ISO8859-1u= :JHEi?~?8 C 7 \ { F J  N j_ O  ig O fW w e M U:u**1,\*, d!7" 4#"U$?x%&h'h4(b)*X+8 ,MD-b.L/B01|2,o34 56w{7D889:;Gn<(=>? @*AHBeCDEF%G#H( I 3J* K L1!M~!N`"UO?"P"Qy#R#Sq$Tq$U,%V%%-Wt%SX%Y=%Z(&#[(&L\Q&u]c&^}'+_.'`n'aS(GbL(cN(dQ)7eR)f`)gW*=hY*i*j+k*,l_,Gma,nk- o3-up-q-r-s0-t.-u.AAE._u.U/P/qC/F0T0MS0 Q0 R1H C1 G1 I2'N2qV2N3R3fP3G4 I4RM4Q4=5<l5zc5J6K6^7 R7U7n8( `8!#8"#9#9@$9S% 9r& 9}' 9(9)9*9+&9,:-:.^:(/Q:0:1:2;3;&49;95;s6;7;8;9b;:#<1;<?=@!=A =*=+> *>71>b=><>E?~?U `? ^@5 \@ b@ vATkA\B7XB^BYCL2CHCHD"BDkDoE61E*E9FOF=AF}FIGMgGBGHBI I-JrNJ%1$s: 5756-900 Invalid declaration on line %2$d: %3$s %1$s: 5756-901 Invalid argument on line %2$d: %3$s %1$s: 5756-902 Inconsistent number of arguments on lines %2$d and %3$d. %1$s: 5756-904 %2$s does not exist in any of the widget hierarchies. %1$s: 5756-905 Warning: The mnemonic resource value %2$s at line %3$d is not a character literal. %1$s: 5756-906 A '*' is missing at the beginning of line %2$d. %1$s: 5756-907 A '.' or '*' separator is missing at line %2$d. %1$s: 5756-908 A ':' separator is missing at line %2$d. %1$s: 5756-909 Warning: A carriage return is missing at line %2$d. %1$s: 5756-911 The file type %2$s specified in the interface file header is invalid. %1$s: 5756-912 The header specified in the interface file is invalid. %1$s: 5756-913 A carriage return is missing in the interface file header. %1$s: 5756-914 The menupane %2$s specified at line %3$d is not valid. %1$s: 5756-921 Error, More than one generation mode specified, only one mode can be specified. %1$s: 5756-922 Error, Generated %2$s file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-923 Warning, Language used in callbacks (%2$s) is different from language used for generation (%3$s). Code will be written as comments. %1$s: 5756-924 Warning, C++ generation mode does not support overwrite existing auxiliary file option. %1$s: 5756-925 Warning, C++ generation mode does not support debug facilities. %1$s: 5756-926 Warning, C++ generation mode does not support writing of main function. %1$s: 5756-927 Warning, C++ generation mode does not support writing developer callback code to auxiliary file option. %1$s: 5756-928 Warning, C generation mode does not support overwrite existing auxiliary file option. %1$s: 5756-929 Warning, C generation mode does not support debug facilities. %1$s: 5756-930 Warning, C generation mode does not support writing of main function. %1$s: 5756-931 Warning, C generation mode does not support writing developer callback code to auxiliary file option. (Generated from interface file %s) This resource file is loaded by %s The following are translation tables. The following are Action functions. The following are callback functions. The following function includes the code that was entered in the 'Initial Code' and 'Final Code' sections of the Declarations Editor. This function is called from the 'Interface function' below. The following is the 'Interface function' which is the external entry point for creating this interface. This function should be called from your application or from a callback function. %1$s (Generated from interface file %2$s) This header file is included by %3$s %1$s (Generated from interface file %2$s) Associated Header file: Associated Resource file: The following header file defines the context structure. END OF FILE%1$s: 5756-915 The file contains an invalid header (name is wrong) or is of an incorrect format. %1$s: 5756-916 The file contains an invalid header (type is wrong) or is of an incorrect format. %1$s: 5756-917 The version number contained in the file header is not a supported version. %1$s: 5756-918 The 'key' in the file header is either missing or does not match the contents of the file. (Note that editing a file will change the required key.) %1$s: 5756-919 The file contains an invalid header or is of an incorrect format. %1$s This header file is included by %2$s %1$s: 5756-920 The interface function specification on line %2$d is invalid. %1$s: Warning: The resource %2$s specified on line %3$d does not exist for the widget class %4$s. Includes, Defines, and Global variables from the Declarations Editor: The definition of the context structure: If you create multiple copies of your interface, the