#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # perf72L src/perf/pmaix/usr/bin/pmcfg/config_pm_ext.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2018 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)09 src/perf/cmdperft/usr/bin/pmcfg/config_pm_ext.sh, PMAIX, perf71H 8/13/12 02:06:40 # check if /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext script exists ,if it exists then # Update "# PMExt:1" with "# PMExt:2" string in /var/perf/pm/config/pmconf # if this entry doesn't exist already. SetPMExt() { #check for "# PMExt:2" string in pmconf file to check #if /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext existence is already checked. /usr/bin/grep "# PMExt:2" ${PMCONF} > /dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] then PMCFG_EXT=/var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext #add "# PMExt:2" to end of pmconf file # if pm transmission is enabled . if [[ -f ${PMCFG_EXT} ]] then /usr/bin/sed "s/# PMExt:.*/# PMExt:2/" ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf if [ $? -eq 0 ] then /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf ${PMCONF} if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 13 'pmcfg extension script available' ) fi fi /usr/bin/rm -f /tmp/_pmconf else echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 11 'pmcfg extension script is not available' ) fi fi } UnsetPMExt() { #check for "# PMExt:2" string in pmconf file to check #if pm transmission is enabled. Update this entry to "# PMExt:1" /usr/bin/grep "# PMExt:2" ${PMCONF} > /dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]] then /usr/bin/sed "s/# PMExt:.*/# PMExt:1/" ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf if [ $? -eq 0 ] then /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf ${PMCONF} if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 14 'Successfully disabled Extended functionality of pmcfg' ) else echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 15 'Error: Not able to disable Extended functionality of pmcfg.' ) fi fi /usr/bin/rm -f /tmp/_pmconf fi } SetXlparInterval() { Xlpar_Interval=$* PMCONF=/var/perf/pm/config/pmconf HwType=`/usr/sbin/getsystype -i | /usr/bin/awk '{print $2}' 2>/dev/null` val=`/usr/bin/grep Xlpar_Interval ${PMCONF}` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf echo >> /tmp/_pmconf echo '# Cross Lpar Interval' >> /tmp/_pmconf echo "Xlpar_Interval:" >> /tmp/_pmconf echo >> /tmp/_pmconf /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf ${PMCONF} fi /usr/bin/sed "s/Xlpar_Interval:.*/Xlpar_Interval:${Xlpar_Interval}/" ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf ${PMCONF} /usr/bin/rm /tmp/_pmconf val=`/usr/bin/grep Xlpar_Interval ${PMCONF}` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 8 'Successfully updated Cross Lpar Interval ') else echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 9 'Failed to update Cross Lpar Interval ') exit 1 fi TMP_CRON=/tmp/_Crontab_Pm # Delete all the entries related to pmcfg_ext -C /usr/bin/crontab -l | /usr/bin/grep "pmcfg_ext -C" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then #Delete the crontab entry /usr/bin/crontab -l | /usr/bin/grep -v "pmcfg_ext -C" > $TMP_CRON if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed to create a temporary crontab file" exit 1 fi /usr/bin/crontab $TMP_CRON if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed to update crontab " exit 1 fi # Clean the file /usr/bin/rm -f $TMP_CRON # Exit if requested to Disable Xlpar collection if [[ ${Xlpar_Interval} -eq 0 ]] then return fi fi # Add new pmcfg crontab entries /usr/bin/crontab -l > $TMP_CRON if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed to copy crontab to temporary file" exit 1 fi PMCONF=/var/perf/pm/config/pmconf if [[ -f ${PMCONF} ]] then Xlpar_Interval=`/usr/bin/grep Xlpar_Interval ${PMCONF} | /usr/bin/cut -d ':' -f 2-10 | /usr/bin/sed 's/:/#!:/g'` fi # If its lower than POWER 8, remove # XlparEnabled entry to pmconf file val=`/usr/bin/grep '# XlparEnabled' ${PMCONF}` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/grep -v '# XlparEnabled' ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf_$$ /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf_$$ ${PMCONF} fi # Add the pmcfg -C entry to crontab only if