# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# bos720 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstart/rc.net.serial 1.5 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,1998 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# @(#)63	1.5  src/bos/usr/sbin/netstart/rc.net.serial, cmdnet, bos720 5/19/98 11:18:09
# COMPONENT_NAME: CMDNET	(/etc/rc.net.serial)
# ORIGINS: 27 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
# rc.net.serial - called by cfgmgr during 2nd boot phase.
# 		- called by rc.net during 1st boot phase.
# Configures and starts Serial Media Access interfaces.  (SLIP interfaces)
# Sets hostname, default gateway and static routes.
# Note: all the stdout should be redirected to a file (e.g. /dev/null), 
#	because stdout is used to pass logical name(s) back to the cfgmgr 
#	to be configured.  The LOGFILE variable specifies the output file.
# rc.net.serial requires that the network interface and protocol information
#	be entered into the ODM database with either SMIT or the
#	high level configuration commands (mkdev, chdev).  This requirement
#	exists because rc.net.serial depends on the /usr/lib/methods/defif
#	and /usr/lib/methods/cfgif commands to have configured the interfaces
#	prior to its invocation.  The config methods take their information
#	from the ODM database.  The /usr/lib/methods/{defif,cfgif} methods
#	are invoked automatically by rc.net prior its calling rc.net.serial.
#	The config methods can also be invoked by using the mkdev and chdev
#	commands.  This routine would then be invoked after the mkdev or chdev
#	procedure.  This routine is safe to call at anytime, it will do nothing
#	if there are no configured Available devices that do not have slattach
#	processes already running.
# Close file descriptor 1 and 2 because the parent may be waiting
# for the file desc. 1 and 2 to be closed.  The reason is that this shell
# script may spawn a child which inherit all the file descriptor from the parent
# and the child process may still be running after this process is terminated.
# The file desc. 1 and 2 are not closed and leave the parent hanging
# waiting for those desc. to be finished.

umask 022

#LOGFILE=/dev/null		# LOGFILE is where all stdout goes.
LOGFILE=/tmp/rc.net.serial.out	# LOGFILE is where all stdout goes.
if [ $LOGFILE != "/dev/null" ] ; then
	# Make sure tmpfile is kosher
	rm -f $LOGFILE
	touch $LOGFILE
	if [ -L $LOGFILE ] ; then
exec 1<&-			# close descriptor 1
exec 2<&-			# close descriptor 2
exec 1< /dev/null		# open descriptor 1
exec 2>	/dev/null		# open descriptor 2

#  Special SLIP handling
# In addition to configuring the network interface,  SLIP interfaces
# require a special command (slattach) to complete the configuration.
# The slattach command changes the tty line discipline handling for
# the tty port used by the the SLIP interface.   A separate slattach
# command is execute for every tty port used by configured SLIP
# interfaces.

SLIPTTYS=`ps -ef | grep slattach | awk '{ print $9 }'`
SLIPHOST=`lsdev -C -c if -s SL -t sl -S available | awk '{ print $1 }'`
for i in $SLIPHOST
	echo $i 			>>$LOGFILE 2>&1
	TTYPORT=`lsattr -E -l $i -F "value" -a ttyport`
	TTYSTATE=`lsattr -E -l $i -F "value" -a state`

	# If the ttyport is Available, and slattch is not running,
	# start slattach.
	# In addition configure the interface for basic parameters
	# with ifconfig.
	lsdev -Cc tty | grep "$TTYPORT " | grep "Available" > /dev/null 2>&1
	echo "$SLIPTTYS" | grep "$TTYPORT$" > /dev/null 2>&1
	if [ $avail = 0 ] && [ $isrunning = 1 ]  # Is available, is not running
		TTYBAUD=`lsattr -E -l $i -F "value" -a baudrate`
		TTYDIALSTRING=`lsattr -E -l $i -F "value" -a dialstring`
		rm -f /etc/locks/LCK..$TTYPORT
		FromHOST=`lsattr -E -l $i -F "value" -a netaddr`
		DestHOST=`lsattr -E -l $i -F "value" -a dest`
		SLIPMASK=`lsattr -E -l $i -F "value" -a netmask`
		if [ -z "$SLIPMASK" ]
			ifconfig $i inet $FromHOST $DestHOST up
			ifconfig $i inet $FromHOST $DestHOST netmask $SLIPMASK up
		strinfo -m | grep "\'slip\'" > /dev/null || \
				strload -m /usr/lib/drivers/slip
		if [ "$TTYSTATE" = "up" ]
			if [ -z "$TTYBAUD" -a  -z "$TTYDIALSTRING" ]
				( slattach $TTYPORT )	>>$LOGFILE 2>&1
				eval DST=\'$TTYDIALSTRING\'	>>$LOGFILE 2>&1
				( eval slattach $TTYPORT $TTYBAUD \'$DST\' ) >>$LOGFILE 2>>$LOGFILE