IMsg_hagsctrl_Usage	1	3	'Usage: %1$s { -a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -u | -t | -o | -r | -b | -g | -h }\n\t-a  add Group Services subsystem to this partition\n\t-s  start Group Services subsystem in this partition\n\t-k  stop Group Services subsystem in this partition\n\t-d  delete Group Services subsystem from this partition\n\t-c  remove Group Services subsystem from all partitions\n\t    (but do not remove SDR objects)\n\t-u  remove Group Services subsystem from all partitions\n\t-t  start Group Services subsystem trace in this partition\n\t-o  stop Group Services subsystem trace in this partition\n\t-r  refresh Group Services subsystem in this partition.\n\t    (currently, Group Services refresh does nothing).\n\t-b  tell Group Services subsystem this partition has begun to be migrated\n\t-g  tell Group Services subsystem this partition has completed being migrated\n\t-h  display this usage statement \n'
IMsg_Subsys_Not_Stopped	2	3	'Subsystem %1$s  is not fully stopped in %2$d seconds.'
EMsg_Cannot_Remove_Service_Entry	3	3	'%1$s: 2520-201 Cannot remove service entry %2$s from %3$s.\n'
EMsg_Cannot_Determine_Node_Number	4	3	'%1$s: 2520-202 Cannot determine node number.\n'
EMsg_Cannot_Determine_Syspar_Name	5	3	'%1$s: 2520-203 Cannot determine syspar name.\n'
EMsg_Canot_Get_IP_Address_or_Code_Version	6	3	'%1$s: 2520-204 Cannot determine the IP address or code version for system partition %2$s.\n'
EMsg_Port_Number_Not_Found	7	3	'%1$s: 2520-205 Port number not found for sub-system %2$s.\n'
EMsg_Cannot_Register_Service_Name	8	3	'%1$s: 2520-206 Cannot register service name %2$s, protocol %3$s, port %4$s.\n'
EMsg_Not_Executable	9	3	'%1$s: 2520-207 %2$s is not executable.\n'
EMsg_Subsystem_Must_Be_Stopped	10	3	'%1$s: 2520-208 The %2$s subsystem must be stopped.\n'
EMsg_Could_Not_Add	11	3	'%1$s: 2520-209 Could not add %2$s to %3$s.\n'
EMsg_Cannot_create_object	12	3	'%1$s: 2520-210 Cannot create object in %2$s for %3$s.\n'
EMsg_Internal_error	13	3	'%1$s: 2520-211 Internal error.\n'
EMsg_Cannot_Verify_Service_Name	14	3	'%1$s: 252O-212 Cannot verify registration of service name %2$s, protocol %3$s, port %4$s.\n'
EMsg_Cannot_get_dce_creds	15	3	'%1$s: 2520-213 Cannot get DCE credentials for SDR access.\n'
EMsg_Param_Is_For_HAES_42x	16	3	'%1$s: 2520-214 Startup paramater line is HACMP/ES 4.2.x style.  Assuming HAES domain.\n'
EMsg_cldomain_Not_Found	17	3	'%1$s: 2520-215 cldomain is not found, assuming HAES 4.2, use SP partition name.'
EMsg_DomainName_On_Param_Used	18	3	'%1$s: 2520-216 Domain name %2$s on parameter line will be used.\n'
EMsg_Cannot_Initialize_FFDC	19	3	'%1$s: 2520-217 Can not initialize FFDC environment, return code = %2$s\n'
EMsg_Unable_To_Get_Syspar_name	20	3	'%1$s: 2520-218 Cannot get system partition name with 'spget_syspar -n'.'
EMsg_AggIP_Not_Supported	21	3	'%1$s: 2520-219 Aggregate IP group on /dev/ml0 under domain %2$s is not supported.'
EMsg_AggIP_Cfg_Not_Defined	22	3	'%1$s: 2520-220 SW_GROUPIE_AGGIP_CFG is not defined by hagsglsmd.'
EMsg_Cannot_Get_Aggregate_IP_Cfg	23	3	'%1$s: 2520-221 Cannot retrieve Aggregate_IP from SDR.\n'
EMsg_Could_Not_Create_Log_Dir	24	3	'%1$s: 2520-222 could not create log directory\n'
EMsg_Command_Failed	25	3	'%1$s %2$s: 2520-223 command failed. rc=%3$s\n'
EMsg_Hags_Down	26	3	'%1$s: 2520-224 Group Services subsystem %2$s is being down\n'
EMsg_No_ct_clusterinfo	27	3	'%1$s: 2520-225 The command /opt/rsct/bin/ct_clusterinfo is not found\n'
EMsg_No_Cluster_Name	28	3	'%1$s: 2520-226 cluster %2$s does not exist\n'
EMsg_Incorrect_Flag	29	3	'%1$s: 2520-227 Not a recognized flag: %2$s\n'
EMsg_Subsys_Not_Fully_Stopped	30	3	'%1$s: 2520-228 Not fully stopped in %2$s seconds.\n'
EMsg_Write_Error	31	3	'%1$s: 2520-229 Error in writing to the file.\n'
EMsg_Read_Error	32	3	'%1$s: 2520-230 Error in reading the file.\n'
IMsg_hagsns_Usage	33	3	'\nUsage: %1$s {[-h host] [-c] -g | [-h host] [-c] -s | [-h host] [-c] -p}\n\t%2$s [-h host] [-c] -g group_name\n\t%3$s [-h host] [-c] -s subsystem_name\n\t%4$s [-h host] [-c] -p subsystem_pid\n'
IMsg_hagsvote_Usage	34	3	'\nUsage: %1$s {[-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -g group_name\n | [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -s subsystem_name\n | [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -p subsystem_pid}\n\t%2$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -g group_name\n\t%3$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -s subsystem_name\n\t%4$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -p subsystem_pid\n'
IMsg_nlssrc_Usage	35	3	'\nUsage: %1$s {[-h host] -a | [-h host] -g group_name\n | [-h host] [-l] [-c] -s subsystem_name | [-h host] [-l] [-c] -p subsystem_pid}\n\t%2$s [-h host] -a.\n\t%3$s [-h host] -g group_name\n\t%4$s [-h host] [-l] [-c] -s subsystem_name\n\t%5$s [-h host] [-l] [-c] -p subsystem_pid\n'
IMsg_cthagstune_Usage	36	3	'\nUsage: %1$s {[-l log_length] [-d log_dirsize] [-o option_str] |  [-h]}\n\t%2$s [-l log_length] [-d log_dirsize] [-o option_str]\n\t%3$s [-h]\n'
IMsg_hagsmg_Usage	37	3	'\nUsage: \n\t%1$s [-h host] -g group_name\n\t%2$s [-h host] -s subsystem_name\n\t%3$s [-h host] -p subsystem_pid\n'
IMsg_hagspbs_Usage	38	3	'\nUsage: \n\t%1$s [-h host] -g group_name\n\t%2$s [-h host] -s subsystem_name\n\t%3$s [-h host] -p subsystem_pid\n'
IMsg_hagsgr_Usage	39	3	'\nUsage: \n\t%1$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] -g group_name\n\t%2$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] -s subsystem_name\n\t%3$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] -p subsystem_pid\n'