#! /usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2008,2021 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # sccsid = "@(#)76 1.16 src/rsct/trace/trcspl/chkspool.perl, trace, rsct_rady, radys004a 10/6/21 09:46:14" # Search on "sub help" and/or "sub usage" for script description. # Run with CHKSPOOL_DEBUG=1 chkspool <args>, to ciew debug output use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Fcntl ':mode'; use Time::Local; use File::Basename; use Fcntl ':flock'; use POSIX qw(:errno_h); use constant PID_LCK => "/var/ct/lck/chkspool_pid.lock"; my $debug_enabled = (defined $ENV{"CHKSPOOL_DEBUG"} && $ENV{"CHKSPOOL_DEBUG"} eq 1); my $force_kill_flag = 0; my $script_name = basename($0); my $script_pid = $$; my $days_limit = -1; my $megabytes_limit = -1; my $spool_dir = ""; my $help = 0; my %category_count = (); if (!GetOptions("X" => \$force_kill_flag, "spool_dir=s" => \$spool_dir, "days_limit=i" => \$days_limit, "megabytes_limit=i" => \$megabytes_limit, "help" => \$help, "h" =>\$help)) { usage(1); } if ($help ne 0) { help(); } if ($spool_dir eq "") { usage(1); } if ($days_limit eq -1 and $megabytes_limit eq -1) { print STDERR "Error($script_name): Either one of days limit or megabyte limit shoule be dpecified.\n"; usage(1); } if ($days_limit ne -1 and $megabytes_limit ne -1) { print STDERR "Error($script_name): Both of days limit and megabyte limit cannot be specified.\n"; usage(1); } # Attempt to set up pid lock for this instance my ($lockfh) = set_pid_lock(); if ($days_limit eq -1) { # handle megabytes_limit printf "Handling megabytes_limit : megabyteslimit=%d \n",$megabytes_limit; my $total_spool_dir_file_kbytes = total_file_kbytes($spool_dir); printf "Total spool dir file Kbytes %d \n",$total_spool_dir_file_kbytes; my @spool_files = `/opt/rsct/bin/lstrsp --spool_dir $spool_dir --show_file_bytes`; foreach my $line (@spool_files) { chomp $line; my ($file_bytes, $spool_file) = split " ", $line, 2; my $file_kbytes = $file_bytes/1024; $total_spool_dir_file_kbytes -= $file_kbytes; if ($total_spool_dir_file_kbytes < $megabytes_limit*1024) { # Release pid lock and cleanup before exit close_and_cleanup_pid_lock($lockfh); exit 0; } # Extract trace file name, directory and suffix from absolute path my ($file_name, $file_dir_name, $file_suffiz) = fileparse( $spool_file ); # split the name further to get the file category, example trace, trace.prm, trace.detail, trace.summary my @file_name_parts = split /\.\d+\.sp\./, $file_name; my $file_base_name = $file_name_parts[0]; # If asked to clean everything ($megabytes_limit == 0) or there are more than 1 files still # remaining in this directory/component, go ahead and delete this file. if($megabytes_limit == 0 or find_trace_file_count($file_dir_name, $file_base_name) > 1) { printf "removing %d KB %s\n", $file_kbytes, $spool_file; delete_spooled_file($file_dir_name, $file_base_name, $spool_file); } } # TODO: remove empty directories? } else { # handle days_limit printf "Handling day limit: days_limit=%d \n",$days_limit; my ($second, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(todays_midnight_epoch_seconds() - $days_limit*24*60*60); my $lstrsp_command = sprintf("/opt/rsct/bin/lstrsp --spool_dir %s --show_file_bytes -to %s", $spool_dir, sprintf("%.4u-%.2u-%.2u\n", $year + 1900, $month + 1, $day)); open LSTRSP, "$lstrsp_command |" or die sprintf("%s: %d: cannot pipe lstrsp command\n", $0, __LINE__); while (<LSTRSP>) { chomp; my ($file_size, $file_name) = split; printf "removing %s\n", $file_name; system("rm -f $file_name"); } } # Release pid lock and cleanup before exit close_and_cleanup_pid_lock($lockfh); exit 0; #[functions]----------------------------------------------------------- sub help { usage(); print STDERR <<HELP; The chkspool utility manages a trace spool directory by permitting pruning of spool files created before a number of days, or per a maximum spool directory size quota in megabytes (where "number of days" means "an integral number of days since midnight of the day in which the command is invoked). Examples: # prune spool files older than 20 days since midnight of today > chkspool --spool_dir /tmp/TraceSpool --days_limit 20 # prune spool files until the spool_dir is 100 megabytes > chkspool --spool_dir /tmp/TraceSpool --megabytes_limit 100 Note: Only single instance of this script is allowed to execute in the system. Attempting to start a new instance when one is active shall fail with error.To force run a new instance and kill an already running or hung one, add the -X flag with other arguments. HELP exit 0; } sub usage { print STDERR <<USAGE; Usage: chkspool [-X] --spool_dir <path> --days_limit <number> | --megabytes_limit <number> [--help] USAGE if (undef ne $_[0]) { exit $_[0]; } } sub todays_midnight_epoch_seconds { my ($current_second, $current_minute, $current_hour, $current_day, $current_month, $current_year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); return timelocal(0, 0, 0, $current_day, $current_month, $current_year); } # arguments: month (1-12), day (1-31), year sub midnight_epoch_seconds { # note that we subtract 1 from the 1-12 month here to fit # timelocal()'s argument requirements return timelocal(0, 0, 0, $_[1], $_[0]-1, $_[2]); } sub total_file_kbytes { my $cumulative_bytes = 0; my $cumulative_kbytes = 0; # open FIND, "find $_[0] -type f -ls|" or die sprintf "%d: ooops\n", __LINE__; open FIND, "find $_[0] -type f -ls|" or return 0; while (<FIND>) { my @files = split; $cumulative_bytes += $files[6]; if($cumulative_bytes >= 1024) { $cumulative_kbytes += ($cumulative_bytes>>10); #KBs $cumulative_bytes %= 1024; # remaining bytes to process } } close FIND; $cumulative_kbytes += $cumulative_bytes/1024; # kbytes is now a float value return $cumulative_kbytes; } # Find the count of files in given category in the search directory/component sub find_trace_file_count { my ($search_dir, $file_type) = @_; my $search_count = 0; my $search_dir_bn = basename $search_dir; # The hash table key for a trace category in a specific directory: <dir_path>_<trace.category> my $category_key = "${search_dir}_${file_type}"; if(exists $category_count{$category_key}) { # if this category count is already cached, use it $search_count = $category_count{$category_key}; } else{ # This category is not calculated and cached, get the count and cache it now... # Only current directory (not its subdir) my $search_cmd = "find $search_dir \\( -name $search_dir_bn -o -prune \\) -type f -name \'${file_type}.[0-9]*.sp.*\' | wc -l"; $search_count = `$search_cmd`; chomp $search_count; # Create a new category entry and add the count to the cache... $category_count{$category_key} = $search_count; } # print "$search_count\t$file_type\t\t$search_dir_bn\n" if($search_count ne 0); return $search_count; } sub delete_spooled_file { my ($search_dir, $file_type, $spool_file) = @_; system("rm -f $spool_file"); # Update the count for the category in the cache to reflect the deletion my $category_key = "${search_dir}_${file_type}"; $category_count{$category_key} -= 1 if(exists $category_count{$category_key}); } sub check_if_already_runnig { my $rc = 0; my $pid_lock_path = PID_LCK; my $pid = $$; return $rc if(! -e $pid_lock_path); print "INFO($script_name): Found existing pid lock file.\n" if($debug_enabled); open(my $LCKFH, "<$pid_lock_path") or die("Error($script_name): Couldn't open pid lock file, $!\n"); print "INFO($script_name): Successfully opened pid lock file.