EMSG600 1 5 '%1$s: 2523-600 Exit with return code: %2$s\n' EMSG601 2 5 '%1$s: 2523-601 Can not initialize FFDC environment, return code = %2$s\n' EMSG602 3 5 '%1$s: 2523-602 Cannot find or validate the active partition name using spget_syspar.\n' EMSG603 4 5 '%1$s: 2523-603 ERROR: Cannot create directory %2$s.\n' EMSG604 5 5 '%1$s: 2523-604 Unable to retrieve node number, exiting.\n' EMSG605 6 5 '%1$s: 2523-605 Cannot find the address of the control workstation.\nSAVED_CW_IPADDRS: %2$s\nnetstat -in\n' EMSG606 7 5 '%1$s: 2523-606 Execution of spk2ck command failed to generate cluster key file\n' EMSG607 8 5 '%1$s: 2523-607 Partition is not in dce-only mode\n' EMSG608 9 5 '%1$s: 2523-608 Command lsauthpts failed\n' EMSG609 10 5 '%1$s: 2523-609 Unable to start the daemon after %2$s retries. Quitting.\n' EMSG610 11 5 '%1$s: 2523-610 Sleeping for %2$s seconds\n' EMSG611 12 5 '%1$s: 2523-611 Unable retrieve %2$s. Quitting.\n' EMSG612 13 5 '%1$s: 2523-612 Output from ifconfig %2$s has no netmask information\n' EMSG613 14 5 '%1$s: 2523-613 Cannot find SP system administration network.\n' EMSG614 15 5 '' EMSG615 16 5 '' EMSG616 17 5 '' EMSG617 18 5 '' EMSG618 19 5 '' EMSG619 20 5 '' EMSG620 21 5 '%1$s: 2523-620 Unable to retrieve SDR %2$s class [%3$s]\n' EMSG621 22 5 '%1$s: 2523-621 Unable to retrieve %2$s from SDR %3$s class [%4$s]\n' EMSG622 23 5 '%1$s: 2523-622 Unable to retrieve SDR Adapter subnet attribute [$%2$s]\n' EMSG623 24 5 '%1$s: 2523-623 Unable to retrieve SDR file %2$s [%3$s]\n' EMSG624 25 5 '%1$s: 2523-624 Unable to create SDR file %2$s [%3$s]\n' EMSG625 26 5 '%1$s: 2523-625 Unable to replace SDR file %2$s [%3$s]\n' EMSG626 27 5 '%1$s: 2523-626 DMS kernel extension not loaded or has an older version.\nLoading DMS kernel extension.' EMSG627 28 5 '%1$s: 2523-627 Special network %2$s contains %3$s in SDR Subnet class. Should be %4$s.\n' EMSG628 29 5 '%1$s: 2523-628 Subnet %2$s of network %3$s has been defined in SDR Subnet class.\n' EMSG629 30 5 '%1$s: 2523-629 SDR command exited with exit code=%2$s. Exiting.\n' EMSG630 31 5 '%1$s: 2523-630 Cannot remove service entry from /etc/services\n' EMSG631 32 5 '%1$s: 2523-631 Cannot get system partition name\n' EMSG632 33 5 '%1$s: 2523-632 Cannot get system partition IP address\n' EMSG633 34 5 '%1$s: 2523-633 Cannot get node number\n' EMSG634 35 5 '%1$s: 2523-634 missing command flag\n' EMSG635 36 5 '%1$s: 2523-635 only one command flag permitted\n' EMSG636 37 5 '%1$s: 2523-636 The %2$s subsystem must be stopped before removing or remaking it.\n' EMSG637 38 5 '%1$s: 2523-637 Port number not in SDR\n' EMSG638 39 5 '%1$s: 2523-638 Cannot set port number into /etc/services\n' EMSG639 40 5 '%1$s: 2523-639 ERROR: Unable to retrieve \"%2$s\" from SDR\n' EMSG640 41 5 '%1$s: 2523-640 %2$s/%3$s is not executable\n' EMSG641 42 5 '%1$s: 2523-641 Could not add %2$s subsystem to SRC.\n' EMSG642 43 5 '%1$s: 2523-642 Could not obtain HACWS status\n' EMSG643 44 5 '%1$s: 2523-643 Could not add %2$s to /etc/inittab\n' EMSG644 45 5 '%1$s: 2523-644 Cannot verify registration of service name %2$s, protocol UDP, port %3$s.