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(C) Copyright Visual Edge Software Ltd. 1994. Desktop Script and Visual Edge are trademarks of Visual Edge Software Ltd. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM. HelpHIntroduction ...ITasks ...TReference ...RUsing Help ...UVersion ...VOKApplyCancelProject: DesignTestInterfacesPalettesMessagesFileFOpen ...OOpen UIL ...UResetRSave ProjectSSave Project As ...AGenerate Project CodeGGenerate Project Code As ...nShowwHideHExitECloseCCreateCShellsSManagersMDialogsDCustomTPalettePEditECutCCopyoPastePAlignADuplicateuDeleteDRecreateRMoveMResizesBrowse ...BMethods ...MDeclarations ...DAction Table ...AProgram Layout ...POptionsOToolsTInterpreter ...IProperty Editor ...EConnection Editor ...CBrowser ...BShow Palettes AreaHide Palettes AreaPSelected InterfacesShowwHideHSave InterfacesSave InterfaceISave Interfaces As ...Save Interface As ...tGenerate Interfaces CodeGenerate Interface CodefGenerate Interfaces Code As ...Generate Interface Code As ...cDeleteDBrowse ...BMethods ...MDeclarations ...cTranslations ...TSelected PalettesShowwHideHSaveSSave As ...ADeleteDMESSAGEClear WindowCVersion ControlVCheck InICheck OutOCheck Out & LockLCheck In ...Check Out ...Check Out & Lock ...5756-001 The value for the X option, -geometry is not correct. The correct syntax is x{+-}{+-} Actions ...Palette ...PalettesSelected WidgetsProperty Editor ...yConnection Editor ...CCompound Editor ...tMenu Editor ...Main Window Editor ...Class Editor ...%s Editor ...CutCCopyoPastePAligngDeleteDDuplicateuRecreateeMoveMResizeROtherhBrowse ...BMethods ...hDeclarations ...lTranslations ...sManagersMPrimitivesrGadgetsGCustomtMenusnEnter name of project or interface file to load.Enter the interface file name.No user defined actions were written to the output file. Do you want to save the entire action table?The interface file %1$s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?%1$s in file %2$s, line %3$d. 5756-011 Missing line marker5756-012 Missing name or property separator5756-013 Missing property or value separator5756-014 Action name previously used5756-015 Translation name previously used5756-016 Missing translation name5756-017 Unknown class5756-018 Error in translation table entry5756-019 The property %1$s is not applicable5756-020 The parent not yet created5756-021 The parent must be NO_PARENT when using parentExpression5756-022 The file name contains invalid characters.5756-023 An error occurred while writing the interface file.5756-024 One or more errors encountered while creating interface components. The load cannot continue.5756-025 Cannot open input file.5756-026 The file contains an invalid header (name is wrong) or is of an incorrect format. The load cannot continue.5756-027 The file contains an invalid header (type is wrong) or is of an incorrect format. The load cannot continue.5756-028 The version number contained in the file header is not a supported version. The load cannot continue.5756-029 The 'key' in the file header is either missing or does not match the contents of the file. (Note that editing a file will change the required key.) The load cannot continue.5756-030 The file contains an invalid header or is of an incorrect format. The load cannot continue.5756-031 One or more errors encountered while collecting object names. The load cannot continue.The following identifiers were renamed: 5756-032 Error in rename: old name is empty. 5756-033 <%1$s>.mnemonic: Value is not a character literal. %1$s -> %2$s Enter the project file name.Enter the main program file name.Palette files can not be loaded when the program starts in test mode.Enter the name of the file to be loaded.Enter the palette file name.5756-034 Cannot open the file %1$s.The palette file %1$s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?5756-035 Cannot create name for temporary file.5756-036 The script has not echoed a filename to standard output.The project file %1$s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?A project filename with no extension may be the same as the executable filename in the generated Makefile. Hence, running the Makefile may overwrite the project file. Do you want to proceed?Errors were found in the declaration code of the following interfaces. 5756-037 Cannot close the options file %1$s.5756-038 Cannot open the options file %1$s.5756-039 Cannot read or open the file %1$s.5756-550 The Builder Engine and Compound resources are not supported in this version. Select OK to ignore those resources and load all the interfaces; all Compound resources will be lost if you save the interfaces. Select Cancel to ignore any interface that has Compound resources. 5756-040 The same file name has been used for two interfaces. Save the interface %1$s under a different file name. 5756-041 The same file name has been used for two palettes. Save the palette %1$s under a different file name. 5756-042 Cannot open the project file %1$s. Nothing has been saved. The class of the object %1$s appears more than once The property %1$s of the object %2$s appears more than onceThe facet %1$s appears more than once The object names are different 5756-043 The widget %1$s has no parent specified 5756-044 The parent %1$s of %2$s is not defined. 