# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999,2020 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 

# Trace templates for component _MCD generated by cugentpl.

0 "main: "
    "At top of ctrl loop, count = %d\n"
1 "main: "
    "Process write event, wfd = %d\n"
2 "main: "
    "Process read event, rfd = %d\n"
3 "main: "
    "Read %d caught signals data from pipe\n"
4 "main: "
    "Process routing queue\n"
5 "init: "
    "daemon locale blob:\n"
6 "gsi: "
    "Group state change request made\n"
6:0 "    "
    "Group state: vers,chgreq,chgarg,flags=%08x PINST=%s CDBvers=%s\n"
7 "gsi: "
    "state change request is rejected\n"
7:0 "     "
    "request was from provider 0x%08x\n"
7:1 "     "
    "Group state: vers,chgreq,chgarg,flags=%08x PINST=%s CDBvers=%s\n"
8 "gsi: "
    "Current group state is\n"
8:0 "     "
    "Group state: vers,chgreq,chgarg,flags=%08x PINST=%s CDBvers=%s\n"
9 "gsi: "
    "Request state change to peer group, attempt number %d\n"
10 "gsi: "
    "responsiveness callback executed\n"
11 "gsi: "
    "error callback executed\n"
11:0 "     "
    "gs_notification_type = %d\n"
    "gs_request_token = 0x%x\n"
    "gs_protocol_type = %d\n"
    "gs_delayed_return_code = %d\n"
12 "gsi: "
    "query callback executed\n"
13 "gsi: "
    "domain control callback executed, not_type=%d event_type=%d\n"
14 "gsi: "
    "new version information\n"
14:0 "     "
    "v=%hd  r=%hd  m=%hd  f=%hd  vrmf=0x%08x\n"
15 "gsi: "
    "nphase callback executed, protocol=%d summary code=0x%x\n"
16 "gsi: "
    "vote REJECT for unexpected protocol\n"
17 "gsi: "
    "vote APPROVE for join request (not member)\n"
18 "gsi: "
    "peer node %d is not configured\n"
19 "gsi: "
    "peer daemon on node %d in recovery\n"
20 "gsi: "
    "vote REJECT for join request %d/%d (member)\n"
21 "gsi: "
    "vote APPROVE for join request %d (member)\n"
22 "gsi: "
    "approve callback executed, protocol=%d summary code=0x%x\n"
23 "gsi: "
    "reject callback executed, protocol=%d summary code=0x%x\n"
24 "gsi: "
    "Join request from %x/%x is rejected\n"
25 "gsi: "
    "announce callback executed, summary code=0x%x\n"
26 "gsi: "
    "merge callback executed\n"
27 "gsi: "
    "Peer daemon has joined group\n"
27:0 "     "
    "Daemon is on node %d(%d), peer count = %d\n"
28 "gsi: "
    "Self daemon on node %d(%d) has joined group\n"
29 "gsi: "
    "Highest peer node number is %d, highest node index is %d\n"
30 "gsi: "
    "Peer daemon has departed group "
30:0 "     "
    "daemon was on node %d "
    "(reason = 0x%08x, code = %d, in=%c) peer count = %d\n"
31 "gsi: "
    "Peer daemon on node %d has departed group "
    "(reason is non-responsiveness) peer count = %d\n"
32 "sched: "
    "First element of work queue at 0x%08x\n"
33 "sched: "
33:0 "       "
    "next=0x%08x, func=0x%08x, arg=0x%08x, arg2=0x%08x, tdelta=%f\n"
34 "sched: "
    "Work Q insert processed %d queue elements\n"
35 "sched: "
    "Work Q processed %d/%d queue elements\n"
36 "sched: "
    "Work Q processed %d/%d/%d queue elements for immediate execution\n"
37 "sched: "
    "Wait Q scanned %d queue elements\n"
38 "sched: "
    "Wait Q(ri) scanned %d queue elements\n"
39 "cci: "
    "Accept for Unix client returned nothing\n"
40 "cci: "
    "Accept for Internet client returned nothing\n"
41 "cci: "
    "Accepted client socket in Unix domain, sock = %d, lcid = %d\n"
42 "cci: "
    "Accepted client socket in Internet domain, sock = %d, lcid = %d\n"
43 "cci: "
    "Read client socket for signatures:\n"
43:0 "            "
    "fd=%d, read() returned %d, errno=%d, sig_state=%d\n"
44 "cci: "
    "Session state for lcid %d: current state = %d,  cmd to process = %d\n"
45 "cci: "
    "Session state for lcid %d:     new state = %d, response to cmd = %d\n"
46 "cci: "
    "Session information received:\n"
46:0 "     "
    "Start time (sec, usec) %lld, %lld\n"
46:1 "     "
    "Protocol version = %d, client pid = %d\n"
    "     grp_mask=0x%08x, grp_shift=%d, mem_mask=0x%08x, mem_shift=%d\n"
    "     lccb_flags=0x%08x lccb_IPaddr=0x%08x (network order)\n"
46:2 "     "
    "Program name: %s\n"
46:3 "     "
    "Message locale: %s\n"
47 "cci: "
    "Closing client connection, sock = %d, lcid = %d\n"
48 "cci: "
    "Free lccb, lcid=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
49 "cci: "
    "Free lccb (delayed), lcid=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
50 "cci: "
    "Client cmd received out of order, cmd=%d sess_state=%d proto_vers=%d\n"
51 "cci: "
    "Number of FDs waiting on write = %d\n"
52 "cci: "
    "Send responses to client, lcid=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
53 "cci: "
    "Not all responses sent to client, lcid=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
54 "cci: "
    "All responses sent to client, lcid=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
55 "cci: "
    "Force client connection (%d) to close due to error\n"
56 "mcp: "
    "Process command message for logical connection %d containing %d commands\n"
57 "mcp: "
    "Begin validation of command type 0x%08x, index %d\n"
58 "mcp: "
    "Validation assert cmdtype=%08x, proto_vers_mask=%08x, is_ordered=%d\n"
59 "mcp: "
    "Validate expression attribute name callback results:\n"
59:0 "     "
    "    return code = %d\n"
59:1 "     "
    "    class ID = %hd, dattr type = %c, dattr ID = %d\n"
59:2 "     "
    "    name token = %s\n"
60 "mcp: "
    "Validate select string attribute name callback results:\n"
60:0 "     "
    "    return code = %d\n"
60:1 "     "
    "    class ID = %hd, probe ID = %d, xlate ID = %d, first attr ID = %d\n"
    "         manyflag = %d, pad = %d\n"
    "         cum vmask = 0x%016llx, tmp vmask = 0x%016llx\n"
60:2 "     "
    "    name token = %s\n"
61 "mcp: "
    "Probed select string\n"
    "         Created node list with %d entries:\n"
62 "mcp: "
    "Error detected when validating command\n"
62:0 "     "
	"Command type 0x%08x, index %d, error number 0x%08x\n"
62:1 "     "
	"Client error data block follows\n"
63 "mcp: "
    "Begin formatting of command type 0x%08x, index %d\n"
64 "mcp: "
	"Following is dump of canonical command\n"
65 "mcp: "
    "Following is a client-supplied expression and converted expression\n"
65:0 "     "
65:1 "     "
66 "mcp: "
    "Connection lcid=%d is closing, mark CTB icid=%d to not send responses\n"
67 "routg: "
    "Routing CTB icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x, flags=0x%08x\n"
    "       genus=0x%02x, class_id=%d, local_rhs=0x%08x, remote_rhs=0x%08x\n"
68 "routg: "
    "Force route CTB (icid=%d) for local processing\n"
69 "routg: "
    "Route CTB (icid=%d) for local processing\n"
70 "routg: "
    "Route CTB (icid=%d) for remote processing\n"
71 "rmctrl: "
    "Accept for Unix Resource Manager returned nothing\n"
72 "rmctrl: "
    "Accepted resource manager socket in Unix domain, sock = %d\n"
73 "rmctrl: "
    "Do not check locks on the following file (RM definition incomplete)\n%s\n"
74 "rmctrl: "
    "Checking locks on the following file\n%s\n"
75 "rmctrl: "
    "Lock status for resource manager ID %d is %d\n"
76 "rmctrl: "
    "Call to start resource manager, id = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
77 "rmctrl: "
    "Call to start resource manager rejected (already connected),"
    " id = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
78 "rmctrl: "
    "Call to start resource manager rejected (prior start cmd is running),"
    " id = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
79 "rmctrl: "
    "Call to start resource manager rejected (open pipe),"
    " id = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
80 "rmctrl: "
    "Call to start resource manager rejected (open start window),"
    " id = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
81 "rmctrl: "
    "Call to start resource manager rejected (1 start attempt already made),"
    " id = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
82 "rmctrl: "
    "Execute the start command\n"
82:0 "        "
    "Started process %d for resource manager ID %d\n"
82:1 "        "
    "Start command is \"%s\"\n"
83 "rmctrl: "
    "Close start window for resource manager id = %d\n"
84 "rmctrl: "
    "Do disconnect processing for resource manager id = %d,"
    " flags = 0x%04x, num_wfds = %d, mctp = 0x%08x"
85 "rmctrl: "
    "    Clean up command queue and free XCBs not marked 'keep'\n"
86 "rmctrl: "
    "    Scan CTBs for those with incomplete responses from this RM\n"
87 "rmctrl: "
    "        Matched CTB icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x, flags=0x%08x, "
    "class_id=%d, genus=%d\n"
88 "rmctrl: "
    "        Unmatched CTB icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x, flags=0x%08x, "
    "class_id=%d, genus=%d\n"
89 "rmctrl: "
    "    Force reprocessing of stalled commands\n"
90 "rmctrl: "
    "    Send pending commands to class, class_id=%d, cctp=0x%08x, "
91 "rmctrl: "
    "Detected terminated, unrecorded child process %d\n"
92 "rmctrl: "
    "Start command for resource manager id = %d terminated; "
    "terminated process is %d\n"
93 "rmctrl: "
    "Ignore shoulder tap from resource manager id = %d; "
    "the RM definition is not complete\n"
94 "rmctrl: "
    "RMC still has connection to resource manager\n"
94:0 "        "
    "Resource manager ID %d queued to RMD (fd=%d, qcount=%d)\n"
95 "rmctrl: "
    "Attempt to connect to a resource manager\n"
95:0 "        "
    "resource manager id = %d, flags = 0x%04x, fd = %d\n"
95:1 "        "
    "resource manager name = %s\n"
96 "rmctrl: "
    "Connected to a resource manager\n"
96:0 "        "
    "resource manager id = %d, flags = 0x%04x, fd = %d\n"
96:1 "        "
    "resource manager name = %s\n"
96:2 "        "
    "socket name = %s\n"
97 "rmctrl: "
    "disconnected from resource manager id %d\n"
98 "rmctrl: "
    "Process queued resource manager connection\n"
98:0 "        "
    "Dequeued resource manager ID %d (fd=%d, qcount=%d)\n"
99 "rmctrl: "
    "Send commands to resource manager ID %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
100 "rmctrl: "
    "Number of FDs waiting on write = %d\n"
101 "rmctrl: "
    "Not all commands sent to resource manager, ID = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
102 "rmctrl: "
    "All commands sent to resource manager, ID = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
103 "rmctrl: "
    "Cluster config status sent to resource manager, ID = %d, stat = 0x%04x\n"
104 "rmctrl: "
    "IP HB status sent to resource manager\n"
104:0 "        "
    "ID = %d, nodenum = %d, count = %d (status bytes follow)\n"
105 "rmctrl: "
    "Node status sent to resource manager\n"
105:0 "        "
    "ID = %d, domain = %d, nodenum = %d, status = %d\n"
106 "rmctrl: "
    "Ignoring responses from resource manager, ID = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
