/* * $Header: dsi.h 05-feb-2001.14:53:13 dthakuri Exp $ */ /* Copyright (c) 1991 by Oracle Corporation */ /* NAME dsi.h - The DS Interface library external header DESCRIPTION <short description of component this file declares/defines> PUBLIC FUNCTION(S) <list of external functions declared/defined - with one-line descriptions> PRIVATE FUNCTION(S) <list of static functions defined in .c file - with one-line descriptions> RETURNS <function return values, for .c file with single function> NOTES <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) dthakuri 02/05/01 - Olint error fix. jluke 10/31/97 - Add prototype for new NLS-compliant "Get Info" fxn jluke 09/30/97 - Modify dsiobj to include first name/last name fiel jluke 09/02/97 - Add attribute IDs to dsioinf struct. jluke 03/31/97 - Add prototype for dsiGetPersonInfo. usriniva 08/28/96 - Add prototype for dsiVersion(). usriniva 07/05/96 - Add prototype for extended dsiLogon function. hmadan 06/17/96 - Take out #include dsapi.h hmadan 06/11/96 - Add prototype for API for name resolution rdoreswa 06/10/96 - Added Constant DSIOAI_OBJECT_MANAGER hmadan 06/08/96 - Added constant DSIOAI_OBJECT_NAME hmadan 05/30/96 - Enhancements for the Web connector usriniva 05/18/96 - Fix more olint warnings. usriniva 05/18/96 - Fix olint warnings. usriniva 03/08/96 - Add set password support usriniva 02/29/96 - To change prototype of dsimaPrivDLMemberAdd usriniva 02/26/96 - Creation */ /*********************************************************************** * * DSI.H * * Header file for Interoffice DS api functions * ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef DSI_H #define DSI_H /********************** Field length constants ************************/ #define DSI_MAXSIZE_UNAM 30 #define DSI_MAXSIZE_NAME 80 #define DSI_MAXSIZE_ADDR 255 #define DSI_MAXSIZE_DESC 255 #define DSI_MAXSIZE_ATTR 255 /* Structure for transferring directory object information */ typedef struct { text rszName_dsiobj[DSI_MAXSIZE_NAME + 1]; /* display name */ text rszAddr_dsiobj[DSI_MAXSIZE_ADDR + 1]; /* e-mail address */ /* an item ID for DLs */ text rszDesc_dsiobj[DSI_MAXSIZE_DESC + 1]; /* description */ ub4 ulObjID_dsiobj; /* DS local objectid */ } dsiobj; /* dsiobj same-size struct for persons which places first/last name fields in unused portion of the address field, for person address is username (30) */ typedef struct { text rszName_dsiobjp [ DSI_MAXSIZE_NAME+1 ]; /* display name */ text rszAddr_dsiobjp [ DSI_MAXSIZE_UNAM+1 ]; /* e-mail addr|DL item */ text rszPhone_dsiobjp[ DSI_MAXSIZE_UNAM+1 ]; /* phone number */ text rszFName_dsiobjp[ DSI_MAXSIZE_NAME+1 ]; /* ptr to first name */ text rszLName_dsiobjp[ DSI_MAXSIZE_NAME+1 ]; /* ptr to last name */ text rszPad_dsiobjp [ 32 ]; /* pad remaining space to max addr size */ text rszDesc_dsiobjp [ DSI_MAXSIZE_DESC+1 ]; /* description */ ub4 ulObjID_dsiobjp; /* DS local objectid */ } dsiobjp; /* Search Condition Descriptor */ typedef struct { ub4 ulAttrID_dsiscd; /* Identifier of attribute to search on */ ub1 ubOpID_dsiscd; /* Operator Identifier */ text rszSearchVal_dsiscd[DSI_MAXSIZE_ATTR];/* Value of the attribute */ } dsiscd; /* Object Information */ typedef struct { ub4 ulNumAttrs_dsioinf; /* Number of attributes returned */ text **lppszAttrs_dsioinf; /* Ptr to array of attr value strings */ uword *pulAtIDs_dsioinf; /* Ptr to array of attr identifiers */ } dsioinf; /****************** Object Class Identifiers *********************/ #define DSIOCI_PRIVATE_ALIASES 1 #define DSIOCI_PUBLIC_ALIASES 2 #define DSIOCI_PRIVATE_DLS 3 #define DSIOCI_PUBLIC_DLS 4 #define DSIOCI_PERSONS 5 #define DSIOCI_GATEWAYS 6 #define DSIOCI_LOCATIONS 7 #define DSIOCI_ORGANIZATIONS 8 #define DSIOCI_ROLES 9 #define DSIOCI_ROOMS 10 #define DSIOCI_EQUIPMENT 11 #define DSIOCI_DOMAINS 12 #define DSIOCI_FIRST_TYPE DSIOCI_PRIVATE_ALIASES #define DSIOCI_LAST_TYPE DSIOCI_DOMAINS /****************** Object Attribute Identifiers *********************/ #define DSIOAI_GENERAL_NAME 0 #define DSIOAI_OBJECT_TYPE 1 #define DSIOAI_OBJECT_NAME 2 #define DSIOAI_OBJECT_MANAGER 3 /***************** Object Attribute Value Type *********************/ /***** Used to associate data type with a data value ****************/ #define DSIOAVT_UB4 1 #define DSIOAVT_TEXT 2 /****************** Search Operation Identifiers *********************/ #define