5756-045 %1$s cannot be its own ancestor.5756-046 The name `%1$s' is not a valid identifier 5756-047 The input file does not describe any interfaces.5756-048 Nothing was recovered from the input file.5756-049 A method must specify a name, a type, arguments, and a body 5756-050 A method must have a top-level widget as its parent 5756-051 You cannot insert a non-editable palette into an editable one.5756-052 The selected interface, %1$s, has never been saved. Please save it before using version control.5756-053 The selected palette, %1$s, has never been saved. Please save it before using version control.UntitledThe palette, %1$s, has been modified but not saved. Do you wish to continue?The interface, %1$s, has been modified but not saved. Do you wish to continue?The project has been modified but not saved. Do you wish to continue?Enter filename to be checked in.Enter filename to be checked out.Enter filename to be checked out and locked.5756-536 Invalid code used for version control5756-541 The file %s was modified since the last code generation operation. Do you want to overwrite it?5756-542 The file %s was generated using a different option on the last code generation operation. Do you want to overwrite it?5756-507 When the project code was last generated, a different code generation option was specified. Generating code with the current option may overwrite files generated using the previous mode. Do you want to continue?5756-546 The project code generation has terminated. The entire project code may not have been generated.5756-054 Two interfaces have the same file name for the generated code. Specify a different file name for the generated code for interface %s. 5756-055 The file %1$s has been modified since the last save project operation. Do you want to overwrite it?Converting interface file created using a previous release of %1$s. An interface is already loaded. Do you want to replace it?%sMsgBoxProgram Layout EditorFileFLoad Startup InterfaceLCloseCOptionsOImplicit LoopIExplicit LoopEApplication Class:Startup Interface:%s Main Program:%s Main Program%s Makefile:%s Makefile%s Explicit Loop:%s Explicit Loop...The program layout has been modified. Do you really want to close the editor?Select a single interface before choosing Load Startup Interface.Opening a new project may overwrite the current program layout information. Do you want to continue?Changing Code Generation mode may overwrite current changes to program layout editor. Do you want to continue?Note that changes apply to %s Main Program, %s Explicit Loop, and %s Makefile.5756-061 An Illegal interface was selected as the startup interface.5756-062 An illegal application class has been specified. Generate Code OptionsProject code directoryDirectory ...Write All InterfacesWrite Modified InterfacesWrite Main ProgramWrite MakefileRun MakefileDirectory SelectionDirectory FilterThe main program file and makefile already exist. Do you want to overwrite them?The main program file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?The makefile already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?5756-063 An error was detected while trying to build the main function.5756-064 An error was detected while trying to run the project makefile.5756-065 A syntax error was detected in the project main function.5756-066 The names of the main program file and makefile are too long5756-067 The name of the main program file is too long5756-068 The name of the makefile is too long5756-069 The name of the makefile should not contain illegal characters or specify a file path5756-070 The name of the main program file should not contain illegal characters or specify a file path5756-071 The names of the main program file and makefile should not contain illegal characters or specify a file pathUntitledMainMakefileIn order to load another project %s must reset itself. All data from the current project will be cleared.When %s starts in test mode a project or interface file name must be specified on the command line.5756-072 Error writing make file5756-073 Error writing main programPalette: %1$sFileFSaveSSave As ...AInsertICloseCEditECutCCopyoChange Attributes ...tCreate Category ...gDeleteDPaste BeforePPaste AfterAViewVBy NameNBy IconIBy Name and IconBModeMCreateCAttributesIcon NameIcon PixmapNew CategoryCategory NameSelected ObjectsUntitledDo you want to delete the selected object(s)?5756-081 Cannot put a fragmented widget tree into a palette. 5756-082 Cannot put menu subcomponents into a palette. 5756-083 Cannot put main window subcomponents into a palette. 5756-084 The palette is currently in create mode. 5756-085 Clipboard operations are not allowed on the selected swidget. 5756-086 This palette will become unaccessible if closed. Do you really want to close it? 5756-087 This operation is only valid in Edit Mode.5756-088 You must select a category or an icon before a paste operation.5756-089 You must select a single icon to change its attributes.5756-090 You must select a single category to change its attributes.5756-091 The specified category exists already.5756-092 You cannot drop items into a non-editable palette.Adjust HeightHYou have selected a directory. Select a file name instead. Cannot access the given directory. Do you want to continue?Override existing symbolsPromptDialogWidget Property EditorAdd Widget:PropertyInitial ValueSource... ...CoreCSpecificSConstraintoAll ResourcesRBehaviorBCompoundmDeclarationDAllAFileFLoadLResetRCloseCEditERemove WidgetsRRestore ValuesVViewVHide DefaultDHide LockedLHide Not EqualNHide UnchangedUHide SourceSOptionsOReplace ListRAdd To ListAAutomatic LoadLNot EqualDefaultPublicPrivateGlobalStaticNoneExternLockUnlockC: ...C: %.