107 "rmctrl: "
    "Process notification type 0x%04x from resource manager ID %d\n"
108 "rmctrl: "
    "Process response type 0x%04x from resource manager ID %d\n"
109 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_MNOT_SHMSEG_ID from resource manager ID %d, seg ID is %d\n"
110 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_MNOT_RSRCS_UNDEFINED from resource class ID %d, count=%d\n"
111 "rmctrl: "
    "Dump of resource handle array:\n"
112 "rmctrl: "
    "Unknown resource handle: %r\n"
113 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_MNOT_MATCH_SET_CHANGE from resource class ID %d, count=%d\n"
114 "rmctrl: "
    "Change information\n"
114:0 "        "
    "resource handle = 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
114:1 "        "
    "Dump of change list array:\n"
115 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_MNOT_SHMSEG_EXHAUSTED from resource manager ID %d\n"
116 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_MNOT_RSRC_MOVED from resource class ID %hu, nodeID 0x%016llx\n"
    "        RH=%r\n"
117 "rmctrl: "
    "RM_MNOT_RSRC_MOVED  notification ignored for reason %d\n"
118 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_MNOT_RMC_MSG from resource manager ID %d, msg_code = %d\n"
119 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_BIND_RCCP response from class ID %d, error is %d\n"
120 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_BIND_RCP response\n"
120:0 "        "
    "class id = %lld, bind token = 0x%16llx, error id = %lld\n"
120:1 "        "
    "RM resource ID = 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
120:2 "        "
    "resource handle = 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
121 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_UNBIND_RCP response\n"
121:0 "        "
    "class id = %d, resource token = 0x%08x, error id = %d\n"
122 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_START_MONITOR response\n"
122:0 "        "
    "target type = %d, target class = %d, target token = 0x%08x\n"
    "        CTB class id = %d, attribute id = %d, error id = %d\n"
    "        monitor flags = 0x%08x\n"
123 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_STOP_MONITOR response\n"
123:0 "        "
    "target type = %d, target class = %d, target token = 0x%08x\n"
    "        CTB class id = %d, attribute id = %d, error id = %d\n"
124 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_ENABLE_PERS_ATTR_NOT response\n"
124:0 "        "
    "target type = %d, target class = %d, target token = 0x%08x\n"
    "        CTB class id = %d, attribute id = %d, error id = %d\n"
125 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_DISABLE_PERS_ATTR_NOT response\n"
125:0 "        "
    "target type = %d, target class = %d, target token = 0x%08x\n"
    "        CTB class id = %d, attribute id = %d, error id = %d\n"
126 "rmctrl: "
    "Received stale response\n"
126:0 "        "
    "Response header is:\n"
127 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_ENUM_RSRC response from class ID %d, error is %d\n"
128 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_GET_ATTR_VALUE response from class ID %d, count is %d\n"
129 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_SET_ATTR_VALUE response from class ID %d, count is %d\n"
130 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_ONLINE response from class ID %d, error is %d\n"
131 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_OFFLINE response from class ID %d, error is %d\n"
132 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_RESET response from class ID %d, error is %d\n"
133 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_DEFINE_RSRC response from class ID %d, error is %d\n"
134 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_UNDEFINE_RSRC response from class ID %d, error is %d\n"
135 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_REFRESH_CONFIG response from class ID %d, error is %d\n"
136 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_VALIDATE_HNDLS response from class ID %d, resource "
    "handle count is %d\n"
137 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_INVOKE_ACTION response from class ID %d, count is %d\n"
138 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_START_MONITOR_MATCH response from class ID %d, "
    "error is %d\n"
139 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_STOP_MONITOR_MATCH response from class ID %d, "
    "error is %d\n"
140 "rmctrl: "
    "Received redirect response, ctbp=0x%08x, rhcbp=0x%08x, newnode=%d\n"
141 "cmdproc: "
    "Create command tracking block, icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
142 "cmdproc: "
    "Attempt to free command tracking block\n"
142:0 "         "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x, ctb_refcnt=%d, ctb_rsp_cnt=%d\n"
    "         ctb_flags=0x%08x, dests=0x%08x\n"
    "         local_rhs=0x%08x, remote_rhs=0x%08x\n"
    "         commands=0x%08x, lccb=0x%08x\n"
    "         ctb_flags2=0x%08x\n"
143 "cmdproc: "
    "Free command tracking block, icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
144 "cmdproc: "
    "Add command to pending RCCP queue, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
145 "cmdproc: "
    "Send pending commands to RCCP, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x gqenext=0x%08x\n"
146 "cmdproc: "
    "Command already on pending RCP queue, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=%p\n"
147 "cmdproc: "
    "Add command to pending RCP queue, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
148 "cmdproc: "
    "Add command to pending PAC queue, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
149 "cmdproc: "
    "Send pending commands to RCP, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x gqenext=0x%08x\n"
150 "cmdproc: "
    "Add command to stall queue, rm_ID=%d mctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
151 "cmdproc: "
    "Send stalled commands to RM, rm_ID=%d mctp=0x%08x\n"
152 "cmdproc: "
    "Bind to RCCP for class ID %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
153 "cmdproc: "
    "Bind to RCP\n"
153:0 "         "
    "resource instance flags = 0x%08x\n"
153:1 "         "
    "resource handle = 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
154 "cmdproc: "
    "No resource manager is handling class ID %d\n"
155 "cmdproc: "
    "Begin formatting of start monitoring match set command\n"
155:0 "         "
    "class id %d, src_icid=%d, seq_no=%d, node=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
156 "cmdproc: "
    "Begin formatting of stop monitoring match set command\n"
156:0 "         "
    "class id %d, src_icid=%d, seq_no=%d, node=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
157 "cmdproc: "
    "Format start monitor cmd (class) cid=%d, ctbpp=0x%08x, *ctbpp=0x%08x, "
	"token1=0x%08x token2=0x%08x, ptoken1=0x%08x ptoken2=0x%08x\n"
158 "cmdproc: "
    "Format stop monitor cmd (class) cid=%d, ctbpp=0x%08x, *ctbpp=0x%08x, "
	"token1=0x%08x token2=0x%08x, ptoken1=0x%08x ptoken2=0x%08x\n"
159 "cmdproc: "
    "Format start monitor cmd (resources) cid=%d, ctbpp=0x%08x, *ctbpp=0x%08x, "
	"token1=0x%08x token2=0x%08x, ptoken1=0x%08x ptoken2=0x%08x\n"
160 "cmdproc: "
    "Format stop monitor cmd (resources) cid=%d, ctbpp=0x%08x, *ctbpp=0x%08x, "
	"token1=0x%08x token2=0x%08x, ptoken1=0x%08x ptoken2=0x%08x\n"
161 "cmdproc: "
    "Add attribute ID %d to start/stop command\n"
162 "cmdproc: "
    "Process resource instance, rip = 0x%08x\n"
163 "cmdproc: "
    "Format enable pattr notification command for class id %d, rip = 0x%08x\n"
164 "cmdproc: "
    "Format disable pattr notification command for class id %d, rip = 0x%08x\n"
165 "cmdproc: "
    "Add attribute ID %d to enable/disable pattr notification command\n"
166 "cmdproc: "
	"Following is dump of canonical command\n"
167 "cmdproc: "
	"Create SAMI record id %d, sequence number %d\n"
    "         src_icid=%d, src_seq_no=%d, flags=0x%04x, node_num=%d\n"
168 "cmdproc: "
	"Destroy SAMI record id %d, sequence number %d, node number %d\n"
169 "cmdproc: "
    "Registered the following event:\n"
	"         reg_id=0x%08x, lcid=%d, icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x, ireg_id=0x%08x "
    "reg_only = %d\n"
170 "cmdproc: "
    "Continue event registration for local rsrs:\n"
	"         reg_id=0x%08x, lcid=%d, icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x, ireg_id=0x%08x\n"
171 "cmdproc: "
    "Complete event registration for local rsrs:\n"
	"         reg_id=0x%08x, lcid=%d, icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x, ireg_id=0x%08x\n"
172 "cmdproc: "
    "Complete pac pending registrations, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x "
173 "cmdproc: "
    "Unregistered the following event:\n"
	"         reg_id=0x%08x, lcid=%d, u_ctbp=0x%08x, r_ctbp=0x%08x\n"
174 "cmdproc: "
    "Partially unregistered the following event:\n"
	"         reg_id=0x%08x, lcid=%d, u_ctbp=0x%08x, r_ctbp=0x%08x\n"
175 "cmdproc: "
    "Format SAMI command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
176 "cmdproc: "
    "Format UNSAMI command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
177 "cmdproc: "
    "Format UNREG command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
178 "cmdproc: "
    "Format PUNREG command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
179 "cmdproc: "
    "Fetch handles for command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
180 "cmdproc: "
    "Received %d fetched handles for command: icid=%d, seqno=%d, errtype=%d\n"
181 "cmdproc: "
    "Fetch handles has completed for command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
182 "cmdproc: "
    "Process query dynamic attribute(s) command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
183 "cmdproc: "
    "Process query definition command: cmd = 0x%04x, class ID = %d,"
    " icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
184 "cmdproc: "
    "Process validate resource handles command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
185 "cmdproc: "
    "Complete direct command icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x "
    "and queue to RM, rm_ID=%d mctp=0x%08x (disconnect=%d, close pending=%d)\n"
186 "cmdproc: "
    "Create send message block, ibid=%d, smbp=0x%08x\n"
187 "cmdproc: "
    "Free send message block, ibid=%d, smbp=0x%08x\n"
188 "cmdproc: "
    "Generate gone response for client cmd: icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
189 "cmdproc: "
    "Generate DFL response for client cmd: icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
190 "cmdproc: "
    "Process gone response for internal cmd: icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
191 "cmdproc: "
