Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/dbmsany.sql /main/16 2009/02/17 16:49:09 skabraha Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsany.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsany.sql - Package DBMS_TYPES and types SYS.AnyData etc. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file has the specification of the types SYS.AnyData, SYS.AnyType Rem and SYS.AnyDataSet that allow modeling of self-descriptive data in Rem the DBMS. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script should be run while connected as "SYS". Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem skabraha 02/09/09 - bug #7446912: anytype.getinfo parameter Rem atomar 09/28/06 - bug 5350076 Rem atomar 09/20/06 - bug 5350076 Rem rxgovind 10/13/02 - update Rem rxgovind 10/06/02 - add support for Float, Double etc Rem rxgovind 01/21/02 - use deterministic etc. for fn. indexes Rem rxgovind 01/14/02 - bug:2167560 - use create library Rem rxgovind 11/07/01 - use alter type replace for new methods Rem celsbern 10/19/01 - merge LOG to MAIN Rem rxgovind 10/16/01 - update typecodes Rem rxgovind 10/11/01 - add TYPECODE_NCHAR etc Rem rxgovind 10/03/01 - update for nchar functions Rem rxgovind 09/28/01 - add new anydata functions Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem rxgovind 04/20/01 - add GetTvoid Rem sursrini 01/17/01 - 1379531:Fixed and hence changing IN OUT to OUT in Rem GetRef. Rem rxgovind 12/04/00 - use OID clause Rem rxgovind 10/26/00 - workaround problems with REF OUT params Rem rxgovind 09/13/00 - update Rem jdavison 07/27/00 - Remove unnecessary semicolons. Rem rxgovind 07/20/00 - update Rem rxgovind 07/19/00 - update Rem rxgovind 06/19/00 - update Rem rxgovind 06/01/00 - update Rem rxgovind 05/22/00 - Created Rem -- Create the trusted PL/SQL callout library. CREATE LIBRARY DBMS_ANYTYPE_LIB TRUSTED AS STATIC / CREATE LIBRARY DBMS_ANYDATA_LIB TRUSTED AS STATIC / CREATE LIBRARY DBMS_ANYDATASET_LIB TRUSTED AS STATIC / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_types AS TYPECODE_DATE PLS_INTEGER := 12; TYPECODE_NUMBER PLS_INTEGER := 2; TYPECODE_RAW PLS_INTEGER := 95; TYPECODE_CHAR PLS_INTEGER := 96; TYPECODE_VARCHAR2 PLS_INTEGER := 9; TYPECODE_VARCHAR PLS_INTEGER := 1; TYPECODE_MLSLABEL PLS_INTEGER := 105; TYPECODE_BLOB PLS_INTEGER := 113; TYPECODE_BFILE PLS_INTEGER := 114; TYPECODE_CLOB PLS_INTEGER := 112; TYPECODE_CFILE PLS_INTEGER := 115; TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP PLS_INTEGER := 187; TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_TZ PLS_INTEGER := 188; TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ PLS_INTEGER := 232; TYPECODE_INTERVAL_YM PLS_INTEGER := 189; TYPECODE_INTERVAL_DS PLS_INTEGER := 190; TYPECODE_REF PLS_INTEGER := 110; TYPECODE_OBJECT PLS_INTEGER := 108; TYPECODE_VARRAY PLS_INTEGER := 247; /* COLLECTION TYPE */ TYPECODE_TABLE PLS_INTEGER := 248; /* COLLECTION TYPE */ TYPECODE_NAMEDCOLLECTION PLS_INTEGER := 122; TYPECODE_OPAQUE PLS_INTEGER := 58; /* OPAQUE TYPE */ /* NOTE: These typecodes are for use in AnyData api only and are short forms for the corresponding char typecodes with a charset form of SQLCS_NCHAR. */ TYPECODE_NCHAR PLS_INTEGER := 286; TYPECODE_NVARCHAR2 PLS_INTEGER := 287; TYPECODE_NCLOB PLS_INTEGER := 288; /* Typecodes for Binary Float, Binary Double and Urowid. */ TYPECODE_BFLOAT PLS_INTEGER := 100; TYPECODE_BDOUBLE PLS_INTEGER := 101; TYPECODE_UROWID PLS_INTEGER := 104; SUCCESS PLS_INTEGER := 0; NO_DATA PLS_INTEGER := 100; /* Exceptions */ invalid_parameters EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_parameters, -22369); incorrect_usage EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(incorrect_usage, -22370); type_mismatch EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(type_mismatch, -22626); END dbms_types; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dbms_types FOR sys.dbms_types / GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_types TO public / -- Type SYS.AnyType. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE ANYTYPE OID '00000000000000000000000000020010' AS OPAQUE VARYING (*) USING library DBMS_ANYTYPE_LIB ( /* NAME BeginCreate() DESCRIPTION Creates a new instance of ANYTYPE which can be used to create a transient type Description. PARAMETERS typecode - Use a constant from DBMS_TYPES package. Typecodes for user-defined type: can be DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_OBJECT DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_VARRAY or DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TABLE Typecodes for builtin types: DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_NUMBER etc. atype - AnyType for a transient-type. EXCEPTIONS */ STATIC PROCEDURE BeginCreate(typecode IN PLS_INTEGER, atype OUT NOCOPY AnyType), /* NAME SetInfo DESCRIPTION This procedure sets any additional information required for constructing a COLLECTION or builtin type. NOTE: It is an error to call this function on an ANYTYPE that represents a persistent user defined type. PARAMETERS self - The transient ANYTYPE that is being constructed. prec, scale (OPTIONAL) - REQUIRED IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS A NUMBER. Give precision and scale. ignored otherwise. len (OPTIONAL) - REQUIRED IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS A RAW, CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2 types. Gives length. csid, csfrm (OPTIONAL) - REQUIRED IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS Types requiring character info. For eg: CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, CFILE. atype (OPTIONAL) - REQUIRED IF collection element TYPECODE IS a user-defined type like TYPECODE_OBJECT etc. It is also required for a built-in type that needs user-defined type information such as TYPECODE_REF. This parameter is not needed otherwise. The following parameters are required for Collection types: elem_tc (OPTIONAL) - Must be of the collection element's typecode (from DBMS_TYPES package). elem_count (OPTIONAL) - Pass 0 for elem_count if the self represents a nested table (TYPECODE_TABLE). Otherwise pass the collection count if self represents a VARRAY. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (typecode, typeinfo) - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage incorrect usage (cannot call after calling EndCreate() etc.) */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetInfo(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyType, prec IN PLS_INTEGER, scale IN PLS_INTEGER, len IN PLS_INTEGER, csid IN PLS_INTEGER, csfrm IN PLS_INTEGER, atype IN ANYTYPE DEFAULT NULL, elem_tc IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, elem_count IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 0), /* NAME AddAttr DESCRIPTION This procedure Adds an attribute to an AnyType (of typecode DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_OBJECT) PARAMETERS self - The transient ANYTYPE that is being constructed. Must be of Type DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_OBJECT. aname (OPTIONAL) - Attribute's name. Could be null. typecode - Attribute's typecode. Can be builtin or user-defined. typecode (from DBMS_TYPES package). prec, scale (OPTIONAL) - REQUIRED IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS A NUMBER. Give precision and scale. ignored otherwise. len (OPTIONAL) - REQUIRED IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS A RAW, CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2 types. Gives length. csid, csfrm (OPTIONAL) - REQUIRED IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS Types requiring character info. For eg: CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, CFILE. attr_type (OPTIONAL) - AnyType corresponding to a User defined Type. This parameter is required if the attribute is a user defined type. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (typecode, typeinfo) - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage incorrect usage (cannot call after calling EndCreate() etc.) */ MEMBER PROCEDURE AddAttr(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyType, aname IN VARCHAR2, typecode IN PLS_INTEGER, prec IN PLS_INTEGER, scale IN PLS_INTEGER, len IN PLS_INTEGER, csid IN PLS_INTEGER, csfrm IN PLS_INTEGER, attr_type IN ANYTYPE DEFAULT NULL), /* NAME EndCreate DESCRIPTION Ends Creation of a transient AnyType. Other creation functions cannot be called after this call. