# @(#)10 1.2 src/bos/usr/samples/tcpip/sendmail/siteconfig/uucp.ucbvax.m4, tcpsamp, bos720 10/24/00 15:44:38 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos720 src/bos/usr/samples/tcpip/sendmail/siteconfig/uucp.ucbvax.m4 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999,2000 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG SITE(Padova) SITE(Shasta) SITE(alice) SITE(allegra) SITE(amdcad) SITE(att) SITE(attunix) SITE(avsd) SITE(bellcore bellcor) SITE(calma) SITE(cithep) SITE(cnmat) SITE(craig) SITE(craylab) SITE(decusj) SITE(decvax, S) SITE(decwrl) SITE(dssovax) SITE(eagle) SITE(ecovax) SITE(floyd) SITE(franz) SITE(geoff) SITE(harpo) SITE(ho3e2) SITE(hpda) SITE(hplabs) SITE(ibmsupt ibmuupa ibmpa) SITE(iiasa70) SITE(imagen) SITE(isunix menlo70) SITE(kentmth) SITE(lbl-csam lbl-csa) SITE(lime) SITE(mothra) SITE(mseonyx) SITE(mtxinu) SITE(pixar) SITE(pur-ee) SITE(purdue) SITE(pwbd) SITE(sdcarl) SITE(sftig) SITE(sgi olympus) SITE(sii) SITE(srivisi) SITE(ssyx) SITE(sun) SITE(trwrb) SITE(twg) SITE(ucivax) SITE(ucla-se) SITE(ucla-cs) SITE(ucsbcsl ucsbhub) SITE(ucscc) SITE(ucsd) SITE(ucsfcgl) SITE(ucsfmis) SITE(ulysses) SITE(unisoft) SITE(unmvax) SITE(usenix) SITE(uw) SITE(uwvax) SITE(vax135) SITE(voder) SITE(wheps) SITE(whuxle) SITE(whuxlj) SITE(xicomp) SITE(xprin) SITE(zehntel) SITE(zilog)