\n' EMSG645 46 5 '%1$s: 2523-645 Cannot get DCE credentials to update SDR. rc=%2$s.\n' EMSG646 47 5 '%1$s: 2523-646 Refresh operation failed.\n\tDetails are in the AIX error log and in the hats script log\n\t(/var/ha/log/hats.<partition name>).\n' EMSG647 48 5 '%1$s: 2523-647 Halt Callback kernel extension not loaded or has an older version.\nLoading Halt Callback kernel extension.\n' EMSG648 49 5 '' EMSG649 50 5 '' EMSG650 51 5 '%1$s: 2523-650 ERROR: Unknown parameter %2$s.\n' EMSG651 52 5 '%1$s: 2523-651 ERROR: Cluster designator not valid : %2$s.\n' EMSG652 53 5 '' EMSG653 54 5 '' EMSG654 55 5 '' EMSG655 56 5 '%1$s: 2523-655 Unable to execute the odmget HACMPtopsvcs command.\n' EMSG656 57 5 '%1$s: 2523-656 Unable to get the ODM %2$s class.\n' EMSG657 58 5 '%1$s: 2523-657 ERROR: Not enough disk space in %2$s (%3$s Kbytes).\n' EMSG658 59 5 '%1$s: 2523-658 Command '%2$s' produced unexpected output: '%3$s'.\n' EMSG659 60 5 '%1$s: 2523-659 ERROR: Unable to create the machine list file, probably because the file system is full.\n' EMSG660 61 5 '%1$s: 2523-660 ERROR: Unable to execute HACMP utility %2$s.\n' EMSG661 62 5 '%1$s: 2523-661 File %2$s did not exist or is not executable.\n' EMSG662 63 5 '%1$s: 2523-662 ERROR: Error occurred while creating the machine list file.\n' EMSG663 64 5 '%1$s: 2523-663 Unable to open file %2$s.' EMSG664 65 5 '%1$s: 2523-664 Node is not in HACMP Mode\n' EMSG665 66 5 '%1$s: 2523-665 ERROR: Number of networks exceeds limit of %2$s. Network %3$s ignored.\n' EMSG666 67 5 '%1$s: 2523-666 socket port number in /etc/services (%2$s) did not match that in SDR Syspar_ports class (%3$s).\n' EMSG667 68 5 '%1$s: 2523-667 Keyfile %2$s present but corrupt.\n' EMSG668 69 5 '' EMSG669 70 5 '' EMSG670 71 5 '%1$s: 2523-670 The installed SP_Switch2 has no css1 interfaces.\n' EMSG671 72 5 '%1$s: 2523-671 There are %2$s types of switches installed on the system.\n' EMSG672 73 5 '' EMSG673 74 5 '' EMSG674 75 5 '' EMSG675 76 5 '%1$s: 2523-675 Required network options are not set correctly.\nSource routing may not work properly.\n' EMSG676 77 5 '%1$s: 2523-676 Cannot access system option %2$s.\n' EMSG677 78 5 '%1$s: 2523-677 Cannot set system option %2$s to %3$s.\n' EMSG678 79 5 '%1$s: 2523-678 System %2$s/%3$s is not supported.\n' EMSG679 80 5 '' EMSG680 81 5 '%1$s: 2523-680 Unknown command line option %2$s.\n' EMSG681 82 5 '%1$s: 2523-681 At least one command line option is needed.\n' EMSG682 83 5 '%1$s: 2523-682 Only one command line option is permitted.\n' EMSG683 84 5 '%1$s: 2523-683 Option %2$s needs an argument.\n' EMSG684 85 5 '%1$s: 2523-684 Unrecognized command line options: %2$s were given.\n' EMSG685 86 5 '%1$s: 2523-685 Option %2$s cannot co-exist with %3$s.\n' EMSG686 87 5 '%1$s: 2523-686 Option %2$s must be used with %3$s.\n' EMSG687 88 5 '%1$s: 2523-687 Use: \"-V variable:value\" or \"-V variable\"\n' EMSG688 89 5 '' EMSG689 90 5 '%1$s: 2523-689 There are other %2$s running. Multiple instances are not supported.\n' EMSG690 91 5 '%1$s: 2523-690 Could not get cluster information from %2$s.