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE EndCreate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyType), /* NAME GetPersistent() DESCRIPTION Returns an ANYTYPE corresponding to a persistent type created earlier using the CREATE TYPE SQL statement. PARAMETERS schema_name - Schema name of the type. type_name - Type name. version - Type version. EXCEPTIONS */ STATIC FUNCTION GetPersistent(schema_name IN VARCHAR2, type_name IN VARCHAR2, version IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL) return AnyType, /* ANYTYPE ACCESSOR FUNCTIONS */ /* NAME GetInfo DESCRIPTION Get the Type Information for the ANYTYPE PARAMETERS prec, scale - IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS A NUMBER. Give precision and scale. ignored otherwise. len - IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS A RAW, CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2 types. Gives length. csid, csfrm - IF TYPECODE REPRESENTS Types requiring character info. For eg: CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, CFILE. schema_name, type_name, version - Type's schema (if persistent), typename and version. numelems - if self is a VARRAY, this gives the varray count. if self is of TYPECODE_OBJECT, this gives the number of attributes. RETURNS The typecode of self. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (position is beyond bounds or the AnyType is not properly Constructed).) */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetInfo (self IN AnyType, prec OUT PLS_INTEGER, scale OUT PLS_INTEGER, len OUT PLS_INTEGER, csid OUT PLS_INTEGER, csfrm OUT PLS_INTEGER, schema_name OUT VARCHAR2, type_name OUT VARCHAR2, version OUT varchar2, numelems OUT PLS_INTEGER) return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME GetAttrElemInfo DESCRIPTION Gets the Type Information for an attribute of the type (if it is of TYPECODE_OBJECT) Gets the Type Information for a collection's element type if the self parameter is of a collection type. PARAMETERS position - If self is of TYPECODE_OBJECT, this gives the attribute position (starting at 1). It is ignored otherwise. prec, scale - IF attribute/collection element TYPECODE REPRESENTS A NUMBER. gives precision and scale. ignored otherwise. len - IF attribute/collection element TYPECODE REPRESENTS A RAW, CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2 types. Gives length. csid, csfrm - IF attribute/collection element TYPECODE REPRESENTS Types requiring character info. For eg: CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, CFILE, gives charset id etc. attr_elt_type - IF attribute/collection element TYPECODE REPRESENTS a user-defined type, this returns the ANYTYPE corresponding to it. User can subsequently describe the attr_elt_type. aname - Attribute name (if it is an attribute of an object type. NULL otherwise. RETURNS The typecode of the attribute or collection element. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (position is beyond bounds or the AnyType is not properly Constructed).) */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetAttrElemInfo (self IN AnyType, pos IN PLS_INTEGER, prec OUT PLS_INTEGER, scale OUT PLS_INTEGER, len OUT PLS_INTEGER, csid OUT PLS_INTEGER, csfrm OUT PLS_INTEGER, attr_elt_type OUT ANYTYPE, aname OUT VARCHAR2) return PLS_INTEGER ); / show errors GRANT EXECUTE ON AnyType TO public WITH GRANT OPTION / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM AnyType for SYS.AnyType / Rem ************************** AnyData Definition *************************** Rem ** IMPORTANT: The create or replace AnyData is FROZEN as of Rem ** All new additions to AnyData must be placed in the ALTER TYPE REPLACE Rem ** following the create or replace type. Rem ************************************************************************* -- Type SYS.AnyData - SQL type corresponding to OCIAnyData CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE AnyData OID '00000000000000000000000000020011' as OPAQUE VARYING (*) USING library DBMS_ANYDATA_LIB ( /* CONSTRUCTION */ /* There are 2 ways to construct an AnyData. The Convert*() calls enable construction of the AnyData in its entirity with a single call. They serve as explicit CAST functions from any type in the Oracle ORDBMS to SYS.AnyData. */ STATIC FUNCTION ConvertNumber(num IN NUMBER) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertDate(dat IN DATE) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertChar(c IN CHAR) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertVarchar(c IN VARCHAR) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertVarchar2(c IN VARCHAR2) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertRaw(r IN RAW) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertBlob(b IN BLOB) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertClob(c IN CLOB) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertBfile(b IN BFILE) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertObject(obj IN "<ADT_1>") return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertObject(obj IN "<OPAQUE_1>") return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertRef(rf IN REF "<ADT_1>") return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertCollection(col IN "<COLLECTION_1>") return AnyData, /* The 2nd way to construct an AnyData is a piece by piece approach. The BeginCreate() call begins the construction process and EndCreate() call finishes the construction process.. In between these 2 calls, the individual attributes of an Object Type or the elements of a Collection can be set using Set*()calls. For piece by piece access of the attributes of Objects and elements of Collections, the PieceWise() call should be invoked prior to Get*() calls. Note: The AnyData has to be constructed or accessed sequentially starting from its first attribute(or collection element). The BeginCreate() call automatically begins the construction in a piece-wise mode. There is no need to call PieceWise() immediately after BeginCreate(). EndCreate should be called to finish the construction process (before which no access calls can be made). */ /* NAME BeginCreate DESCRIPTION Begins creation process on a new AnyData. PARAMETERS dtype - The Type of the AnyData. (should correspond to OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT or a Collection typecode.) adata - AnyData being constructed. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters dtype is invalid (not fully constructed etc.). NOTE There is NO NEED to call PieceWise() immediately after this call. Automatically the construction process begins in a piece-wise manner. */ STATIC PROCEDURE BeginCreate(dtype IN OUT NOCOPY AnyType, adata OUT NOCOPY AnyData), /* NAME PieceWise. DESCRIPTION This call sets the MODE of access of the current data value to be an attribute at a time (if the data value is of TYPECODE_OBJECT). It sets the MODE of access of the data value to be a collection element at a time (if the data value is of collection TYPE). Once this call has been made, subsequent Set*'s and Get*'s will sequentially obtain individual attributes or collection elements. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage On incorrect usage. NOTE The current data value must be of an OBJECT or COLLECTION type before this call can be made. Piece-wise construction and access of nested attributes that are of object or collection types is not supported. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE PieceWise(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData), /* NAME SetNumber, SetDate etc. DESCRIPTION Sets the current data value. This is a list of procedures that should be called depending on the type of the current data value. The type of the data value should be the type of the attribute at the current position during the piece-wise construction process. NOTE - When BeginCreate() is called, construction has already begun in a piece-wise fashion. Subsequent calls to Set*() will set the successive attribute values. If the AnyData is a standalone collection, the Set*() call will set the successive collection elements. PARAMETERS num - The Number that needs to be set. etc. last_elem - This parameter is relevant only if AnyData represents a a collection. Set to TRUE if it is the last element of the collection, FALSE otherwise. