# @(#)11        1.2  src/tcpip/etc/isomacros, isodelib7, tcpip720 3/2/93 09:12:48
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# tcpip720 src/tcpip/etc/isomacros 1.2 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,1993 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# COMPONENT_NAME: (ISODELIB7) ISODE Libraries, Release 7
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990, 1993
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Material - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

# NAME: /etc/isomacros

# isomacros - ISODE macro file
#	Mappings between user-friendly macros and network addresses
# $Header: /f/osi/support/RCS/macros.prefix,v 7.3 91/02/22 09:46:53 mrose Interim $
# $Log:	macros.prefix,v $
# Revision 7.3  91/02/22  09:46:53  mrose
# Interim 6.8
# Revision 7.2  90/09/07  11:15:26  mrose
# update
# Revision 7.1  89/12/12  16:14:35  mrose
# localHost
# Revision 7.0  89/11/23  22:27:41  mrose
# Release 6.0

# Syntax:
#	<macro>  <string>
#	Each token is separated by LWSP, though double-quotes may be
#	used to prevent separation

# standard macros, defined in "A string encoding of Presentation Address"

Int-X25(80)	TELEX+00728722+X.25(80)+01+
Janet		TELEX+00728722+X.25(80)+02+
Internet-RFC-1006 TELEX+00728722+RFC-1006+03+

# ISODE standard macros

X25(80)		TELEX+00728722+X.25(80)+
TCP		TELEX+00728722+RFC-1006+

# Interim Community Names

realNS		NS+
Int-X25		X25(80)=01+
# Janet		X25(80)=02+
Internet	TCP=03+
localTCP	TCP=05+
localHost	localTCP=
IXI		X25(80)=06+

# $Header: /f/osi/config/RCS/macros.local,v 7.1 91/02/22 09:16:39 mrose Interim $
# $Log:	macros.local,v $
# Revision 7.1  91/02/22  09:16:39  mrose
# Interim 6.8
# Revision 7.0  89/11/23  21:26:05  mrose
# Release 6.0

# locally defined macros
#	(this section is usually empty...)

# $Header: /f/osi/support/RCS/macros.db,v 7.1 91/02/22 09:46:52 mrose Interim $
# $Log:	macros.db,v $
# Revision 7.1  91/02/22  09:46:52  mrose
# Interim 6.8
# Revision 7.0  89/11/23  22:27:41  mrose
# Release 6.0

# US GOSIP v2 Addresses

us	NS+47000580
nsfnet  us=ffff00
psinet	us=fffc00