\n" if($debug_enabled); flock($LCKFH, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB) or die("Error($script_name): Aquiring SH lock, $!"); print "INFO($script_name): Aquired shared lock on pid lock file.\n" if($debug_enabled); my $existing_pid = <$LCKFH>; chomp($existing_pid); $existing_pid =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; print "INFO($script_name): Detected pid [$existing_pid] in file.\n" if($debug_enabled); my $procinfo = `ps ${existing_pid} | tail -1`; chomp($procinfo); $rc = $existing_pid if($procinfo =~ /$script_name/); print "INFO($script_name):Closing pid lock file.\n" if($debug_enabled); close($LCKFH); print "INFO($script_name): Returning with RC=$rc.\n" if($debug_enabled); return $rc; } sub close_and_cleanup_pid_lock { my ($pidlckfh) = @_; print "INFO($script_name): Attempting to close and remove pid lock file.\n" if($debug_enabled); close($pidlckfh) or print STDERR "INFO($script_name): Pid lock file not closed, $!\n"; unlink(PID_LCK) or print STDERR "INFO($script_name): Couldn't remove pid lock, $!\n"; } sub force_kill_old_and_start_fresh { my $kill_old_pid = shift; print "INFO($script_name): Attempting to kill old instance with pid [$kill_old_pid].\n" if($debug_enabled); kill('KILL', $kill_old_pid) or print STDERR "INFO($script_name): Failed to kill pid [$kill_old_pid], $!\n"; sleep(3); # Re-check if the old process terminated, else fail with error! my $kill_rc = kill(0, $kill_old_pid); my $errmsg = $!; if ($kill_rc ne 0) { Print STDERR "Error($script_name): Failed to verify if $script_name [pid: $kill_old_pid] still running, kill(): $errmsg\n"; } else { print "INFO($script_name): Attempting to delete old pid lock file...\n" if($debug_enabled); unlink(PID_LCK) or print STDERR "INFO($script_name): Failed to remove old pid lock file, $!\n"; } } sub set_pid_lock { my $exec_status = check_if_already_runnig(); print "INFO($script_name): Instance check returned [$exec_status].\n" if($debug_enabled); if($exec_status ne 0) { if($force_kill_flag eq 1) { force_kill_old_and_start_fresh($exec_status); } else { print STDERR "Error($script_name): Another instance of $script_name is running.PID:[$exec_status]\n"; print STDERR "Please retry by adding '-X' flag to kill old instance and start this one...\n"; exit 5; } } my $open_expr = "+>" . PID_LCK; # Setting buffered IO off, to immediately flush PID to disk $| = 1; open(my $LCKFH, $open_expr) or die("Error($script_name): Couldn't open pid lock file, $!\n"); print "INFO($script_name): Opened pid lock to write self pid.\n" if($debug_enabled); # Aquire the Exclusive lock to avoid other instances to read # invalid data from the file. Also, this would let this instance # know if another instance is also competing for setting the pid # lock, so that we can fail over it... flock($LCKFH, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) or die("Error($script_name): Aquiring EX lock, $!"); print "INFO($script_name): Aquired Exclusive lock on pid lock.\n" if($debug_enabled); print $LCKFH "$$" or die("Error($script_name): Writing to pid lock, $!"); print "INFO($script_name): Self pid [$$] written to pid lock.\n" if($debug_enabled); # Release Exclusive lock and aquire Shared lock to allow other # instances to detect the pid of this process, so that, other # instance may report error with this pid or force kill this one # if instructed to do so. flock($LCKFH, LOCK_UN) or die("Error($script_name): Failed to unlock, $!\n"); flock($LCKFH, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB) or die("Error($script_name): Failed to unlock, $!\n"); print "INFO($script_name): Switched from Exclusive lock to shared lock on pid lock file.\n" if($debug_enabled); return $LCKFH; }