# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2003,2019 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 

# Trace templates for component _SEL generated by cugentpl.

0 ""
"libct_acl: Performance tracing enabled: level %d\n"
1 ""
"Checked ACL files (%s) in:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
2 ""
"Read ACL file %s in:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
3 ""
"Parsed ACL file %s (%d lines) in:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
4 ""
"Opened ACL file %s in:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
5 ""
"Locked ACL file in:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
6 ""
"Read ACL file contents in:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
7 ""
"Single ACLE permission for %d entries:\n"
"(type %d; mech = %s; identity = %s)\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
8 ""
"Group ACLEs permission:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
9 ""
"Beginning of sec_read_acl_file().\n"
10 "" 
"Beginning of sec_read_acl_file() with arguments:\n"
"\tname of ACL file: %s\n"
"\tuser name: %s\n"
"\taddress of permission template set: 0x%08x\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
11 ""
"Beginning of sec_read_acl_file() with arguments:\n"
"\tname of ACL file: %s\n"
"\tuser name: %s\n"
"\taddress of permisison template set: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
12 ""
"End of sec_read_acl_file().\n"
13 ""
"End of sec_read_acl_file() with rc = %d\n"
14 ""
"End of sec_read_acl_file():\n"
"\treturn code: %d:\n"
"\tno. of ACLEs read: %d\n"
15 ""
"Beginning of sec_read_acl_from_data().\n"
16 "" 
"Beginning of sec_read_acl_from_data() with arguments:\n"
"\tlength of ACL data: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL data: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
17 ""
"Beginning of sec_read_acl_from_data() with arguments:\n"
"\tlength of ACL data: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL data: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
18 ""
"End of sec_read_acl_from_data().\n"
19 ""
"End of sec_read_acl_from_data() with rc = %d\n"
20 ""
"Beginning of sec_list_acl().\n"
21 "" 
"Beginning of sec_list_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
22 ""
"Beginning of sec_list_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
23 "" 
"Beginning of sec_list_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\tlength of ACL buffer: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer value: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
24 ""
"Beginning of sec_list_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\tlength of ACL buffer: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer value: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
25 ""
"End of sec_list_acl().\n"
26 ""
"End of sec_list_acl() with rc = %d\n"
27 ""
"End of sec_list_acl():\n"
"\treturn code: %d:\n"
"\tno. of ACLEs listed: %d\n"
28 ""
"Beginning of sec_list_acl_by_type().\n"
29 "" 
"Beginning of sec_list_acl_by_type() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tACLE type: %d\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
30 ""
"Beginning of sec_list_acl_by_type() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tACLE type: %d\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
31 "" 
"Beginning of sec_list_acl_by_type() with arguments:\n"
"\tlength of ACL buffer: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer value: 0x%08x\n"
"\tACLE type: %d\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
32 ""
"Beginning of sec_list_acl_by_type() with arguments:\n"
"\tlength of ACL buffer: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer value: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tACLE type: %d\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
33 ""
"End of sec_list_acl_by_type().\n"
34 ""
"End of sec_list_acl_by_typE() with rc = %d\n"
35 ""
"End of sec_create_acle():\n"
"\treturn code: %d:\n"
"\tno. of ACLEs listed: %d\n"
36 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_aclelist().\n"
37 "" 
"Beginning of sec_release_aclelist() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tno. of ACLEs: %d\n"
38 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_aclelist() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tno. of ACLEs: %d\n"
39 ""
"End of sec_release_aclelist().\n"
40 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_acle().\n"
41 "" 
"Beginning of sec_create_acle() with arguments:\n"
"\tACLE type: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentifier: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACLE pointer: 0x%08x\n"
42 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_acle() with arguments:\n"
"\tACLE type: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentifier: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACLE pointer: 0x%016llx\n"
