#Author: Kondayya Duvvuri
#Date Created : 05/13/2004
#Handles all the emctl options pertaining to oms.

#schoudha 06/12/20 -- Bug-5726004-Change banner for emctl
#shianand 05/08/17 -- Bug 4911857. Moving SSO registration to SecureOMSCmds.pm
#neearora 05/08/17 -- Bug 4241177. Change implementation of getVersion 
#                     to read version from file. Added command
#                     emctl getversion oms    
#kduvvuri 04/07/28 -- add getVersion.
#shianand 05/05/23 -- fix bug 4216045.
#shianand 05/06/24 -- fix bug 4287567 Cutting over dcmctl to opmnctl in "emctl status oms".
#shianand 05/03/31 -- Refactoring Secure Commands.
#shianand 11/14/05  - fix secure status oms to status oms -secure [-omsurl <>]

package EMomsCmds;
use EmCommonCmdDriver;
use EmctlCommon;
use SecureOMSCmds;


my $STATUS_OMS_UP                  = 0;
my $STATUS_OMS_INIT                = 1;
my $STATUS_OMS_REP_VER_ERR         = 2;
my $STATUS_OMS_REP_CON_ERR         = 3;
my $STATUS_OMS_REP_MODE_ERR        = 4;
my $STATUS_OMS_EM_KEY_ERROR        = 5;
my $STATUS_OMS_DOWN                = 8;
my $STATUS_OMS_UNK_ERR             = 9;
my $STATUS_OPMN_DOWN               = 10;
my $STATUS_REPOS_PATCH_ERR         = 11;
my $STATUS_OMS_PATCH_ERR           = 13;
my $STATUS_OMS_UPGRADE_ERR         = 14;

sub new {
  my $classname = shift;
  my $self = { };
  bless ( $self, $classname);
  return $self;

sub doIT {
   my $classname = shift;
   my $rargs = shift;
   my $result = $EMCTL_UNK_CMD;

   $argCount = @$rargs; 
   #print "doIT of EMomsCmds: self is $classname, args passed @$rargs\n";
   if ( $rargs->[1] eq "oms" )
     #print "Processing <options> oms \n";

     if ( $rargs->[0] eq "start" )
        #print "Processing start oms\n";
        $result = $EMCTL_DONE;
     elsif ( $rargs->[0] eq "stop" )
        #print "Processing stop oms\n";
        $result = $EMCTL_DONE;
     elsif ( $rargs->[0] eq "status" )
        if ($rargs->[2] eq "-secure")
          my $exitCode = &SecureOMSCmds::secureStatus($rargs->[1], $rargs->[4]);
          my @retArray = ($EMCTL_DONE,$exitCode);
          return \@retArray;
        #print "Processing status oms\n";
        $result =  $EMCTL_DONE;
     elsif ( $rargs->[0] eq "config")
       $result = configOMS($rargs);
     elsif ( $rargs->[0] eq "setpasswd")
       $result = $EMCTL_DONE;
     elsif ( lc($rargs->[0]) eq "getversion")
       $result = $EMCTL_DONE;

   return $result;

# startOMS
sub startOMS()
  my ($sleepTime) = @_;
  my $output ;
  system("$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl start 2>&1");
  $rc = 0xffff & $?;
  $rc >>= 8;
  my $errCode ;

  if($rc != 0 && $rc != 1)
    # opmnctl returns '2' in case it times out on the ping to opmn (see bug 
    # 4176021). We try anyway to see if opmn came up (shouldn't hurt us).