\n' EMSG691 92 5 '%1$s: 2523-691 Topology Services port number not found by %2$s.\n' EMSG692 93 5 '%1$s: 2523-692 Extra value \"%2$s\" found in the key value of keyword %3$s\n' EMSG693 94 5 '%1$s: 2523-693 Key word %2$s requires %3$s parameters.\n' EMSG694 95 5 '%1$s: 2523-694 Invalid IP address or interface name %2$s.\n' EMSG695 96 5 '%1$s: 2523-695 NETWORK_NAME must be the first line of a network configuration.\n' EMSG696 97 5 '%1$s: 2523-696 Network %2$s redefined.\n' EMSG697 98 5 '' EMSG698 99 5 '' EMSG699 100 5 '' EMSG850 101 5 '%1$s: 2523-850 Unable to store Topology Services configuration file %2$s to repository using \"%3$s\". Exit code=%4$s.\n' EMSG851 102 5 '%1$s: 2523-851 Unable to retrieve Topology Services configuration file %2$s from repository using \"%3$s\". Exit code=%4$s.\n' EMSG852 103 5 '%1$s: 2523-852 Refresh operation failed.\n\tDetails are in %2$s.\n' EMSG853 104 5 '' EMSG854 105 5 '' EMSG855 106 5 '%1$s: 2523-855 Cannot have a trailing ',' in key value %2$s.\n' EMSG856 107 5 '%1$s: 2523-856 Numeric value \"%2$s\" contains non-numeric characters.\n' EMSG857 108 5 '%1$s: 2523-857 The key value of key word %2$s is missing.\n' EMSG858 109 5 '%1$s: 2523-858 \"%2$s\" is not a valid value for variable %3$s.\n' EMSG859 110 5 '%1$s: 2523-859 Key word \"%2$s\" was redefined\n' EMSG860 111 5 '%1$s: 2523-860 Unknown key word %2$s.\n' EMSG861 112 5 '' EMSG862 113 5 '' EMSG863 114 5 '' EMSG864 115 5 '' EMSG865 116 5 '%1$s: 2523-865 Cannot access directory %2$s.\n' EMSG866 117 5 '%1$s: 2523-866 File %2$s does not exist.\n' EMSG867 118 5 '%1$s: 2523-867 File %2$s is not readable.\n' EMSG868 119 5 '%1$s: 2523-868 File %2$s is not writable.\n' EMSG869 120 5 '%1$s: 2523-869 Command \"%2$s\" is not executable.\n' EMSG870 121 5 '%1$s: 2523-870 Command %2$s not found in paths %3$s\n' EMSG871 122 5 '%1$s: 2523-871 \"%2$s\" command exited with exit code=%3$s.\n' EMSG872 123 5 '' EMSG873 124 5 '' EMSG874 125 5 '' EMSG875 126 5 '' EMSG876 127 5 '' EMSG877 128 5 '' EMSG878 129 5 '' EMSG879 130 5 '' EMSG880 131 5 '' EMSG881 132 5 '' EMSG882 133 5 '' EMSG883 134 5 '' EMSG884 135 5 '' EMSG885 136 5 '' EMSG886 137 5 '' EMSG887 138 5 '' EMSG888 139 5 '' EMSG889 140 5 '' EMSG890 141 5 '%1$s: 2523-890 ERROR: Network type: %2$s\n The value %3$s for the heartbeat rate is out of range.\n The value should be at least %4$s and no more than %5$s.\n' EMSG891 142 5 '%1$s: 2523-891 ERROR: Network type: %2$s\n The value %3$s for the failure cycle is out of range.\n The value should be at least %4$s and no more than %5$s.\n' EMSG892 143 5 '%1$s: 2523-892 ERROR: Network type: %2$s\n The baud value %3$s in the NIM parameters is incorrect.\n The value should be 9600, 19200, or 38400.\n' EMSG893 144 5 '%1$s: 2523-893 ERROR: Network type: %2$s\n The value %3$s for the grace period is out of range.\n The value should be at least %4$s and no more than %5$s.\n' EMSG894 145 5 '%1$s: 2523-894 ERROR: Network name: %2$s\n An interface with address %3$s has no name.\n Topology Services requires interfaces to be named.