hardware is greater than POWER 7 if [[ ${HwType} -gt 7 ]]; then # If its POWER 8, add # XlparEnabled entry to pmconf file val=`/usr/bin/grep '# XlparEnabled' ${PMCONF}` if [[ $? -ne 0 && ! -z ${Xlpar_Interval} ]]; then /usr/bin/cat ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf_$$ /usr/bin/sed '/\#\ Cross Lpar Interval/a\ \#\ XlparEnabled' ${PMCONF} >/tmp/_pmconf_$$ /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf_$$ ${PMCONF} fi else if [[ ${Xlpar_Interval} -eq 1440 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat <>$TMP_CRON 0 0 * * * /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext -C >/dev/null 2>&1 #Cross Lpar EOF elif [[ ${Xlpar_Interval} -eq 720 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat <>$TMP_CRON 0 0,12 * * * /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext -C >/dev/null 2>&1 #Cross Lpar EOF elif [[ ${Xlpar_Interval} -eq 360 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat <>$TMP_CRON 0 0,6,12,18 * * * /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext -C >/dev/null 2>&1 #Cross Lpar EOF elif [[ ${Xlpar_Interval} -eq 120 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat <>$TMP_CRON 0 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext -C >/dev/null 2>&1 #Cross Lpar EOF elif [[ ${Xlpar_Interval} -eq 60 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat <>$TMP_CRON 0 * * * * /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext -C >/dev/null 2>&1 #Cross Lpar EOF elif [[ ${Xlpar_Interval} -eq 30 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat <>$TMP_CRON 0,30 * * * * /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext -C >/dev/null 2>&1 #Cross Lpar EOF elif [[ ${Xlpar_Interval} -eq 15 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat <>$TMP_CRON 0,15,30,45 * * * * /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext -C >/dev/null 2>&1 #Cross Lpar EOF fi fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed to create a new copy of crontab." exit 1 fi # Update the real cron file /usr/bin/crontab $TMP_CRON if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed to update crontab." exit 1 fi /usr/bin/rm -f ${TMP_CRON} } GetXlparInterval() { PMCONF=/var/perf/pm/config/pmconf if [[ -f ${PMCONF} ]] then Xlpar_Interval=`/usr/bin/grep Xlpar_Interval ${PMCONF} | /usr/bin/cut -d ':' -f 2-10 | /usr/bin/sed 's/:/#!:/g'` fi echo "#Xlpar Interval:" echo "${Xlpar_Interval}:" } CleanUpTmpFiles() { TmpFile1=$1 ## If temp file is present, remove the file if [[ -e ${TmpFile1} ]]; then /usr/bin/rm ${TmpFile1} fi } SetPasswordLessSSH() { #set -x PMCONF=/var/perf/pm/config/pmconf tty >/dev/null; ## Get the HMC Name and User Name from the arguments passed Hmc_Name_New=`echo $1 | grep HMCNAM | cut -d'=' -f2` Hmc_User_New=`echo $2 | grep HMCUSER | cut -d'=' -f2` ## HscPass set to 0 if hscroot has password-less SSH configured, and UserPass to 0 if User ID has password-less SSH configured HscRootPass=0 UserPass=0 ConfiguredNewSSH=0 UnconfigureOldSSH=0 ExitStatus=0 Hmc_User_New="" if [[ ${Hmc_Name_New} != "" ]]; then Hmc_User_New="pmaixusr" fi ReturnSuccess=0 HostName=`hostname` Hmc_P_PM="" Result="" ErrMsg="\nFailed to configure password-less SSH to $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New" TmpFile1="/tmp/temp_auth_$$" TmpFile2="/tmp/temp_auth_$$_2" OldDir=`/usr/bin/pwd` UserID=`/usr/bin/id | /usr/bin/cut -d'(' -f2 | /usr/bin/cut -d')' -f1 2>/dev/null` HomeDir=`/usr/bin/grep "^$UserID:" /etc/passwd | /usr/bin/cut -d":" -f6 2>/dev/null` ## Get old Hmc Name and Hmc User id, previously configured in pmconf file Hmc_Name_Old=`/usr/bin/grep Hmc_Name_PM ${PMCONF} | /usr/bin/cut -d':' -f2` Hmc_User_Old=`/usr/bin/grep Hmc_User_PM ${PMCONF} | /usr/bin/cut -d':' -f2` ## If Old HMC info is configured, set flag to unconfigure it if [[ ${Hmc_Name_Old} != "" && ${Hmc_User_Old} != "" ]]; then if [[ ${Hmc_Name_New} == "" || ${Hmc_Name_New} != ${Hmc_Name_Old} || ${Hmc_User_New} != ${Hmc_User_Old} ]]; then UnconfigureOldSSH=1 fi fi ## Block to Configure password-less SSH ## Configure Password-less SSH for new HMC if new hmc name and user id are not blank DoWhile=1 while [[ ${DoWhile} -eq 1 ]]; do if [[ ${Hmc_Name_New} != "" && ${Hmc_User_New} != "" ]]; then ## Check if ${Hmc_User_New} has password-less SSH already, if