    "Generate no access response for client cmd: icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
192 "cmdproc: "
    "Process no access response for internal cmd: icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
193 "cmdproc: "
    "Generate no access/RH NG response for client cmd: icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
194 "cmdproc: "
    "Process RH NG response for internal cmd: icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
195 "cmdproc: "
    "Do RH garbage collection for class ID %d, cctp=0x%08x\n"
196 "cmdproc: "
    "Garbage collect the following resource handle\n"
196:0 "         "
    "RH=%r  refcnt=%hd  flags=0x%04hx  rsrc_id=0x%08x%08x  rip=0x%08x\n"
197 "cmdproc: "
    "Cleaned %d RH from cache for class id %hd, node ID 0x%016llx,"
    " icid 0x%08x\n"
198 "reg: "
    "Assign instances to internal event registration:\n"
	"     count=%d reg_id=0x%08x, ctb=0x%08x, icmd=0x%08x\n"
199 "reg: "
    "Linked predicate ctrl blk 0x%08x to instance 0x%08x\n"
200 "reg: "
    "Perform immediate evaluations\n"
201 "reg: "
    "Client (lcid=%d) attempted to unregister reg ID 0x%08x"
    " but has no events to unregister!!\n"
202 "reg: "
    "Client (lcid=%d) attempted to unregister reg ID 0x%08x"
    " but group ID is bad!!\n"
203 "reg: "
    "Client (lcid=%d) attempted to unregister reg ID 0x%08x"
    " but member ID is bad!!\n"
204 "reg: "
    "Client (lcid=%d) attempted to unregister reg ID 0x%08x"
    " but registration ID is bad!!\n"
205 "reg: "
    "Unregister event 0x%08x for lcid=%d, event ctb=0x%08x\n"
206 "reg: "
    "Unregister all events for lcid %d\n"
207 "reg: "
	"    reg_id=0x%08x, ctb=0x%08x, ireg_id=0x%08x, der=0x%08x\n"
208 "reg: "
    "    unlink predicate ctrl blk 0x%08x from instance 0x%08x\n"
209 "insts: "
    "Request monitoring of the following instance:\n"
209:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
209:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
209:2 "       "
    "Request source:  %s  Variable Instance flags = 0x%08x  vip = 0x%08x\n"
209:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
210 "insts: "
    "Request stop monitoring of the following instance:\n"
210:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
210:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
210:2 "       "
    "Request source:  %s  Variable Instance flags = 0x%08x  vip = 0x%08x\n"
210:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
211 "insts: "
    "Complete start monitoring of the following instance:\n"
211:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
211:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
211:2 "       "
    "Request source:  %s  Variable Instance flags = 0x%08x  vip = 0x%08x\n"
211:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
212 "insts: "
    "Complete stop monitoring of the following instance:\n"
212:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
212:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
212:2 "       "
    "Request source:  %s  Variable Instance flags = 0x%08x  vip = 0x%08x\n"
212:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
213 "insts: "
    "Request caching of the following persistent attribute instance:\n"
213:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
213:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
213:2 "       "
    "rip=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  cpap=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  ref_cnt=%d\n"
213:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
214 "insts: "
    "Complete caching of the following persistent attribute instance:\n"
214:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
214:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
214:2 "       "
    "rip=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  cpap=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  ref_cnt=%d\n"
214:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
215 "insts: "
    "Request stop caching of the following persistent attribute instance:\n"
215:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
215:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
215:2 "       "
    "rip=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  cpap=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  ref_cnt=%d\n"
215:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
216 "insts: "
    "Complete stop caching of the following persistent attribute instance:\n"
216:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
216:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
216:2 "       "
    "rip=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  cpap=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  ref_cnt=%d\n"
216:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
217 "obsv: "
    "Observed new persistent attribute value for the following instance:\n"
218 "obsv: "
    "Ignore new persistent attribute value for the following instance:\n"
219 "insts: "
    "Made class instance stale, class_id=%d, cctp=%p, rhcb flags=0x%04x\n"
220 "insts: "
    "Made class instance fresh, class_id=%d, cctp=%p, rhcb flags=0x%04x\n"
221 "insts: "
    "Made resource instance stale, rhcbp=0x%08x, flags=0x%04hx, "
222 "insts: "
    "Made resource instance fresh, rhcbp=0x%08x, flags=0x%04hx, "
223 "insts: "
    "Variable instance already in error, vip=0x%08x, flags=0x%08x\n"
224 "insts: "
    "Mark variable instance in error, vip=0x%08x, flags=0x%08x\n"
225 "insts: "
    "Made variable instance fresh, vip=0x%08x, flags=0x%08x\n"
226 "obsv: "
    "Ignore new value for the following instance:\n"
226:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
226:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
226:2 "       "
    "Variable Instance flags = 0x%08x  vip = 0x%08x\n"
226:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
227 "obsv: "
    "Observed new value for the following instance:\n"
228 "obsv: "
    "Observed initial value for the following instance:\n"
229 "obsv: "
    "Adding variable (vip=0x%08x flags=0x%04x shm_cell=0x%08x) "
    "to observation list\n"
230 "obsv: "
    "Deleting variable (vip=0x%08x flags=0x%04x) from observation list\n"
231 "obsv: "
    "Adding observation control 0x%08x, observation interval is %d\n"
232 "obsv: "
    ".... Linked instance 0x%08x to immed observation list olptrp=0x%08x olp=0x%08x "
    "obsv ctrl 0x%08x\n"
233 "obsv: "
    ".... Linked instance 0x%08x to new delayed observation list odp=0x%08x olp=0x%08x "
    "obsv ctrl 0x%08x\n"
234 "obsv: "
    "Do scheduled observation for obsv ctrl 0x%08x\n"
235 "obsv: "
    "Do observation: time change %f, shared mem seg ID %d \n"
236 "obsv: "
    "Observation list 0x%08x is empty\n"
237 "obsv: "
    "Observation ctrl 0x%08x is empty, free it\n"
238 "obsv: "
    "No observation lists to dump\n"
239 "obsv: "
    "Dump of lists attached to obsv ctrl 0x%08x; interval=%d "
    "flags=0x%04x last obsv = %d %d\n"
240 "obsv: "
    ".... obsv list 0x%08x; delay=%d\n"
241 "obsv: "
    "........ Normal list\n"
242 "obsv: "
    "........ Immediate list\n"
243 "obsv: "
    "........ Delayed lists (flags=0x%04x)\n"
244 "obsv: "
    "............ Delayed list\n"
245 "obsv: "
    "........ New delayed list list\n"
246 "obsv: "
    "Immed/delay observation for obsv ctrl 0x%08x\n"
247 "obsv: "
    "Delayed observation for obsv delay 0x%08x, flags=0x%04x\n"
248 "evgn: "
    "Possible event for the following instance:\n"
249 "evgn: "
    "Re-arm expression is true, generate no event:\n"
250 "evgn: "
    "Event flags to be returned for internal registration %d are 0x%08x:\n"
251 "sami: "
    "Received stale monitor match response, sami_id=%d, seq_no=%d\n"
252 "sami: "
    "Received stale monitor match response, "
    "ctbp=0x%08x, sami_id=%d, seq_no=%d\n"
253 "sami: "
    "Clean up SAMI record id %d, sequence number %d, node number %d, "
    "domain index %d\n"
254 "query: "
    "Process variable instance list for CTB 0x%08x\n"
255 "query: "
    "Re-process variable instance list for CTB 0x%08x\n"
256 "query: "
    "Cancel query for variable instance 0x%08x, CTB 0x%08x\n"
257 "query: "
    "Reqeust monitoring for variable instance 0x%08x, CTB 0x%08x\n"
258 "query: "
    "Monitoring is pending for variable instance 0x%08x, CTB 0x%08x, rc = %d\n"
259 "query: "
    "Data is pending for variable instance 0x%08x, CTB 0x%08x\n"
260 "query: "
    "Generate query response for the following instance:\n"
261 "shm: "
    "Get shared memory segment using shmID %d for rm_ID=%d, scp=0x%08x\n"
262 "shm: "
    "Re-use shared memory segment with shmID %d for rm_ID=%d, scp=0x%08x\n"
263 "shm: "
    "Re-use shared memory segment (truncated) with shmID %d for rm_ID=%d, "
264 "shm: "
    "New shared memory segment ID %d, size=%d, rm_ID=%d\n"
265 "shm: "
    "Reclaim segments specified by key files in %s, "
    "prefix = %s, suffix = %s\n"
266 "shm: "
    ".... Checking %s for match to keyfile\n"
267 "shm: "
    ".... Validate segment %d (%dK) from keyfile %s, RMname=%s\n"
268 "shm: "
    ".... Segment not found (errno = %d)\n"
269 "shm: "
    "........ uid=%d gid=%d segsz=%d nattch=%d\n"
270 "shm: "
    ".... Stats don't match\n"
271 "shm: "
    ".... The segment has been deleted\n"
272 "shm: "
    ".... Segment is valid, reclaiming using scp 0x%08x\n"
273 "shm: "
    ".... Segment is valid, deleting it\n"
274 "shm: "
    ".... Unlinking key file\n"
275 "shm: "
    "Removing shared memory ID %d for RM id %d, save_seg_size = %d\n"
276 "shm: "
    "Check shared memory segment red zone pages\n"
277 "shm: "
    "Check red zone for segment ID %d, rm_ID=%d, flags=0x%04x\n"
278 "shm: "
    ".... Checked OK\n"
279 "shm: "
    ".... Checked not OK!!\n"
280 "shm: "
    ".... Checked not OK, dump saved in %s\n"
281 "pci: "
    "Message received on reserved UDP port from %d/%s, %d bytes read:\n"
282 "pci: "
    "PRM has been initialized using socket %d, max trailer size is %d\n"
283 "pci: "
    "PRM HB tuning parameters set: frequency=%d, sensitivity=%d\n"
284 "pci: "
    "Cannot send message to node %d(%d), peer not in group, smbp=0x%08x\n"
285 "pci: "
    "Cannot send message to node %d(%d), insufficient functional level, smbp=0x%08x\n"
286 "pci: "
    "Sent message to node %d(%d), part %d/%d, smbp=0x%08x, msgbufcnt=%d\n"
287 "pci: "
    "Received message from node %d(%d), msglen=%d; header info follows\n"
287:3 "     "
    "PACT=%08x, seq_no=%08x, incarn_no=%016llx, ibid=%08x\n"
    "     part_num=%04hx, num_parts=%04hx, data_len=%08x, rh_offset=%04hx, "
    "rh_cnt=%04hx, flags=%04hx\n"
288 "pci: "
    "Received message from node %d(%d), peer not in group\n"
289 "pci: "
    "Redrive PRM(%d) in %d seconds %d useconds\n"
290 "pci: "
    "redrive PRM messages\n"
291 "pci: "
    "redrive PRM heartbeat\n"
292 "pci: "
    "PRM callback invoked\n"
