// This is an automatically generated prolog. 
// gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/data/xkeyboard-config/compat/iso9995 1.1 
// Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
// COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2007 
// All Rights Reserved 
// US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
// disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
// $Xorg: iso9995,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:34 cpqbld Exp $

// Fairly complete set of symbol interpretations 
// to provide reasonable default behavior

// $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/compat/iso9995,v 1.3 2003/02/21 03:16:34 dawes Exp $

default partial xkb_compatibility "default"  {
    virtual_modifiers LevelThree,AltGr;

    interpret.repeat= False;
    setMods.clearLocks= True;
    latchMods.clearLocks= True;
    latchMods.latchToLock= True;

    interpret ISO_Lock+Any {
	action= ISOLock(affect= all,modifiers=modMapMods);

    interpret ISO_Level2_Latch+Shift {
	useModMapMods= level1;
	action= LatchMods(modifiers=Shift);

    interpret ISO_Level3_Shift+Any {
	useModMapMods= level1;
	virtualModifier= LevelThree;
	action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree);

    interpret ISO_Level3_Shift {
	action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree);

    interpret ISO_Level3_Latch+Any {
	useModMapMods= level1;
	virtualModifier= LevelThree;
	action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelThree);

    interpret ISO_Level3_Latch {
	action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelThree);

    interpret ISO_Level3_Lock+Any {
	useModMapMods= level1;
	virtualModifier= LevelThree;
	action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelThree);

    interpret ISO_Level3_Lock {
	action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelThree);

    interpret ISO_Group_Latch {
	useModMapMods= level1;
	virtualModifier= AltGr;
	action= LatchGroup(group=2);

    interpret ISO_Next_Group {
	useModMapMods= level1;
	virtualModifier= AltGr;
	action= LockGroup(group=+1);

    interpret ISO_Prev_Group {
	useModMapMods= level1;
	virtualModifier= AltGr;
	action= LockGroup(group=-1);
    interpret ISO_First_Group {
	action= LockGroup(group=1);

    interpret ISO_Last_Group {
	action= LockGroup(group=2);

    indicator "Group 2" {
	groups= All-Group1;