# @(#)61	1.6  src/tcpip/etc/gated.conf, tcprouting, tcpip720 12/6/93 14:23:11
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# tcpip720 src/tcpip/etc/gated.conf 1.6 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985,1989 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# ORIGINS: 27 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985, 1989
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
#  gated configuration file
#  How to configure this file for your system:
#  Statement classes.
#	There are eight classes of statements.  The first two may
#	be specified in the configuration file in any order.
#		directives
#			These statements are immediately acted upon by the
#			parser.  They are used to specify included files and
#			the directory in which the reside.  Unlike other
#			statements which terminate with a semi-colon (;),
#			directive statements terminate with a newline
#			character.
#		trace
#			These statements control tracing options.
#	The six remaining classes must be specified in order:
#		options
#			These statements allow specification of some global
#			options.
#		interface
#			These statements specify interface options.
#		definition
#			These statements options, the autonomous system and
#			martian networks.
#		protocol
#			These statements enable or disable protocols and set
#			protocol options.
#		route
#			These statements define static routes.
#		control
#			These statements define routes that are imported from
#			routing peers and routes that are exported to these
#			peers.
#	Statements within a class may be listed in any order.
#  1) Directive Statements
#	Set optional directive statements.
#    %directory "<path_name>"
#	Sets the current directory to <path_name>.  This is the
#	path that gated uses to look for included files that do
#	not begin with "/".
#    %include "filename"
#	Causes the specified file to be parsed completely before resuming
#	this file.  Nesting up to 10 levels is supported.
#  2) Trace Statements
#	Set optional trace statements.
#    tracefile ["filename" [replace]] [size <size> [k|m] files <files>] ;
#	Specifies the file to contain tracing output.  If a filename is
#	specified, trace information is appended to this file unless "replace"
#	specified.
#	If specified, <size> and <files> cause the trace file to be limited
#	to <size>, with <files> files kept (including the active file).  The
# 	backup file names are created by appending a period and a number to
#	the trace file name, starting with ".0".  The minimum size that can
# 	be specified is 10k, the minimum number of files that can be specified
#	is 2.  The default is not to rotate log files.
#    traceoptions <traceoption> [<traceoption> [ ... ]] [except <traceoption> [<traceoption> [ ... ]]];
#	Where "traceoption" is:
#		all, general, internal, external, nostamp, kernel, mark, task,
#		timer, parse, route, kernel, bgp, egp, rip, hello, icmp, snmp,
#		protocol, or update.
#  3) Options Statements
#          options <option_list> ;
#                    Sets gated options:
#                    noinstall Do not change kernel's routing table.
#                              Useful for verifying configuration
#                              files.
#                    gendefault
#                              BGP and EGP neighbors should cause the
#                              internal generation of a default route
#                              when up.  This route will not be
#                              installed in the kernel's routing table,
#                              but may be announced by other protocols.
#                              Announcement is controlled by
#                              referencing the special protocol
#                              "default".
#                    nosend    Do not send any packets.  This allows
#                              running gated on a live network to test
#                              protocol interactions without actually
#                              participating in the routing protocols.
#                              The packet traces in the gated log can
#                              be examined to verify that gated is
#                              functioning properly.  This is most
#                              useful for RIP and HELLO and possibly
#                              the SMUX SNMP interface.  This does not
#                              yet apply to BGP packets.
#                    noresolv  Do not try to resolv symbolic names into
#                              IP addresses by using the host/network
#                              tables or Domain Name System.  This is
#                              intended for systems where a lack of
#                              routing information could cause a DNS
#                              lookup to hang.
#                    syslog    Controls the amount of data gated logs
#                              via syslog on systems where setlogmask()
#                              is supported.  The log_levels and other
#                              terminology are as defined in the
#                              setlogmask() man page.  The default is
#                              equivalent to "syslog upto info".
#  4) Interface Statements
#          interfaces {
#               options [strictifs] [scaninterval <time>] ;
#               interface <interface_list> <interface_options> ;
#               define <address> [broadcast <broadaddr>|pointopoint
#                    <lcladdr>] [netmask <netmask>] [multicast] ;
#          } ;
#          options   Sets some global options related to interfaces.
#                    Options are:
#                    strictifs Indicates that it is a fatal error to
#                              reference an interface in the
#                              configuration file that is not listed in
#                              a define statement or not present when
#                              gated is started.  Without this option a
#                              warning message will be issued and gated
#                              will continue.