yes, set UserPass=1 /usr/bin/ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o 'PreferredAuthentications=publickey' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -l ${Hmc_User_New} ${Hmc_Name_New} echo 2>/dev/null >/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then UserPass=1 fi ## Check if hscroot has password-less SSH already, if yes, set HscRootPass=0 retexpt=`/usr/bin/ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o 'PreferredAuthentications=publickey' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -l hscroot ${Hmc_Name_New} echo 2>&1` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then ## If hscroot id does not prompt for password on SSH to hmc, set HscRootPass to 1 HscRootPass=1 else ## If returned error is for permission, prompt for for hscroot password echo $retexpt | grep -i "permission denied" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then print "\nADMIN PASSWORD:\nPlease enter the password, when prompted, for hscroot@${Hmc_Name_New}:" else print "SSH to hscroot@${Hmc_Name_New} failed with error:\n${retexpt}" fi fi ## Get the LPAR Name LparName=`lparstat -i | grep "Partition Name" | awk '{print $4}'` ## Remote Command Function return value for lparname and id check ## Returns 0 if lpar found in hmc and id exist, ## Returns 1 if lpar not found in hmc; ## Returns 2 if lpar found in hmc, but no id, ## Returns 3 if id exist with non-hmcviewer access; ## Returns 4 if hmc is not enabled for utilization data ## Updated for security check for user id task role as hmcviewer FuncCmd1=" FuncRetVal1() { lnam=\$1; idexist=\$2; srat=\$3; if [[ \$lnam -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ \$srat -ne 0 ]]; then return 4; fi; if [[ \$idexist -eq 0 ]]; then return 0; elif [[ \$idexist -eq 2 ]]; then return 3; else return 2; fi; else return 1; fi; } " ## Remote Command Function to return id creation status ## It returns 0 if id created, else returns error code while creating id. FuncCmd2=" FuncRetVal2() { idexist=\$1; if [[ \$idexist -eq 0 ]]; then return 0; else return \$idexist; fi; } " ## Remote command To check if lpar belongs to HMC and if user id exist ## Updated for security check for user id task role as hmcviewer ## The for loop tests for each physical machine in HMC ## lssyscfg -r lpar - command grep for partition name managed by hmc under that physical machine ## lslparutil -r config - to test if utilization data collection is enabled ## /etc/passwd - to find if user id pmaixusr exists ## lshmcusr --filter - checks for pmaixusr taskrole if it exist ## Then it calls the function to return the status RemoteCmd1=" lnam=\"1\"; idexist=\"1\"; srate=0; ${FuncCmd1}; for i in \`lssyscfg -r sys -F name\`; do lssyscfg -r lpar -m \"\${i}\" -F name | grep -i \"^${LparName}\$\"; if [[ \$? -eq 0 ]]; then lnam="0"; srat=\`lslparutil -r config -m \"\${i}\" -F sample_rate\`; if [[ \${srat} -eq 0 ]]; then srate=1; break; fi; grep \"^${Hmc_User_New}:\" /etc/passwd; if [[ \$? -eq 0 ]]; then val=\`lshmcusr --filter \"\"names=${Hmc_User_New}\"\" -F taskrole\`; if [[ \$val != \"hmcviewer\" ]]; then idexist=2; else idexist=\"0\"; fi; fi; break; fi; done; FuncRetVal1 \$lnam \$idexist \$srate; " TryAgain=1 PromptCount=0 RemoteCmd=$RemoteCmd1 WhichCmd=1 while [[ ${TryAgain} -eq 1 ]] do ## Executing Remote Command RetStr=`/usr/bin/ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o 'NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1' -l hscroot ${Hmc_Name_New} $RemoteCmd 2>&1 ` RetVal=$? if [[ $RetVal -eq 255 ]]; then ## If User ID or Password is wrong, try 3 times if [[ $PromptCount -ge 2 ]]; then TryAgain=0 Result="${Result}\nEither HMC/FSM Name ${Hmc_Name_New} or Password is wrong!\n${ErrMsg}\n" Result="${Result}\nError Msg: ${RetStr}\n" print "$Result" return 1 fi PromptCount=`expr $PromptCount + 1` elif [[ $RetVal -eq 1 ]]; then ## If first command returned 1, HMC is wrong, ## If second command returned 1, it failed to create user id pmaixusr if [[ ${WhichCmd} -eq 1 ]]; then Result="${Result}\nWrong HMC/FSM. The HMC/FSM ${Hmc_Name_New} does not manage this lpar ${LparName}. Please enter HMC/FSM name managing lpar ${LparName}!