292:0 "pci: "
    "     Node=0x%08x, ApplHandle=0x%08x, RC=%d, Errno=%d, UseCnt=%d\n"
293 "pci: "
    "Callback message info: class=%d, type=%d, part %d of %d, smbp=0x%08x\n"
294 "pci: "
    "PRM IP callback invoked\n"
294:0 "pci: "
    "     Node=0x%08x, IPAddr=0x%08x, State=0x%02x\n"
295 "pci: "
    "The PRM has completed processing of SMB 0x%08x, ackd=%d, nosend=%d\n"
296 "pci: "
    "Free peer lccb, lcid=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
297 "pci: "
    "Free peer (delayed) lccb, lcid=%d, flags=0x%08x\n"
298 "pci: "
    "Queue peer message to node %d(%d), smbp=0x%08x, num_parts=%d\n"
299 "pci: "
    "Closing logical peer connection from node %d(%d), lccbp=0x%08x\n"
300 "pci: "
    "Recover CTBs targeted to departed node %d(%d)\n"
301 "pci: "
    "    process: icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x, smbp=0x%08x\n"
302 "pci: "
    "Fetch key using index value %s\n"
303 "pci: "
    "Fetched key, rc=%d\n"
304 "pci: "
    "Public/Private key:\n"
304:0 "     "
    "     type=0x%08x vers=0x%08x len=0x%08x value=0x%08x schedule=0x%08x\n"
304:1 "     "
    "     key dump:\n"
305 "pci: "
    "Send MN in PD notification to node %d(%d), in/out state is %d, newfmt=%d\n"
306 "pci: "
    "Send RSCT Active VRMF notification to node %d(%d), vrmf=0x%08x\n"
307 "pci: "
    "Send Peer Class List notification to node %d(%d)\n"
308 "rcv: "
    "Received stale response from peer\n"
308:0 "     "
    "Response tokens are: ibid=%d seq_no=%d tgt_idx=%d flags=%hd resrvd=%hd\n"
309 "rcv: "
    "Received stale reject response from peer\n"
309:0 "     "
    "Reject data is: type=%d ibid=%d seqno=%d class_id=%hd genus=%c resrvd=%c\n"
310 "rcv: "
    "Received stale event from peer\n"
310:0 "     "
    "Response tokens are: reg_id=%d seq_no=%d tgt_idx=%d flags=%hd resrvd=%hd\n"
311 "rcv: "
    "Received genus %d for class id %d\n"
312 "rcv: "
    "Received command with undefined class ID\n"
    "     Rejected command: genus %d, class id %d\n"
    "     Received from node %d(%d)\n"
313 "rcv: "
    "Received response message from node %d(%d) containing %d packets\n"
314 "rcv: "
    "Received SAMI response message from node %d(%d) containing %d packets\n"
315 "rcv: "
    "Received reject response message from node %d(%d) containing %d packets\n"
316 "rcv: "
    "Received MN PD response message from node %d(%d) containing %d packets\n"
317 "rcv: "
    "Received VRMF response message from node %d(%d) containing %d packets\n"
318 "rcv: "
    "Received PCL response message from node %d(%d) containing %d packets\n"
319 "rcv: "
    "PCL entry:\n"
319:0 "     "
    "    Class ID = %d, Class Version = 0x%08x, Class name length = %d\n"
319:1 "     "
    "    Class Name = %s\n"
320 "rcv: "
    "Received PFC response message from node %d(%d) containing %d packets\n"
321 "rcv: "
    "Received CDEF response message from node %d(%d) containing %d packets\n"
322 "rcv: "
    "Update VRMF, old vrmf=0x%08x, new vrmf=0x%08x\n"
323 "rcv: "
    "Received stale SAMI command ack, "
    "smbp=0x%08x, smb_ibid=%d, seq_no=%d\n"
324 "rcv: "
    "Received stale monitor match response, "
    "ctbp=0x%08x, sami_id=%d, seq_no=%d\n"
325 "rcv: "
    "Parse response for command 0x%08x, ctbp=0x%08x, lccbp=0x%08x\n"
326 "rcv: "
    "Parse event for command 0x%08x, ctbp=0x%08x, lccbp=0x%08x\n"
327 "sri: "
    "Created registry thread and response signaling pipe (rfd = %d, wfd = %d)\n"
328 "sri: "
    "Enqueue registry request %d; registry thread has been signaled\n"
329 "sri: "
    "Enqueue registry request %d; registry thread has not been signaled\n"
330 "sri: "
    "Enqueue registry response %d; main thread has been signaled\n"
331 "sri: "
    "Enqueue registry response %d; main thread has not been signaled\n"
332 "sri: "
    "Registry thread is waiting on condition\n"
333 "sri: "
    "Read %d wakeup signals from pipe\n"
334 "sri: "
    "Process response from registry thread (%d,%x)\n"
335 "sri: "
    "CDB sequence number, time stamp and resulting version\n"
335:0 "     "
    "Sequence number: %d\n"
335:1 "     "
    "Time stamp: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
335:2 "     "
    "Version string: %s\n"
336 "sri: "
    "Get CDB from Registry using version string %s\n"
337 "sri: "
    "CDB from Registry (first 32 bytes):"
338 "sec: "
    "Start signing of data, length = %d\n"
339 "sec: "
    "End signing of data\n"
340 "sec: "
    "Created security thread and response signaling pipe (rfd = %d, wfd = %d)\n"
341 "sec: "
    "Enqueue security request %d; security thread has been signaled\n"
342 "sec: "
    "Enqueue security request %d; security thread has not been signaled\n"
343 "sec: "
    "Enqueue security response %d; main thread has been signaled\n"
344 "sec: "
    "Enqueue security response %d; main thread has not been signaled\n"
345 "sec: "
    "Security thread is waiting on condition\n"
346 "sec: "
    "Read %d wakeup signals from pipe\n"
347 "sec: "
    "Process response from security thread (%d,%x)\n"
348 "sec: "
    "Enabling security in the daemon\n"
349 "sec: "
    "No lccb found for id=%d, seqno=%d\n"
350 "sec: "
    "client credential information block\n"
350:0 "     "
    "ci_size=%d, ci_type=%d, ci_host_offset=%d, ci_mid_offset=%d, "
    "ci_info_size=%d, ci_info:\n"
351 "dcfg: "
    "Process the daemon configuration request\n"
351:0 "      "
    "    request=%d, arg=%d\n"
351:1 "      "
    "    string arg=%s\n"
352 "dcfg: "
    "Node ID hash table information\n"
352:0 "      "
    "Shift count %d\n"
352:1 "      "
    "Hash mask 0x%016llx\n"
353 "dcfg: "
    "Loaded configuration table: %s\n"
354 "dcfg: "
    "Add managed node in peer domain\n"
354:0 "      "
    "    count=%d, up_count=%d, prefrd_node=%d, mnpd_id=%d, "
    "active_vers=0x%08x, active_dfl=%d, src_node_num=%d, node_num=%d "
354:1 "      "
    "    node_id=0x%016llx\n"
354:2 "      "
    "    pd_id=0x%016llx\n"
354:3 "      "
    "    pd_name=%s\n"
355 "rmctrl/cci: "
    "Read stream socket:\n"
355:0 "            "
    "fd=%d, read() returned %d, errno=%d, msgtype=%d\n"
356 "rmctrl/cci: "
    "Write stream socket:\n"
356:0 "            "
    "fd=%d, iovcnt=%d, write() returned %d, errno=%d, msgtype=%d\n"
357 "cci/pci: "
    "Complete response on the response queue for lcid %d\n"
358 "cci/pci: "
    "Complete response on the delayed response queue for lcid %d\n"
359 "trace: "
    "Wrote message to message trace file, seqno = %d, message type = %d\n"
360 "       "
    "    Variable instance information:\n"
360:0 "       "
    "    Class name:      %s\n"
360:1 "       "
    "    Attribute name:  %s\n"
360:2 "       "
    "    Variable Instance flags = 0x%08x  vip = 0x%08x\n"
360:3 "       "
    "    Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
361 "       "
    "    Current int32 value: %d, raw value: %d\n"
362 "       "
    "    Current uint32 value: %u, raw value: %u\n"
363 "       "
    "    Current int64 value: %lld, raw value: %lld\n"
364 "       "
    "    Current uint64 value: %llu, raw value: %llu\n"
365 "       "
    "    Current float32 value: %f, raw value: %f\n"
366 "       "
    "    Current float64 value: %f, raw value: %f\n"
367 "       "
    "    dump of current aggregate value of type %d\n"
368 "trace: "
    "Cached persistent attribute information:\n"
368:0 "       "
    "Class name:      %s\n"
368:1 "       "
    "Attribute name:  %s\n"
368:2 "       "
    "rip=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  cpap=0x%08x  flags=0x%08x  ref_cnt=%d\n"
368:3 "       "
    "Resource handle: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
369 "trace: "
    "int32 value: %d\n"
370 "trace: "
    "uint32 value: %u\n"
371 "trace: "
    "int64 value: %lld\n"
372 "trace: "
    "uint64 value: %llu\n"
373 "trace: "
    "float32 value: %f\n"
374 "trace: "
    "float64 value: %f\n"
375 "trace: "
    "Following is dump of aggregate value of type %d\n"
376 "trace: "
    "Event registration information:\n"
376:0 "       "
    "Command: %s\n"
376:1 "       "
    "Class:   %s\n"
376:2 "       "
    "cmd_id=0x%08x, reg_id=0x%08x, ireg_id=0x%08x, seqno=0x%08x\n"
376:3 "       "
    "ctbp=0x%08llx, erp=0x%08llx, lccbp=0x%08llx\n"
376:4 "       "
    "Client ID (PID/node): %d\n"
376:5 "       "
    "Client name: %s\n"
376:6 "       "
    "Client node name: %s\n"
376:7 "       "
    "Return attribute count: %d\n"
376:8 "       "
    "Command options:        %s\n"
376:9 "       "
    "Expression attr name:   %s\n"
376:10 "       "
    "Expression:             %s\n"
376:11 "       "
    "Re-arm Expression:      %s\n"
377 "       "
    "Select string: %s\n"
378 "       "
    "Resource handles assigned to event registration:\n"
379 "       "
    "    %r  ref_token=%hu  flags=0x%04hx  node_num=%hu\n"
380 "       "
    "Instance assigned to this event registration\n"
381 "%3d%s%s%10d  %r\n"
382 "%3d%s%s%10d  %s\n"
383 "cmdproc: "
    "Query event pre-processing for the following event:\n"
	"         reg_id=0x%08x, lcid=%d, q_ctbp=0x%08x, r_ctbp=0x%08x\n"
384 "cmdproc: "
    "Query event for the following event:\n"
	"         reg_id=0x%08x, lcid=%d, q_ctbp=0x%08x\n"
385 "cmdproc: "
    "Returned cached MNPD node %d, cid=%d, mnpdp=0x%08x, found %d/%d\n"
386 "cfgdata: "
    "Queue class to be fetched:\n"
386:0 "         "
    "    Class ID = %d, Class Version = 0x%08x, source node = %d\n"
386:1 "         "
    "    Class Name = %s\n"
387 "cfgdata: "
    "Remove class from fetch queue:\n"
387:0 "         "
    "    Class ID = %d, Class Version = 0x%08x, source node = %d\n"
387:1 "         "
    "    Class Name = %s\n"
388 "trace: "
    "Command Tracking Block information:\n"
388:0 "       "
    "Genus: %s\n"
388:1 "       "
    "Class: %s\n"
388:2 "       "
    "Client ID (PID/node): %d\n"
388:3 "       "
    "Client name: %s\n"
388:4 "       "
    "Client node name: %s\n"
388:5 "       "
    "    ctbp=0x%08x, lccbp=0x%08x\n"
    "           ctb_icid=%d, ctb_seq_no=%d, ctb_ibid=%d, ctb_smb_seq_no=%d\n"
    "           ctb_sami_node=%d, ctb_hop_count=%d, ctb_rsp_count=%d\n"
    "           ctb_flags=0x%08x, ctb_flags2=0x%08x\n"
    "           ctb_class_id=%d, ctb_proto_vers=%d, ctb_refcnt=%d\n"
    "           ctb_reqd_dfl=%d, ctb_cmd_count=%d\n"
389 "       "
    "Command Info:\n"
389:0 "       "
    "    rsp_stat=0x%08x, cmd_idx=0x%08x, cmd_id=0x%08x, tgt_count=%d\n"
390 "       "
    "    ctb_unreg_node=%d\n"
391 "       "
    "    ctb_node=%d\n"
392 "       "
    "Node List from ctb_dests:\n"
393 "       "
    "Node List Map from ctb_unreg_map:\n"
394 "       "
    "Peer Domain Tracking Block\n"
394:0 "       "
    "    ptb_count=%d, ptb_flags=0x%08x\n"
395 "       "
    "    Node List from ptb_nl:\n"
396 "       "
    "    PTB Information\n"
396:0 "       "
    "    ptb_mnpd_id=%hd, ptb_node_num=%hd, ptb_hop_count=%hd\n"
