38732158:20240701:100834.457 Starting Zabbix Agent [EPAP1]. Zabbix 5.0.40 (revision 8856587278e). 38732158:20240701:100834.457 **** Enabled features **** 38732158:20240701:100834.457 IPv6 support: YES 38732158:20240701:100834.457 TLS support: YES 38732158:20240701:100834.457 ************************** 38732158:20240701:100834.457 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf 38732158:20240701:100834.458 agent #0 started [main process] 43450830:20240701:100834.459 agent #1 started [collector] 36962616:20240701:100834.463 agent #2 started [listener #1] 18088258:20240701:100834.472 agent #3 started [listener #2] 21692824:20240701:100834.484 agent #5 started [active checks #1] 21692824:20240701:100834.487 active check configuration update from [] started to fail (cannot connect to [[]:10051]: [79] Connection refused) 29819210:20240701:100834.488 agent #4 started [listener #3]