*sSelected widgets are already being edited.There is already an editor in automatic load.The selected widgets cannot be loaded. Automatic editor loading is cancelled.Automatic editor loading is cancelled.The following widgets cannot be edited in the property editor. , Cannot drop widgets onto an editor that is in automatic loadCannot load more than one widget into the property editor at a timeResetting the property editor may result in loss of changes that you have made but have not applied.Adding widgets to the property editor may result in loss of changes that you have made but have not applied.Removing widgets from the property editor may result in loss of changes that you have made but have not applied.Closing the property editor may result in loss of changes that you have made but have not applied.Restoring values may result in loss of changes that you have made but have not applied.5756-101 The widget %s cannot be reparented. 5756-102 Cannot add children to the proposed parent. 5756-103 Error in %s: when Source is set to Public the value must be a literal constant.Font ViewerFamily or Short NameFontSize and CharsetThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ! @ $ % ^ & * () [] {} : ; " `' ~ , . ? / \Color ViewerColorName Filter[A-Z]*Color DatabaseFilterFileFCloseCEditEEdit Color ...EGrab ColorGColor Map ...C5756-578 XGetImage failed.5756-583 Can't open rgb database file:Color EditorColorHue / Saturation / IntensityWorking and Original Color SamplesComponent IntensitiesRGBCMYReset5756-104 Cannot allocate %d color cells for color viewer.ColormapIcon ViewerIcon No Icon YetPreviewEdit Icon ...E5756-105 You have specified the following directory name: %s Specify a icon file name instead.Xk Color ViewerFontFoundryFontNameFontSizeXk Font Viewer5756-584 XLoadQueryFont failed for : %s 5756-106 Parse error for %s.5756-107 Illegal value in property %s.5756-108 Illegal value in property %s. Temporarily use the default value and continue?5756-109 An attachment widget must be specified if the attachment type is set to attach_widget.5756-110 A constraint references a widget which is not a sibling.5756-111 A circularity has been introduced in constraint widget references.5756-112 A type constant has changed. See check_types() in %s. 5756-113 UserData must be of type caddr_t.5756-114 The C type for property %1$s is not valid. Expecting type %2$s.5756-115 The Icon Editor cannot be loaded.5756-126 Internal Error. Cannot allocate %d bytes of memory. The program is exiting. 5756-131 The widget does not exist. 5756-132 Menus and their panes cannot be interactively resized.5756-133 Children of a main window cannot be interactively resized.5756-134 The cursor must be within the widget's boundary.5756-135 Children of a main window cannot be interactively moved.5756-136 A widget cannot be moved to an empty space.5756-137 Cannot reparent to a %1$s interface widget.5756-138 A widget cannot be reparented to a dynamically reparented interface. Recreate the parent interface before inserting children that are not created dynamically.5756-139 A widget cannot be reparented to a dynamically created widget.5756-140 A widget in a swmenu list is not a menu. 5756-141 The widget value is not valid.5756-142 The selected parent is not valid. The parent must be a layout widget.5756-143 The new parent cannot be a child of the selected widget.5756-144 Do the Create on top of an existing widget that will accept children.5756-145 Use the main window editor to add children to a main window.5756-146 A child widget cannot be interactively created on a dynamically reparented interface. Recreate the parent interface before interactively creating a widget on that interface.5756-147 The interface list is not valid. 5756-148 The vhandle for the interface list is not valid. 5756-149 Cannot find the interface. 5756-150 The editor does not exist. 5756-151 The rswidget does not exist. 5756-152 The widget does not exist. 5756-153 An unknown error occurred.5756-154 The selected operation is not appropriate.Do you want to delete the interface?5756-155 No interfaces are selected to be deleted.5756-156 No interfaces are selected to be saved.Do you want to delete the widget? Enter the name of the C file to load.Do you want to delete the palette? 5756-157 Cannot find or open the %1$s %2$s.5756-158 The %1$s %2$s is not writable.C fileresource fileinclude filefile5756-159 An error occurred while writing the C file.5756-160 An error occurred while writing the include file.5756-161 An error occurred while writing the resource file.5756-162 The file name contains invalid characters.Enter the C file name.5756-163 The parent is not composite. 5756-164 UxVh_widgets() is not defined. 5756-165 UxVh_shells() is not defined. 