\n${ErrMsg}\n" elif [[ ${WhichCmd} -eq 2 ]]; then Result="${Result}\nFailed to create new user id ${Hmc_User_New} on HMC/FSM ${Hmc_Name_New}\n${ErrMsg}\n" fi print "$Result" TryAgain=0 CleanUpTmpFiles ${TmpFile1} return 1 elif [[ $RetVal -eq 2 ]]; then ## If first command returns 2, id does not exist, need to create, so loop back if [[ ${WhichCmd} -eq 1 ]]; then print "" print "\nNEW USER:\nA new user id ${Hmc_User_New} will be created on HMC/FSM ${Hmc_Name_New} with HMCVIEWER access.\n Please enter the password you desire to set to new id ${Hmc_User_New}.\n " print "(password must be atleast 7 characters)\n" `tty >/dev/null` ExitStatus=1 FirstPass=1 tmppass="" retry=0 while [[ ${ExitStatus} -eq 1 ]]; do ## Set the stty not to display what is being typed while reading password until Enter key is returned stty -echo read Hmc_P_PM ## Set back stty to display what is being typed stty echo if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ $FirstPass -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ ${#Hmc_P_PM} -ge 7 ]]; then FirstPass=0 print "Please re-enter the password again\n" tmppass=$Hmc_P_PM else ## If the password entered is less than 7 characters, prompt to enter correct password retry=`expr $retry + 1` print "Invalid password specified. Password cannot be empty or less than 7 characters.\n" fi else if [[ $tmppass == $Hmc_P_PM ]]; then ExitStatus=0 else ## If password does not match while reconfirming, prompt from beginning. print "Password does not match, please try again\n" print "Please enter new password for user ${Hmc_User_New}\n" Hmc_P_PM="" tmppass="" FirstPass=1 retry=`expr $retry + 1` fi fi fi if [[ $retry -ge 3 ]]; then ExitStatus=0 break fi done if [[ $tmppass == "" ]]; then Result="${Result}\nFailed to provide password for new user in 3 tries.\nPlease try again\n${ErrMsg}\n" TryAgain=0 print "$Result" return 1 fi ## Remote command to create new user id on hmc, if previous remote command is successful and id not created RemoteCmd2=" idexist=\"1\"; ${FuncCmd2}; mkhmcusr -u ${Hmc_User_New} -a hmcviewer --passwd ${Hmc_P_PM}; retval=\$?; if [[ \$retval -eq 0 ]]; then idexist=0; else idexist=\$retval; fi; FuncRetVal2 \$idexist; " RemoteCmd=${RemoteCmd2} if [[ ${HscRootPass} -eq 0 ]]; then print "\nADMIN PASSWORD:\nPlease enter the password for hscroot@${Hmc_Name_New}:" fi WhichCmd=2 elif [[ ${WhichCmd} -eq 2 ]]; then Result="${Result}\nFailed to create new user id ${Hmc_User_New} on HMC/FSM ${Hmc_Name_New}\n${ErrMsg}\n" TryAgain=0 print "$Result" CleanUpTmpFiles ${TmpFile1} return 1 fi elif [[ $RetVal -eq 3 ]]; then ## If the user has taskrole other than hmcviewer, exit. Due to security concerns. Result="${Result}\nUser ID ${Hmc_User_New} exist but not with HMCVIEWER access.\nPlease set taskrole as hmcviewer for id ${Hmc_User_New} on HMC/FSM and try again!.\n${ErrMsg}\n" TryAgain=0 print "$Result" CleanUpTmpFiles ${TmpFile1} return 1 elif [[ $RetVal -eq 4 ]]; then ## If the HMC is not enabled for utilization data Result="${Result}\nHMC/FSM ${Hmc_Name_New} is not enable to collect utilization data.\nPlease enable HMC/FSM ${Hmc_Name_New} to collect utilization data.\n${ErrMsg}\n" TryAgain=0 print "$Result" CleanUpTmpFiles ${TmpFile1} return 1 elif [[ $RetVal -eq 0 ]]; then ## if command success, ## If the first command returns 0, lpar and id is correct, end loop if [[ ${WhichCmd} -eq 2 ]]; then print "\nNew user id ${Hmc_User_New} is created.\nPlease remember the password you have set for this ID." else Result="${Result}\nUser id ${Hmc_User_New} exist on HMC/FSM ${Hmc_Name_New}.\n" fi TryAgain=0 fi done ## If new Hmc name is not blank, and password-less ssh failed for new user on new hmc, configure password-less ssh. if [[ ${UserPass} -eq 0 ]]; then cd $HomeDir/.ssh 2>/dev/null UseIDFile=0 if [[ -e $HomeDir/.ssh/id_rsa ]]; then echo $(ssh-keygen -f $HomeDir/.ssh/id_rsa -y -P '""') ${UserID}@${HostName} > $HomeDir/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then UseIDFile=1 fi fi if [[ ${UseIDFile} -eq 0 ]]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -f "$HomeDir/.ssh/id_rsa" -N "" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then ## If generating ID RSA files failed, exit. Result="${Result}\nFailed in generating RSA key $HomeDir/.ssh/id_rsa\n${ErrMsg}\n" print "$Result" CleanUpTmpFiles ${TmpFile1} return 1 fi else Result="${Result}\nFound RSA key $HomeDir/.ssh/id_rsa\n" fi print "\nUSER PASSWORD:\nPlease enter the password for ${Hmc_User_New}@${Hmc_Name_New}:" ## Copying .ssh/authorized_keys2 from HMC to tmp scpval=`/usr/bin/scp -o 'NumberOfPasswordPrompts=3' $HomeDir/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New:/tmp/id_rsa.pub_$$ 2>&1` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then Result="${Result}\nError: Unable to copy the public key from lpar to HMC $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New !.