#                    scaninterval <time>
#                              Specifies how often gated scans the
#                              kernel interface list for changes.  The
#                              default is every 15 seconds on most
#                              systems, 60 seconds on systems that pass
#                              interface status changes through the
#                              routing socket (i.e.  BSD 4.4).  Note
#                              that gated will also scan the interface
#                              list on receipt of a SIGUSR2.
#          define    Defines interfaces that may not be present when
#                    gated is started.  Gated considers it an error to
#                    reference a non-existent interface in the config
#                    file.  This clause allows specification of that
#                    interface so it can be referenced in the config
#                    file.
#                    Definition keywords are:
#                    broadcast <broad_addr>
#                              Defines the interface as broadcast
#                              capable (i.e. Ethernet and Token Ring)
#                              and specifies the broadcast address.
#                    pointopoint <local_addr>
#                              Defines the interface as a point to
#                              point interface (i.e.  SLIP and PPP) and
#                              specifies the address on the local side.
#                              For this type of interface the
#                              <interface_addr> specifies the address
#                              of the remote host.
#                    An interface not defined as broadcast or
#                    pointopoint is assumed to be non-broadcast
#                    multiaccess (NBMA), such as an X.25 network.
#                    netmask <subnetmask>
#                              Specifies the non-standard subnet mask
#                              to be used on this interface.  Note that
#                              this currently ignored on pointopoint
#                              interfaces.
#                    multicast Specifies the interface is multicast
#                              capable.
#          interface Sets interface options on the specified
#                    interfaces.  An interface list is "all" or a list
#                    of interface names (see warning about interface
#                    names), domain names, or numeric addresses.
#                    Options are:
#                    preference <pref>
#                         Sets the preference for routes to this
#                         interface when it is up, defaults to 0.
#                    down preference <pref>
#                         Sets the preference for routes to this
#                         interface when gated believes it to be down
#                         due to lack of received routing information,
#                         defaults to 120.
#                    passive
#                         Prevents gated from changing the preference
#                         of the route to this interface if it is
#                         believed to be down due to lack of received
#                         routing information.
#                    simplex
#                         Defines an interface as unable to hear it's
#                         own broadcast packets.  Currently defining an
#                         interface as simplex is functionally
#                         equivalent to defining it as passive.
#                    reject
#                         Specifies that the address loopback
#                         interfaces which match these criteria will be
#                         used as the local address when installing
#                         reject routes in the kernel.  Should only
#                         used with systems based on BSD 4.3 Tahoe or
#                         earlier which have installed a
#                         reject/blackhole pseudo interface.
#                    blackhole
#                         Specifies that the address loopback
#                         interfaces which match these criteria will be
#                         used as the local address when installing
#                         blackhole routes in the kernel.  Should only
#                         used with systems based on BSD 4.3 Tahoe or
#                         earlier which have installed a
#                         reject/blackhole pseudo interface.
#  5) Definition Statements
#          autonomoussystem <autonomous system> ;
#                    Sets the autonomous system of this router to be
#                    <autonomous system>.  This option is required if
#                    BGP or EGP are in use.
#          routerid <host> ;
#                    Sets the router identifier for use by the BGP and
#                    OSPF protocols.  The default is the address of the
#                    first interface encountered by gated.  The address
#                    of a non-POINTOPOINT interface is prefered over
#                    the local address of a  POINTOPOINT interface and
#                    an address on a loopback interface that is not the
#                    loopback address ( is most perfered.
#          martians {
#               <martian_list>
#          } ;
#                    Defines a list of martian addresses about which
#                    all routing information is ignored.  The
#                    <martian_list> is a semi-colon separated list of
#                    symbolic or numeric hosts with optional masks.
#                    See dest_mask.  Also, the `allow' parameter may be
#                    specified to explicitly allow a subset of a range
#                    that was disallowed.
#  7) Protocol Statements
#          Enables or disables use of a protocol and controls protocol
#          options.  