    "           ptb_sami_node=%hd, ptb_er_node_num=%hd, ptb_er_flags=0x%04hx\n"
397 "       "
    "Local Qdef List:\n"
398 "       "
    "Remote Qdef List:\n"
399 "       "
    "Local Resource Handle List\n"
400 "       "
    "Remote Resource Handle List\n"
401 "       "
    "SMB Resource Handle List\n"
402 "       "
    "Send Message Block\n"
402:0 "       "
    "    smb_seq_no=%d, smb_ibid=%d, smb_flags=0x%08x, smb_node=%d\n"
    "           smb_mnpd_id=%d, smb_xcb_count=%d, smb_xcb_ackd=%d\n"
    "           smb_xcb_nosend=%d, smb_domain_idx=%d\n"
    "           smb_rh_buf/smb_pd_idx=0x%08x\n"
403 "       "
    "SMB Command Flags[%d]: 0x%08x\n"
404 "       "
    "Resource Handle References\n"
404:0 "       "
    "    assgn_count=%d, proc_count=%d, count=%d, size=%d\n"
405 "       "
    "Resource Handle Ref\n"
405:0 "         "
    "    RH=%r  refcnt=%hd  flags=0x%04hx  rsrc_id=0x%08x%08x  rip=0x%08x"
    " acl=0x%08x\n"
405:1 "         "
    "    next_cmd_exec=%hd, flags=0x%04hx, node_num=%hd, hop_count=%hd\n"
406 "cmdproc: "
    "Process enumerate permitted resources command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
407 "sec: "
    "Set ACL\n"
407:0 "     "
    "     Class ID = %d, ACL type = %d, ACL length = %d\n"
407:1 "     "
    "     RH=%r\n"
407:2 "     "
    "     ACL name = %s\n"
407:3 "     "
    "     ACL data follows\n"
408 "sec: "
    "Get ACL\n"
408:0 "     "
    "     Class ID = %d, ACL type = %d\n"
408:1 "     "
    "     RH=%r\n"
408:2 "     "
    "     ACL name = %s\n"
409 "sec: "
    "Fetched ACL data (if any) follows\n"
410 "sec: "
    "Timestamp taken at location %04d\n"
411 "sec: "
    "New ACL check result\n"
411:0 "     "
    "sec_verify_permission rc=%d, reqd_perm=0x%08x masked_perm=0x%08x\n"
411:1 "     "
    "ACL blob:"
411:2 "     "
    "Client Identity Buffer:"
412 "sec: "
    "Unset ACL\n"
412:0 "     "
    "     RH=%r\n"
413 "cmdproc: "
    "Move pending command to routing queue, class_id=%d ctbp=0x%08x\n"
414 "cci: "
    "Client message timeout, lcid = %u, timers = 0x%08x\n"
415 "cmdproc: "
    "Command already on delayed routing queue, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
416 "cmdproc: "
    "Add command to delayed routing queue, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
417 "cmdproc: "
    "Target batch already on delayed routing queue, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
418 "cmdproc: "
    "Add target batch to delayed routing queue, class_id=%d cctp=0x%08x, "
    "icid=%d, ctbp=0x%08x\n"
419 "nodestat: "
    "MN status:   0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) UP\n"
420 "nodestat: "
    "MN status:   0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) PENDING UP\n"
421 "nodestat: "
    "MN status:   0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) DOWN\n"
422 "nodestat: "
    "MN status:   0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) DATA DOWN\n"
423 "nodestat: "
    "MN status:   0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) RR DOWN\n"
424 "nodestat: "
    "MN status:   0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) ADDED\n"
425 "nodestat: "
    "MN status:   0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) REMOVED\n"
426 "nodestat: "
    "MCP status:  0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) UP\n"
427 "nodestat: "
    "MCP status:  0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) DOWN\n"
428 "nodestat: "
    "MCP status:  0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) DATA DOWN\n"
429 "nodestat: "
    "MCP status:  0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) RR DOWN\n"
430 "nodestat: "
    "MCP status:  0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) ADDED\n"
431 "nodestat: "
    "MCP status:  0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) REMOVED\n"
432 "nodestat: "
    "Peer status: 0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) JOIN\n"
433 "nodestat: "
    "Peer status: 0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) FAILURE LEAVE\n"
434 "nodestat: "
    "Peer status: 0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) NO RESPONSE\n"
435 "rmctrl: "
    "Suspend resource manager, rm_ID=%d, buf_charge=%d\n"
436 "rmctrl: "
    "Resume resource manager, rm_ID=%d, buf_charge=%d\n"
437 "rmctrl: "
    "Checking resource manager for shutdown, id = %d\n"
438 "rmctrl: "
    "Checked resource manager for shutdown, id = %d, rc = %d\n"
439 "rmctrl: "
    "pending disconnect from resource manager id %d\n"
440 "rmctrl: "
    "Call to start resource manager delayed (stop pending),"
    " id = %d, flags = 0x%04x\n"
441 "rmctrl: "
    "Execute the stop command\n"
441:0 "        "
    "Started process %d for resource manager ID %d\n"
441:1 "        "
    "Stop command is \"%s\"\n"
442 "rmctrl: "
    "disconnected from stopped resource manager id %d\n"
443 "rmctrl: "
    "Stop command for resource manager id = %d terminated; "
    "terminated process is %d\n"
444 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_MNOT_IDLE from resource manager ID %d\n"
445 "cci: "
    "Session information received:\n"
445:0 "     "
    "Start time (sec, usec) %lld, %lld\n"
445:1 "     "
    "Protocol version = %d, client pid = %d\n"
    "     grp_mask=0x%08x, grp_shift=%d, mem_mask=0x%08x, mem_shift=%d\n"
    "     lccb_flags=0x%08x\n"
445:2 "     "
    "     Peer IP address: %02hx%02hx:%02hx%02hx:%02hx%02hx:%02hx%02hx:"
    "%02hx%02hx:%02hx%02hx:%02hx%02hx:%02hx%02hx (network order)\n"
445:3 "     "
    "Program name: %s\n"
445:4 "     "
    "Message locale: %s\n"
446 "ipstat:   "
    "IP status:   0x%016llx (%04hd       ) UP   (ADDED)  %s\n"
447 "ipstat:   "
    "IP status:   0x%016llx (%04hd       ) DOWN (ADDED)  %s\n"
448 "ipstat:   "
    "IP status:   0x%016llx (%04hd       ) UP   (DELTA)  %s\n"
449 "ipstat:   "
    "IP status:   0x%016llx (%04hd       ) DOWN (DELTA)  %s\n"
450 "init: "
    "Process memory has been pinned\n"
451 "init: "
    "Process memory has been unpinned\n"
452 "rmctrl: "
    "Retry to start RM, resource manager ID = %d\n"
453 "rmctrl: "
    "Retry to stop RM, resource manager ID = %d\n"
454 "rmctrl: "
    "Retry to start RM is canceled, resource manager ID = %d\n"
455 "rmctrl: "
    "Retry to stop RM is canceled, resource manager ID = %d\n"
456 "gsi: "
    "Found expel initiator node number %d, (node_number_SR=%d)\n"
457 "gsi: "
    "Request expel to peer group, attempt number %d\n"
458 "gsi: "
    "Expel protocol is complete; initiated by node %d\n"
459 "gsi: "
    "Peer daemon has been expelled from the group "
459:0 "     "
    "daemon was on node %d "
    "(reason = 0x%08x, code = %d, in=%c) peer count = %d\n"
460 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_EVENT_REG response for class ID %d, error is %d, "
    "target type is %d, event CTB is 0x%08x\n"
461 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_EVENT_UNREG response for class ID %d, error is %d, "
    "target type is %d\n"
462 "cmdproc: "
    "Attempt to free event registration block, erp=0x%08x, ref_count=%d\n"
463 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_MNOT_EVENT from resource manager ID %d, class id = %d\n"
464 "rmctrl: "
    "Received stale event notification, ctbp=0x%08x, ireg_id=%d, seq_no=%d\n"
465 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_EVENT_PUNREG response for class ID %d, error is %d, "
    "target type is %d, event CTB is 0x%08x\n"
466 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_EVENT_ADD response for class ID %d, error is %d, "
    "target type is %d, event CTB is 0x%08x\n"
467 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_QUERY_ATTR response for class ID %d, error is %d, "
    "target type is %d, redirect flag is %d, query CTB is 0x%08x\n"
468 "rmctrl: "
    "Received RM_CMD_EVENT_QUERY response for class ID %d, error is %d, "
    "target type is %d, redirect flag is %d, query event CTB is 0x%08x\n"
469 "trace: "
    "Extended event registration information:\n"
469:0 "       "
    "Command: %s\n"
469:1 "       "
    "Class:   %s\n"
469:2 "       "
    "cmd_id=0x%08x, reg_id=0x%08x, ireg_id=0x%08x, seqno=0x%08x\n"
469:3 "       "
    "ctbp=0x%08x, erp=0x%08x, lccbp=0x%08x\n"
469:4 "       "
    "Client ID (PID/node): %d\n"
469:5 "       "
    "Client name: %s\n"
469:6 "       "
    "Client node name: %s\n"
469:7 "       "
    "Attribute counts: Dynamic=%d Persistent=%d Return=%d\n"
469:8 "       "
    "Command options:        %s\n"
469:9 "       "
    "Expression:             %s\n"
469:10 "       "
    "Qualifier:              %s\n"
469:11 "       "
    "Qualifier arguments:    %06d  %06d  %06d  %06d\n"
469:12 "       "
    "Re-arm Expression:      %s\n"
469:13 "       "
    "Qualifier:              %s\n"
469:14 "       "
    "Qualifier arguments:    %06d  %06d  %06d  %06d\n"
470 "       "
    "Dyamic attributes:\n"
471 "       "
    "      %s\n"
472 "       "
    "Persistent attributes:\n"
473 "       "
    "Return attributes:\n"
474 "       "
    "Locally monitored resources:\n"
475 "       "
    "    %r  flags=0x%04hx\n"
476 "main: "
    "Process recovery routing queue\n"
477 "cmdproc: "
    "Add ctbq=0x%08x, genus=%d to wait queue; "
    "reg_rsp_cnt=%d, qp_rsp_cnt=%d, event registration ctbp=0x%08x\n"
478 "cmdproc: "
    "Move ctbq=0x%08x, genus=%d to routing queue for event registration "
479 "init: "
    "Check system time for reversal, delta = %d seconds\n"
480 "init: "
    "System time has reversed; review error log\n"
481 "cmdproc: "
    "Fetch CDA for command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
482 "cmdproc: "
    "Received CDA meta-data for command: icid=%d, seqno=%d, errtype=%d\n"
483 "cmdproc: "
    "Fetch CDA has completed for command: icid=%d, seqno=%d\n"
484 "rmctrl: "
    "Ignore suspend resource manager, rm_ID=%d, buf_charge=%d\n"
485 ""
    "cmdflow: [New Client Connection]\n"
485:0 ""
    "         _LCCB=<%u, %u>\n"
485:1 ""
    "         _CLIENT=<%04hx:%04hx:%04hx:%04hx:%04hx:%04hx:%04hx:%04hx, %u, %u.%u>\n"
485:2 ""
    "         program=%s\n"
485:3 ""
    "         scope=%c\n"
486 ""
    "cmdflow: [New Client CTB]\n"
486:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
486:1 ""
    "         _LCCB=<%u, %u>\n"
486:2 ""
    "         ctbp=%08p\n"
486:3 ""
    "         batch_type=%c\n"
    "         target_type=%c\n"
    "         scope=%c\n"
    "         genus=%hu\n"
    "         class_id=%hu\n"
486:4 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
487 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client CTB Command]\n"
487:0 ""
    "         _CTB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u>\n"
487:1 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
488 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client CTB Command]\n"
488:0 ""