5756-166 The parent %s is not composite. 5756-167 Circular constraints exist within a subset of the following widgets: 5756-168 Constraints for the widget %s will be discarded.5756-169 A vhandle structure contains a bad vhandle. 5756-170 Cannot open display. The program is exiting. Ensure that the X server recognizes the font or fonts listed. 5756-171 This version of %s has expired. 5756-172 The update flag has not been set. Call UxDelayUpdate() before calling UxUpdate(). Returning from UxUpdate().5756-173 Illegal case. 5756-174 X Protocol error detected %1$d: %2$s Failed request major op code %3$4d (%4$s) Failed request minor op code %5$3d ResourceID %6$06x in failed request Serial number of failed request %7$4d 5756-175 Writing core file. 5756-176 The second widget parameter in the call to UxCenterVisibly() is not an ancestor of the first widget parameter. 5756-177 The second widget parameter in the call to UxCenterWidgetVisibly() is not an ancestor of the first widget parameter. 5756-178 The parent cannot accept children of the specified class. If the parent is a rowColumn verify the entryClass property.5756-179 The parent cannot be a dynamically reparented interface. Recreate the parent interface before inserting children that are not created dynamically.5756-180 The parent of a real widget cannot be a dynamically created widget.5756-181 A gadget cannot be a child of a shell widget.5756-182 A shell widget can have at most one child.5756-183 A widget cannot be its own parent.5756-184 The proposed parent is a descendant of the widget.5756-185 A scrolledWindow may have at most one work window.5756-186 Cannot add scrollBars to a scrolledWindow when scrollingPolicy is automatic. The scrolledWindow creates its own scrollBars.5756-187 The proposed parent can have at most one child.5756-188 A shell widget cannot be reparented.5756-189 A gadget cannot have children.5756-190 Cannot reparent into or out of a menu.5756-191 Use the menu editor to add children to a menubar or option menu.5756-192 Cannot reparent into or out of a main window.5756-193 Cannot move a scrolled list or scrolled text onto a new parent.5756-194 The proposed parent already has a popup menu.5756-195 The ancestor %s of the proposed parent already has a popup menu.5756-196 The descendant %s of the proposed parent already has a popup menu.5756-197 The widget and the proposed parent already have a popup menu.5756-198 The widget and the ancestor %s of the proposed parent both have a popup menu.5756-199 The proposed parent and descendant %s both have a popup menu.5756-200 The ancestor %s of the proposed parent and the descendant %s of the widget both have a popup menu.5756-201 Primitives can only have popup menus as children.5756-202 No values are available.5756-203 The value %1$s is not valid for property %2$s of widget %3$s. Valid values are: 5756-204 An error occurred in an interpreted function called from compiled code using a function pointer. The interpreter cannot recover from this error. 5756-205 This is a fatal Xt Toolkit error. %s will exit. 5756-206 UxInitialize() has already been called. Returning from UxInitialize(). 5756-207 The selected widget is part of a dynamically reparented interface. Recreate the interface before editing a widget belonging to the interface.5756-208 The selected widget is a dynamically created widget. A dynamic widget cannot be edited. Widget: Do you really want to reset %s?Do you really want to exit %s?The action table has been modified. One or more interfaces might be affected. 5756-209 Cannot register function %s. 5756-210 Cannot register symbols and functions. 5756-211 The exit() function was called by the application.5756-212 The exit() function was called.The exit status is %d. 5756-213 The _exit() function was called by the application.5756-214 The _exit() function was called.The _exit status is %d. 5756-215 The abort() function was called by the application.5756-217 The abort() function was called.5756-218 A fatal error (%1$s) has occurred. Cannot start %2$s. 5756-219 A fatal error (%1$s) has occurred. %2$s is forced to stop. memory violationabort calledbus errorillegal instructionfloating point exception: invalid operation+stack fault+overflow+underflow+divide by zero+loss of precision+denormal result+5756-220 Cannot open the save file in the directory %s. Trying to save the interface or interfaces to the file %s. There are no interfaces found. Enter one more interrupt within 10 seconds to quit %s. 5756-221 Internal Error. UxPopCrashHandler(): too many pop operations. """"""""""""translation table name (the table must belong to the same interface)translation table string with compiled actions""""positive shortpositive short or 0''translation table namepositive integer < PaneMaximum positive integer or 0 > PaneMinimumpositive integer < 253positive integer or 0, Not valid for rowColumns if rowColumnType is work_area.Minimum <= Value and Value + Slider Size <= Maximum and Minimum <= Maximum - Slider SizeMinimum <= value <= Maximum and Minimum < Maximum"" The named widget must be a grandchild of the menu.WidgetClass which is a subclass of the Manager or Primitive classes or Gadget of the form pushButton andRowColumn cannot have children whose class is different from entryClass if IsHomogeneous is true anda rowColumn of rowColumnType menu_bar forces the entryClass to cascadeButton.If "true", the children of the RowColumn should have the same widget class as the one explicitly specified in the EntryClass resource.Positive integer which is less than or equal to the number of elements in the list0 < value <= (Maximum - Minimum)"#""#""#""#"""5756-222 A scrolledWindow may have at most two scrollBars.Result: 5756-223 First select text in the interpreter window.5756-224 %s has not been enabled to run on this machine. Run enable_key and follow the instructions to obtain an access key.a ButtonPress event string with or without modifiers5756-225 Error in edwidget's interface declarations. 