These may be specified in any order.
#          For all protocols, "preference" controls the choice of
#          routes learned via this protocol or from this autonomous
#          system in relation to routes learned from other
#          protocols/autonomous systems.  The default metric used when
#          propagating routes learned from other protocols is specified
#          with "defaultmetric" which itself defaults to the highest
#          valid metric for this protocol, for many protocols this
#          signifies a lack of reachability.
#          For distance vector IGPs with no explicit connections or
#          authentication (RIP and HELLO) and redirects (ICMP), the
#          "trustedgateways" clause supplies a list of gateways
#          providing valid routing information; routing packets from
#          other gateways are ignored.  This defaults to all gateways
#          on the attached networks.
#          Routing packets may be sent not only to the remote end of
#          point-to-point links and the broadcast address of
#          broadcast-capable interfaces, but also to specific gateways
#          if they are listed in a "sourcegateways" clause and "yes" or
#          "on" is specified.  If "nobroadcast" is specified, routing
#          updates will be sent only to gateways listed in the
#          "sourcegateways" clause, and not at all to the broadcast
#          address.  Disabling the transmission and reception of
#          routing packets for a particular protocol may be specified
#          with the "interface" clause.  An "interface" clause which
#          disables sending or receiving protocol packets may be
#          overridden for specific peers using the "trustedgateways"
#          and "sourcegateways" clauses.
#          For exterior protocols (BGP, EGP), the autonomous system
#          advertised to the peer is specified by the global
#          "autonomoussystem" clause unless overridden by the "asout"
#          parameter.  The incoming autonomous system number is not
#          verified unless "peeras" is specified.  Specifying
#          "metricout" fixes the outgoing metric for all routes
#          propagated to this peer.  If the peer does not share a
#          network, "interface" can be used to specify which interface
#          address to use when communicating with this peer and
#          "gateway" can be used to specify the next hop to use for all
#          routes learned from this peer.  An internal default is
#          generated when routing information is learned from a peer
#          unless the "nogendefault" parameter is specified.
#          Any protocol can have a "traceoptions" clause, which enables
#          tracing for a particular protocol, group or peer.  The
#          allowable protocol-specific options are: all, general,
#          internal, external, route, update, task, timer, protocol, or
#          kernel.
#          rip yes|no|on|off [ {
#               broadcast ;
#               nobroadcast ;
#               nocheckzero;
#               preference <preference> ;
#               defaultmetric <metric> ;
#               interface <interface_list> [noripin] [noripout]
#                    [metricin <metric>] [metricout <metric>]
#                    [version 1]|[version 2 [multicast|broadcast]];
#               ...
#               trustedgateways <gateway_list> ;
#               sourcegateways <gateway_list> ;
#               traceoptions <traceoptions> ;
#          } ] ;
#               If the rip clause is not specified the default is "rip
#               on".  "Nobroadcast" specifies that RIP packets will
#               only be sent to gateways listed in the "sourcegateways"
#               clause, if there are any.  If "yes" or "on" is
#               specified, RIP will assume "nobroadcast" if there is
#               only one interface and "broadcast" if there is more
#               than one.  "Broadcast" specifies that RIP packets will
#               always be generated.  "Nocheckzero" specifies that RIP
#               should not make sure that the reserved fields in RIP
#               packets are zero.
#                    Note that using "broadcast" with only one
#                    interface is useful only when propagating static
#                    routes or routes learned from another protocol.
#                    This will cause data packets to travel across the
#                    same network twice, which may be tolerable in
#                    certain configurations.
#               The default metricout is zero, the default metricin is
#               the kernel interface metric plus 1 (the default RIP hop
#               count).
#               If the version is specified as or defaults to 1, RIP
#               version 2 packets will never be sent except in response
#               to a v2 POLL packet.  If the version is specified as 2,
#               RIP version 2 packets will be sent to the RIP multicast
#               address if possible, or to the broadcast addresss,
#               unless the method is explicitly specified.
#               The default metric is 16; the default preference is
#               100.
#          hello yes|no|on|off [ {
#               broadcast ;
#               nobroadcast ;
#               preference <preference> ;
#               defaultmetric <metric> ;
#               interface <interface_list> [nohelloin] [nohelloout]
#                    [metricin <metric>] [metricout <metric>];
#               ...
#               trustedgateways <gateway_list> ;
#               sourcegateways <gateway_list> ;
#               traceoptions <traceoptions> ;
#          } ] ;
#               If "yes" or "on" is specified, HELLO will assume
#               "nobroadcast" if there is only one interface and
#               "broadcast" if there is more than one.  If the HELLO
#               clause is not specified the default is "hello off".
#               "Broadcast" specifies that HELLO packets will be
#               generated.  "Nobroadcast" specifies that HELLO packets
#               will only be sent to gateways listed in the
#               "sourcegateways" clause, if there are any.
#                    Note that using "broadcast" with only one
#                    interface is useful only when propagating static
#                    routes or routes learned from another protocol.
#                    This will cause data packets to travel across the
#                    same network twice, which may be tolerable in
#                    certain configurations.
#               The default metricout is zero, the default metricin is
#               a translation of the kernel interface metric into a
#               hello metric plus 100 (the default HELLO hop count).
#               The default metric is 30000; the default preference is
#               90.
#          ospf yes|no|on|off [ {
#               [ defaults {
#                    preference <preference> ;
#                    cost <cost> ;
#                    tag [<tag> | as [<as_tag>]] ;
#                    type <1|2> ;
#               } ] ;
#               [exportlimit <routes> ;]
#               [exportinterval <time> ;]
#               [traceoptions <traceoptions> ;]
#               [monitorauthkey <authkey> ;]
#               [area <area> {
#                    authtype <0|1|none|simple> ;
#                    stub [cost <cost>];
#                    networks {
#                         network [mask <mask>] ;
#                    } ;
#                    stubhosts {
#                         <host> cost <cost> ;
#                    } ;
#                    interface <interface> [cost <cost>] {
#                         [enable|disable] ;
#                         retransmitinterval <time> ;
#                         transitdelay <time> ;
#                         priority <priority> ;
#                         hellointerval <time> ;
#                         routerdeadinterval <time> ;
#                         authkey <auth_key> ;
#                    } ;
#                    interface <interface> nonbroadcast [cost <cost>] {
#                         pollinterval <time> ;
#                         routers {
#                              <gateway> [eligible] ;
#                              ...
#                         } ;
#                         [enable|disable] ;
#                         retransmitinterval <time> ;
#                         transitdelay <time> ;
#                         priority <priority> ;
#                         hellointerval <time> ;
#                         routerdeadinterval <time> ;
#                         authkey <auth_key> ;
#                    } ;
#               } ; ]
#               [ backbone {
#                    authtype <0|1|none|simple> ;
#                    networks {
#                         network [mask <mask>] ;
#                    } ;
#                    subhosts {
#                         <host> cost <cost> ;
#                    } ;
#                    interface <interface> [cost <cost>] {
#                         [enable|disable] ;
#                         retransmitinterval <time> ;
#                         transitdelay <time> ;
#                         priority <priority> ;
#                         hellointerval <time> ;
#                         routerdeadinterval <time> ;
#                         authkey <auth_key> ;
#                    } ;
#                    . . .
#                    interface <interface> nonbroadcast [cost <cost>] {
#                         pollinterval <time> ;
#                         routers {
#                              <gateway> [eligible] ;
#                              ...
#                         } ;
#                         [enable|disable] ;
#                         retransmitinterval <time> ;
#                         transitdelay <time> ;
#                         priority <priority> ;
#                         hellointerval <time> ;
#                         routerdeadinterval <time> ;
#                         authkey <auth_key> ;
#                    } ;
#                    . . .
#                    virtuallink neighborid <host> transitarea <area> {
#                         [enable|disable] ;
#                         retransmitinterval <time> ;
#                         transitdelay <time> ;
#                         priority <priority> ;
#                         hellointerval <time> ;
#                         routerdeadinterval <time> ;
#                         authkey <auth_key> ;
#                    } ;
#                    . . .
#               } ; ]
#          } ] ;
#               interface
#                    An interface is specified with an address, a name,
#                    a wildcard name (name without any number), or
#                    "all".  Multiple interface clauses may be
#                    specified with different parameters, the
#                    parameters used are accumlated from the interface
#                    clauses.  If a parameter is specified more than
#                    once the instance with the most specific interface
#                    reference is used.  The order of precedence is
#                    address, name, wildcard name, "all".
#               cost A number between 0 and 65535 specifying an OSPF
#                    internal cost.
#               tag  The OSPF tag (an unsigned 31-bit number) to be
#                    placed on all routes exported by gated into OSPF.
#               as_tag
#                    The OSPF-BGP tag (an unsigned 12-bit number) to be
#                    placed on all routes export by gated into OSPF.
#                    When "tag as [<as_tag>]" is used, tag fields are
#                    automatically generated and the as_tag field is
#                    assigned if specified.
#               metric
#                    A number between 0 and 16777215 specifying an OSPF
#                    external (ASE) cost.
#               area A dotted quad or a number between 1 and
#                    4294967295.  