# @(#)24	1.4  src/gos/2d/SMTEXT/README.SMT, x11r5smt, gos720 9/30/97 14:17:38
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# gos720 src/gos/2d/SMTEXT/README.SMT 1.4 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,1997 
# All Rights Reserved 
# The source code for this program is not published or otherwise 
# divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been 
# deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. 
# COMPONENT_NAME: x11r5smt
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Shared Memory Transport (SMT) :

  The purpose of this file is to give a brief introduction to the Shared
  Memory Transport mechanism of transporting protocol packets to/from Xlib and
  the X Server. This file contains information about transport mechanisms in
  general, goals of the SMT design, usage of SMT, and differences between SMT 
  and other shared memory mechanisms.

A. Introduction to Transport Methods

 Communication from Xlib to the X server is handled in one of three ways:

	(1) Unix domain sockets 
	(2) TCP domain sockets 
	(3) Shared Memory Sockets

  Unix domain sockets is a mechanism that has been inherited from the MIT as
  the default transport mechanism. TCP sockets are used on the RISC System/6000
  when the application (client) being run is on a remote machine. Shared Memory
  Sockets are a newly developed mechanism that was designed specifically for
  X server performance gains.

  The Shared Memory Sockets mechanism was developed to increase performance of
  the transfer of data from the client application (through Xlib) to the X 
  server. The  standard communication mechanism for local X clients is UNIX 
  domain sockets.  This design provides a set of services to facilitate the use
  of shared memory as a protocol transport mechanism for local clients. 

B. Goals of the Shared Memory Transport Design

  Eliminate Unnecessary Data Movement

  When UNIX domain sockets are used for communication, the data must be 
  copied twice to move it between processes. It is copied into the kernel on 
  "sends" and out of the kernel on "receives". By using a shared memory segment
  for the data, both the client and server processes can access the same data
  and at least one (possibly two) copies can be avoided. This can significantly
  improve performance when applications are in a mode of sending large packets
  of data to the X server for rendering. 

C. Using Shared Memory Transport (SMT)

  The X server uses SMT by default. Its use is invisible to the user (except for
  performance differences). The user can, however, make use of two environment 
  variables that can change the way the transport layer works. These environment
  variables are: "DISPLAY" and "X_SHM_SIZE".

  The DISPLAY environment variable

  DISPLAY is an existing environment variable. It is commonly manipulated by 
  X aficionados. This variable is used to specify the connection to a specific 
  X server. It can specify any number of either a local or remote X servers. By 
  default DISPLAY is set to ":disp.scr". This convention specifies that the 
  user would like to connect to the X server specified by "disp.scr" and use 
  the fastest available transport method (in our case, SMT). If the DISPLAY 
  variable is set to "unix:disp.scr" then Unix domain sockets are used. If it 
  is set to "hostname:disp.scr" then TCP sockets are used to transport the data 
  to the X server.

  The X_SHM_SIZE environment variable

  X_SHM_SIZE is an environment variable to AIXwindows, and has been
  available since AIXwindows Release 1.2.3.  This variable can be used to
  change the size of the client-to-server and server-to-client SMT buffer
  sizes. The default size is 64k bytes.  The minimum size is 16k bytes and the
  maximum size is 252k bytes. Users may wish to change the size of the buffers
  dependent on their specific application needs.  Larger buffers would perform
  better on larger data sets and vice-versa.

D. Other Shared Memory Mechanisms

  It is important to note that the Shared Memory Transport mechanism is not the 
  same as the Shared Memory Extension (MIT-SHM) shipped by X Consortium. The 
  extension operates solely on pixmaps and images and requires that the client
  application have detailed knowledge of the transport mechanism. In this 
  scenario, the client makes specific calls to the server-side extension to gain
  addressability to a shared memory segment that the server has addressability 

  Shared Memory Transport, on the other hand, utilizes the shared memory segment
  to transport all of the data (not just pixmaps and images) to and from the 
  X server. The client is not required to do any special processing. Xlib 
  handles the transport mechanism for the client application.

E. Installation of AIX

  Normal installation of AIX will provide the SMT mechanism upon initial boot 
  of the system.  The default transport mechanism is SMT.  The use of this 
  mechanism is transparent to applications.  The only difference between SMT and
  any other transport mechanism is performance.

F. Threaded Clients and SMT

  Shared Memory Transport in Version 4.3.0 of AIX does not support threaded 
  clients.  If a threaded client attempts to open a shared memory transport
  connection to the server, it will default to sockets instead.  A future 
  version of AIX will support threaded clients through Shared Memory Transport.