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (if it is not appropriate to add a number at this point in the creation process). - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage Incorrect usage - DBMS_TYPES.type_mismatch When the expected type is different from the passed in type. NOTE Sets the current data value. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNumber(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, num IN NUMBER, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetDate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, dat IN DATE, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetChar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, c IN CHAR, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetVarchar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, c IN VARCHAR, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetVarchar2(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, c IN VARCHAR2, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetRaw(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, r IN RAW, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBlob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, b IN BLOB, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetClob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, c IN CLOB, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBfile(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, b IN BFILE, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetObject(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, obj IN "<ADT_1>", last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetObject(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, obj IN "<OPAQUE_1>", last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetRef(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, rf IN REF "<ADT_1>", last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetCollection(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, col IN "<COLLECTION_1>", last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), /* NAME EndCreate DESCRIPTION Ends Creation of a AnyData. Other creation functions cannot be called after this call. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE EndCreate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData), /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ACCESSORS */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NAME GetTypeName DESCRIPTION Get the fully qualified Type Name for the AnyData. If the AnyData is based on a builtin, this function will return NUMBER etc. If it is based on a user defined type, this function will return <schema_name>.<type_name>. e.g. SCOTT.FOO. If it is based on a transient anonymous type, this function will return NULL. RETURNS Type name of the AnyData. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetTypeName(self IN AnyData) return VARCHAR2, /* NAME GetType DESCRIPTION Gets the Type of the AnyData. PARAMETERS typ (OUT) - The AnyType corresponding to the AnyData. May be NULL if it does not represent a user-defined type. RETURNS The typecode corresponding to the type of the AnyData. EXCEPTIONS */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetType(self IN AnyData, typ OUT NOCOPY AnyType) return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME Get*() DESCRIPTION Gets the current data value (which should be of appropriate type) The type of the current data value depends on the MODE with which we are accessing (Depending on whether we have invoked the PieceWise() call). If PieceWise() has NOT been called, we are accessing the AnyData in its entirety and the type of the data value should match the type of the AnyData. If PieceWise() has been called, we are accessing the AnyData piece wise. The type of the data value should match the type of the attribute (or collection element) at the current position. PARAMETERS num - The Number that needs to be got. etc. RETURNS DBMS_TYPES.SUCCESS or DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA The return value is relevant only if PieceWise has been already called (for a collection). In such a case, DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA signifies the end of the collection when all elements have been accessed. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.type_mismatch When the expected type is different from the passed in type. - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (if it is not appropriate to add a number at this point in the creation process). - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage Incorrect usage. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetNumber(self IN AnyData, num OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetDate(self IN AnyData, dat OUT NOCOPY DATE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetChar(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY CHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetVarchar(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetVarchar2(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetRaw(self IN AnyData, r OUT NOCOPY RAW) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBlob(self IN AnyData, b OUT NOCOPY BLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetClob(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY CLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBfile(self IN AnyData, b OUT NOCOPY BFILE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetObject(self IN AnyData, obj OUT NOCOPY "<ADT_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetObject(self IN AnyData, obj OUT NOCOPY "<OPAQUE_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetRef(self IN AnyData, rf OUT NOCOPY REF "<ADT_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetCollection(self IN AnyData, col OUT NOCOPY "<COLLECTION_1>") return PLS_INTEGER ); / show errors Rem *********************** ADDITIONS TO ANYDATA **************************** Rem ** All additions to ANYDATA must be put here. Rem ************************************************************************* ALTER TYPE SYS.AnyData REPLACE as OPAQUE VARYING (*) USING library DBMS_ANYDATA_LIB ( /* CONSTRUCTION */ /* There are 2 ways to construct an AnyData. The Convert*() calls enable construction of the AnyData in its entirity with a single call. They serve as explicit CAST functions from any type in the Oracle ORDBMS to SYS.AnyData. */ STATIC FUNCTION ConvertNumber(num IN NUMBER) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertDate(dat IN DATE) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertChar(c IN CHAR) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertVarchar(c IN VARCHAR) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertVarchar2(c IN VARCHAR2) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertRaw(r IN RAW) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertBlob(b IN BLOB) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertClob(c IN CLOB) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertBfile(b IN BFILE) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertObject(obj IN "<ADT_1>") return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertObject(obj IN "<OPAQUE_1>") return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertRef(rf IN REF "<ADT_1>") return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertCollection(col IN "<COLLECTION_1>") return AnyData, /* The 2nd way to construct an AnyData is a piece by piece approach. The BeginCreate() call begins the construction process and EndCreate() call finishes the construction process.. In between these 2 calls, the individual attributes of an Object Type or the elements of a Collection can be set using Set*()calls. For piece by piece access of the attributes of Objects and elements of Collections, the PieceWise() call should be invoked prior to Get*() calls. Note: The AnyData has to be constructed or accessed sequentially starting from its first attribute(or collection element). The BeginCreate() call automatically begins the construction in a piece-wise mode. There is no need to call PieceWise() immediately after BeginCreate(). EndCreate should be called to finish the construction process (before which no access calls can be made). */ /* NAME BeginCreate DESCRIPTION Begins creation process on a new AnyData. PARAMETERS dtype - The Type of the AnyData. (should correspond to OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT or a Collection typecode.) adata - AnyData being constructed. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters dtype is invalid (not fully constructed etc.). NOTE There is NO NEED to call PieceWise() immediately after this call. Automatically the construction process begins in a piece-wise manner. */ STATIC PROCEDURE BeginCreate(dtype IN OUT NOCOPY AnyType, adata OUT NOCOPY AnyData), /* NAME PieceWise. DESCRIPTION This call sets the MODE of access of the current data value to be an attribute at a time (if the data value is of TYPECODE_OBJECT). It sets the MODE of access of the data value to be a collection element at a time (if the data value is of collection TYPE). Once this call has been made, subsequent Set*'s and Get*'s will sequentially obtain individual attributes or collection elements. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage On incorrect usage. NOTE The current data value must be of an OBJECT or COLLECTION type before this call can be made. Piece-wise construction and access of nested attributes that are of object or collection types is not supported. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE PieceWise(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData), /* NAME SetNumber, SetDate etc. DESCRIPTION Sets the current data value. This is a list of procedures that should be called depending on the type of the current data value. The type of the data value should be the type of the attribute at the current position during the piece-wise construction process. NOTE - When BeginCreate() is called, construction has already begun in a piece-wise fashion. Subsequent calls to Set*() will set the successive attribute values. If the AnyData is a standalone collection, the Set*() call will set the successive collection elements. PARAMETERS num - The Number that needs to be set. etc. last_elem - This parameter is relevant only if AnyData represents a a collection. Set to TRUE if it is the last element of the collection, FALSE otherwise. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (if it is not appropriate to add a number at this point in the creation process). - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage Incorrect usage - DBMS_TYPES.type_mismatch When the expected type is different from the passed in type. NOTE Sets the current data value. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNumber(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, num IN NUMBER, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetDate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, dat IN DATE, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetChar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, c IN CHAR, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetVarchar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, c IN VARCHAR, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetVarchar2(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, c IN VARCHAR2, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetRaw(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, r IN RAW, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBlob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, b IN BLOB, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetClob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, c IN CLOB, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBfile(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, b IN BFILE, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetObject(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, obj IN "<ADT_1>", last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetObject(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, obj IN "<OPAQUE_1>", last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetRef(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, rf IN REF "<ADT_1>", last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetCollection(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, col IN "<COLLECTION_1>", last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), /* NAME EndCreate DESCRIPTION Ends Creation of a AnyData. Other creation functions cannot be called after this call. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE EndCreate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData), /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ACCESSORS */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NAME GetTypeName DESCRIPTION Get the fully qualified Type Name for the AnyData. If the AnyData is based on a builtin, this function will return NUMBER etc. If it is based on a user defined type, this function will return <schema_name>.<type_name>. e.g. SCOTT.FOO. If it is based on a transient anonymous type, this function will return NULL. RETURNS Type name of the AnyData. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetTypeName(self IN AnyData) return VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC, /* NAME GetType DESCRIPTION Gets the Type of the AnyData. PARAMETERS typ (OUT) - The AnyType corresponding to the AnyData. May be NULL if it does not represent a user-defined type. RETURNS The typecode corresponding to the type of the AnyData. EXCEPTIONS */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetType(self IN AnyData, typ OUT NOCOPY AnyType) return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME Get*() DESCRIPTION Gets the current data value (which should be of appropriate type) The type of the current data value depends on the MODE with which we are accessing (Depending on whether we have invoked the PieceWise() call). If PieceWise() has NOT been called, we are accessing the AnyData in its entirety and the type of the data value should match the type of the AnyData. If PieceWise() has been called, we are accessing the AnyData piece wise. The type of the data value should match the type of the attribute (or collection element) at the current position. PARAMETERS num - The Number that needs to be got. etc. RETURNS DBMS_TYPES.SUCCESS or DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA The return value is relevant only if PieceWise has been already called (for a collection). In such a case, DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA signifies the end of the collection when all elements have been accessed. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.type_mismatch When the expected type is different from the passed in type. - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (if it is not appropriate to add a number at this point in the creation process). - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage Incorrect usage. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetNumber(self IN AnyData, num OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetDate(self IN AnyData, dat OUT NOCOPY DATE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetChar(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY CHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetVarchar(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetVarchar2(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetRaw(self IN AnyData, r OUT NOCOPY RAW) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBlob(self IN AnyData, b OUT NOCOPY BLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetClob(self IN AnyData, c OUT NOCOPY CLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBfile(self IN AnyData, b OUT NOCOPY BFILE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetObject(self IN AnyData, obj OUT NOCOPY "<ADT_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetObject(self IN AnyData, obj OUT NOCOPY "<OPAQUE_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetRef(self IN AnyData, rf OUT NOCOPY REF "<ADT_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetCollection(self IN AnyData, col OUT NOCOPY "<COLLECTION_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, /***************************************************************************/ /* NEWLY ADDED FUNCTIONS IN 9iR2 */ /***************************************************************************/ /* Convert calls for Datetime and Nchar types. */ STATIC FUNCTION ConvertTimestamp(ts IN TIMESTAMP_UNCONSTRAINED) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertTimestampTZ(ts IN TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertTimestampLTZ(ts IN TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertIntervalYM(inv IN YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertIntervalDS(inv IN DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertNchar(nc IN NCHAR) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertNVarchar2(nc IN NVARCHAR2) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertNClob(nc IN NCLOB) return AnyData, /* Set calls for Datetime and Nchar types. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetTimestamp(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, ts IN TIMESTAMP_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetTimestampTZ(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, ts IN TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetTimestampLTZ(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, ts IN TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetIntervalYM(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, inv IN YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetIntervalDS(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, inv IN DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNchar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, nc IN NCHAR, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNVarchar2(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, nc IN NVarchar2, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNClob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, nc IN NClob, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), /* Get calls for Datetime and Nchar types. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetTimestamp(self IN AnyData, ts OUT NOCOPY TIMESTAMP_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetTimestampTZ(self IN AnyData, ts OUT NOCOPY TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetTimestampLTZ(self IN AnyData, ts OUT NOCOPY TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetIntervalYM(self IN AnyData, inv IN OUT NOCOPY YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetIntervalDS(self IN AnyData, inv IN OUT NOCOPY DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetNchar(self IN AnyData, nc OUT NOCOPY NCHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetNVarchar2(self IN AnyData, nc OUT NOCOPY NVARCHAR2) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetNClob(self IN AnyData, nc OUT NOCOPY NCLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME AccessNumber, AccessDate etc. DESCRIPTION Access functions for AnyData based on Built-ins are provided for SQL queriability. These functions do not throw exceptions on type-mismatch. Instead, they return NULL if the type of the AnyData does not correspond to the type of Access so that it is SQL friendly. If users want only those AnyData's of the appropriate Types returned in a Query, they should use a WHERE clause which uses GetTypeName() and choose the type they are interested in (say "SYS.NUMBER" etc.) */ MEMBER FUNCTION AccessNumber(self IN AnyData) return NUMBER DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessDate(self IN AnyData) return DATE DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessChar(self IN AnyData) return CHAR DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessVarchar(self IN AnyData) return VARCHAR DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessVarchar2(self IN AnyData) return VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessRaw(self IN AnyData) return RAW DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessBlob(self IN AnyData) return BLOB DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessClob(self IN AnyData) return CLOB DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessBfile(self IN AnyData) return BFILE DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessTimestamp(self IN AnyData) return TIMESTAMP_UNCONSTRAINED DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessTimestampTZ(self IN AnyData) REturn TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessTimestampLTZ(self IN AnyData) return TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessIntervalYM(self IN AnyData) return YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessIntervalDS(self IN AnyData) return DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessNchar(self IN AnyData) return NCHAR DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessNVarchar2(self IN AnyData) return NVARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER fuNCTION AccessNClob(self IN AnyData) return NCLOB DETERMINISTIC, /***************************************************************************/ /* NEWLY ADDED FUNCTIONS IN 10iR1 */ /***************************************************************************/ /* Convert calls for BFloat, BDouble, URowid */ STATIC FUNCTION ConvertBFloat(fl IN BINARY_FLOAT) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertBDouble(dbl IN BINARY_DOUBLE) return AnyData, STATIC FUNCTION ConvertURowid(rid IN UROWID) return AnyData, /* Set calls for Float, Double */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBFloat(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, fl IN BINARY_FLOAT, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBDouble(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyData, dbl IN BINARY_DOUBLE, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), /* Get calls for Float, Double */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetBFloat(self IN AnyData, fl OUT NOCOPY BINARY_FLOAT) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBDouble(self IN AnyData, dbl OUT NOCOPY BINARY_DOUBLE) return PLS_INTEGER, /* Access calls for Float, Double, Rowid */ MEMBER FUNCTION AccessBFloat(self IN AnyData) return BINARY_FLOAT DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessBDouble(self IN AnyData) return BINARY_DOUBLE DETERMINISTIC, MEMBER FUNCTION AccessURowid(self IN AnyData) return UROWID DETERMINISTIC ); show errors Rem ********************** END OF AnyData ADDITIONS ************************** GRANT EXECUTE ON AnyData TO public WITH GRANT OPTION / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM AnyData for SYS.AnyData / Rem ************************* AnyDataSet Definition ************************* Rem ** IMPORTANT: The create or replace AnyDataSet is FROZEN as of Rem ** All new additions to AnyDataSet must be placed in the ALTER TYPE REPLACE Rem ** following the create or replace type. Rem ************************************************************************* -- Type SYS.AnyDataSet - SQL Type corresponding to OCIAnyDataSet CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE AnyDataSet OID '00000000000000000000000000020012' as OPAQUE VARYING (*) USING library DBMS_ANYDATASET_LIB ( /* CONSTRUCTION */ /* NOTE - The AnyDataSet needs to be contructed value by value sequentially. For each data instance (of the type of the AnyDataSet), the AddInstance() function need to be invoked. This adds a new data instance to the AnyDataSet. Subsequently, Set*() can be called to set each value in its entirety. The MODE of construction/access can be changed to attribute/ collection element wise by making calls to PieceWise() - If the type of the AnyDataSet is TYPECODE_OBJECT, individual attributes will be set with subsequent Set*() calls. Likewise on access. - If the type of the current data value is a collection type individual collection elements will be set with subsequent Set*() calls. Likewise on access. This call is very similar to AnyData.PieceWise() call defined for the type SYS.AnyData. NOTE - There is no support for piecewise construction and access of nested (not top level) attributes that are of object types or collection types. EndCreate should be called to finish the construction process (before which no access calls can be made). */ /* NAME BeginCreate DESCRIPTION Creates a new AnyDataSet which can be used to create a Set of data values of the given ANYTYPE. PARAMETERS typecode - the typecode for the type of the AnyDataSet dtype - The Type of the data values. This parameter is a must for user-defined types like TYPECODE_OBJECT, Collection typecodes etc. aset - The AnyDataSet being constructed. