_Format = $TRUE; $Opt_Long_Format = $FALSE; $Opt_Delm_Str = ":"; } if (defined $opts{l}) { # -l long format, 1 entry/line $Opt_Long_Format = $TRUE; $Opt_Delm_Format = $FALSE; } if (defined $opts{x}) { $Opt_No_HDR = $TRUE; # -x do not print header } if (defined $opts{a}) { $Opt_All = $TRUE; $Opt_Current = $FALSE; } if (defined $opts{c}) { $Opt_Current = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{r}) { $Opt_SR = $TRUE; $Opt_Current = $FALSE; } if (defined $opts{T}) { $Trace = $TRUE; # -T trace } if (defined $opts{V}) { # -V verbose $Verbose = $TRUE; } return(0, $cluster_name); # success } # end parse_cmd_line #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # print_usage : print the usage statement (syntax) to stdout. # # current usage: lsclcfg [-h] [-c] [-l|-d|-D delimitter] [-x] [-TV] # # future usage: lsclcfg [-h] [-a|-c|-r] [-l|-d|-D delimitter] [-x] # # [-TV] # # lsclcfg -r [-l|-d|-D delimitter] [-x] [-TV] # # Cluster_Name # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub print_usage { printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgUsage"); } # end print_usage #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # get_cluster_defs - reads the /var/ct/dcm/cfg/clusters file # # to build a list of all of the cluster names and ids that this # # node is defined. # # TODO: This function is a hack right now. It should not be # # directly reading this information from this file but should # # be calling a cluster utility to get that information. # # # # Return: # # @cluster_def_list The list of clusters where this node is # # defined. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub get_cluster_defs { my($cfg_file, @cluster_defs); # TODO: This is a temporary way to get the list of clusters that # this node (node where running command) are defined. $cfg_file = "</var/ct/cfg/clusters"; # TODO: this open should be removed when libct_cu.a supports this # Not a catalogued message since this is temporary code open(CFGIN, $cfg_file) || die "Can't open Cluster Configuration file: $cfg_file\n"; while (<CFGIN>) { # If problems reading the file or file empty just return a NULL # array, since this is a hack we aren't going to write error messages # that can be done by the real code push @cluster_defs, [ split ]; } # end get_cluster_defs return (@cluster_defs); } # end get_cluster_defs #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # currentCluster - return the current cluster name for the node # # where this command is running. The current cluster is the # # cluster where this node is online. A node can be defined in # # more than one cluster but only online in one. # # # # Return: # # $cluster_name The cluster name # # # # Global References: # # $Trace input Turns tracing of extension calls on. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub currentCluster { # Create a Perl object of type cluster_info_t to store the # cluster information $cluster_info = CT::CU::cluster_info_t->new; # Get the Cluster Information to get the cluster name ($Trace) && print STDERR "Calling CT::CU::get_cluster_info\n"; $rc = CT::CU::get_cluster_info($cluster_info); ($Trace) && print STDERR "Return CT::CU::get_cluster_info\n"; ($rc == 0) || exit CU_CLI_UTILS_ERROR; return(CT::CU::cluster_info_t::get_cluster_name($cluster_info)); } # end currentCluster #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # formatCurrentClusterInfo - displays information associated with # # the current cluster using the appropriate output format (long, # # delimitter, or tabular). # # TODO: this and the other format functions need to be converted # # to use the CT_cli_display_utils. # # # # Parameters: # # $cluster_info input The Cluster Information # # # # Global References: # # Opt_Long_Format - input - TRUE if should display one per line. # # Opt_Delm_Format - input - TRUE if should display with delimiter. # # Opt_Delm_Str - input - Actual delimiter to display with. # # Opt_No_HDR - input - TRUE if should not display header. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub formatCurrentClusterInfo { #local($cluster_info) = @_; my($node_number, $cluster_id, $cluster_name)=@_; # display header if (!$Opt_No_HDR) { if ($Opt_Delm_Format) { # display delimitted formatted header printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgClCurDelmHdr", $Opt_Delm_Str); } elsif (!