#!/bin/bash # $Copyright: Copyright (c) 2022 Veritas Technologies LLC. All rights reserved $ if [ $# -eq 0 ];then echo "Enter 1 to enable FIPS mode or 0 to disable FIPS mode." exit 1 fi if [ $1 -ne 0 ] && [ $1 -ne 1 ];then echo "Enter 1 to enable FIPS mode or 0 to disable FIPS mode." exit 1 fi value=$1 set_client_fips_mode(){ if [ -f "/etc/nbapp-release" -o -f "/etc/ltr-app-release" ];then if [ ! -f "/etc/pdregistry.cfg" ];then if [ ! -f "/usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/fips.conf" ];then touch "/usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/fips.conf" fi "/usr/openv/pdde/pdag/bin/pdcfg" --write="/usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/fips.conf" --section=Main --option=FIPS --value=$value echo "Change only the MSDP client's FIPS mode." if [ $value -eq 1 ];then echo "Successfully enabled FIPS mode. Restart the MSDP services on the server and client." else echo "Successfully disabled FIPS mode. Restart the MSDP services on the server and client." fi exit 0 fi fi path_tmp0=`cat /etc/pdregistry.cfg | awk "/Install/{getline;print}"` agent_path=`echo ${path_tmp0##*=}`"/../lib/ost-plugins/fips.conf" #echo $agent_path if [ ! -f "$agent_path" ];then touch $agent_path fi pdcfg_path=`echo ${path_tmp0##*=}`"/pdag/bin/pdcfg" #echo $pdcfg_path $pdcfg_path --write="${agent_path}" --section=Main --option=FIPS --value=$value } set_client_fips_mode ret=`grep -w "Agent\.cfg" /etc/pdregistry.cfg` if [ "$ret" == "" ] then echo "Change the MSDP server's FIPS mode." path_tmp1=`$pdcfg_path --read "/etc/pdregistry.cfg" --section "StoragePoolAuthority" --option=configfilepath` spa_path=`echo ${path_tmp1##*=}` if [ ! -f "$spa_path" ];then $pdcfg_path --write="${agent_path}" --section=Main --option=FIPS --value=0 echo "Incorrect path set for MSDP Deduplication Manager: spad. Unable to set the FIPS mode." exit 1 fi #echo $spa_path $pdcfg_path --write="${spa_path}" --section=Main --option=FIPS --value=$value path_tmp2=`$pdcfg_path --read "/etc/pdregistry.cfg" --section "ContentRouter" --option=configfilepath` spoold_path=`echo ${path_tmp2##*=}` if [ ! -f "$spoold_path" ] then $pdcfg_path --write="${agent_path}" --section=Main --option=FIPS --value=0 $pdcfg_path --write="${spa_path}" --section=Main --option=FIPS --value=0 echo "Incorrect path set for MSDP Deduplication Engine: spoold. Unable to set the FIPS mode." exit 1 fi #echo $spoold_path $pdcfg_path --write="${spoold_path}" --section=Main --option=FIPS --value=$value $pdcfg_path --write=/etc/pdregistry.cfg --section=OpenCloudStorageDaemon --option=FIPS --value=$value else echo "Change only the MSDP client's FIPS mode." fi if [ $value -eq 1 ] then echo "Successfully enabled FIPS mode. Restart the MSDP services on the server and client." else echo "Successfully disabled FIPS mode. Restart the MSDP services on the server and client." fi