context structure ensures that your callbacks use the variables for the correct copy. For each swidget in the interface, each argument to the Interface function, and each variable in the Interface Specific section of the Declarations Editor, there is an entry in the context structure. and a #define. The #define makes the variable name refer to the corresponding entry in the context structure.Auxiliary code from the Declarations Editor: The 'init_' function sets the private properties for all the swidgets to the values specified in the Property Table. Some properties need to be set after the X widgets have been created and the setting of these properties is done in the 'build_' function after the UxCreateWidget call. The 'build_' function creates all the swidgets and X widgets, and sets their properties to the values specified in the Property Editor. The 'build_' function creates all the widgets using the resource values specified in the Property Editor. The following function is an event-handler for posting menus. For C++, the method macros translate a method call on an interface swidget into a member function call on the interface object. The definition of the interface class. If you create multiple copies of your interface, the class ensures that your callbacks use the variables for the correct copy. For each swidget in the interface, each argument to the Interface function, and each variable in the Interface Specific section of the Declarations Editor, there is an entry in the class protected section. Additionaly, methods generated by the builder are declared as virtual. Wrapper functions are generated for callbacks and actions to call the user defined callbacks or actions. A UxDestroyContextCB() is also generated to ensure a proper clean up of the class after the toplevel is destroyed. Declarations of global functions.Constructor FunctionWidgets in the interfaceInterface Specific VariablesArg List of creation functionCallbacks and their wrappersActions and their wrappersInterface FunctionDeclarations of methodsUser Defined MethodsInitial code from declarations editorFinal Code from declarations editorCallback function to destroy the contextUsage: %1$s [-abcdehmpqstuxD] [-Bbase_class_name] [-Fbase_class_filename] [-Hhfile_extension] [-Ccfile_extension] [-o cfile] [-r release] interface_file The following are method functions. The following is the "convenience function" for creating a copy of the interface. It is called from UIL code that uses this interface as a component. The following is the constructor function. The following is the destroyContext callback function. It is needed to free the memory allocated by the context.%1$s: 5756-903 Warning: Unspecified argument "%2$s" to constructor %3$s. Using default value 0. UxRealizeInterface creates the X windows for the widgets above.Creation of %1$sNote: Some of the resources in this version 1.0 file will be internally converted in order to write C code for Motif 1.2 Usage: %1$s [-abcdehkmpqstuxD] [-Bbase_class_name] [-Fbase_class_filename] [-Hhfile_extension] [-Ccfile_extension] [-o cfile] [-r release] interface_file %1$s: 5756-903 Warning, Resource file generation mode does not support the generation of a catalog message file. %1$s: 5756-910 Warning, %2$s generation mode with UIL does not support the generation of a catalog message file. Usage: %1$s [-ku] [-o cfile] interface_file Usage: %1$s [-o file] interface_file %1$s: 5756-932 Warning, cgen cannot use the context mechanism when there are connections defined for the interface. Callbacks and their wrappers The following are connection event callback functions. Declarations of external targets. Declarations of external actions.%1$s: 5756-933 Warning: The resource %2$s is missing from the widget class %3$s. %1$s: 5756-934 Warning: The facet %2$s is missing from the resource %3$s of the widget class %4$s. %1$s: 5756-935 Warning: The facet %2$s specified on line %3$d does not exist for the resource %4$s of the widget class %5$s. Declarations of create/destroy actions.