#  This is an automatically generated prolog.
#  Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2021.  All rights reserved.
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# 61haes_r714 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/events/resource_recover.sh 1.2 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# @(#)  7d4c34b 43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/events/resource_recover.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM

#  File: recover_resource
#  Description: Part of the clmgr infrastructure, these functions
#               are part of the "recover" class of operations (like
#               resource_add implements the "add" operations). They
#               are called by clmgr after input validation and do
#               little more than wrap the corresponding KLIB function.
#  Inputs: The node and site routines accept a node or site name, recover
#          cluster has no arguments since it implicitly recovers all nodes
#          in the cluster.
#          The optional "cancel event" flag is passed to the KLIB functions
#          through the ENV_ARGs values array.
#  Returns: return code from the KLIB function

# Name:  recover_cluster
function recover_cluster {
    LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" max

    CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_recover_cluster "${_ENV_ARGS[CANCEL_EVENT]}"
    log_return_msg "$?" "$0()" "$LINENO"
    return $?
} # End of "recover_cluster()"

# Name:  recover_site
function recover_site {
    LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" max

    typeset site=$1

    CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_recover_site "$site" "${_ENV_ARGS[CANCEL_EVENT]}"
    log_return_msg "$?" "$0()" "$LINENO"
    return $?
} # End of "recover_site()"

# Name:  recover_node
function recover_node {
    LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" max

    typeset node=$1

    CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_recover_node "$node" "${_ENV_ARGS[CANCEL_EVENT]}"
    log_return_msg "$?" "$0()" "$LINENO"
    return $?
} # End of "recover_node()"


LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry resource_recover "$CL" max
: version=@(#)  7d4c34b 43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/events/resource_recover.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM
: INPUTS == $*

# Source the file with common definitions, then run
# the action/class-appropriate class processor.
CL=$LINENO . $HAEVENTS/resource_common "$@"
log_return_msg "$?" resource_recover "$LINENO"
exit $?