\n" if [[ ${scpval} != "" ]] then Result="${Result}\nError Msg: ${scpval}\n" fi print "${Result}" CleanUpTmpFiles ${TmpFile1} return 1 fi print "\nUSER PASSWORD:\nPlease enter the password, for ${Hmc_User_New}@${Hmc_Name_New}:" ## Update authorized_key2 on HMC sshval=`/usr/bin/ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o 'NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1' $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New "mkauthkeys -a \"\\\`cat /tmp/id_rsa.pub_$$\\\`\";rm /tmp/id_rsa.pub_$$" 2>&1` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then Result="${Result}\nToHMC/FSM: Failed to configure password-less SSH to $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New\n${ErrMsg}\n" if [[ ${sshval} != "" ]] then Result="${Result}\nError Msg: ${sshval}\n" fi print "${Result}" CleanUpTmpFiles ${TmpFile1} return 1 fi ## "Testing password-less connection to $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New\n" /usr/bin/ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o 'PreferredAuthentications=publickey' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -l ${Hmc_User_New} ${Hmc_Name_New} echo 2>/dev/null >/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then # Update the pmconf file after configuring password-less SSH to HMC/FSM ConfiguredNewSSH=1 ReturnSuccess=1 Result="${Result}\nSuccessfully configure password-less SSH to $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New\n" else Result="${Result}\nFailed to configure password-less SSH to $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New\n${ErrMsg}\n" fi elif [[ ${UserPass} -eq 1 ]]; then ## In case if the password-less already setup Result="${Result}\nPassword-Less SSH is Already Configured For $Hmc_User_New@$Hmc_Name_New\n" ReturnSuccess=1 fi elif [[ ${Hmc_Name_New} == "" ]]; then print "Are you sure you want to unconfigure (y/n) ?\n" Confirm=0 while [[ $Confirm -eq 0 ]]; do read val if [[ $val == [yY] ]]; then ReturnSuccess=1 Hmc_User_New="" Hmc_Name_New="" Confirm=1 elif [[ $val == [nN] ]]; then print "Unconfiguration cancelled!!\n" ReturnSuccess=2 UnconfigureOldSSH=0 Confirm=1 else print "Enter y or Y to unconfigure else n or N to cancel ?\r" fi done fi DoWhile=0 done #set -x ExitStatus=1 if [[ ${UnconfigureOldSSH} -eq 1 ]]; then ## Check if public key was configured earlier by this function, if yes, unconfigure /usr/bin/grep Public_Key_Configured ${PMCONF} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then ## Unconfigure password-less ssh for old Hmc Info if Old Hmc name is not null /usr/bin/ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o 'PreferredAuthentications=publickey' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -l ${Hmc_User_Old} ${Hmc_Name_Old} echo 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then ## If configured, remove entry from old Hmc auth file `/usr/bin/scp -o 'NumberOfPasswordPrompts=3' $HomeDir/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $Hmc_User_Old@$Hmc_Name_Old:/tmp/id_rsa.pub_$$ 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then ## HMC Command mkauthkeys will update the content of the id_rsa file to authorized key, -r flag will remove the entry from auth file sshval=`/usr/bin/ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o 'NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1' $Hmc_User_Old@$Hmc_Name_Old "mkauthkeys -r \"\\\`cat /tmp/id_rsa.pub_$$\\\`\";rm /tmp/id_rsa.pub_$$" 2>&1` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then ExitStatus=0 else Result="${Result}\nFromHMC/FSM: Failed to unconfigure password-less SSH to HMC/FSM $Hmc_User_Old@$Hmc_Name_Old\n" if [[ ${sshval} != "" ]] then Results="${Result}\nError Msg: ${sshval}\n" fi ExitStatus=1 fi else Result="${Result}\nToHMC/FSM: Failed to unconfigure password-less SSH to HMC/FSM $Hmc_User_Old@$Hmc_Name_Old" ExitStatus=1 