\n' EMSGA895 146 5 '%1$s: 2523-895 ERROR: Network type: %2$s\n The string entered in the parameters field of the rs232 NIM module\n is incomplete or contains errors. Acceptable format is the following:\n [-l <debug_level>] [<baudrate>['a']]\n' EMSG896 147 5 '%1$s: 2523-896 ERROR: Network type: %2$s\n The debug level %3$s specified after the -l flag in the NIM parameters\n field is outside the normal range of 3-20, and matches one of the\n accepted baud rates for the rs232 NIM:\n 9600, 19200, 38400\n The debug level must be the first numeric value after the -l flag\n (-l 10), even when a baud rate is specified as well (-l 10 9600).\n' EMSG897 148 5 '%1$s: 2523-897 ERROR: Device name %2$s is too long.\n Exceeds limit of %3$s characters.\n' EMSGA898 149 5 '%1$s: 2523-897 ERROR: Device name %2$s is not supported.\n Device names should start with \"/dev/\".\n' EMSG899 150 5 '%1$s: 2523-899 ERROR: Network name %2$s is too long.\n Exceeds limit of %3$s characters.\n' I_HatsStartup 151 5 '%1$s called with options: ' I_HatsExec 152 5 'Exec' I_HatsctrlUsage 153 5 'Usage: %1$s -a | -s | -r | -k | -d | -c | -u | -t | -o | -h | -?\n-a add topology services\n-d delete topology services\n-k stop topology services\n-c clean topology services (delete from all partitions)\n-u un-configure topology services (from all partitions)\n-r refresh topology services configuration\n-s start topology services\n-t turn on tracing for topology services\n-o turn off tracing for topology services\n-h|? this help message\n' I_TopsvcsUsage 154 5 'Usage:\n%1$s\t[-machList <file>]\n\t[-cluster <clusterDesignator>]\n\t[-nodeNumber <number>]\n\t[-noBuild]\n\t[-noExec]\n\t[-HACMPtopsvcs <file>]\n\t[-clhandle <file>]\n\t[-clmixver HACMP version + 1000 (mixed versions) or HACMP version (nodes at same level)]\n\t[-cllsnw <file>]\n\t[-cllsifList <file>]\n\t[-daemonDir <directory>]\n\t[-debug All|IntName|NetType|NetName|Mytable|IPaddrs|NodeList|ConfigTable|Daisy|MachList|Alias]\n\t[-v]\n\t[refresh]\n\t<IPaddress>\n' I_TopsvcsDebug 155 5 '-debug All Turn on all debug flags\n-debug IntName Turn on Interface Name debug output\n-debug NetType Turn on Network Type debug output\n-debug NetName Turn on Network Name debug output\n-debug Mytable Turn on Mytable debug output\n-debug IPaddrs Turn on IP addresses debug output\n-debug NodeList Turn on Node List debug output\n-debug NodeNumber Turn on Node Number debug output\n-debug ConfigTable Turn on Configuration Table debug output\n-debug Daisy Turn on DaisyTable debug output\n-debug MachList Turn on Machines List debug output\n-debug Alias Turn on Alias debug output\n' I_TopsvcsInMigration 156 5 'Configuration is in migration.\n' I_TopsvcsNotInMigration 157 5 'Configuration is not in migration.\n' I_TopsvcsHACMPVersion 158 5 'HACMP version %1$s.\n' I_TopsvcsUnknownHACMPVersion 159 5 'Unknown HACMP version. hacmp_ver = %1$s.\n' I_TopsvcsctrlUsage 160 5 'Usage: %1$s -a | -s | -r | -m | -k | -d | -c | -z | -t | -o | -h | -e | -?