5756-226 The directory specified in %1$s %2$s does not exist.5756-227 The path specified in %1$s %2$s is a directory name.5756-228 Error in creating temporary interface file.5756-229 Error in generating temporary name for the interface file.5756-230 Error in opening the temporary interface file.5756-231 Error in accessing file.5756-232 Error reading pipe5756-233 Cannot Have more than one popup Menu5756-234 Cannot paste a shell widget inside another widget.There are %1$d bad or missing header file(s). %2$s exiting. Do you want to delete the selected widgets? Cut interfaces can only be pasted in a palette. Do you want to cut the interface?5756-235 Reordering has not resulted in the desired creation order because of constraint resources previously set. The project has been modified. The following palettes changed:5756-236 Error in reading UIL code.The following interfaces changed:Enter the UIL file name.5756-237 Error in writing UIL code.The %1$s %2$s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?file or directory"x{+-}{+-}" where items enclosed in <> are integers and items enclosed in {} are a set from which one item is allowed. If nonzero, argv must be specified as an array with a corresponding number of entries. The array must have at least as many entries as is specified in the value of argc.5756-238 Cannot find font %s. Trying to use font %s. 5756-239 Your license is no longer available. %s will exit.Your license is no longer available: %s WILL EXIT Do you want to save your changes?5756-240 %s: bad file format 5756-241 %s: server license is not valid 5756-242 %s: unknown host 5756-243 Could not connect to %1$s license server at %2$s5756-244 No %s licenses are currently available5756-245 %s: bad file format5756-246 %s: license file has been modified5756-247 %s: incorrect hardware ID5756-248 %1$s: unknown hostname %2$sPaging space too lowPower failureand others ...All palettes have been saved in file %s. There are no palettes found. Attempting to save palettes in file %s. Attempting to save interfaces in file %s. All interfaces have been saved in file %s. The project has been saved in the directory %s. No project data has been saved. Cannot create a directory in directory %s. Attempting to save project in the directory %s. Cannot finish saving the project. Cannot finish saving the interfaces. Cannot finish saving the palettes. Would you like to save your project?DirectoriesPaths"".5756-249 The environment variable %1$s or the resource %2$s must be set. The program is exiting. %1$s/%2$s.license5756-250 Cannot open socket. Error is: %s 5756-251 Cannot bind socket. Error is: %s 5756-252 Cannot use socket. Error is: %s Cannot start the %s license server. %1$s license server started on port %2$d5756-253 %s: incorrect server or port number specifiedAttempting to start the %s license server. Please wait.Cannot start the %s license server.Do you want to delete the interface? %s Do you want to delete the selected interfaces?Do you want to delete the palette? %s Do you want to delete the selected palettes?If "true", the rowColumn must satisfy the following conditions: (a) all its children must be a subclass of toggleButton and (b) the entryClass value must be toggleButton or toggleButtonGadget.%s is exiting. Do you want to save your project? SaveDiscard5756-254 Cannot move %1$s into the interface named %2$s because the interface already contains a widget or translation table of that name.5756-255 The preprocessing script has failed. Either the script returned an error code, or a new process cannot be started. There may be insufficient swap space available, or the maximum number of processes may have been reached. The original file will be loaded but any customizing in will not be carried out. 5756-256 The postprocessing script has failed. Either the script returned an error code, or a new process cannot be started. There may be insufficient swap space available, or the maximum number of processes may have been reached. Your files were saved but any customizing in has not been carried out. "" The initialFocus widget must be a descendant.5756-257 UxAppInitialize() has already been called. Returning from UxAppInitialize(). 0 <= Value < (Number of children of the rowColumn). Default is XmLAST_POSITION. Sorry, License Manager validation has failed.Usage: %s [Xt options] [-dir path] [-file filename] Usage: %s [Xt options] [-host hostname] [-dir path] [-file filename] The initialFocus property of %1$s will be reset to a default value because it refers to %2$s.Internal error processing the license file. Exiting. No error message was supplied.No command name was supplied.5756-258 Grab pointer failed. 