Area 0 is always referred to as the
#                    "backbone".
#               auth_key
#                    One to eight decimal digits separated by periods,
#                    a one to eight byte hexadecimal string preceded by
#                    "0x", or a one to eight character string in double
#                    quotes.
#               priority
#                    A number between 0 and 255 specifying the priority
#                    of becoming the designated router on this
#                    interface.
#               OSPF inter and intra area are always imported into the
#               gated routing table with a preference of 10.  It would
#               be a violation of the protocol to do otherwise so it is
#               not possible to override this.  OSPF Autonomous System
#               External (ASE) routes are imported with a preference of
#               150.  This default may be changed with the preference
#               keyword in the defaults section.  ASE routes are
#               imported at a rate of 100 ASEs every 1 second, these
#               parameters can be tuned with the "exportlimit" and
#               "exportinterval" parameters.
#               Gated routes are exported to OSPF as ASEs with a
#               default cost of 0 and a type of 1.  By default, the tag
#               is calculated from the AS path of the route being
#               exported (tag as).  These may all be changed in the
#               defaults section.
#               OSPF areas may be specified in any order, but the
#               "backbone" area must be specified last.
#               Reconfiguration (SIGHUP) is currently disabled when
#               OSPF is enabled.  This will hopefully be fixed in a
#               future release.
#          egp yes|no|on|off [ {
#               [preference <preference> ;]
#               [defaultmetric <metric> ;]
#               [packetsize <maxpacketsize> ;]
#               [traceoptions <traceoptions> ;]
#               [group         [peeras <autonomous system>]
#                         [localas <autonomous system>]
#                         [maxup <number>]
#                         [preference <preference>]
#               {
#                    neighbor <host>
#                         [metricout <metric>]
#                         [nogendefault]
#                         [importdefault]
#                         [exportdefault]
#                         [gateway <gateway>]
#                         [lcladdr <local_address>]
#                         [sourcenet <network>]
#                         [minhello <min_hello>]
#                         [minpoll <min_poll>]
#                         [traceoptions <traceoptions>] {
#                         ;
#                    ...
#                } ;
#               ...]
#          } ] ;
#               "Packetsize" specifies the size, in bytes, of the
#               largest EGP packet that will be accepted or sent.  A
#               "group" lists a group of EGP peers in one autonomous
#               system.  "Maxup" specifies the maximum number of peers
#               that will be maintained in the Up state.
#               "Importdefault" and "exportdefault" tell gated to
#               import or export the default route ( in updates
#               exchanged with an EGP neighbor.  If not specified, the
#               the default network is ignored when exchanging EGP
#               updates.  "Sourcenet" specifies the network to query in
#               EGP Poll packets, this is normally the shared network.
#               The minimum EGP hello and poll intervals acceptable may
#               be specified with the "minhello" and "minpoll"
#               arguments, respectively.  These are both specified as a
#               time in seconds, minutes:seconds or
#               hours:minutes:seconds.  Any number of "group" clauses
#               may be specified containing any number of "neighbor"
#               clauses.  Any parameters from the "neighbor" clause may
#               be specified on the "group" clause to provide defaults
#               for the group.
#               The "local_address" is used to set the address the
#               local address to be used when there is a choice of
#               interfaces.  If not specified it defaults to whichever
#               interface is shared with the neighbor.  If a network is
#               not shared with the neighbor, "gateway" may be used to
#               specify the next-hop gateway to use when installing
#               routes learned from this neighbor.  In this case the
#               default interface is the one shared with the specified
#               gateway.
#               The default metric is 255; the default preference is
#               200.
#          bgp yes|no|on|off [ {
#               [preference <preference> ;]
#               [defaultmetric <metric> ;]
#               [traceoptions <traceoptions> ;]
#               [group type external|internal|igp|test peeras <peeras>
#                    [metricout <metric>]
#                    [localas <localas>]
#                    [nogendefault]
#                    [gateway <gateway>]
#                    [preference <preference>]
#                    [lcladdr <local_address>]
#                    [holdtime <time>]
#                    [traceoptions <traceoptions>]
#                    [version <version>]
#                    [passive]
#                    [importdefault]
#                    [exportdefault]
#                    [sendbuffer <bufsize>]
#                    [recvbuffer <bufsize>]
#                    [spoolbuffer <bufsize>]
#                    [keepall]
#                    {
#                         [allow { dest_mask ... } ;]
#                         [peer <host>
#                              [metricout <metric>]
#                              [localas <localas>]
#                              [nogendefault]
#                              [gateway <gateway>]
#                              [preference <preference>]
#                              [lcladdr <local_address>]
#                              [holdtime <time>]
#                              [traceoptions <traceoptions>]
#                              [version <version>]
#                              [passive]
#                              [importdefault]
#                              [exportdefault]
#                              [sendbuffer <bufsize>]
#                              [recvbuffer <bufsize>]
#                              [spoolbuffer <bufsize>]
#                              [keepall]
#                           ;]
#                           ...