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters dtype is invalid (not fully constructed etc.). */ STATIC PROCEDURE BeginCreate(typecode IN PLS_INTEGER, rtype IN OUT NOCOPY AnyType, aset OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet), /* NAME AddInstance. DESCRIPTION Add a new data instance to a AnyDataSet. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage On incorrect usage. NOTE The data instances have to be added sequentially. The previous data instance must be fully constructed (or set to null) before a new one can be added. This call DOES NOT automatically set the mode of construction to be piece-wise. The user has to explicitly call PieceWise() if a piece-wise construction of the instance is intended. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE AddInstance(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet), /* NAME PieceWise. DESCRIPTION This call sets the MODE of construction, access of the data value to be an attribute at a time (if the data value is of TYPECODE_OBJECT). It sets the MODE of construction, access of the data value to be a collection element at a time (if the data value is of collection TYPE). Once this call has been made, subsequent Set*'s and Get* will sequentially obtain individual attributes or collection elements. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage On incorrect usage. NOTE The current data value must be of an OBJECT or COLLECTION type before this call can be made. There is no support for piece-wise construction or access of embedded object type attributes (or nested collections). */ MEMBER PROCEDURE PieceWise(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet), /* NAME Set*. DESCRIPTION Sets the current data value. The type of the current data value depends on the MODE with which we are constructing (Depending on how we have invoked the PieceWise() call). The type of the current data should be the type of the AnyDataSet if PieceWise() has NOT been called. The type should be the type of the attribute at the current position if PieceWise() has been called. PARAMETERS num - The Number that needs to be set. etc. last_elem - This parameter is relevant only if PieceWise() has been already called (for a collection). Set to TRUE if it is the last element of the collection, FALSE otherwise. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (if it is not appropriate to add a number at this point in the creation process). - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage Incorrect usage. - DBMS_TYPES.type_mismatch When the expected type is different from the passed in type. NOTE Sets the current data value. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNumber(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, num IN NUMBER, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetDate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, dat IN DATE, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetChar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, c IN CHAR, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetVarchar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, c IN VARCHAR, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetVarchar2(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, c IN VARCHAR2, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetRaw(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, r IN RAW, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBlob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, b IN BLOB, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetClob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, c IN CLOB, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBfile(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, b IN BFILE, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetObject(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, obj IN "<ADT_1>", last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetObject(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, obj IN "<OPAQUE_1>", last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetRef(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, rf IN REF "<ADT_1>", last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetCollection(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, col IN "<COLLECTION_1>", last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), /* NAME EndCreate DESCRIPTION Ends Creation of a AnyDataSet. Other creation functions cannot be called after this call. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE EndCreate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet), /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ACCESSORS */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NAME GetTypeName DESCRIPTION Get the fully qualified Type Name for the AnyDataSet. If the AnyDataSet is based on a builtin, this function will return NUMBER etc. If it is based on a user defined type, this function will return <schema_name>.<type_name>. e.g. SCOTT.FOO. If it is based on a transient anonymous type, this function will return NULL. RETURNS Type name of the AnyDataSet. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetTypeName(self IN AnyDataSet) return VARCHAR2, /* NAME GetType DESCRIPTION Gets the AnyType describing the type of the data instances in an AnyDataSet. PARAMETER typ (OUT) - The AnyType corresponding to the AnyData. May be NULL if it does not represent a user-defined type. RETURNS The typecode corresponding to the type of the AnyData. EXCEPTIONS */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetType(self IN AnyDataSet, typ OUT NOCOPY AnyType) return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME GetInstance DESCRIPTION Get's the next instance in an AnyDataSet. Only sequential access to the instances in an AnyDataSet is allowed. After this function has been called, the Get*() functions can be invoked on the AnyDataSet to access the current instance. If PieceWise() is called before doing the Get*() calls, the individual attributes (or collection elements) can be accessed. It is an error to invoke this function before the AnyDataSet is fully created. PARAMETERS self (IN OUT ) - The AnyDataSet being accessed. return - DBMS_TYPES.SUCCESS or DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA. DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA signifies the end of the AnyDataSet when all instances have been accessed. NOTE This function should be called even before accessing the 1st instance. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetInstance(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet) return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME Get*. DESCRIPTION Gets the current data value (which should be of appropriate type) The type of the current data value depends on the MODE with which we are accessing (Depending on how we have invoked the PieceWise() call). If PieceWise() has NOT been called, we are accessing the instance in its entirety and the type of the data value should match the type of the AnyDataSet. If PieceWise() has been called, we are accessing the instance piece wise. The type of the data value should match the type of the attribute (or collection element) at the current position. PARAMETERS num - The Number that needs to be got. etc. RETURNS DBMS_TYPES.SUCCESS or DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA The return value is relevant only if PieceWise has been already called (for a collection). In such a case, DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA signifies the end of the collection when all elements have been accessed. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (if it is not appropriate to add a number at this point in the creation process). - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage Incorrect usage. - DBMS_TYPES.type_mismatch When the expected type is different from the passed in type. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetNumber(self IN AnyDataSet, num OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetDate(self IN AnyDataSet, dat OUT NOCOPY DATE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetChar(self IN AnyDataSet, c OUT NOCOPY CHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetVarchar(self IN AnyDataSet, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetVarchar2(self IN AnyDataSet, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetRaw(self IN AnyDataSet, r OUT NOCOPY RAW) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBlob(self IN AnyDataSet, b OUT NOCOPY BLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetClob(self IN AnyDataSet, c OUT NOCOPY CLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBfile(self IN AnyDataSet, b OUT NOCOPY BFILE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetObject(self IN AnyDataSet, obj OUT NOCOPY "<ADT_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetObject(self IN AnyDataSet, obj OUT NOCOPY "<OPAQUE_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetRef(self IN AnyDataSet, rf OUT NOCOPY REF "<ADT_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetCollection(self IN AnyDataSet, col OUT NOCOPY "<COLLECTION_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME GetCount DESCRIPTION Gets the number of data instances in a AnyDataSet. PARAMETERS EXCEPTIONS None. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetCount(self IN AnyDataSet) return PLS_INTEGER ); / show errors Rem ********************* ADDITIONS TO ANYDATASET *************************** Rem ** All additions to ANYDATASET must be put here. Rem ************************************************************************* ALTER TYPE SYS.AnyDataSet REPLACE as OPAQUE VARYING (*) USING library DBMS_ANYDATASET_LIB ( /* CONSTRUCTION */ /* NOTE - The AnyDataSet needs to be contructed value by value sequentially. For each data instance (of the type of the AnyDataSet), the AddInstance() function need to be invoked. This adds a new data instance to the AnyDataSet. Subsequently, Set*() can be called to set each value in its entirety. The MODE of construction/access can be changed to attribute/ collection element wise by making calls to PieceWise() - If the type of the AnyDataSet is TYPECODE_OBJECT, individual attributes will be set with subsequent Set*() calls. Likewise on access. - If the type of the current data value is a collection type individual collection elements will be set with subsequent Set*() calls. Likewise on access. This call is very similar to AnyData.PieceWise() call defined for the type SYS.AnyData. NOTE - There is no support for piecewise construction and access of nested (not top level) attributes that are of object types or collection types. EndCreate should be called to finish the construction process (before which no access calls can be made). */ /* NAME BeginCreate DESCRIPTION Creates a new AnyDataSet which can be used to create a Set of data values of the given ANYTYPE. PARAMETERS typecode - the typecode for the type of the AnyDataSet dtype - The Type of the data values. This parameter is a must for user-defined types like TYPECODE_OBJECT, Collection typecodes etc. aset - The AnyDataSet being constructed. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters dtype is invalid (not fully constructed etc.). */ STATIC PROCEDURE BeginCreate(typecode IN PLS_INTEGER, rtype IN OUT NOCOPY AnyType, aset OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet), /* NAME AddInstance. DESCRIPTION Add a new data instance to a AnyDataSet. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage On incorrect usage. NOTE The data instances have to be added sequentially. The previous data instance must be fully constructed (or set to null) before a new one can be added. This call DOES NOT automatically set the mode of construction to be piece-wise. The user has to explicitly call PieceWise() if a piece-wise construction of the instance is intended. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE AddInstance(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet), /* NAME PieceWise. DESCRIPTION This call sets the MODE of construction, access of the data value to be an attribute at a time (if the data value is of TYPECODE_OBJECT). It sets the MODE of construction, access of the data value to be a collection element at a time (if the data value is of collection TYPE). Once this call has been made, subsequent Set*'s and Get* will sequentially obtain individual attributes or collection elements. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage On incorrect usage. NOTE The current data value must be of an OBJECT or COLLECTION type before this call can be made. There is no support for piece-wise construction or access of embedded object type attributes (or nested collections). */ MEMBER PROCEDURE PieceWise(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet), /* NAME Set*. DESCRIPTION Sets the current data value. The type of the current data value depends on the MODE with which we are constructing (Depending on how we have invoked the PieceWise() call). The type of the current data should be the type of the AnyDataSet if PieceWise() has NOT been called. The type should be the type of the attribute at the current position if PieceWise() has been called. PARAMETERS num - The Number that needs to be set. etc. last_elem - This parameter is relevant only if PieceWise() has been already called (for a collection). Set to TRUE if it is the last element of the collection, FALSE otherwise. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (if it is not appropriate to add a number at this point in the creation process). - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage Incorrect usage. - DBMS_TYPES.type_mismatch When the expected type is different from the passed in type. NOTE Sets the current data value. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNumber(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, num IN NUMBER, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetDate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, dat IN DATE, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetChar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, c IN CHAR, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetVarchar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, c IN VARCHAR, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetVarchar2(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, c IN VARCHAR2, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetRaw(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, r IN RAW, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBlob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, b IN BLOB, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetClob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, c IN CLOB, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBfile(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, b IN BFILE, last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetObject(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, obj IN "<ADT_1>", last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetObject(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, obj IN "<OPAQUE_1>", last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetRef(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, rf IN REF "<ADT_1>", last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetCollection(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, col IN "<COLLECTION_1>", last_elem boolean DEFAULT FALSE), /* NAME EndCreate DESCRIPTION Ends Creation of a AnyDataSet. Other creation functions cannot be called after this call. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE EndCreate(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet), /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ACCESSORS */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NAME GetTypeName DESCRIPTION Get the fully qualified Type Name for the AnyDataSet. If the AnyDataSet is based on a builtin, this function will return NUMBER etc. If it is based on a user defined type, this function will return <schema_name>.