\n-a add topology/group services\n-d delete topology services\n-k stop topology services\n-c clean topology services(delete from all partitions)\n-z clean up topology services for de-installation\n-r refresh topology services configuration\n-m refresh topology services configuration (migration refresh)\n-s start topology services\n-t turn on tracing for topology services\n-o turn off tracing for topology services\n-e start topology services with the Dead Man Switch enabled\n-h|? this help message\n' I_TopsvcsctrlDaemonNotStop 161 5 'Caution: %1$s subsystem has not fully stopped within %2$d seconds.\n' I_DoVerification 162 5 'Script invoked for verification purpose only. For errors, see messages with keyword ERROR.\n' I_CthatsctrlUsage 163 5 'Usage: %1$s -a | -c | -d | -e | -k | -o | -p | -r | -s | -t | -u | -z | -h | -? \n -a add topology services \n -c clean topology services(delete from all partitions) \n -d delete topology services \n -e start topology services with the Dead Man Switch enabled \n -k stop topology services \n -o turn off tracing for topology services \n -p override port number \n -r refresh topology services configuration \n -s start topology services \n -t turn on tracing for topology services \n -u unconfigure topology services (from all partitions) \n -z clean up topology services for de-installation \n -h|? this help message\n' I_CthatsctrlWaitForStop 164 5 'Waiting for %1$s subsystem to stop. %2$s seconds remaining.\n' I_KillingSubsys 165 5 'Sending SIGKILL signal to terminate %1$s subsystem.\n' I_LoadMachLst 166 5 'Loading the Topology Services configuration file using: %1$s.\n' I_StoreMachLst 167 5 'Storing the Topology Services configuration file using: %1$s.\n' I_Refreshing 168 5 'Refreshing %1$s. Reloading the Topology Services configuration file.\n' I_StartDaemon 169 5 'Starting HATS daemon: %1$s\n' I_CthatsUsage 170 5 'Usage:\n %1$s -h\n %1$s -b [-v]\n %1$s [-e | -n | -r]\n\noptions:\n -b build machines.lst\n -e starts cthats subsystem with Dead Man Switch enabled\n -h print usage message\n -n do everything except for executing HATS daemon\n -r refresh cthats subsystem\n -v verbose mode - print the contents of configuration files in standard error\n' I_CthatsClusterInfo 171 5 'Cluster name=%1$s, Cluster ID=%2$s, Node number=%3$s\n' I_CthatsFilename 172 5 '===== File name: %1$s =====\n' I_CthatsRemoveTemp 173 5 '----- Removing temporary file: %1$s -----\n' I_CthatsLineIgnored 174 5 'Input \"%1$s\" line ignored\n' I_TopsvcsHBrateConvertToUsecs 175 5 '%1$s: Heartbeat rate for %2$s set to %3$s. Assuming this is in seconds.\n' I_TopsvcsHBrateInUsecs 176 5 '%1$s: Heartbeat rate for %2$s set to %3$s. Assuming this is in microseconds.\n' I_TopsvcsHighHACMPVersion 177 5 'HACMP version higher than highest known version. hacmp_ver = %1$s\n' EMSG898 178 5 '%1$s: 2523-898 ERROR: Device name %2$s is not supported.\n Device names should start with \"/dev/\".\n' EMSG895 179 5 '%1$s: 2523-895 ERROR: Network type: %2$s\n The string entered in the parameters field of the rs232 NIM module\n is incomplete or contains errors. Acceptable format is the following:\n [-l <debug_level>] [-c] [<baudrate>['a']]\n'