43 ""
"End of sec_create_acle().\n"
44 ""
"End of sec_create_acle() with rc = %d\n"
45 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_acle().\n"
46 "" 
"Beginning of sec_release_acle() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\ttype of ACLEs: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentifier: %s\n"
47 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_acle() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\ttype of ACLEs: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentifier: %s\n"
48 ""
"End of sec_release_acle().\n"
49 ""
"Beginning of sec_display_acle_id().\n"
50 "" 
"Beginning of sec_display_acle_id() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\ttype of ACLEs: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentifier: %s\n"
"\taddress of mechanism mnemonic string: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of identity string: 0x%08x\n"
51 ""
"Beginning of sec_display_acle_id() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE list descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\ttype of ACLEs: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentifier: %s\n"
"\taddress of mechanism mnemonic string: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of identity string: 0x%016llx\n"
52 ""
"End of sec_display_acle_id().\n"
53 ""
"End of sec_display_acle_id() with rc = %d\n"
54 ""
"End of sec_display_acle_id():\n"
"\treturn code: %d:\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentity: %s\n"
55 ""
"Beginning of sec_convert_acl_to_host().\n"
56 "" 
"Beginning of sec_convert_acl_to_host() with arguments:\n"
"\tverify: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%08x\n"
57 ""
"Beginning of sec_convert_acl_to_host() with arguments:\n"
"\tverify: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%016llx\n"
58 ""
"End of sec_convert_acl_to_host().\n"
59 ""
"End of sec_convert_acl_to_host() with rc = %d\n"
60 ""
"Beginning of sec_add_acle_to_acl().\n"
61 "" 
"Beginning of sec_add_acle_to_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\ttype of ACLE: %d\n"
"\tpermission of ACLE: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmechanism of ACLE: %s\n"
"\tidentity of ACLE: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%08x\n"
62 ""
"Beginning of sec_add_acle_to_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\ttype of ACLE: %d\n"
"\tpermission of ACLE: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmechanism of ACLE: %s\n"
"\tidentity of ACLE: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%016llx\n"
63 ""
"End of sec_add_acle_to_acl().\n"
64 ""
"End of sec_add_acle_to_acl() with rc = %d\n"
65 ""
"Beginning of sec_del_acle_to_acl().\n"
66 "" 
"Beginning of sec_del_acle_to_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\ttype of ACLE: %d\n"
"\tpermission of ACLE: 0x%08x\n"
"\tACLE's mechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentity of ACLE: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%08x\n"
67 ""
"Beginning of sec_del_acle_to_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACLE descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\ttype of ACLE: %d\n"
"\tpermission of ACLE: 0x%08x\n"
"\tACLE's mechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentity of ACLE: %s\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%016llx\n"
68 ""
"End of sec_del_acle_to_acl().\n"
69 ""
"End of sec_del_acle_to_acl() with rc = %d\n"
70 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_acl().\n"
71 "" 
"Beginning of sec_release_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%08x\n"
72 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_acl() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%016llx\n"
73 ""
"End of sec_release_acl().\n"
74 ""
"Beginning of sec__register_id_handler().\n"
75 "" 
"Beginning of sec__register_id_handler() with arguments:\n"
"\thandler type: %u\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\taddress of id handler routine: 0x%08x\n"
76 ""
"Beginning of sec__register_id_handler() with arguments:\n"
"\thandler type: %u\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\taddress of id handler routine: 0x%016llx\n"
77 ""
"End of sec__register_id_handler().\n"
78 ""
"End of sec__register_id_handler() with rc = %d\n"
79 ""
"Beginning of sec__single_acle_perm().\n"
80 "" 
"Beginning of sec__single_acle_perm() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%08x\n"
"\ttype: %d\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentity: %s\n"
"\taddress of permission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
81 ""
"Beginning of sec__single_acle_perm() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%016llx\n"
"\ttype: %d\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tidentity: %s\n"
"\taddress of permission bit-mask: 0x%016llx\n"