DSISOI_BEGINS_WITH 1 /* DSXLOPAW */ #define DSISOI_EQUALS 4 /* DSXLOPNO */ #define DSISOI_CONTAINS 8 /* DSXLOPCN */ /****************** Result of Name Resolution ***********************/ #define DSINR_RESOLVED 1 #define DSINR_UNRESOLVED 2 #define DSINR_AMBIGUOUS 3 /************** Object Attribute Value Descriptor ******************/ typedef struct { ub4 dsiads_oavt; /* Object Attribute Value Type */ union { ub4 ddataval; /* Data value directly contained */ dvoid *pdataval; /* Data value pointed to by a ptr */ } dsiads_val; } dsiads; /**************** Object Attribute ********************************/ typedef struct { ub4 dsiatr_oai; /* Object Arribute ID */ dsiads dsiatr_dsc; /* Object Attribute Descriptor */ } dsiatr; /**************** Prototypes for the functions in dsi.c **************/ void dsiVersion(/*_ text * lpszVersion _*/); /* ** dsilogon(): DS Context handle will be a dvoid pointer, ** which can be cast to s_handle (dstctx) or dsctx (dsts *) */ ub4 dsiLogon (/*_ text * lpszUsername, text * lpszPassword, text * lpszConnect, dvoid ** lppDSContext _*/); ub4 dsiLogonInfRet (/*_ text * lpszUsername, text * lpszPassword, text * lpszConnect, dvoid ** lppDSContext, text * lpszErrString, ub4 * lpLowVersion, ub4 * lpHighVersion _*/); /* Note: lpszErrString should be DS_VNAME bytes long */ ub4 dsiRelease (/*_ dvoid * lpDSContext _*/); ub4 dsissSearchStart (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, ub4 ulTypeOrOID, dsiscd * lpszSearch, ub4 * lpulNbrRows, dsiobj ObjList[], dvoid ** lpvListContext _*/); ub4 dsiscSearchContinue (/*_ dvoid * lpvListContext, dsiobj ObjList[], ub4 * lpulNbrRows _*/); ub4 dsisfSearchFinish (/*_ dvoid * lpvListContext _*/); ub4 dsidlfsDLFetchStart (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, ub4 ulTypeOrOID, ub4 * lpulNbrRows, dsiobj ObjList[], dvoid ** lpvListContext _*/); ub4 dsidlfcDLFetchContinue (/*_ dvoid * lpvListContext, dsiobj ObjList[], ub4 * lpulNbrRows _*/); ub4 dsidlffDLFetchFinish (/*_ dvoid * lpvListContext _*/); ub4 dsiGetInfo (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, ub1 bType, ub4 ulObjID, dsioinf * lpObjInfo _*/); ub4 dsiRelInfo (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, dsioinf * lpObjInfo _*/); ub4 dsiaePrivAliasEdit (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszOldName, text * lpszNewName, text * lpszNewAddr, text * lpszNewDesc _*/); ub4 dsiaaPrivAliasAdd (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszName, text * lpszAddr, text * lpszDesc, ub4 * lpulOID _*/); ub4 dsiadPrivAliasDel (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszName, text * lpszAddr, text * lpszDesc _*/); ub4 dsidePrivDLEdit (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszOldName, text * lpszNewName, text * lpszNewDesc, ub4 ulObjectID _*/); ub4 dsidaPrivDLAdd (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszName, text * lpszDesc, ub4 * lpulOID _*/); ub4 dsiddPrivDLDel (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszName, ub4 ulObjectID _*/); ub4 dsimaPrivDLMemberAdd (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszName, ub4 * lpulOID, ub4 * lpulItemID, text * lpszDesc, ub4 ulMbrCount, text ** lppszMembers, ub4 * lpulMbrItems _*/); ub4 dsimdPrivDLMemberDel (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszName, text * lpszMember, ub4 ulObjectID _*/); ub4 dsispwSetPassword (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, text * lpszOldPassword, text * lpszNewPassword _*/); ub4 dsiGetAttrs(/*_ dvoid *lpDSContext, ub4 lobjid, ub4 lnoAtrIds, ub4 *lpAtrIds, ub4 *lnoAtrs, dsiatr **lppAtrs _*/); ub4 dsifree (/*_ dvoid *lpvDSContext, dvoid *lptrToFree _*/); /* the following two function's definition is nowhere to be found neither has it been invoked anywhere. That's why, commenting it out in order to take care of Olint errors. */ #ifdef NEVER ub4 dsiNameRes(/*_ dsts *lpDSContext, text *lpName, ub1 *lptype, dsoid *lpoid, ub4 *lpStatusResolve _*/); #endif /* Please avoid using dsigpooGetPersonOrOrg; use dsigoaGetObjAts instead! */ ub4 /* Get Object's Attributes */ dsigoaGetObjAts(/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, ub1 bType, ub4 ulObjID, dsioinf * pOInf _*/); ub4 /* Get Person Or Organization */ dsigpooGetPersonOrOrg (/*_ dvoid * lpvDSContext, ub4 ulObjID, bool boolPerson, dsioinf * lpObjInfo _*/); #endif /* DSI_H */