$Opt_Long_Format) { # display tabular formatted header printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgClCurTblHdr"); } } #$cluster_name = CT::CU::cluster_info_t::get_cluster_name($cluster_info); #$cluster_id = CT::CU::cluster_info_t::get_cluster_ID($cluster_info); #$node_number = CT::CU::cluster_info_t::get_node_number($cluster_info); if ($Opt_Long_Format) { # Display cluster information in Long format printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgClCurLongTempl", $cluster_name, $cluster_id, $node_number); } elsif ($Opt_Delm_Format) { # Display cluster information in delimitter format print $cluster_name, $Opt_Delm_Str, $cluster_id, $Opt_Delm_Str, $node_number, $Opt_Delm_Str, "\n"; } else { # Display cluster information in table format # TODO: It would have been nice to have put the next message in # a message catalogue but AIX dspmsg does not support # fancy conversions strings like -14s. printf("%-24s %-24s %ld \n", $cluster_name, $cluster_id, $node_number); } } # end formatCurrentClusterInfo #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # formatClusterDefList - displays the list of clusters that this # # node is defined. # # # # Parameters: # # $cluster_def_list input The list of clusters where this node # # is defined. # # # # Global References: # # Opt_Long_Form - input - TRUE if should display one per line. # # Opt_Delm_Form - input - TRUE if should display with delimiter. # # Opt_Delm_Str - input - Actual delimiter to display with. # # Opt_No_HDR - input - TRUE if should not display header. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub formatClusterDefList { local(@cluster_defs) = @_; my($array_ref, $cluster_id, $cluster_name, $i); # display header if (!$Opt_No_HDR) { if ($Opt_Delm_Format) { # display delimitted formatted header printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgClDefDelmHdr", $Opt_Delm_Str); } elsif (!$Opt_Long_Format) { # display tabular formatted header printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgClDefTblHdr"); } } # print the data $i = 0; for $array_ref (@cluster_defs) { $cluster_id = $array_ref->[0]; $cluster_name = $array_ref->[1]; if ($Opt_Long_Format) { # Display cluster information in Long format ($i > 0) && print "\n"; # separate multiple entries printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgClDefLongTempl", $cluster_name, $cluster_id); } elsif ($Opt_Delm_Format) { # Display cluster information in delimitter format print $cluster_name, $Opt_Delm_Str, $cluster_id, $Opt_Delm_Str, "\n"; } else { # Display cluster information in table format # It would have been nice to have put the next message in # a message catalogue but AIX dspmsg does not support # fancy conversions strings like -14s. printf("%-24s %-24s\n", $cluster_name, $cluster_id); } $i++; } } # end formatClusterDefList #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # formatClusterSRList - displays the system registry server list # # for the previously specified cluster. # # # # Parameters: # # $cluster_name input The cluster name. # # $registry_server_list input The registry server list. # # # # Global References: # # Opt_Long_Form - input - TRUE if should display one per line. # # Opt_Delm_Form - input - TRUE if should display with delimiter. # # Opt_Delm_Str - input - Actual delimiter to display with. # # Opt_No_HDR - input - TRUE if should not display header. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub formatClusterSRList { local($cluster_name, $registry_server_list) = @_; my($sr_ip_address, $sr_port_number, $sr_server_name); my($num_entries, $i); # Print the header information (for delimitter & tabular output) if (!$Opt_No_HDR) { if ($Opt_Delm_Format) { printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgSRDelmHdr", $Opt_Delm_Str); } elsif (!$Opt_Long_Format) { printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgSRTblHdr"); } } $num_entries = CT::CU::registry_server_list_t::get_list_size($registry_server_list); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_entries; $i++) { $sr_ip_address = CT::CU::registry_server_list_t::get_ip_address( $registry_server_list, $i); $sr_port_number = CT::CU::registry_server_list_t::get_port_number( $registry_server_list, $i); $sr_server_name = host($sr_ip_address); if ($Opt_Long_Format) { # Display cluster information in Long format ($i > 0) && print "\n"; # separate multiple entries printIMsg("IMsglsclcfgSRLongTempl", $cluster_name, $sr_server_name, $sr_ip_address, $sr_port_number); } elsif ($Opt_Delm_Format) { # Display cluster information in delimitter format print $cluster_name, $Opt_Delm_Str, $sr_server_name, $Opt_Delm_Str, $sr_ip_address, $Opt_Delm_Str, $sr_port_number, $Opt_Delm_Str, "\n"; } else { # Display cluster information in table format # It would have been nice to have put the next message in # a message catalogue but AIX dspmsg does not support # fancy conversions strings like -14s. printf("%-24s %-24s %-16s %ld \n", $cluster_name, $sr_server_name, $sr_ip_address, $sr_port_number); } } # end