%1$s: 5756-936 Warning: The returned valued from the interface function will be ignored by the create action. %1$s: 5756-922 Error, Generated resource file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-937 Error, Generated C file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-938 Error, Generated C++ file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-939 Error, Generated header file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-940 Error, Generated message file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-941 Error, Generated default string header file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-941 Error, Generated dtksh script file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-942 Error, Generated auxiliary code file has same name as the interface file. %1$s: 5756-923 Warning, Language used in callbacks is different from language used to generate code. Callback code will be written as comments. Usage: %1$s [-abcdefhkmpqstuxD] [-Bbase_class_name] [-Fbase_class_filename] [-Hhfile_extension] [-Ccfile_extension] [-o cfile] [-r release] interface_file Usage: %1$s [-f] [-o file] interface_file %1$s: 5756-923 Warning, C generation mode does not support the -f option, need close callback. %1$s: 5756-924 Warning, C++ generation mode does not support the -f option, need close callback. %1$s: 5756-925 Warning, Resource file generation mode does not support the -f option, need close callback. Class Includes from the Declarations Editor:Generated Class MembersUser Supplied Class MembersUser Supplied Constructor Code The following is the destructor function.Destructor FunctionUser Supplied Destructor Code%1$s: 5756-961 Warning, dtksh mode does not support the ANSI option. %1$s: 5756-962 Warning, Auxiliary file: %2$s exists, not writing auxiliary file. Use clobber option to overwrite it. %1$s: 5756-963 Warning, dtksh mode does not support the Base Class File Name option. %1$s: 5756-964 Warning, dtksh mode does not support the Base Class Name option. %1$s: 5756-965 Warning, Cannot get script file %2$s's permissions. %1$s: 5756-966 Warning, Cannot change script file %2$s's permissions. %1$s: 5756-967 Warning, dtksh mode does not support the generation of header files. %1$s: 5756-968 Warning, dtksh mode does not support the header file suffix option. %1$s: 5756-969 Warning, dtksh mode does not support instance specific variables. %1$s: 5756-970 Warning, dtksh mode does not support interface function arguments. %1$s: 5756-971 Warning, dtksh mode does not support the Xt option. %1$s: 5756-972 Warning, dtksh mode does not support developer actions. %1$s: 5756-973 Warning, dtksh mode does not support action registration. %1$s: 5756-974 Warning, dtksh mode does not support developer auxiliary code. %1$s: 5756-975 Warning, dtksh mode does not handle create widget managed expressions. %1$s: 5756-976 Warning, resource file loading is not supported in dtksh mode. %1$s: 5756-977 Warning, dtksh mode does not handle registration of menu handlers. %1$s: 5756-978 Warning, post menu functionality is not supported in dtksh mode. %1$s: 5756-979 Warning, dtksh mode does not support developer methods. %1$s: 5756-980 Warning, dtksh mode does not support method registration. %1$s: 5756-981 Warning, dtksh mode does not support new class functionality. %1$s: 5756-982 Warning, dtksh mode does not support new sub-class functionality. %1$s: 5756-983 Warning, cannot open the auxiliary file %2$s. %1$s: 5756-984 Warning, dtksh mode does not handle temporary or global variables that hold resource values. %1$s: 5756-985 Warning, dtksh mode does not handle top levels shells that are not explicit shells. %1$s: 5756-986 Warning, dtksh mode does not handle translation resources. %1$s: 5756-987 Warning, use the -b option, overwrite existing auxiliary file, with the -e option, write callback code to auxiliary file. %1$s: 5756-988 Warning, dtksh mode does not handle user defined interface creation functions. %1$s: 5756-989 Warning, dtksh mode does not handle user defined global variables. %1$s: 5756-990 Warning, dtksh mode does not handle user defined resource converters. %1$s: 5756-991 Warning, dtksh version 05-10-93-BETA18 does not support XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter. %1$s: 5756-992 Warning, dtksh version 05-10-93-BETA18 does not support XmScrolledWindowSetArea. Read and define auxiliary functions(Generated from interface