    # Default sleep time to 10s
    unless(defined($sleepTime)) {$sleepTime = 10};

    # Sleep for some time (give OPMN some time to start up...)
    $output .= "\n[_EMCTL_]: Received $rc from opmnctl start.\n" .
               "Running opmnctl status...\n";
    $output .= `$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status 2>&1`;
    $rc = 0xffff & $?;
    $rc >>= 8;

    if ($rc != 0)
      print("Error code returend by opmnctl: '$rc'\n");
      print("Output returned by opmnctl: '$output'\n");
      die("Could not start opmn.\n");

  @states = `$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl getState -v -d`;

  $status = statusOHS( \@states );

  if( $status ne "Up" )
     print "Starting HTTP Server ...\n";
     $rc = 0xffff & system("$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc type=ohs >$devNull 2>&1");
     $rc >>= 8;

  $errCode = istatusOMS( );
  if( $errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_UP )
     print "Oracle Management Server Already Started.\n";
     print "Starting Oracle Management Server ...\n";
     $rc = 0xffff & system("$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc type=oc4j process-type=OC4J_EM >$devNull 2>&1");
     $rc >>= 8;

     print "Checking Oracle Management Server Status ...\n";

# stopOMS
sub stopOMS()
    $rc = 0xffff & system("$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc type=oc4j process-type=OC4J_EM >$devNull 2>&1");
    $rc >>= 8;


# statusOMS
sub statusOMS()
  local @states    = @_;
  my $count        = scalar(@states);
  my $printMessage = "TRUE";
  my $errMessage   = "";
  my $errCode = istatusOMS();
  my $msg    = "Oracle Management Server is";
  my $errMsg = "Oracle Management Server is not functioning because of the following reason:";

  if ( $count <= 0)
    $printMessage = "TRUE";
    $printMessage = "FALSE";

  if ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_UP)
      print "$msg Up.\n" unless ($printMessage eq "FALSE");
      exit 0;
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_INIT)
      print "$msg intializing.\nContext not fully initialized yet.\n" unless ($printMessage eq "FALSE");
      exit 0;
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_REP_VER_ERR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nOracle Management Server version is not compatible with repository version.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_UPGRADE_ERR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nOracle Management Server version is not compatible with repository version. Oms needs to be Upgraded.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_REPOS_UPGRADE_ERR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nOracle Management Server version is not compatible with repository version. Repository needs to be Upgraded.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_PATCH_ERR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nOracle Management Server version is not compatible with repository version. Oms needs to be Patched.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_REPOS_PATCH_ERR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nOracle Management Server version is not compatible with repository version. Repository needs to be Patched.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_REP_CON_ERR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nConnection to the repository failed. ".
                  "Verify that the repository connection information provided is correct.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_REP_MODE_ERR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nOracle Management Server mode is not compatible with the repository mode.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_EM_KEY_ERROR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nThe Em Key is not configured properly. Run \"emctl status emkey\" for more details.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_DOWN)
    $errMessage = "$msg Down.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OPMN_DOWN)
    $errMessage = "$msg Down.\nOPMN may not be up.\n";
  elsif ($errCode eq $STATUS_OMS_UNK_ERR)
    $errMessage = "$errMsg\nUnexpected error occurred. Check error and log files.\n";

  print "$errMessage" unless ($printMessage eq "FALSE");
  exit $errCode;

sub istatusOMS()
  #local (*args)   = @_;   #fix so that it can be called directly in SecureOMS.pm 
  #local (*states) = @_;
  local @states    = @_;
  my $count = scalar(@states);
  my $printMessage = "TRUE";

# Executing $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status returns the following information.
# Processes in Instance: INSTANCE_NAME
# -------------------+--------------------+---------+---------
# ias-component      | process-type       |     pid | status  
# -------------------+--------------------+---------+---------
# HTTP_Server        | HTTP_Server        |    8772 | Alive   
# OC4J               | home               |    8773 | Alive   
# OC4J               | OC4J_EM            |    8808 | Alive   
# dcm-daemon         | dcm-daemon         |    3930 | Alive   
# LogLoader          | logloaderd         |     N/A | Down