for $num_entries } # end formatClusterSRList #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # get_cluster_info_a - gets the cluster info # # # # Parameters: # # $omit_foreign input foriegn defs flag. # # # # set the values for the variables # # cu_node_number_a cu_cluster_id_a cu_cluster_name_a # # from the cfg file # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub get_cluster_info_a { $omit_foriegn_flg=0; if (@_) { #when omit_foriegn_flg=1, it will return IW, if the current cluster #was created by non=ConfigRM $omit_foriegn_flg=@_; } $CT_CURRENT_CFGFILE="/var/ct/cfg/current_cluster"; $CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING="/var/ct/"; #First check to see if cluster name is defined in the environment #If so, it overrides the current cluster pointer $my_var=$ENV{'CT_CLUSTER_NAME'}; $line=""; # if ENV for CT_CLUSTER_NAME is not set if ((!defined($my_var))) { #Environment variable is not defined so use current cluster pointer #Open the file containing the current cluster name open(CLU_FILE,$CT_CURRENT_CFGFILE) || die printEMsg("EMsgErrorFileOpen",$!,$CT_CURRENT_CFGFILE); # Read the cluster id from the file(it also works if this is the cluster name while (<CLU_FILE>) { $line=$_; } close CLU_FILE; chomp $line; } else { #open(CLU_FILE,$my_var) || die printEMsg("EMsgErrorFileOpen",$!,$my_var); #while (<CLU_FILE>) #{ # $line=$_; #} #close CLU_FILE; #chomp $line; $line = $my_var; # defect 131295 } # strip leading and trailing blanks from current cluster name - defect 129508 $line =~ s/^\s//; $line =~ s/\s$//; # construct the path to the nodedef file for the selected cluster $CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING=$CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING.$line."/cfg/nodedef.cfg"; # Open the nodedef file open(CLU_FILE,$CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING) || die printEMsg("EMsgErrorFileOpen",$!,$CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING); while (<CLU_FILE>) { $line=$_; } close CLU_FILE; chomp $line; ($cu_node_number_a,undef, undef, $cu_cluster_id_a, $cu_cluster_name_a, undef)=split(" ", $line); if ( (length($cu_node_number_a) == 0) || (length($cu_cluster_id_a) == 0) || (length($cu_cluster_name_a) ==0) ) { printEMsg("EMsgParsingConfigFile", $CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING); exit (1); } # Non-ConfigRM's custer ID will contain "-" # The node is not in IW. So, we need to verify whether it is by non-ConfigRM # We need to re-read the nodedef using "IW" if ( ($omit_foriegn_flg != 0) && ($cu_cluster_name_a ne "IW") && ((index($cu_cluster_id_a,"-"))>=0) ) { #Construct the path to the nodedef file for the selected cluster $CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING="/var/ct/"; $CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING=$CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING."IW/cfg/nodedef.cfg"; #Open the nodedef file open(CLU_FILE,$CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING) || die printEMsg("EMsgErrorFileOpen",$!,$CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING); while (<CLU_FILE>) { $line=$_; } close CLU_FILE; chomp $line; ($cu_node_number_a,undef, undef, $cu_cluster_id_a, $cu_cluster_name_a, undef)=split(" ", $line); if ( (length($cu_node_number_a) == 0) || (length($cu_cluster_id_a) == 0) || (length($cu_cluster_name_a) ==0) ) { printEMsg("EMsgParsingConfigFile", $CT_NODEDEF_SUBSTRING); exit (1); } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # get_current_cluster_info - gets the cluster information by using # # the cu_get_cluster_info utility. # # # # Parameters: # # $cluster_name output The cluster name. # # $cluster_id output The cluster id. # # $cluster_num output The cluster node number. # # # # Global References: # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub get_current_cluster_info { my $cluster_name = ""; # initialize cluster name my $cluster_id = ""; # initialize cluster id my $cluster_num = ""; # initialize cluster node number my @cl_out = (); # output from ct_clusterinfo cmd my $rc = 0; my $i = 0; my $title = ""; # used for parsing # call ct_clusterinfo to get current cluster information @cl_out = `$CTBINDIR/ct_clusterinfo -scin 2>&1`; # capture the return code $rc = $?; # show any errors if there was a bad rc if ($rc != 0) { exit CU_CLI_UTILS_ERROR; } # sample output like: #CLUSTER_NAME CLUSTER_ID NODE_NUMBER (no heading) #IW 6907980 1 # get cluster name if (defined $cl_out[0]) { ($cluster_name, $cluster_id, $cluster_num) = split /\s+/,$cl_out[0]; $cluster_name =~ s/\s//g; $cluster_id =~ s/\s//g; $cluster_num =~ s/\s//g; } return ($cluster_name, $cluster_id, $cluster_num); } # end get_current_cluster_info