file %1$sBuild declarationsDebugging, print function callFinal CodeGet ContextInitial CodeInvoke the main functionLocal declarationsParameter declarationsSet variables used by UxPopupInterfacedtksh version: %1$s%1$s - Initial Code%1$s: 5756-993 Warning, dtksh mode does not support the generation of a catalog message file. %1$s: 5756-994 Warning, dtksh mode does not support connections event callbacks. This is the main functionGlobal toplevel widget variableLocal declarationsInitialize programMake the toplevel window the same size as the root windowUx Popup Interface functionUx Global definitionsUx Private functionsUx Public functionsCreate first window of the interface. The return value be used in the popdown or destroy functionsPopup first window of the interfaceEnter the event loopDebug Global definitionsDebug: tracing function:Implicit parameter declarations CB_CALL_DATA is a global variable and contains the callback information. Items in this global variable can be referenced using the following notation: ${CB_CALL_DATA.REASON} typeset CB_CALL_DATA;Global interface variablesAdd Window Manager Close CallbackAdd callback to exit application%1$s: 5756-921 Cannot read the file %2$s. %1$s: 5756-922 Cannot write the file %2$s. %1$s: 5756-923 Cannot open the file %2$s. %1$s: 5756-924 Cannot open the output file %2$s. %1$s: 5756-925 An error occured while writing the file %2$s. %1$s: 5756-926 The end of file was not reached (line %2$d). %1$s: 5756-927 Internal Error. Cannot allocate %2$d bytes of memory. %1$s: 5756-928 Internal error: The widget class name is missing in the specification of the WGT_CLASS_INFO structure. %1$s: 5756-929 Internal error: The widget class %2$s has an unspecified class filename. %1$s: 5756-930 Internal error: No superclass was specified for the widget class %2$s. %1$s: 5756-931 Internal error: No Xt class was specified for the widget class %2$s. %1$s: 5756-932 Internal error: No Xt header file was specified for the widget class %2$s. %1$s: 5756-933 Internal error: An invalid number of resources (%2$d) was specified for the widget class %3$s. %1$s: 5756-934 Internal error: A NULL 'resources' pointer was specified for the widget class %2$s. %1$s: 5756-935 Internal error: Unspecified resource name for the widget class %2$s. %1$s: 5756-936 Internal error: A NULL argument was passed to the function %2$s. %1$s: 5756-937 No widget class was specified for the widget referred to on line %2$d. %1$s: 5756-938 Warning: The widget class %2$s specified at line %3$d is invalid. %1$s: 5756-939 An unknown class (%2$s) was found. %1$s: 5756-940 The parent of the widget %2$s was not found (line %3$d). %1$s: 5756-941 No parent was specified for the widget %2$s (line %3$d). %1$s: 5756-942 An invalid translation was specified at line %2$d. %1$s: 5756-943 Warning: The resource %2$s was set on a previous line. The value on line %3$d will override the previous value. %1$s: 5756-944 Warning: The value specified on line %2$d will override the value specified previously. %1$s: 5756-945 There are too many include paths. %1$s: 5756-946 Usage: %2$s %3$s uil_file. %1$s: 5756-947 Failed to create name for temporary file. %1$s: Warning: The expression specified on line %2$d is not supported. %1$s: 5756-948 The color %2$s specified on line %3$d is invalid. %1$s: 5756-949 Number of client data does not match the number of callback procedures for the %2$s resource of widget %3$s. %1$s: 5756-953 A resource value overrides an earlier value at line %2$d. %1$s: 5756-954 ERROR in converting resource: resource name: %2$s resource value: %3$d. %1$s: 5756-955 Icon specifications are not supported (line %2$d). %1$s (Generated from UIL file %2$s) This header file contains declarations of the callback procedures used in the widget tree of %3$s. It is included by %4$s %1$s (Generated from UIL file %2$s) This header file contains stub functions for the callbacks used in the widget tree of %3$s. It is included by %4$s %1$s: The resource %2$s for %3$s (line %4$d) causes a reference circularity. All forward-referencing resources of the children of %5$s will be ignored. %1$s: Renaming %2$s (child of %3$s) to %4$s. %1$s: 5756-952 Multiple callbacks are not supported. (widget %2$s, line %3$d)