<type_name>. e.g. SCOTT.FOO. If it is based on a transient anonymous type, this function will return NULL. RETURNS Type name of the AnyDataSet. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetTypeName(self IN AnyDataSet) return VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC, /* NAME GetType DESCRIPTION Gets the AnyType describing the type of the data instances in an AnyDataSet. PARAMETER typ (OUT) - The AnyType corresponding to the AnyData. May be NULL if it does not represent a user-defined type. RETURNS The typecode corresponding to the type of the AnyData. EXCEPTIONS */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetType(self IN AnyDataSet, typ OUT NOCOPY AnyType) return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME GetInstance DESCRIPTION Get's the next instance in an AnyDataSet. Only sequential access to the instances in an AnyDataSet is allowed. After this function has been called, the Get*() functions can be invoked on the AnyDataSet to access the current instance. If PieceWise() is called before doing the Get*() calls, the individual attributes (or collection elements) can be accessed. It is an error to invoke this function before the AnyDataSet is fully created. PARAMETERS self (IN OUT ) - The AnyDataSet being accessed. return - DBMS_TYPES.SUCCESS or DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA. DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA signifies the end of the AnyDataSet when all instances have been accessed. NOTE This function should be called even before accessing the 1st instance. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetInstance(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet) return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME Get*. DESCRIPTION Gets the current data value (which should be of appropriate type) The type of the current data value depends on the MODE with which we are accessing (Depending on how we have invoked the PieceWise() call). If PieceWise() has NOT been called, we are accessing the instance in its entirety and the type of the data value should match the type of the AnyDataSet. If PieceWise() has been called, we are accessing the instance piece wise. The type of the data value should match the type of the attribute (or collection element) at the current position. PARAMETERS num - The Number that needs to be got. etc. RETURNS DBMS_TYPES.SUCCESS or DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA The return value is relevant only if PieceWise has been already called (for a collection). In such a case, DBMS_TYPES.NO_DATA signifies the end of the collection when all elements have been accessed. EXCEPTIONS - DBMS_TYPES.invalid_parameters Invalid Parameters (if it is not appropriate to add a number at this point in the creation process). - DBMS_TYPES.incorrect_usage Incorrect usage. - DBMS_TYPES.type_mismatch When the expected type is different from the passed in type. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetNumber(self IN AnyDataSet, num OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetDate(self IN AnyDataSet, dat OUT NOCOPY DATE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetChar(self IN AnyDataSet, c OUT NOCOPY CHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetVarchar(self IN AnyDataSet, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetVarchar2(self IN AnyDataSet, c OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetRaw(self IN AnyDataSet, r OUT NOCOPY RAW) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBlob(self IN AnyDataSet, b OUT NOCOPY BLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetClob(self IN AnyDataSet, c OUT NOCOPY CLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBfile(self IN AnyDataSet, b OUT NOCOPY BFILE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetObject(self IN AnyDataSet, obj OUT NOCOPY "<ADT_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetObject(self IN AnyDataSet, obj OUT NOCOPY "<OPAQUE_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetRef(self IN AnyDataSet, rf OUT NOCOPY REF "<ADT_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetCollection(self IN AnyDataSet, col OUT NOCOPY "<COLLECTION_1>") return PLS_INTEGER, /* NAME GetCount DESCRIPTION Gets the number of data instances in a AnyDataSet. PARAMETERS EXCEPTIONS None. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetCount(self IN AnyDataSet) return PLS_INTEGER, /***************************************************************************/ /* NEWLY ADDED FUNCTIONS IN 9iR2 */ /***************************************************************************/ /* Set Functions for Datetime and NCHAR types. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetTimestamp(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, ts IN TIMESTAMP_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetTimestampTZ(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, ts IN TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetTimestampLTZ(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, ts IN TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetIntervalYM(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, inv IN YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetIntervalDS(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, inv IN DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNchar(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, nc IN NCHAR, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNVarchar2(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, nc IN NVarchar2, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetNClob(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, nc IN NClob, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), /* Get Functions for Datetime and NCHAR types. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetTimestamp(self IN AnyDataSet, ts OUT NOCOPY TIMESTAMP_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetTimestampTZ(self IN AnyDataSet, ts OUT NOCOPY TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetTimestampLTZ(self IN AnyDataSet, ts OUT NOCOPY TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetIntervalYM(self IN AnyDataSet, inv IN OUT NOCOPY YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetIntervalDS(self IN AnyDataSet, inv IN OUT NOCOPY DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetNchar(self IN AnyDataSet, nc OUT NOCOPY NCHAR) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetNVarchar2(self IN AnyDataSet, nc OUT NOCOPY NVARCHAR2) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetNClob(self IN AnyDataSet, nc OUT NOCOPY NCLOB) return PLS_INTEGER, /***************************************************************************/ /* NEWLY ADDED FUNCTIONS IN 10iR1 */ /***************************************************************************/ /* Set functions for BFloat, BDouble and UROWID. */ MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBFloat(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, fl IN BINARY_FLOAT, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetBDouble(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, dbl IN BINARY_DOUBLE, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), MEMBER PROCEDURE SetURowid(self IN OUT NOCOPY AnyDataSet, rid IN UROWID, last_elem IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE), /* Get functions for Float, Double and UROWID. */ MEMBER FUNCTION GetBFloat(self IN AnyDataSet, fl OUT NOCOPY BINARY_FLOAT) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetBDouble(self IN AnyDataSet, dbl OUT NOCOPY BINARY_DOUBLE) return PLS_INTEGER, MEMBER FUNCTION GetURowid(self IN AnyDataSet, rid OUT NOCOPY UROWID) return PLS_INTEGER ); show errors GRANT EXECUTE ON AnyDataSet TO public WITH GRANT OPTION / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM AnyDataSet for SYS.AnyDataSet / CREATE OR REPLACE Function GetTvoid(type_oid IN RAW, vsn IN PLS_INTEGER) return RAW AS tv_oid RAW(16); begin select tvoid into tv_oid from type$ where toid = type_oid and version# = vsn; return (tv_oid); end; / GRANT EXECUTE ON GetTvoid TO public /