82 ""
"End of sec__single_acle_perm().\n"
83 ""
"End of sec__single_acle_perm() with rc = %d\n"
84 ""
"End of sec__single_acle_perm():\n"
"\treturn code: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
85 ""
"Beginning of sec__group_acles_perm().\n"
86 "" 
"Beginning of sec__group_acles_perm() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%08x\n"
"\tno. of groups: %d\n"
"\taddress of array of groups: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of permission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
87 ""
"Beginning of sec__group_acles_perm() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tlength of ACL: %d\n"
"\taddress of ACL's value: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tno. of groups: %d\n"
"\taddress of array of groups: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of permission bit-mask: 0x%016llx\n"
88 ""
"End of sec__group_acles_perm().\n"
89 ""
"End of sec__group_acles_perm() with rc = %d\n"
90 ""
"End of sec__group_acles_perm():\n"
"\treturn code: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
91 ""
"Beginning of sec_translate_perms().\n"
92 "" 
"Beginning of sec_translate_perms() with arguments:\n"
"\tpermission string: %s\n"
"\taddress of permissiont set: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of permission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
93 ""
"Beginning of sec_translate_perms() with arguments:\n"
"\tpermission string: %s\n"
"\taddress of permission set: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of permission bit-mask: 0x%016llx\n"
94 ""
"End of sec_translate_perms().\n"
95 ""
"End of sec_translate_perms() with rc = %d\n"
96 ""
"End of sec_translate_perms():\n"
"\treturn code: %d\n"
"\tpermission bit-mask: 0x%08x\n"
97 ""
"Beginning of sec_translate_bitmask().\n"
98 "" 
"Beginning of sec_translate_bitmask() with arguments:\n"
"\tpermission bitmask: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of permissiont set: 0x%08x\n"
"\tpermission string: %s\n"
99 ""
"Beginning of sec_translate_bitmask() with arguments:\n"
"\tpermission bitmask: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of permission set: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tpermission string: %s\n"
100 ""
"End of sec_translate_bitmask().\n"
101 ""
"End of sec_translate_bitmask() with rc = %d\n"
102 ""
"End of sec_translate_bitmask():\n"
"\treturn code: %d\n"
"\tpermission string: %s\n"
103 ""
"ACL is in the host's byte ordering: big endian\n"
104 ""
"ACL is in the host's byte ordering: little endian\n"
105 ""
"ACL needs converting to host's byte ordering: big endian\n"
106 ""
"ACL needs converting to host's byte ordering: little endian\n"
107 ""
"The ACL read from file (%s) is empty: nothing to cache!\n"
108 ""
"The ACL file name is too long:\n"
"\tName of file: %s\n"
"\tLength of file name: %d\n"
109 ""
"There was a problem w/the C/ACL file:\n"
"\tFile name: %s\n"
"\tRoutine name returning error: %s\n"
"\tError returned from routine: %d\n"
110 ""
"CACL file (%s) doesn't exist!\n"
111 ""
"CACL file has diff. ownership than ACL file:\n"
"\tCACL file: %s\n"
"\tOwnership of CACL file: %d:%d\n"
"\tOwnership of ACL file: %d:%d\n"
112 ""
"CACL file has diff. file permission than ACL file:\n"
"\tCACL file: %s\n"
"\tPermission of CACL file: %o\n"
"\tPermission of ACL file: %o\n"
113 ""
"Duplicate ACLEs found!\n"
"\tACLE type: %s\n"
"\tACLE mechanism mnemonic: %s\n"
"\tACLE identity: %s\n"
114 ""
"ACLE read from text at line %d:\n"
"\tACLE type: %d\n"
"\tACLE mechanism: %s\n"
"\tACLE identity: %s\n"
"\tACLE permission: 0x%x\n"
115 ""
"ACLE read from text at line %d is too long!\n"
"\tACLE length: %d\n"
116 ""
"The ACL file provided is empty: %s\n"
117 ""
"Checking the CACL file: %s\n"
118 ""
"An error occured w/the CACL file!\n"
"\tCACL file name: %s\n"
"\tstat()'s errno: %d\n"
119 ""
"The CACL file is empty: %s\n"
120 ""
"ACL and CACL files have different permission/ownership!\n"
"\tACL file name: %s\n"
"\tACL file's ownership (uid:gid): %d:%d\n"
"\tCACL file's ownership (uid:gid): %d:%d\n"
"\tACL file's permission: 0x%08x\n"
"\tCACL file's permission: 0x%08x\n"
121 ""
"Reading the C/ACL file: %s\n"
122 ""
"An error occured when opening the C/ACL file!\n"
"\tC/ACL file name: %s\n"
"\topen()'s errno: %d\n"
123 ""
"An error occured w/the C/ACL file!\n"
"\tC/ACL file name: %s\n"
"\tstat()'s errno: %d\n"
124 ""
"Memory allocation error before reading C/CACL file!\n"
"\tC/ACL file name: %s\n"
"\tC/ACL file size: %d\n"
125 ""
"Memory allocation error before reading C/CACL file!\n"
"\tC/ACL file name: %s\n"
"\tC/ACL file size: %lld\n"
126 ""
"C/CACL file read error!\n"
"\tC/ACL file name: %s\n"
"\tC/ACL file size: %d\n"
"\tActual number of bytes read: %d\n"
127 ""
"C/CACL file read error!\n"
"\tC/ACL file name: %s\n"
"\tC/ACL file size: %lld\n"
"\tActual number of bytes read: %lld\n"