5756-181 Attempt has been made to use a hidden Class.%1$s: Invalid date format. Use yyyy-mm-dd. %1$s is an expired date. The date %1$s expires within the week. The date %1$s expires more than a year away. The date of expiration is %1$s. usage: %s <#lic> must be between 256 and 65535 must be between 1 and 200 is the name of the product requiring the license is the expiry date assigned to this product (yyyy-mm-dd). Unable to open license file. 5756-259 This version of %1$s expires on %2$s. %A %B %d, %Y5756-182 The resource file %1$s was not found. 5756-183 The resource file %1$s is corrupted. Verify that the class name used in the resource file matches the application's class name "%2$s". 5756-260 A code generation error occurred.5756-261 The postprocessing script has failed. Either the script returned an error code, or a new process cannot be started. There may be insufficient swap space available, or the maximum number of processes may have been reached. Code was generated but any customizing in has not been carried out. "" The attachment widget must have the same parent and the corresponding attachment type must be set to either "attach_widget" or "attach_opposite_widget". 5756-262 Cannot create the backup directory %1$s. %s: unknown hardware ID. Unable to create test script. Please return to Design mode.Unable to execute test script. Please return to Design mode.Usage: %s <1.0 1.1 2.0 2.5 2.8 | DTUIMX | DTSCRIPT> f1 ... fn %s: Cannot open file. %s: Key value is %d. 5756-263 Only one interface is allowed.dtksh fileC++ fileEnter the C++ file name.Enter the dtksh file name. A quoted string containing one or more resource specifiers. Each resource specifier has the format: ":, , ... ; You separate adjacent resource specifiers with semi-colons. No semi-colon is required after the last resource specifier.UIL fileproject fileoptions filemakefile5756-264 A parent can have only one default pushButton.Code generation was successful. 5756-301 getcwd() failed. An NFS problem may exist. 5756-311 The string vhandle is not valid: Flag=%1$d Type=%2$d Id=%3$d Idf=%4$g 5756-321 The symbol table passed to %s is not valid. 5756-331 Memory allocation failed in %s. 5756-332 Memory allocation using realloc() failed in %s. 5756-333 The maximum number of bins has been exceeded. (%s) 5756-341 The widget does not exist. 5756-342 An unknown error occurred. Widget: 5756-343 UxVh_widgets() is not defined. 5756-344 UxVh_shells() is not defined. 5756-345 The parent %s is not composite. 5756-346 The correspondence list is corrupt. 5756-347 Error creating widget: %s Parent has been deleted. 5756-348 Call UxDelayUpdate() before calling UxUpdate(). Returning from UxUpdate().UxDestroySwidget() has been called for %s.UxDestroyInterface() has been called for %s.5756-349 Attempt to destroy a deleted widget. 5756-350 An internal error has occurred. Save your interfaces and exit.5756-351 Edited widget is not a user widget. 5756-352 Illegal pointer for interface's parent. Interface: %s Do you want to use NO_PARENT and continue?5756-353 The interface's parent does not yet have a widget.5756-354 The new interface's parent is a descendant of the widget. Parent: %s5756-355 The new interface's parent cannot be a gadget.5756-356 Cannot call the interface function of a widget which is not a top level widget. Widget name: %s5756-357 A Resource has a bad UType value (%d). 5756-358 Value in UxSetClassification() is not valid: %d 5756-359 Child of an option menu must be a pulldown menu.5756-360 Create menu component is not valid. 5756-361 Cannot make argument list for widget %1$s (class %2$s). 5756-362 Cannot make X widget %1$s (class %2$s). 5756-363 Cannot make pass 2 argument list for widget %1$s (class %2$s). 5756-364 There is no X widget in swidget %1$s (class %2$s). 5756-365 The parent for %s has not yet been created. Call UxCreateWidget() for the parent first.5756-366 Parent cannot be a gadget.Invalid parent for widget %s in UxCreateWidget(). %1$s Widget: %2$s Parent: %3$s5756-367 The exit() function was called from the Close button.5756-368 The widget does not exist. In %1$s (class %2$s): %3$s %4$s is not a valid %5$s.value5756-369 Cannot put %1$s on a %2$s (%3$s). 5756-370 Cannot get %1$s from a %2$s (%3$s). %sClientData5756-371 Method %1$s on Object Class %2$s is not valid. 5756-372 Parent field must result in a pointer type.5756-373 The proposed parent is unknown: %s.5756-374 Illegal pointer value for parent.5756-375 Reparenting will destroy all the declarations of the interface. Translation tables that were not applied will not be transferred to the new parent. Do you want to reparent %s?5756-376 Warning: The new parent value is an illegal pointer. Do you want to temporarily use NO_PARENT and continue?5756-377 Warning: The new parent value is a descendant of the widget. Do you want to temporarily use NO_PARENT and continue?5756-378 Warning: Interface parent cannot be a gadget. Do you want to temporarily use NO_PARENT and continue?5756-379 Warning: %s Do you want to temporarily use the default value and continue?5756-380 Error in parent field.5756-381 Cannot declare proposed name as a variable.5756-382 Cannot use the widget name %s5756-383 Cannot declare new interface function name. The interface function for %1$s remains %2$s5756-384 Error while parsing %s resource. 