#                    } ;
#               ....]
#          } ] ;
#               BGP peers are assigned to groups based on the type and
#               peeras, it is not possible to have two groups with the
#               same type and peeras.  Peer specifies the address of
#               each BGP peer.  Group options provide the defaults for
#               all peers within that group.
#               "Peeras" is the autonomous system expected from a peer.
#               "Metricout" is the default metric to use when sending
#               to this peer.  "Localas" specifies the autonomous
#               system advertised to this peer, the default is that
#               which has been set globally.  "Nogendefault" specifies
#               that this peer should not cause the automatic default
#               to be generated.
#               The "local_address" specifies the address to be used on
#               the local end of the TCP connection with the peer.  For
#               "external" peers the local address must be on an
#               interface which is shared with the peer (or for a non-
#               local peer's configured next-hop gateway when the
#               "gateway" option is used to specify this) and a session
#               with the peer will be opened only when an interface
#               with the appropriate local address through which the
#               peer (gateway) address is directly reachable is
#               operating.  For other types of peers a peer session
#               will be maintained when any interface with the
#               specified local address is operating.  In either case
#               incoming connections will only be recognized as
#               matching a configured peer if they are addressed to the
#               configured local address.
#               "Holdtime" specifies the BGP holdtime to use with this
#               peer.  Traceoptions specify tracing options for this
#               peer (and are not yet implemented).  Version specifies
#               the version of the BGP protocol to use with this peer.
#               If not specified, the highest supported version is used
#               first and version negotiation is attempted.  "Passive"
#               specifies that active opens to this peer should not be
#               attempted.  "Importdefault" and "exportdefault" control
#               whether the default network ( can be exchanged
#               with this peer.  "Keepall" is used to retain routes
#               learned from a peer that contain one of our autonomous
#               system numbers in their path.
#               "Sendbuffer" and "Recvbuffer" control the amount of
#               buffering asked of the kernel, the default is to
#               configure the maximum supported, up to 65535 bytes.
#               "Spoolbuffer" is used to indicate that BGP should
#               buffer data for peers when the kernel queues are full,
#               the default is to break the connection.  These options
#               are normally not needed on properly functioning
#               systems..
#               If a metric is not specified, the default is not to
#               send a metric.  The default preference is 170, the
#               default holdtime is 180 and the default version is 3.
#          redirect yes|no|on|off [ {
#               preference <preference> ;
#               interface <interface_list> [noredirects] ;
#               trustedgateways <gateway_list> ;
#               traceoptions <traceoptions> ;
#          } ] ;
#               Controls whether gated makes routing table changes
#               based on ICMP redirects when not functioning as a
#               router.  When functioning as a router (i.e. any
#               interior routing protocols (RIP, HELLO, OSPF) are
#               participating in routing on any interface, ICMP
#               redirects are disabled.  When ICMP redirects are
#               disabled, gated must actively remove the effects of
#               redirects from the kernel as the kernel always
#               processes ICMP redirects.
#               The default preference is 30.
#          snmp yes|no|on|off [ {
#               preference <preference> ;
#               traceoptions <traceoptions> ;
#               port <port> ;
#          } ] ;
#               Controls whether gated tries to contact the SMUX SNMP
#               daemon to register supported variables.  The default is
#               "on".  The default preference is 50.  The default port
#               is 199 (SMUX).
#  8) Route/Static Statements
#          Static routes are specified with "static" clauses.
#               static {
#                    <dest_mask> gateway <gateway> [<gateway2> [<gateway3> [...]]]
#                         [interface <interface_list>]
#                         [preference <preference>]
#                         [retain] [reject] [blackhole] [noinstall] ;
#                    ...
#                    <dest_mask> interface <interface> [preference
#                         <preference>] [retain] [reject] [blackhole] [noinstall] ;
#                    ...
#               } ;
#               Any number of "static" statements may be specified,
#               each containing any number of static route definitions.
#               The first form defines a static route through one or
#               more gateways.  