fi fi if [[ ${ExitStatus} -eq 1 ]]; then Result="${Result}\nFailed to unconfigure password-less SSH to HMC/FSM $Hmc_User_Old@$Hmc_Name_Old" fi /usr/bin/grep -v Public_Key_Configured ${PMCONF} > ${TmpFile1} 2>/dev/null /usr/bin/cp ${TmpFile1} ${PMCONF} 2>/dev/null fi fi if [[ ${ConfiguredNewSSH} -eq 1 ]]; then /usr/bin/grep -v Public_Key_Configured ${PMCONF} > ${TmpFile1} 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "# Public_Key_Configured" >> ${TmpFile1} 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/cp ${TmpFile1} ${PMCONF} 2>/dev/null fi fi fi print "$Result" cd ${OldDir} CleanUpTmpFiles ${TmpFile1} Hmc_User_PM=${Hmc_User_New} if [[ ${ReturnSuccess} -eq 1 ]]; then return 0 elif [[ ${ReturnSuccess} -eq 2 ]]; then return 2 else return 1 fi } WaitForUserEnter() { print "\n\nHit Enter key to continue..\n" read } SetHMCInfo() { ## Check if SSH is availble, if not, exit with error message SSH=`which ssh 2>/dev/null >/dev/null` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then print "\nError: Unable to find SSH" print "Please install SSH first to setup HMC Info and configure Password-Less SSH to HMC" WaitForUserEnter exit fi PMStatus=`/var/perf/pm/bin/config_pm.sh status` if [[ ${PMStatus} == "Disabled" ]]; then print "Error: PM data transmission is not enabled.\n" print "Please enable PM using SMIT.\n" print "==================================== Steps to enable PM ==================================== 1. From the command line, type 'smit topas'. 2. Select 'Setup Performance Management'. 3. Select 'Enable Data Transmission' to enable PM data transmission.\n" WaitForUserEnter exit fi while getopts ':n:u:' option do case ${option} in n)Hmc_Name_PM=${OPTARG} ;; u)Hmc_User_PM=${OPTARG} ;; [?])exit 1 ;; esac done PMCONF=/var/perf/pm/config/pmconf SSHConfigured=0 SetPasswordLessSSH HMCNAM=$Hmc_Name_PM HMCUSER=$Hmc_User_PM SshVal=$? if [[ $SshVal -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Unable to configure password-less SSH to new HMC/FSM Information" WaitForUserEnter exit elif [[ $SshVal -eq 2 ]]; then WaitForUserEnter exit else SSHConfigured=1 fi # Disable Shared LPAR and Cross LPAR collection if HMC Name is unset if [[ ${Hmc_Name_PM} == "" && $SSHConfigured -eq 1 ]] then UnsetPMExt SetXlparInterval else if [[ $SSHConfigured -eq 0 ]]; then echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 10 'Failed to connect to HMC. Please check if password-less ssh to HMC is setup, and HMC name and HMC user is correct. ') WaitForUserEnter exit fi SetPMExt fi val=`/usr/bin/grep Hmc_Name_PM ${PMCONF}` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/cat ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf echo >> /tmp/_pmconf echo '# HMC Name and User ID' >> /tmp/_pmconf echo "Hmc_Name_PM:" >> /tmp/_pmconf echo "Hmc_User_PM:" >> /tmp/_pmconf echo >> /tmp/_pmconf /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf ${PMCONF} fi /usr/bin/sed "s/Hmc_Name_PM:.*/Hmc_Name_PM:${Hmc_Name_PM}/" ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf ${PMCONF} /usr/bin/sed "s/Hmc_User_PM:.*/Hmc_User_PM:${Hmc_User_PM}/" ${PMCONF} > /tmp/_pmconf /usr/bin/cp /tmp/_pmconf ${PMCONF} val=`/usr/bin/grep Hmc_Name_PM ${PMCONF}` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 4 'Successfully updated HMC Information ') else echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 5 'Failed to update HMC Information ') WaitForUserEnter exit fi /usr/bin/rm -f /tmp/_pmconf WaitForUserEnter } GetESACustInfo() { tmpsize=`df -m /tmp | grep -v Filesystem | awk '{print $3}' 2>/dev/null` varsize=`df -m /var | grep -v Filesystem | awk '{print $3}' 2>/dev/null` ## If /tmp has less than 1 MB of free size, return if [[ $tmpsize -lt 1 ]]; then return fi ## If /var has less than 1 MB of free size, return if [[ $varsize -lt 1 ]]; then return fi ## Get the PM configuration file path PMCONF=/var/perf/pm/config/pmconf ## Get the email address from PM config file PM_Email=`grep "^email_PM:" ${PMCONF} | cut -d':' -f2 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'` ## If PM Email is already updated, return if [[ $PM_Email != "" ]]; then return fi ## Get ESA configuration file path, this is found only if ESA is enabled file="/var/esa/data/IBM_ESAconfig.properties" ## If ESA configuration file is not available, return, this