# ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/sa/oracle/sbin/IO.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2009 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/sa/oracle/sbin/IO.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Definitions: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read in the message catalog entries . /usr/es/sbin/cluster/sa/oracle/sbin/Catalog #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions: # osaGetLogPath # # user_msg # log_msg # warn_msg # osaError # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function user_msg { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x typeset -i s=$1 typeset -i id=$2 shift shift typeset args=$* typeset c="$s,$id" [[ -z $s || -z $id ]] && { return 1 } /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $s "${SA_Catalog[catalog]}" $id "${SA_Catalog[$c]}" $args echo # Log the information to the oraclesa.log log file typeset msg=$(LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $s "${SA_Catalog[catalog]}" $id "${SA_Catalog[$c]}" $args) log_msg $msg } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function: # InternalErrorAbort # # Purpose: # Creates a fatal error log file with time of occurence of error and stores a # copy of Oracle smart assist log file which will help to diagnose the fault. # # Arguments: # NA # # Returns: # 0 # function InternalErrorAbort { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x typeset date=$(LC_ALL=C date +"%m.%d.%y-%H-%M-%S") typeset logfile="/var/hacmp/log/oraclesa.fatal.$date" cp -f $ORACLESA_LOGFILE $logfile 2>/dev/null user_msg 30 100 $logfile # Return from this fucntion to enable cleanup of HA components before exit. return 0 } function osaGetLogPath { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x typeset LOGFILE="oraclesa.log" typeset LOGPATH=$(/usr/bin/odmget -q "name=oraclesa.log" HACMPlogs 2>/dev/null | grep -w value | awk -F'=' '{ print $2 }' | sed -e "s/\"//g") typeset DEFAULTLOGPATH=$(odmget -q "name=oraclesa.log" HACMPlogs 2>/dev/null | grep -w value | awk -F'=' '{ print $2 }' | sed -e"s/\"//g") [[ -z $ORACLESA_LOGPATH ]] && { [[ -z $DEFAULTLOGPATH ]] && { LOGFILE="/var/hacmp/log/oraclesa.log" } || { LOGFILE="$DEFAULTLOGPATH/$LOGFILE" } } || { LOGFILE="$LOGPATH/$LOGFILE" } echo $LOGFILE } function log_msg { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x DATE=$(/bin/date +"%D %T") echo "$DATE INFO: $*" >> $ORACLESA_LOGFILE } function warn_msg { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x DATE=$(/bin/date +"%D %T") echo "$DATE WARN: $*" >> $ORACLESA_LOGFILE } function osaError { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x DATE=$(/bin/date +"%D %T") echo "$DATE ERROR: $1" >> $ORACLESA_LOGFILE } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORACLESA_LOGFILE=$(osaGetLogPath)