If multiple gateways are specified,
#               they are limited by the number of multipath
#               destinations supported (on Unix this is almost always
#               one).  Only gateways on interfaces that are configured
#               and up are used.
#               The second defines a static interface route which is
#               used for primitive support of multiple networks on one
#               interface.
#               The interface list on the first form restricts static
#               routes to a specific set of interfaces.
#               "Retain" causes the route to be retained in the kernel
#               after gated is shut down.  "Reject" causes all packets
#               to this route to be rejected.  "Blackhole" causes all
#               packets to this route to be silently discarded.
#               "Reject" and "blackhole" are not supported by all
#               systems.  "Noinstall" is used to prevent this route
#               from being installed in the kernel
#               The preference for static routes defaults to 60.
#  9) Control Statements
#          Importation of routes from routing protocol peers and
#          exportation of routes to routing protocol peers are
#          controlled  by "import" and "export" clauses.
#               import proto bgp|egp as <autonomous system> restrict ;
#               import proto bgp|egp as <autonomous system>
#                    [preference <preference>] {
#                    <import_list>
#               } ;
#               import proto bgp aspath <aspath_spec> restrict ;
#               import proto bgp aspath <aspath_spec>
#                    [preference <preference>] {
#                    <import_list>
#               } ;
#               import proto rip|hello|redirect restrict ;
#               import proto rip|hello|redirect
#                    [preference <preference>] {
#                    <import_list>
#               } ;
#               import proto rip|hello|redirect interface <interface_list> restrict ;
#               import proto rip|hello|redirect interface <interface_list>
#                    [preference <preference>] {
#                    <import_list>
#               } ;
#               import proto rip|hello|redirect gateway <gateway_list> restrict ;
#               import proto rip|hello|redirect gateway <gateway_list>
#                    [preference <preference>] {
#                    <import_list>
#               } ;
#               import proto ospfase [tag <ospf_tag>] restrict ;
#               import proto ospfase [tag <ospf_tag>]
#                    [preference <preference>] [{
#                    <import_list>
#               }] ;
#                    If an OSPF type is specified, only routes of that
#                    type will be considered for import, otherwise
#                    either type will be considered.  If an ospf_tag
#                    specification is given, only routes matching that
#                    tag specification will be considered, otherwise
#                    any tag will be considered.  An OSPF tag
#                    specification may is a decimal, hexidecimal or
#                    dotted quad number.
#                    If more than one import statement relevant to a
#                    protocol is specified, they are processed most
#                    specific to least specific (i.e. for RIP and
#                    HELLO, gateway, interface and protocol), then in
#                    the order specified in the config file.
#               import_list
#                    An import_list consists of zero or more
#                    destinations (with optional mask).  One of two
#                    parameters may be specified, "restrict" to prevent
#                    a set of destinations from being imported or a
#                    specific preference for this set of destinations.
#                    <dest_mask> [[restrict] | [preference <preference>]] ;
#                    Note that the contents of an import_list are
#                    sorted internally so that entries with the most
#                    specific masks are examined first.  The order in
#                    which dest_mask entries are specified does not
#                    matter.
#                    If no import list is specified, all routes will be
#                    accepted.  If an import list is specified, the
#                    import list is scanned for a match.  If no match
#                    is found, the route is discarded.  Rephrased, a
#                    "all restrict" entry is assumed in an import list.
#               export proto bgp|egp as <autonomous system> restrict ;
#               export proto bgp|egp as <autonomous system>
#                    [metric <metric>] {
#                    <export_list>
#               } ;
#               export proto rip|hello restrict ;
#               export proto rip|hello [metric <metric>] {
#                    <export_list>
#               } ;
#               export proto rip|hello interface <interface_list> restrict ;
#               export proto rip|hello interface <interface_list>
#                    [metric <metric>] {
#                    <export_list>
#               } ;
#               export proto rip|hello gateway <gateway_list> restrict ;
#               export proto rip|hello gateway <gateway_list>
#                    [metric <metric>] {
#                    <export_list>
#               } ;
#               export proto ospfase [type 1|2] [tag <ospf_tag>] restrict ;
#               export proto ospfase [type 1|2] [tag <ospf_tag>]
#                    [cost <ospf_cost>] {
#                    <export_list>
#               } ;
#               export_list
#                    The export list specifies exportation based on the
#                    origin of a route to a destination:
#                    proto bgp|egp as <autonomous system>
#                         [restrict] | [metric <metric>] [ {
#                         <announce_list>
#                    } ] ;
#                    proto rip|hello|direct|static|default
#                         [restrict] | [metric <metric>] [ {
#                         <announce_list>
#                    } ] ;
#                    proto rip|hello|direct|static|default interface <interface_list>
#                         [restrict] | [metric <metric>] [ {
#                         <announce_list>
#                    } ] ;
#                    proto rip|hello gateway <gateway_list>
#                         [restrict] | [metric<metric>] [ {
#                         <announce_list>
#                    } ] ;
#                    proto ospf [restrict] | [metric <metric>] [ {
#                         <announce_list> ;
#                    } ] ;
#                    proto ospfase [restrict | metric <metric>]] [ {
#                         <announce_list> ;
#                    } ] ;
#                    proto <proto> aspath <aspath_spec>
#                         [restrict] | [metric <metric>] [ {
#                         <announce_list>
#                    } ] ;
#                    proto <proto> tag <tag>
#                         [restrict] | [metric <metric>] [ {
#                         <announce_list>
#                    } ] ;
#                    If a tag is specified, only routes with that tag
#                    will be considered, otherwise any tag will be
#                    considered.  An OSPF tag on an export statement
#                    may be a decimal, hexidecimal, or "AS" to generate
#                    a tag based on the AS path of route being
#                    announced.  An OSPF tag on an export list is just
#                    an 31 bit number that is matched against the tag
#                    present (if any) on that route.
#                    If more than one export statement relevant to a
#                    protocol is specified, they are processed most
#                    specific to least specific (i.e. for RIP and
#                    HELLO, gateway, interface and protocol), then in
#                    the order specified in the config file.
#                    By default interface routes are exported to all
#                    protocols.  RIP and HELLO also export their own
#                    routes.  An export specification with just a
#                    restrict will prevent these defaults from being
#                    exported.  Note that it is not possible to change
#                    the metric RIP and HELLO use for their own routes;
#                    any attempt to override it will be silently
#                    ignored.
#                    Any protocol may be specified for import lists
#                    refering to aspaths and tags.  AS paths are most
#                    meaningful with BGP and OSPF ASE routes, but are
#                    generated for all routes.  Tags are currently only
#                    meaningful for OSPF ASE routes.
#               announce_list
#                    An announce_list consists of zero or more
#                    destinations (with optional mask).  One of two
#                    parameters may be specified, "restrict" to prevent
#                    a set of destinations from being exported or a
#                    specific metric for this set of destinations.
#                    <dest_mask> [[restrict] | [metric <metric>]] ;
#               Note that the contents of an announce_list are sorted
#               internally so that entries with the most specific masks
#               are examined first.  The order in which dest_mask
#               entries are specified does not matter.
#                    If no announce_list is specified, all destinations
#                    are announced.  If an announce list is specified,
#                    an "all restict" is assumed.  Therefore, an empty
#                    announce list is the equivalent of "all restrict".
#                    Note that to announce routes which specify a next
#                    hop of the loopback interface (i.e. static and
#                    internally generated default routes) via RIP or
#                    HELLO it is necessary to specify the metric at
#                    some level in the propagate clause.  Just setting
#                    a default metric for RIP or HELLO is not
#                    sufficient.
#               aspath_spec
#                    An AS path specification is used to match one or
#                    more AS paths.
#                    aspath <regexp> origin [igp|egp|incomplete|any]
#                    where the regexp is a regular expression over the
#                    set of AS numbers as defined in RFC-1164 section 4.2.
#  Sample setups.
#  Simple RIP quiet
#	This configuration runs RIP in quiet mode, it only listens to
#	packets, no matter how many interfaces are configured.
#	It traces all trace output to a file called /var/tmp/rip.quiet.trace.
#	The tracefile options allow the creation of 4 files to rotate trace
#	information.  Each of these trace files will grow to about 50K bytes
#	before rotating to the next trace file.  The trace files will be called,
#	/var/tmp/rip.quite.trace, /var/tmp/rip.quite.trace.0,
#	/var/tmp/rip.quite.trace.1, and /var/tmp/rip.quite.trace.2.
# traceoptions all ;
# tracefile "/var/tmp/rip.quiet.trace" replace size 50k files 4 ;
# rip yes {
#        nobroadcast ;
# } ;
#  Simple RIP supplier
#	Run as a RIP supplier, do not supply RIP packets to
#	tr0, and only listen to RIP packets from
# rip yes {
#	broadcast ;
#	interface tr0 noripout ;
#	trustedgateways ;
# } ;
#  Simple EGP
#	This host is in autonomous system 283.  Verify neighbor
# is in autonomous system 145.  Do not
#	generate a default route from EGP information learned.
# autonomoussystem 283;
# egp yes {
#	group peeras 145 {
#		neighbor nogendefault ;
#	} ;
# } ;
#  Simple BGP
#	This host is in autonomous system 283.  Verify peer
# is in autonomous system 145.
# autonomoussystem 283;
# bgp yes {
#	group type
#	   External peeras 145 {
# 		peer ;
#	} ;
# } ;