file is available only if ESA is enabled if [[ ! -e $file ]]; then return fi ## Array of ESA contact info fields to be captured set -A ESA_Fields R_COMPANY_NAME LOCATION_BUILDING LOCATION_ADDRESS1 LOCATION_CITY_OR_LOCALITY LOCATION_STATE_OR_PROVINCE R_COUNTRY_OR_REGION LOCATION_ZIP_OR_POSTAL_CODE R_CONTACT_NAME R_PHONE_NUMBER R_EMAIL_ADDRESS ## Array to get the values of the ESA fields set -A ESA_Values ## Loop through all the required fields in ESA and capture the data in array n=0 for i in ${ESA_Fields[@]} do ESA_Values[$n]=`grep ^$i $file | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//'` n=`expr $n + 1` done ## If Building value is blank, move the next address up if [[ ${ESA_Values[1]} == "" ]]; then ESA_Values[1]=ESA_Values[2] ESA_Values[2]="" fi ## Array of PM contact info fields set -A PM_Fields Company_Name_PM Address_PM Address1_PM City_PM state_PM country_PM countrycode_PM contactperson_PM phone_PM email_PM ## Path for pmconf backup file PMCONF_UPD="/tmp/$$_pmconf_upd" ## Path for pmconf temp file PMCONF_TMP="/tmp/$$_pmconf_tmp" ## Path for pmconf backup file for comparison with original pmconf PMCONF_BKUP="/tmp/$$_pmconf_bkup" ## Copying original pmconf file which will be used for modifying /usr/bin/cp ${PMCONF} ${PMCONF_UPD} ## If copy of pmconf file is not found, return if [[ ! -e ${PMCONF_UPD} ]]; then return fi ## Copying original pmconf file as backup for comparison later /usr/bin/cp ${PMCONF} ${PMCONF_BKUP} ## If backup file is not found, return if [[ ! -e ${PMCONF_BKUP} ]]; then /usr/bin/rm ${PMCONF_UPD} return fi ## Loop through all the required fields in PM and update the pmconf backup file n=0 for i in ${PM_Fields[@]} do /usr/bin/sed "s/${i}:.*/${i}:${ESA_Values[$n]}/" ${PMCONF_UPD} > ${PMCONF_TMP} /usr/bin/cp ${PMCONF_TMP} ${PMCONF_UPD} n=`expr $n + 1` done ## If pmconf backup file is available and difference is only in content of lines, ##and if line numbers are greater than or equal only then replace the original file with updated backup pmconf file if [[ -e ${PMCONF_UPD} ]]; then diff ${PMCONF_UPD} ${PMCONF} 2>/dev/null >&2 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then ## If updated and pmconf file is NOT same, ## If No modification is made to original pmconf, only then replace with ESA updated pmconf diff ${PMCONF_BKUP} ${PMCONF} 2>/dev/null >&2 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/cp ${PMCONF_UPD} ${PMCONF} fi fi fi ## Unset the array used unset ESA_Fields unset ESA_Values unset PM_Fields ## Remove the pmconf backup and temp file if [[ -e ${PMCONF_UPD} ]]; then /usr/bin/rm ${PMCONF_UPD} fi if [[ -e ${PMCONF_BKUP} ]]; then /usr/bin/rm ${PMCONF_BKUP} fi if [[ -e ${PMCONF_TMP} ]]; then /usr/bin/rm ${PMCONF_TMP} fi return } EnableDisablePMRec() { OSLEVEL=`/usr/bin/oslevel | awk -F'.' '{printf $1"."$2}'` PMPERFREC_STATUS=1 if [[ ${OSLEVEL} == "6.1" ]] then ## Check for RBAC authorization if [[ -f /usr/ios/cli/ioscli ]] then # If its vios, check for vios authorization /usr/bin/ckauth vios.system.perfmgr.config if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then PMPERFREC_STATUS=0 fi fi else ## Check for RBAC authorization if [[ -f /usr/ios/cli/ioscli ]] then # If its vios, check for vios authorization /usr/bin/ckauth vios.system.perfmgr.config if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then PMPERFREC_STATUS=0 fi else # If its aix, check for aix authorization /usr/bin/ckauth aix.system.perfmgr.config if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then PMPERFREC_STATUS=0 fi fi fi if [[ ${PMPERFREC_STATUS} -ne 0 ]] then return 1 fi while getopts ':P:' flag do case "$flag" in P) Enable_Pm_Recording=$OPTARG ;; [?]) Usage exit 10 ;; esac done PMCONF=/var/perf/pm/config/pmconf PMRecService="pmperfrec" PMREC_ENABLED=1 if [[ ${Enable_Pm_Recording} == "yes" ]] then /usr/bin/lssrc -s ${PMRecService} >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then # Add pmperfrec service to the SRC subsystem /usr/bin/mkssys -p /var/perf/pm/bin/pmperfrec -s ${PMRecService} -u 0 -Q -S -n 30 -f 9 >/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed to add ${PMRecService} service to SRC subsystem" return 1 else echo "${PMRecService} is added to SRC subsystem" fi fi # If service is not active, start the service /usr/bin/lssrc -s ${PMRecService} | /usr/bin/tr -s ' ' | /usr/bin/grep ${PMRecService} | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/grep ' active' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then # Start the pmperfrec service /usr/bin/startsrc -s ${PMRecService} >/dev/null 2>&1 # Confirm whether the pmperfrec service is started /usr/bin/lssrc -s ${PMRecService} | /usr/bin/tr -s ' ' | /usr/bin/grep ${PMRecService} | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/grep ' active' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then # Service is active PMREC_ENABLED=0 echo "Started ${PMRecService} service" else echo "Failed to start ${PMRecService} service" fi else # Service is already active PMREC_ENABLED=0 fi # Check if pmperfrec entry listed in inittab, if no, add it lsitab pmperfrec >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 && ${PMREC_ENABLED} -eq 0 ]] then # Add pmperfrec entry to inittab /usr/sbin/mkitab 'pmperfrec:2:once:/var/perf/pm/bin/config_pm_ext.sh -P yes' >/dev/null 2>&1 # Confirm whether pmperfrec entry is added in inittab lsitab pmperfrec >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed to add the entry in /etc/inittab" else echo "Updated entry in /etc/inittab" fi fi elif [[ ${Enable_Pm_Recording} == "no" ]] then # To disable PM Perf recording /usr/bin/lssrc -s ${PMRecService} >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then # Make sure the service is stopped before removing from SRC Subsystem, else the process will be running /usr/bin/lssrc -s ${PMRecService} | /usr/bin/tr -s ' ' | /usr/bin/grep ${PMRecService} | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/grep ' active' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then # Stop the pmperfrec serivce /usr/bin/stopsrc -s ${PMRecService} >/dev/null 2>&1 # Confirm whether the pmperfrec service is stopped /usr/bin/lssrc -s ${PMRecService} | /usr/bin/tr -s ' ' | /usr/bin/grep ${PMRecService} | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/grep ' active' >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Stopped ${PMRecService} service" else echo "Failed to stop ${PMRecService} service" fi fi fi # Check if pmperfrec entry listed in inittab, if yes, remove it lsitab pmperfrec >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then # Removing pmperfrec entry from inittab /usr/sbin/rmitab pmperfrec >/dev/null 2>&1 # Confirm whether pmperfrec entry is removed from inittab lsitab pmperfrec >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then echo "Failed to remove the entry in /etc/inittab" else echo "Removed pmperfrec entry in /etc/inittab" fi fi fi } main() { #IT should not run inside WPAR Is_WPAR=`/usr/bin/uname -W` if [[ ${Is_WPAR} -ne 0 ]] then echo "PM Service is not supported inside WPAR" exit 1 fi ## Check for RBAC authorization if [[ -f /usr/ios/cli/ioscli ]] then # If its vios, check for vios authorization /usr/bin/ckauth vios.system.perfmgr.config rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi else # If its aix, check for aix authorization /usr/bin/ckauth aix.system.perfmgr.config rc=$? if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi fi ARG1=$1 if [[ ${ARG1} == "-C" || ${ARG1} == "-c" || ${ARG1} == "-H" ]] then if [[ ! -f /var/perf/pm/bin/pmcfg_ext ]] then echo $(dspmsg pm_ext.cat -s 1 11 'pmcfg extension script is not available' ) exit 1 fi fi if [[ ${ARG1} == "-C" ]] then HwType=`/usr/sbin/getsystype -i | /usr/bin/awk '{print $2}' 2>/dev/null` /usr/bin/grep "# PMExt:2" ${PMCONF} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 || ${HwType} -gt 7 ]] then shift SetXlparInterval $* else echo "Error: HMC information has not been entered." echo "Please enter HMC information using SMIT.\n" echo "==================================== Steps to enter HMC information ==================================== 1. From the command line, type 'smit topas'. 2. Select 'Setup Performance Management'. 3. Select 'Change/Show HMC Information' to show/change the HMC information.\n" exit 1 fi elif [[ ${ARG1} == "-c" ]] then shift GetXlparInterval elif [[ ${ARG1} == "-H" ]] then shift SetHMCInfo $* elif [[ ${ARG1} == "-E" ]] then shift ## Call to update PMCONF file from ESA GetESACustInfo elif [[ ${ARG1} == "-P" ]] then EnableDisablePMRec $* fi } PMCONF=/var/perf/pm/config/pmconf main $*