   if ( $count <= 0)
     @states = `$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status 2>&1`;
     $rc = 0xffff & $?;
     $rc >>= 8;
     if ($rc != 0)
       return $STATUS_OPMN_DOWN;
     $count = scalar(@states);
     $printMessage = "TRUE";
     $printMessage = "FALSE";
   my $errCode   = $STATUS_OMS_UP;
   my $omsStatus = "Alive";
   my $i=0;
   while( $i < $count)
     $states[$i] =~ s/\|//gi;
     @comp = split /\s+/, $states[$i];
     if($comp[1] eq "OC4J_EM")
        $omsStatus = $comp[3];
     $i = $i + 1;
  if ($omsStatus ne "Alive")
      if ($omsStatus eq "Init")
        $omsStatus = "initializing";
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_INIT;
      elsif ($omsStatus eq "Down" or $omsStatus eq "NONE" or $omsStatus eq "Stopped")
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_DOWN;
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_UNK_ERR;
      return $errCode;

  # Here, the OC4j_EM process is up but that is not enough to conclude that
  # OMS is up. We need to hit the site to verify that the OMS is fully
  # up. If there is a problem (context not initialized correctly, connection
  # to the database failed, unsupported repository database version) the 
  # console filter ContextInitFilter will generate a 503 Service Unavailable 
  # and an error message in the response.
  # Find the OMS Port in emoms.properties
  my $in_file="$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/emoms.properties";
  open(INFILE, "$in_file") || die "Could not open $in_file\n";
  #loop through file
  my $omsPort = -1;
    if (/oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleServerPort=(.*)/)
      $omsPort = $1;

  die "Could not find Console Server Port in $in_file\n" if ($omsPort == -1);

  my $OMS_URL="$omsPort/em/genwallet";  
  my $url = URI->new($OMS_URL);
  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  $ua->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)');
  my $resp = $ua->get($url->as_string());

  my $errMessage = "";

  if ($resp->is_error())
      $omsStatus = "not functioning because of the following reason:";
      my $omsCode = $resp->headers->header('STATUS-OMS');
      if ($omsCode eq "1")
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_INIT;
      elsif ($omsCode eq "2")
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_REP_VER_ERR;
      elsif ($omsCode eq "3")
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_REP_CON_ERR;
      elsif ($omsCode eq "4")
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_REP_MODE_ERR;
      elsif ($omsCode eq "5")
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_EM_KEY_ERROR;
      elsif ($omsCode eq $STATUS_OMS_UPGRADE_ERR)
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_UPGRADE_ERR;
      elsif ($omsCode eq $STATUS_REPOS_UPGRADE_ERR)
        $errCode = $STATUS_REPOS_UPGRADE_ERR;
      elsif ($omsCode eq $STATUS_OMS_PATCH_ERR)
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_PATCH_ERR;
      elsif ($omsCode eq $STATUS_REPOS_PATCH_ERR)
        $errCode = $STATUS_REPOS_PATCH_ERR;
        $errCode = $STATUS_OMS_UNK_ERR;
  return $errCode;

# statusOHS Returns the status of HTTP Server
sub statusOHS()
  local (*args) = @_;
  my $count = scalar(@args);

  my $i=0;
  while( $i < $count)
     @comp = split /\s+/, $args[$i];
     if( ($comp[1] eq "HTTP") or ($comp[3] eq "ohs"))
        return $comp[4];
     $i = $i + 1;

# Config OMS takes
# 1) Array of arguments
#            emctl config oms sso ...
sub configOMS()
  local (*args) = @_;

  shift(@args);                  # -- shift out config...
  shift(@args);                  # -- shift out oms ...

  if ($args[0] eq "sso") #emctl config oms sso
      shift(@args);                  # -- shift out sso ...
      my $exitCode = sso( \@args );
      my @retArray = ($EMCTL_DONE,$exitCode);
      return \@retArray;
  elsif($args[0] eq "loader") # emctl config oms loader
     my $result = $EMCTL_UNK_CMD;
     shift(@args);                  # -- shift out loader
     $result = configLoader(\@args);


