/* * COMPONENT_NAME: onchdrs * * FUNCTIONS: none * * ORIGINS: 24,27 * * * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,1993 * All Rights Reserved * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* * RPC for bootparms service. * There are two procedures: * WHOAMI takes a net address and returns a client name and also a * likely net address for routing * GETFILE takes a client name and file identifier and returns the * server name, server net address and pathname for the file. * file identifiers typically include root, swap, pub and dump */ #ifdef RPC_HDR %#include <rpc/types.h> %#include <sys/time.h> %#include <sys/errno.h> %#include <nfs/nfs.h> #endif const MAX_MACHINE_NAME = 255; const MAX_PATH_LEN = 1024; const MAX_FILEID = 32; const IP_ADDR_TYPE = 1; typedef string bp_machine_name_t<MAX_MACHINE_NAME>; typedef string bp_path_t<MAX_PATH_LEN>; typedef string bp_fileid_t<MAX_FILEID>; struct ip_addr_t { char net; char host; char lh; char impno; }; union bp_address switch (int address_type) { case IP_ADDR_TYPE: ip_addr_t ip_addr; }; struct bp_whoami_arg { bp_address client_address; }; struct bp_whoami_res { bp_machine_name_t client_name; bp_machine_name_t domain_name; bp_address router_address; }; struct bp_getfile_arg { bp_machine_name_t client_name; bp_fileid_t file_id; }; struct bp_getfile_res { bp_machine_name_t server_name; bp_address server_address; bp_path_t server_path; }; program BOOTPARAMPROG { version BOOTPARAMVERS { bp_whoami_res BOOTPARAMPROC_WHOAMI(bp_whoami_arg) = 1; bp_getfile_res BOOTPARAMPROC_GETFILE(bp_getfile_arg) = 2; } = 1; } = 100026;