    "         _CTB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u>\n"
488:1 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
488:2 ""
    "         rm_command_code=0x%04x\n"
489 ""
    "cmdflow: [New Secondary CTB]\n"
489:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
489:1 ""
    "         _ORIG_CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
489:2 ""
    "         ctbp=%08p\n"
489:3 ""
    "         batch_type=%c\n"
    "         target_type=%c\n"
    "         scope=%c\n"
    "         genus=%hu\n"
    "         class_id=%hu\n"
489:4 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
490 ""
    "cmdflow: [Secondary CTB Command]\n"
490:0 ""
    "         _CTB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u>\n"
490:1 ""
    "         _ORIG_CTB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u>\n"
491 ""
    "cmdflow: [Secondary CTB Command]\n"
491:0 ""
    "         _CTB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u>\n"
491:1 ""
    "         _ORIG_CTB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u>\n"
491:2 ""
    "         rm_command_code=0x%04x\n"
492 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to RM]\n"
492:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
492:1 ""
    "         no_interleave=%c\n"
    "         stop_on_error=%c\n"
    "         perf_batch=%c\n"
    "         target_count=%u\n"
492:2 ""
    "         RMname=%s\n"
493 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to RM Resource Target List]\n"
493:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
493:1 ""
    "         next_cmd_exec=%u\n"
493:2 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
494 ""
    "cmdflow: [Response Complete from RM]\n"
494:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
494:1 ""
    "         next_cmd_exec=%u\n"
494:2 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
494:3 ""
    "         tgt_count=%u\n"
    "         rsp_count=%u\n"
495 ""
    "cmdflow: [Redirect Response from RM]\n"
495:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
495:1 ""
    "         next_cmd_exec=%u\n"
495:2 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
495:3 ""
    "         tgt_count=%u\n"
    "         rsp_count=%u\n"
495:4 ""
    "         target_node=%u\n"
496 ""
    "cmdflow: [Batch Redirect Response from RM]\n"
496:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
496:1 ""
    "         target_node=%u\n"
497 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node]\n"
497:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
497:1 ""
    "         _PEER_SMB=<%c, %hu, 0x%08x%08x, 0x%08x%08x, %u, %u>\n"
497:2 ""
    "         target_count=%u\n"
    "         target_node=%u\n"
    "         target_nodeID=0x%08x%08x\n"
498 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
498:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
498:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
499 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
499:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
499:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
500 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
500:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
500:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
501 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
501:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
501:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
502 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
502:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
502:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
503 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
503:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
503:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
504 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
504:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
504:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
505 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
505:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
505:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
506 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
506:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
506:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
507 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
507:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
507:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
508 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
508:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
508:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
509 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
509:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
509:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
510 ""
    "cmdflow: [CTB to Node Resource Target List]\n"
510:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
510:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
    "         RH=%r\n"
    "           next_cmd_exec=%hu\n"
    "           flags=0x%04hx\n"
511 ""
    "cmdflow: [New Peer CTB]\n"
511:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
511:1 ""
    "         _PEER_SMB=<%c, %hu, 0x%08x%08x, 0x%08x%08x, %u, %u>\n"
511:2 ""
    "         ctbp=%08p\n"
511:3 ""
    "         batch_type=%c\n"
    "         target_type=%c\n"
    "         scope=%c\n"
    "         genus=%hu\n"
    "         class_id=%hu\n"
511:4 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
512 ""
    "cmdflow: [Peer CTB Command]\n"
512:0 ""
    "         _CTB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u>\n"
513 ""
    "cmdflow: [Peer CTB Command]\n"
513:0 ""
    "         _CTB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u>\n"
513:1 ""
    "         rm_command_code=0x%04x\n"
514 ""
    "cmdflow: [Registration Response from Node]\n"
514:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
514:1 ""
    "         rsp_count=%u\n"
    "         responding_node=%u\n"
515 ""
    "cmdflow: [Response Complete from Node]\n"
515:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
515:1 ""
    "         next_cmd_exec=%u\n"
515:2 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
515:3 ""
    "         tgt_count=%u\n"
    "         rsp_count=%u\n"
515:4 ""
    "         responding_node=%u\n"
516 ""
    "cmdflow: [Redirect Response from Node]\n"
516:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
516:1 ""
    "         next_cmd_exec=%u\n"
516:2 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
516:3 ""
    "         tgt_count=%u\n"
    "         rsp_count=%u\n"
516:4 ""
    "         responding_node=%u\n"
    "         target_node=%u\n"
517 ""
    "cmdflow: [Batch Redirect Response from Node]\n"
517:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
517:1 ""
    "         responding_node=%u\n"
    "         target_node=%u\n"
518 ""
    "cmdflow: [Free CTB]\n"
518:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
519 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Disconnect]\n"
519:0 ""
    "         _LCCB=<%u, %u>\n"
520 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
520:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Register Class Event\n"
520:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
520:2 ""
    "         registration_ID=0x%08x\n"
520:3 ""
    "         options=0x%08x\n"
520:4 ""
    "         event_expression=%s\n"
520:5 ""
    "         rearm_expression=%s\n"
520:6 ""
    "         peer_domain_count=%u\n"
520:7 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
521 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
521:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Register Event using Attribute Selection\n"
521:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
521:2 ""
    "         select_attrs=%s\n"
521:3 ""
    "         registration_ID=0x%08x\n"
521:4 ""
    "         options=0x%08x\n"
521:5 ""
    "         event_expression=%s\n"
521:6 ""
    "         rearm_expression=%s\n"
521:7 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
522 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
522:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Register Event using Resource Handle\n"
522:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
522:2 ""
    "         registration_ID=0x%08x\n"
522:3 ""
    "         options=0x%08x\n"
522:4 ""
    "         event_expression=%s\n"
522:5 ""
    "         rearm_expression=%s\n"
522:6 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
523 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
523:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Unregister Event\n"
523:1 ""
    "         registration_ID=0x%08x\n"
524 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
524:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Current Event State\n"
524:1 ""
    "         registration_ID=0x%08x\n"
525 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
525:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Enumerate Resources using Attribute Selection\n"
525:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
525:2 ""
    "         select_attrs=%s\n"
526 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
526:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Enumerate Permitted Resources using Attribute Selection\n"
526:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
526:2 ""
    "         select_attrs=%s\n"
526:3 ""
    "         perms=0x%08x\n"
527 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
527:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Resource Class Persistent Attributes\n"
527:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
527:2 ""
    "         peer_domain_count=%u\n"
527:3 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
528 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
528:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Resource Persistent Attributes using Attribute Selection\n"
528:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
528:2 ""
    "         select_attrs=%s\n"
528:3 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
529 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
529:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Resource Persistent Attributes using Resource Handle\n"
529:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
529:2 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
530 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
530:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Resource Class Dynamic Attributes\n"
530:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
530:2 ""
    "         peer_domain_count=%u\n"
530:3 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
531 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
531:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Resource Dynamic Attributes using Attribute Selection\n"
531:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
531:2 ""
    "         select_attrs=%s\n"
531:3 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
532 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
532:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Resource Dynamic Attributes using Resource Handle\n"
532:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
532:2 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
533 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
533:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Resource Class Definition\n"
533:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
534 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
534:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Persistent Attributes Definitions\n"
534:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
535 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
535:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Dynamic Attributes Definitions\n"
535:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
536 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
536:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Structured Data Definitions\n"
536:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
537 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
537:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Valid Values Definitions\n"
537:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
538 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
538:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Query Actions Definitions\n"
538:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
539 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
539:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Validate Resource Handles\n"
539:1 ""
    "         rsrc_hndl_count=%u\n"
540 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
540:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Define a Resource\n"
540:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
540:2 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
541 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
541:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Undefine a Resource\n"
541:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
542 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
542:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Refresh Resource Configuration\n"
542:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
543 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
543:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Set Resource Class Attributes\n"
543:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
543:2 ""
    "         peer_domain_count=%u\n"
543:3 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
544 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
544:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Set Resource Attributes using Attribute Selection\n"
544:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
544:2 ""
    "         select_attrs=%s\n"
544:3 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
545 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
545:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Set Resource Attributes using Resource Handle\n"
545:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
545:2 ""
    "         attr_count=%u\n"
546 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
546:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Invoke Class Action (Format 0)\n"
546:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
546:2 ""
    "         action_name=%s\n"
547 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
547:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Invoke Action (Format 0)\n"
547:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
547:2 ""
    "         action_name=%s\n"
548 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
548:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Invoke Class Action\n"
548:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
548:2 ""
    "         action_name=%s\n"
548:3 ""
    "         node_name_count=%u\n"
548:4 ""
    "         peer_domain_count=%u\n"
549 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
549:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Invoke Action\n"
549:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
549:2 ""
    "         action_name=%s\n"
550 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
550:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Bring a Resource On-line (Format 0)\n"
550:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
550:2 ""
    "         node_number=%u\n"
551 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
551:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Bring a Resource On-line\n"
551:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
551:2 ""
    "         node_name_count=%u\n"
552 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
552:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Take a Resource Off-line (Format 0)\n"
552:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
553 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
553:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Take a Resource Off-line\n"
553:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
553:2 ""
    "         offline_options=0x%08x\n"
554 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
554:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Force a Resource Off-line\n"
554:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
555 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
555:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Get Class-Wide ACL\n"
555:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
555:2 ""
    "         acl_type=0x%08x\n"
555:3 ""
    "         node_name_count=%u\n"
555:4 ""
    "         peer_domain_count=%u\n"
556 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
556:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Get Resource-Specific ACL using Attribute Selection\n"
556:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
556:2 ""
    "         select_attrs=%s\n"
556:3 ""
    "         acl_type=0x%08x\n"
557 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
557:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Get Resource-Specific ACL using Resource Handle\n"
557:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
557:2 ""
    "         acl_type=0x%08x\n"
558 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
558:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Set Class-Wide ACL\n"
558:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
558:2 ""
    "         acl_type=0x%08x\n"
558:3 ""
    "         node_name_count=%u\n"
558:4 ""
    "         peer_domain_count=%u\n"
559 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
559:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Set Resource-Specific ACL using Attribute Selection\n"
559:1 ""
    "         class_name=%s\n"
559:2 ""
    "         select_attrs=%s\n"
559:3 ""
    "         acl_type=0x%08x\n"
560 ""
    "cmdflow: [Received Client Command]\n"
560:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
    "         cmd_desc=Set Resource-Specific ACL using Resource Handle\n"
560:1 ""
    "         RH=%r\n"
560:2 ""
    "         acl_type=0x%08x\n"
561 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
561:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
561:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
562 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
562:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
562:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
563 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
563:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
563:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
564 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
564:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
564:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
565 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
565:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
565:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
566 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
566:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
566:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
567 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
567:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
567:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
568 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
568:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
568:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
569 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
569:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
569:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
570 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Attribute List]\n"
570:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
570:1 ""
    "         attr_name=%s\n"
571 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
571:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
571:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
572 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
572:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
572:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
573 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
573:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
573:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
574 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
574:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
574:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
575 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
575:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
575:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
576 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
576:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
576:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
577 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
577:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
577:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
578 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
578:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
578:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
579 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
579:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
579:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
