--------------------------------------------------- trc file: "dev_enqsrv", trc level: 1, release: "722" --------------------------------------------------- sysno 01 sid EPP systemid 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX) relno 7220 patchlevel 0 patchno 1200 intno 20020600 make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized pid 19595558 [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:04:44 2025 [Thr 01] profile /usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_SCS01_epprd [Thr 01] hostname epprda [Thr 01] Listen successful on port/service sapdp01 [Thr 01] EnqInitCleanupServer: Shm of enqueue table (rc = 3) does not exist, nothing to clean up [Thr 01] Memory manager ("Main", ID=1): settings [Thr 01] Manager: [Thr 01] Trace: 1 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Fill zero: no [Thr 01] Eyecatchers' width: 2 [Thr 01] Delete allocator: yes [Thr 01] Max size limit/threashold: 0/0% [Thr 01] Allocator (cMmAllocator_ChainedArrays): [Thr 01] Requires synchronization: yes [Thr 01] Memory manager ("Enqueue Table inqueue", ID=2): settings [Thr 01] Manager: [Thr 01] Trace: 1 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Fill zero: no [Thr 01] Eyecatchers' width: 2 [Thr 01] Delete allocator: yes [Thr 01] Max size limit/threashold: 0/0% [Thr 01] Allocator (cMmAllocator_ChainedArrays): [Thr 01] Requires synchronization: yes [Thr 01] Queue ("Enqueue Table inqueue", ID=0): settings [Thr 01] Memory manager: ID=2 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Entries per section: 50 [Thr 01] Sections max/reserved: 10/10 [Thr 01] initialize_global: Enqueue server started WITHOUT replication functionality [Thr 01] Enqueue: EnqMemStartupAction Utc=1741565084 [Thr 01] EnqLockTableSizeCalculate: session quota = 100% [Thr 01] EnqLockTableCreate: create lock table (size = 65536000) [Thr 01] EnqLockTableMapToLocalContext: enque/use_pfclock2 = FALSE [Thr 01] Enqueue: LockingSuppressed = FALSE [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:04:45 2025 [Thr 01] ***LOG GEZ=> Server start [encllog.cpp 501] [Thr 01] Enqueue server start with instance number 01 [Thr 01] Memory manager ("IOThread_0", ID=3): settings [Thr 01] Manager: [Thr 01] Trace: 1 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Fill zero: no [Thr 01] Eyecatchers' width: 2 [Thr 01] Delete allocator: yes [Thr 01] Max size limit/threashold: 0/0% [Thr 01] Allocator (cMmAllocator_ChainedArrays): [Thr 01] Requires synchronization: yes [Thr 01] Queue ("IOThread_0", ID=1): settings [Thr 01] Memory manager: ID=3 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Entries per section: 50 [Thr 01] Sections max/reserved: 10/10 [Thr 01] Memory manager ("IOThread_1", ID=4): settings [Thr 01] Manager: [Thr 01] Trace: 1 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Fill zero: no [Thr 01] Eyecatchers' width: 2 [Thr 01] Delete allocator: yes [Thr 01] Max size limit/threashold: 0/0% [Thr 01] Allocator (cMmAllocator_ChainedArrays): [Thr 01] Requires synchronization: yes [Thr 01] Queue ("IOThread_1", ID=2): settings [Thr 01] Memory manager: ID=4 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Entries per section: 50 [Thr 01] Sections max/reserved: 10/10 [Thr 01] Memory manager ("IOThread_2", ID=5): settings [Thr 01] Manager: [Thr 01] Trace: 1 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Fill zero: no [Thr 01] Eyecatchers' width: 2 [Thr 01] Delete allocator: yes [Thr 01] Max size limit/threashold: 0/0% [Thr 01] Allocator (cMmAllocator_ChainedArrays): [Thr 01] Requires synchronization: yes [Thr 01] Queue ("IOThread_2", ID=3): settings [Thr 01] Memory manager: ID=5 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Entries per section: 50 [Thr 01] Sections max/reserved: 10/10 [Thr 01] Memory manager ("IOThread_3", ID=6): settings [Thr 01] Manager: [Thr 01] Trace: 1 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Fill zero: no [Thr 01] Eyecatchers' width: 2 [Thr 01] Delete allocator: yes [Thr 01] Max size limit/threashold: 0/0% [Thr 01] Allocator (cMmAllocator_ChainedArrays): [Thr 01] Requires synchronization: yes [Thr 01] Queue ("IOThread_3", ID=4): settings [Thr 01] Memory manager: ID=6 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Entries per section: 50 [Thr 01] Sections max/reserved: 10/10 [Thr 01] Memory manager ("ADM in-queue", ID=7): settings [Thr 01] Manager: [Thr 01] Trace: 1 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Fill zero: no [Thr 01] Eyecatchers' width: 2 [Thr 01] Delete allocator: yes [Thr 01] Max size limit/threashold: 0/0% [Thr 01] Allocator (cMmAllocator_ChainedArrays): [Thr 01] Requires synchronization: yes [Thr 01] Queue ("ADM in-queue", ID=5): settings [Thr 01] Memory manager: ID=7 [Thr 01] Time measurement: yes [Thr 01] Entries per section: 50 [Thr 01] Sections max/reserved: 10/10