/* @(#)36 1.3 src/tcpip/usr/include/isode/pepsy/SMI_pre_defs.h, isodelib7, tcpip720 3/3/93 11:40:03 */ /* * COMPONENT_NAME: (SNMP) Simple Network Management Protocol Daemon * * FUNCTIONS: none * * ORIGINS: 60 * * FILE: src/tcpip/usr/include/isode/pepsy/SMI_pre_defs.h */ /* * NOTICE * * Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related * materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement. * Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of * this agreement. */ #ifndef _SMI_pre_defs_ #define _SMI_pre_defs_ extern modtyp _ZSMI_mod; #define _ZOpaqueSMI 9 #define _ZNetworkAddressSMI 4 #define _ZSimpleSyntaxSMI 2 #define _ZIpAddressSMI 5 #define _ZObjectSyntaxSMI 1 #define _ZDisplayStringSMI 10 #define _ZApplicationSyntaxSMI 3 #define _ZTimeTicksSMI 8 #define _ZCounterSMI 6 #define _ZObjectNameSMI 0 #define _ZGaugeSMI 7 #endif /* _SMI_pre_defs_ */