    "         node_name=%s\n"
580 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Node List]\n"
580:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
580:1 ""
    "         node_name=%s\n"
581 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
581:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
581:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
582 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
582:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
582:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
583 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
583:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
583:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
584 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
584:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
584:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
585 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
585:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
585:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
586 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
586:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
586:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
587 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
587:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
587:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
588 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
588:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
588:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
589 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
589:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
589:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
590 ""
    "cmdflow: [Client Command Peer Domain List]\n"
590:0 ""
    "         _LCCB_CMD=<%u, %u, %u, 0x%08x>\n"
590:1 ""
    "         peer_domain=%s\n"
591 ""
    "cmdflow: [Changed CTB Command Index]\n"
591:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
591:1 ""
    "         old_cmd_index=%hu\n"
    "         new_cmd_index=%hu\n"
592 ""
    "cmdflow: [Enumerate Permitted Resources Response from Node]\n"
592:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
592:1 ""
    "         tgt_count=%u\n"
    "         rsp_count=%u\n"
    "         node_target_count=%u\n"
    "         responding_node=%u\n"
593 "gsi: "
    "Migration to CAA Prep: rc=%d PrmErrno=%d (only meaningful if rc != 0)\n"
594 "gsi: "
    "Migration to CAA committed: rc=%d sock FD=%d\n"
595 "init: "
    "Created RTAS poll thread and response signaling pipe (rfd = %d, wfd = %d)\n"
596 "init: "
    "RTAS poll thread is waiting on condition\n"
597 "init: "
    "Fetch RTAS vector; slots to clear = 0x%08x\n"
598 "init: "
    "Fetched RTAS vector; change = 0x%08x  slots used = %d  slots in error = %d\n"
599 "sec: "
    "Read %d RTAS wakeup signals from pipe\n"
600 "main: "
    "blkdet: Before select in ctrl loop, count = %d, nfds = %d\n"
601 "main: "
    "blkdet: After select in ctrl loop, count = %d, rc = %d\n"
602 "main: "
    "blkdet: Skipping select in ctrl loop, count = %d\n"
603 "rmctrl: "
    "blkdet: Before fork of start/stop command\n"
604 "rmctrl: "
    "blkdet: After fork of start/stop command\n"
605 "cci: "
    "Closing stale client connection, lcid = %d last_sec=%llu curr_sec=%llu timeout=%llu\n"
606 "init: "
	"Read packet size limit %u from ctrmc.maxpktsz\n"
607 "init: "
	"Packet size below allowed minimum; adjusting to %u\n"
608 "init: "
	"Packet size too large for CAA; adjusting to %u\n"
609 "init: "
	"Packet size above allowed maximum; adjusting to %u\n"
610 "init: "
	"Final RMC packet size value: %u\n"
611 "rmctrl: "
	"Received RMC_RM_MSG_PD_ONLINE \n"
611:0 ""
	"    resource manager : %s\n"
611:1 ""
	"    msg_code : %d\n"
611:2 ""
	"    msg_token : %d\n"
612 "rmctrl: "
	"Received RMC_RM_MSG_PD_OFFLINE \n"
612:0 ""
	"    resource manager : %s\n"
612:1 ""
	"    msg_code : %d\n"
612:2 ""
	"    msg_token : %d\n"
613 "init: "
	"Lowest MTU detected %d; default packet size set to %d\n"
614 "init: "
	"CAA environment detected; default packet size set to %d\n"
615 "pci: "
	"PRM MTU callback invoked with size %d\n"
616 "pci: "
	"No local MTU value obtained; no further comparison work possible.\n"
617 "pci: "
	"Change in MTU detected.  Old: local %d remote %d; New: local %d remote %d\n"
618 "pci: "
    "MTU calculation resulted in size %d, smaller than minimum %d\n"
619 "pci: "
    "MTU calculation resulted in size %d, larger than maximum %d\n"
620 "pci: "
    "New packet size %d set.\n"
621 "pci: "
    "No change to current packet size %d\n"
622 "dcfg: "
    "Received SRCN Table refresh when RMCD is not in SR mode\n"
622:0 "      "
    "    Cluster ID : %s\n"
622:1 "      "
    "    Cluster Name : %s\n"
622:2 "      "
	"    Node Number : %d\n"
623 "gsi:  "
	"    Leaving group services upon request from IBM.ConfigRM\n"
623:0 "      "
	"    Leave Code : %d\n"
623:1 "      "
	"    GS Socket : %d\n"
624 "rmctrl: "
    " Forcing all the client sessions which are having active SR scope \n"
625 "rmctrl: "
	" Force closing peer connection with nodenum = %d\n"
626 "rmcctrl: "
	"Daemon is already in IW mode. Doing nothing.\n"
627 "rmcctrl: "
	"Daemon is already in SR mode. Doing nothing.\n"
628 "pci: "
	"Initializing PRM library global data in SRC mode\n"
628:0 "      "
	"sock = %d\n"
628:1 "      "
	"iflgas = %x\n"
629 "gsi: "
	"Leaving Group Services\n"
630 "gsi: "
	"Ignoring to call peer_close_conn for nodenum = %d as the node status is not up"
631 "gsi: "
	"Pending messages exist for nodenum = %d, Requesting CRM to restart daemon"
632 "rmcctrl: "
	"Clearing RM Disconnect state.\n"
632:0 ""
	"Resource Manager Name = %s\n"
633 "dcfg: "
	"Domain/Node Offline Start\n"
633:0 "     "
	"mctp = %p\n"
634 "pci: "
	"pci_mtu_compare() called for node %x remote MTU %d\n"
635 "pci: "
	"pci_mtu_compare: No existing mtu_pair found\n"
636 "pci: "
	"pci_mtu_compare: Unable to add new pair.\n"
637 "pci: "
	"get_MTU_safe_packet_size: Size %d calculated\n"
638 "gsi: "
    "vote APPROVE for unexpected protocol\n"
639 "pci: "
	"get_MTU_safe_packet_size: PrmDRCgetMTU() failed with rc %d PrmErrno %d\n"
640 "pci: "
	"get_MTU_safe_packet_size: No remote MTU value available; returning.\n"
641 "pci: "
	"get_MTU_safe_packet_size: No local MTU value available; checking for highest known MTU\n"
642 "pci: "
	"get_MTU_safe_packet_size: No local or highest MTU value available; returning.\n"
643 "init: "
	"CtSec active security mode\n"
643:0 "      "
    "    Compliance Mode : %d\n"
643:1 "      "
    "    HBA Keytype : %x\n"
643:2 "      "
    "    Sym Keytype : %x\n"
644 "init: "
    "Symmetric keytype used for keycache is : %x\n"
645 "init: "
    "No errors in parsing RTAS slot\n"
646 "init: "
    "Parsing slot 0x%02x: %s\n"
647 "Error: "
    "For slot 0x%02x, parse_RTAS_slot returned %d.\n"
648 "init: "
	"Checking whether RMCKey=%s follow NIST pattern\n"
649 "init: "
    "pattern_match: rc = %d\n"
650 "init: "
    "MCP Is operating in NIST mode.\n"
651 "rmcctrl: "
	"Clearing RM buffer charge for \n"
651:0 ""
	"Resource Manager Name = %s\n"
652 "rmcctrl: "
	"Queing a start/stop request\n"
652:0 ""
	"Resource Manager Name = %s\n"
652:1 ""
	"Request Tyep = %d\n"
653 "cmdproc: "
	"Clearing RHCBFLAG_BIND_PENDING flag as RM is not found to be running as per SRC\n"
654 "cmdproc: "
	"RM is not in stopped state\n"
654:0 ""
	"SRC state = %d\n"
655 "cmdproc: "
	"RM start/stop command is pending. Let's wait for some more time\n"
656 "nodestat: "
    "MN status:   0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) DATA DOWN RESET\n"
657 "nodestat: "
    "MCP status:  0x%08x%08x (%04d 0x%04x) DATA DOWN RESET\n"
658 "Error: "
	"PAL_libcfg returned %d\n"
659 "err: "
    "rmcd_err::log_error() Entered\n"
660 "err: "
    "logerr: In File=%s (Version=%s Line=%d) :\n"
661 "err: "
    "rmcd_err::log_error() Leaving\n"
662 ""
        "cmdflow: [Event Notification]\n"
662:0 ""
        "         Class: %s\n"
662:1 ""
        "         Client Name: %s\n"
662:2 ""
        "         Expression: %s\n"
663 ""
        "cmdflow: [RMC to API : Event Notification]\n"
663:0 ""
    "         _CTB=<%u, %u>\n"
663:1 ""
    "         _LCCB=<%u, %u>\n"
663:2 ""
    "         ctbp=%08p\n"
663:3 ""
        "         Class: %s\n"
663:4 ""
        "         Client Name: %s\n"
663:5 ""
        "         Client PID: %d\n"
663:6 ""
        "         Expression: %s\n"
664 "main: "
    "Read RTAS wakeup signals from pipe.\n"
664:0 ""
    "rc = %d\n"
664:1 ""
    "wakeup_seqno = %lu\n"
665 "reg: "
    "Rejecting registration command from MCP due to no local RHs attached\n"
665:0 "      "
    "class_id = %d\n"
665:1 "      "
    "ctb_flags = %dx\n"
666 "main: "
    "scheduled responsiveness callback executed\n"
667 "cmdproc: "
    "harvestRTAS returned an error, act_err_id = %d\n"
668 "gsi: "
    "vote REJECT as SRCN table and GS membership differ\n"
668:0 "    "
    "nodenum = %d\n"
668:1 "    "
    "caaNodeCnt = %d\n"
669 "gsi: "
    "vote REJECT as SRCN table and GS membership differ\n"
669:0 "    "
    "cfgtp = %p\n"
669:1 "    "
    "caaNodeCnt = %d\n"
669:2 "    "
    "srcn_table_node_count = %d\n"
670 "main: "
    "blkdet: select in ctrl loop (for gs_socket) is returned, count = %d, rc = %d (0-not selected)\n"
671 "cmdproc: "
    "Ignore generating error for a command containing cmdtrk info.\n"
671:0 "     "
    "ctbp = %p\n"
672 "reg: "
    "Incorrect Management domain registration in reg_check_for_prior_reg, ctbq = %p\n"
673 "cmdproc: "
    "Incorrect Management domain registration in cmd_pre_register, ctbp = %p, rc = %d\n"
674 "util: "
    "init: system mtms = %s, mtms change = %d\n"
675 "util: "
    "Clearing RTAS slots so that, RMC can parse them in the next cycle\n"
676 "nist: "
    "Just before sending private message for CRM for NIST mode change, compliace_mode = %d\n"
677 "nist: "
    "Don't consider NIST mode for RTAS entry for NEO itslef\n"
678 "nist: "
    "Ignoring It's own RTAS entry on Novalink for NIST calculation\n"
679 "nist: "
    "Checking for Novalink : mtms = %s, HscName = %s\n"
680 "nist: "
    "Sending a private message for CRM To handle Legacy mode\n"
681 "nist: "
    "Sending a private message for CRM To handle NIST Compliance\n"
682 "nist: "
    "Calling chsecmode, cmd_buf = %s\n"
683 "nist: "
    "Done calling chsecmode, rc = %d\n"
684 "nist: "
    "RMCd is already running in NIST mode, Ignoring NIST mode found in RTAS entry\n"
685 "nist: "
    "chsecmode failed. Clearing RTAS slots so that, RMC can parse them in the next cycle\n"
686 "nist: "
    "Slot ID = %d is operating in NIST mode\n"
687 "nist: "
    "RTAS State info : goodSlots = %d, nonNISTSlots = %d, auto_disable_nist_in_md = %d, online_in_RPD = %d, rmcd_flags = 0x%x\n"