5756-385 XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct improperly filled. All Fields must be copied by the qualifySearchDataProc user routine5756-386 Warning: The property %1$s of widget %2$s cannot be Public. It is made Private instead. 5756-387 Warning: The widget %1$s has a modal dialog style, but its dialog shell has no valid parent specified. The dialog style is temporarily made DIALOG_MODELESS instead. 5756-388 Attempt to pop from an empty context stack. 5756-389 Premature access to context handler. 5756-390 Attempt to read a missing context. You have made copies of interfaces while testing. Discard those copies now? This will not affect the original interfaces. DiscardKeep5756-391 You must switch to test mode before running the interface function of an interface that includes global widgets. 5756-392 A menu cannot be a top level widget.5756-393 A gadget cannot be a top level widget.5756-394 The interface %s cannot be used as an instance of itself.Constructor DeclarationConstructorInstanceChildren cannot be added to instances.An interface function name.The return type must be `swidget'.The first argument must be the parent of the interface.Declarations of the arguments of the constructor function.Instance of %sWhen an interface is used as a component, the CreateManaged property of its top-level widget should be set to "false". In the interface %s, it is "true". This can cause problems positioning instances. Do you want it corrected now?YesNoThe name of any interface (except the one containing the instance) whose parent is specified as the first parameter of its interface function.5756-395 The instance %1$s cannot be a descendant of its component.5756-396 The interface %1$s does not take its parent from the first argument of its interface function, so it cannot be used as the component for the instance %2$s.5756-397 A shell can only be used as a component in a top-level instance. 5756-398 An instance cannot be used as a component. 5756-399 The interface function of %1$s does not return a swidget value, so that interface cannot be used as the component for the instance %2$s.5756-400 One or more of the selected widgets cannot be dropped in empty space. Menus and gadgets cannot be top-level widgets. 5756-401 Renaming %s will rename all its methods. You will be responsible of updating all the calls to your methods. 5756-402 Cannot convert a child into a top level widget.The child %s will be converted to a component. Do you want to replace the child with an instance of this new component?There is already an interface called %s.There is no method to set the property %s. You cannot add children to %s.5756-426 Inconsistent use of property name %s. Properties cannot be both fixed and dynamic or both class and instance.5756-427 Inconsistent use of method name %s. Methods cannot be both fixed and dynamic.5756-428 Inconsistent function registration for %s. Returned types mismatch or addresses are different.5756-429 Inconsistent use of class name %s. The class is multiply defined.5756-430 Dynamic properties are not implemented.5756-431 Undefined method. A method was invoked for which there is no handler defined. Class= %1$s, Method= %2$s5756-432 Cannot UxMake() an instance when the class is undefined. Register the class first.5756-433 Property or method %s is invoked but not set.5756-434 Error registering property or method %s.5756-435 Superclass %1$s has more properties than %2$s. Class description files (.cl.c+ et. al.) are out of date. 5756-436 Execution error : %s Property for object class is not valid. 5756-437 Property for object class is not valid. 5756-438 Error: Parameter in call to %s is null. 5756-439 Error: Parameter in call to %s was deleted. 5756-440 Error: Operation with null parameter is not allowed. 5756-441 Error: Operation on a deleted object is not allowed. 5756-451 Vhandle is not defined for object lookup.5756-461 Cannot convert string name to a color. No colormap was found. 5756-462 The color name %s does not exist. 5756-463 Cannot allocate colormap entry for %s. 5756-464 The maximum number of active subprocesses is %d. Use UxDelete() to remove subprocesses which are no longer required. 5756-465 calloc() failed. 5756-466 The subprocess handle is not valid. 5756-467 The entry is not a handle.5756-468 malloc() failed. A system error occurred. 5756-469 No stream drivers are available. 5756-470 No pty/tty drivers are available. 5756-471 The subprocess functionality is not implemented. 5756-472 Error on pipe. 5756-473 The subprocess is already active. 5756-474 The subprocess is not active. 5756-475 Cannot write to subprocess. 5756-476 The subprocess structure is not valid. 5756-477 The output function is not valid. 5756-478 Cannot read from subprocess. 5756-479 Cannot stat /dev/ptc 5756-480 Cannot open /dev/ptc 5756-481 An internal error occurred in the file %1$s on line number %2$d. 5756-482 The conversion flag is not valid. 