Install started on Sat Jan 28 16:39:58 KORST 2023:
Apply of [R=1:P=0] ----->
<----- End Apply of fileset:
/opt/rsct/install/bin/ctposti called on Sat Jan 28 16:40:09 KORST 2023: RECYCLE=1 PSSP=0
Renaming config file: /tmp/ctposti.cfg to: /tmp/ctposti_upd.cfg
Read entry (
RefreshRMC required - recycling ctrmc and ConfigRM and disable critprot.
Disabling client kill and dms before stopping subsystems
Stopping IBM.ConfigRM
Stopping ctrmc
All daemons stopped
remove_subsystems: called. List=
No onetime scripts to execute
Refresh RMC required - calling rmcctrl -a
rmcctrl -a: rc=0
Starting stopped deamons:  IBM.ConfigRM ctrmc
Refresh requested - starting rmc