'ResB C"EE'CLogMessages101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839Test MessageDatabase query failed.No client name specified.No VM Proxy is specified.No Master server is specified.Could not read configuration {0}.cannot get BMR Master Server Name. Invalid Network Adaptor selected: {0}No parameter provided to ''{0}'' option.Could not contact Master Server, rc={0}.)No Virtual Machine Server name specified.*Virtual Environment type is not specified.*The field:{0} is missing in Veconfig file.+Invalid Datastore selected for restore: {0},Invalid Datacenter selected for restore: {0},Invalid Esxhost is selected for restore: {0}-Invalid ESX cluster selected for restore: {0}/Invalid Resource Pool selected for restore: {0}0Invalid Virtual Conversion Environment specified0No Virtual Environment related config specified.1Invalid Virtual Environment specified for restore5Failed to insert VM Conversion Job into BMR Database.5Another Virtual Machine already exists with same name8Invalid Virtual Machine Server selected for restore: {0}<Invalid Virtual Environment folder selected for restore: {0}AAlready another Virtual Environment profile exists with same NameAAlready another Backup-to-Virtual job is running for same client.AInvalid Virtual Image Conversion client selected for restore: {0}HInvalid Virtual Environment Configuration file provided for restore: {0}LSuccessfully submitted job. For more details please see VM Conversion Tasks.WCannot find TrueImage date. Please make sure a full backup of this client is available.YAlready another Virtual Environment profile exists with same configuration. Its name: {0}hSpecified client: ''{0}'' and its configuation: ''{1}'' are not supported for Backup to Virtual restores܂Failed to submit VM Conversion Job to BMR Master Server. Either BMR Master Server is down or failed to initiate VM conversion Job.ܚVxSS Authentication appears to have failed. Ensure that The BMR server has the right credentials to contact the NetBackup server, and retry the operation.ܩSelected client configuration doesn''t meet VM conversion criteria. It has system volumes present on GPT type disks, which are not currently supported for VM conversion.The configuration contains Windows Storage Spaces. BMR yet does not support restore of Storage Spaces. Please mark the virtual disks as restricted using BMR mapping utility or use the "Restore system disks/volumes only" option.3Usage: bmrb2v -C <clientname> -vmproxy <virtual_instance_converter_host> -vmserver <VM Server Name> -veconfig <VE_configFile_Path> -vmw [-config <configName>] [-S <master_server>] [-O] [-vmpo] [-vmsn] [-systemOnly]mSelected client configuration doesn''t meet VM conversion criteria. Some of its data volumes are present on GPT type disks, which are not currently supported for VM conversion. Mark those disks in configuration as restricted using BMR Configuration Mapping and re-initiate VM conversion. OR Use ''Restore system disks/volumes only'' option in VM conversion options.'l,/258;>ADGoJMPSVY\_berhknqtwz}ux{~ a4bxYqpB2" 9i6% N? P