5756-483 Cannot convert resource value. and an attachment widget must be specified if an attach_widget or attach_opposite_widget is specified.positive integer or 0 which is less than or equal to the number of elements in the selection array5756-484 No conversion routine exists to convert %1$s to %2$s. string containing selectionArrayCount items, separated by spaces, and selected from: widget: 5756-485 The second widget parameter in the call to UxCenterVisibly() is not an ancestor of the first widget parameter. 5756-486 NULL process name in UxCreateSubProc(). dialog_work_area must be used for a widget that does not have a DialogShell as parent, but cannot be used for a widget that has a DialogShell as parent. The given filename exceeds the 14 characters allowed by your system. Use a shorter name instead.5756-177 Invalid multibyte character encountered in argument: %s 5756-487 The message queue is full. Ignoring the message. 5756-179 Cannot call UxDeleteSubproc from an exit callback. 5756-180 The subprocess handle has been marked for a delayed deletion. It can no longer be used. You must create a new process. 5756-488 Failed to obtain pseudo-tty slave device name.5756-489 Permission to open pseudo-tty slave not granted.5756-490 Failed to unlock pseudo-tty.5756-501 Cannot drop into empty space. 5756-502 This is an invalid drop site. 5756-503 Cannot drop into user-created widgets. 5756-504 Cannot move a fragmented widget tree. 5756-505 Only siblings can be moved as a group. 5756-506 Target is not a user-created widget. It cannot be loaded into the Connection Editor.5756-507 Resizing multiple widgets require that the selected widgets not comprise a fragmented tree. 5756-508 Resizing multiple widgets require that the currently selected widgets be siblings. 5756-509 One of the selected widgets cannot be resized and no resizable widget can be derived. 5756-510 The resulting list of resizable widgets derived from the selected widgets form a fragmented tree. 5756-494 Only the Property Editor and any Palette Category are valid drop sites among %s interfaces for user-created widgets. 5756-510 The selected widgets contain a fragmented tree of resizable widgets. Check the settings of the compound properties IsResizable and ResizeRecursion. You may have a non-resizable Manager with resizable children. (A widget tree is fragmented when it contains only some of the children of a parent widget.)5756-521 The name %s is already in the table with a different vhandle. 5756-522 UxRemoveObjectName: name %s is not found. 5756-523 UxChangeObjectName: name %s is not found. 5756-524 Proposed name contains invalid characters. 5756-525 Proposed name is already in use. 5756-526 Proposed name cannot be declared. 5756-527 Proposed function name contains invalid characters. 5756-528 Proposed function name is already in use. 5756-529 Proposed function name cannot be declared. 5756-530 Proposed translation table name contains invalid characters. 5756-531 Proposed translation table name is already in use. 5756-532 Proposed translation table name cannot be declared. %s: line %d: (%s) 5756-541 The widget(s) cannot be reparented. 5756-542 The widget(s) cannot be reordered. 5756-543 The widget(s) cannot be moved. 5756-544 Reparenting will change the order of widget(s) that cannot be reordered. 5756-551 Unknown paxformat. 5756-552 Unknown width. 5756-553 Unknown height. 5756-554 Unknown ncolors. 5756-555 Unknown chars_per_pixel. 5756-556 The colors array was not specified. 5756-557 The pixels array was not specified. Warning: %2$.*1$s redefined. 5756-558 Expecting `%1$c' at or near `%2$.20s' on line %3$d. 5756-559 Syntax error at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-560 Name mismatch at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-562 Illegal name extension at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-563 Expecting identifier at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-564 Expecting integer constant at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-565 Incorrect format at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-566 Expecting `define' at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-567 Expecting string constant at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-568 The colors array was redefined at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-569 Unknown number of colors at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-570 The pixels array was redefined at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-571 Unknown height at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-572 Missing data at or near `%1$.20s' on line %2$d. 5756-573 Cannot parse color name `%2$.*1$s'. 5756-574 Color specifier "%2$.*1$s" has illegal length. 5756-575 Invalid pixel string length in row %1$d. 5756-576 Invalid pixel character "%2$.*1$s" in row %3$d, column %4$d. Text EditorFileFOpen ...OSave ...SThe file %s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?Cannot open file %sError while reading %sFile %s is not accessibleEnter filename to openEnter filename to saveCallback Editorstatic voidextern void(UxWidget, UxClientData, UxCallbackArg){}Widget UxWidget;swidget UxThisWidget = UxWidgetToSwidget(UxWidget);XtPointer UxClientData;XtPointer UxCallbackArg;EditEModify CodeM