# Sets up the SSO
sub sso()
  local (*args) = @_;
  my $ret = &SecureOMSCmds::sso (\@args);
  return $ret;

sub configLoader()
  my $sharedFlag, $loaderDir;
  if(@args lt 4)
  if($args[0] eq "-shared")
     shift(@args);                  # -- shift out -shared
     $sharedFlag = $args[0];

  if($args[0] eq "-dir")
      shift(@args);                  # -- shift out -dir
      $loaderDir = $args[0];

  if ( not(-e $loaderDir))
    print "Error $loaderDir does not exist\n";
  elsif (not(-w $loaderDir))
     print "Error $loaderDir is not writable\n";

  if($sharedFlag eq "yes")
    $sharedFlag = "sharedFilesystem";
  elsif($sharedFlag eq "no")
    $sharedFlag = "nonSharedFilesystem";

  my $prop_file="$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/emoms.properties";
  my $haSet = "no";
  my $loaderDirSet = "no";

  open (IN, "$prop_file") || die $!;
  open (OUT, ">$prop_file".".new") || die $!;

  while ($_ = <IN> ) 

    if ($_ =~ /(^([ ]*[	]*)*)em.loader.coordinationMethod=(.*)/)  
      $_ =~ s/em.loader.coordinationMethod=(.*)/em.loader.coordinationMethod=$sharedFlag/;
      $haSet = "yes";
    elsif ($_ =~ /(^([ ]*[	]*)*)ReceiveDir=(.*)/) 
      $_ =~ s/ReceiveDir=(.*)/ReceiveDir=$loaderDir/;
      $loaderDirSet = "yes";

    print OUT "$_";


  if ($haSet eq "no")
    print OUT "em.loader.coordinationMethod=$sharedFlag\n";

  if ($loaderDirSet eq "no")
    print OUT "ReceiveDir=$loaderDir\n";

  close (OUT);
  close (IN);

  rename("$prop_file".".new","$prop_file") || die $!;
  return $EMCTL_DONE;

sub usage
    print "       emctl start| stop| setpasswd| getversion oms\n";
    print "       emctl status oms\n";
    print "       emctl status oms -secure [-omsurl <http://<oms-hostname>:<oms-unsecure-port>/em/*>]\n";
    print "       emctl config oms sso -host ssoHost -port ssoPort -sid ssoSid -pass ssoPassword -das dasURL -u user\n";
    print "       emctl config oms loader -shared <yes|no> -dir <loader dir>\n";
    print "       emctl config| status emkey <options>\n";
	print "\n";

sub getVersion
  my $verStr = "       Enterprise Manager 10g OMS Version\n"; 

  my $inFile = "$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em/em/WEB-INF/config/emVersion.xml";
  if(-e $inFile) 
    $CP = "$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5dms.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14dms.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-net-ee.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-utility.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-collation.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-net.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-internal.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-servlet.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-lcsd.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-tools.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-mapping.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n-translation.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/lib/dms.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar$cpSep$ORACLE_HOME/lib/xmlparserv2.jar";

    $javaStr = "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java ".
               "-cp $CP ".
               "-DEMHOME=$EMHOME ".
               "-DORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME ".
               "oracle.sysman.emdrep.util.EMVersion $inFile";

    my @result = `$javaStr`;
    my $prodVer;
    my $coreVer;
    if (@result)
      my $count = scalar(@result);
      my $i=0;
      while( $i < $count)
        @comp = split /\s+/, $result[$i];
        if( lc($comp[0]) eq "productversion")
          $prodVer = $comp[1];
        elsif( lc($comp[0]) eq "coreversion")
          $coreVer = $comp[1];

        $i = $i + 1;
      if($prodVer && $coreVer)
        $verStr = "       Enterprise Manager ". $prodVer . " OMS Version ". $coreVer . "\n";
  print $verStr; 

    my $self = shift;
