# IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos72D src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ecc/lib/ECC/Utils.pm # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG package Utils; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use IPC::Open2; use vars qw/ %opt /; use lib '/usr/ecc/lib/ECC'; use PropertyManager; use ServiceProviderManager; use Definitions; use constant ADDED_FILE => '/var/ecc/data/added_to_etc_hosts.lck'; ################################################################################ sub showMessage() { my ($set_number, $msg_number, $message) = @_; my $dspcmd = "dspmsg -s $set_number ".Definitions::NLS_CATALOG." $msg_number $message"; my $rc = system($dspcmd); return $rc; } ################################################################################## sub getJava() { if ( -d "/usr/java7_64" && -d "/usr/java7_64/bin" ) { return Definitions::JAVA7_64 } elsif ( -d "/usr/java7" && -d "/usr/java7/bin" ) { return Definitions::JAVA7 } else { return Definitions::JAVA6 } } ################################################################################ sub execute() { my ($lcmd) = @_; my $rc = 99; open TRACEOUT, "+>> ".Definitions::TRACE_FILE or die $!; my $now = localtime time; print TRACEOUT "$now: cmd = $lcmd\n"; $rc = system("$lcmd"); print TRACEOUT "$now: result = $rc\n"; close TRACEOUT; return $rc; } ################################################################################ sub getAccount() { my ($country) = @_; return &ServiceProviderManager::RetrieveID($country); } ################################################################################ sub getPathType() { my ($priority) = @_; my $ecc_prop = new PropertyManager; $ecc_prop->read( Definitions::eccConnectPropertiesFile ); if ( ($priority eq $ecc_prop->get(Definitions::DIRECT_PRIORITY)) && ($ecc_prop->get(Definitions::DIRECT_ENABLED) eq Definitions::YES) ) { return "DIRECT_INTERNET"; } elsif ( $priority eq $ecc_prop->get(Definitions::PROXY_PRIORITY."$priority") ) { return "HTTP_PROXY"; } elsif ( $priority eq $ecc_prop->get(Definitions::PROXY_PRIORITY."$priority") ) { return "HTTP_PROXY"; } elsif ( $priority eq $ecc_prop->get(Definitions::PROXY_PRIORITY."$priority") ) { return "HTTP_PROXY"; } elsif ( $priority eq $ecc_prop->get(Definitions::DIAL_PRIORITY."$priority") ) { return "DIAL"; } elsif ( $priority eq $ecc_prop->get(Definitions::DIAL_PRIORITY."$priority") ) { return "DIAL"; } elsif ( $priority eq $ecc_prop->get(Definitions::DIAL_PRIORITY."$priority") ) { return "DIAL"; } else { return "NOT_CONFIGURED"; } } ################################################################################ sub testLANConnection() { my $result = 1; my $classpath = &java_classpath(); my $cmd = &getJava()." -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true -cp $classpath com.ibm.esa.activation.ConnectivityServiceTest testLANConnection"; my $pid = open2(\*RDR, \*WTR, $cmd); while () { $result = $_; } return $result; } ################################################################################ sub testProxyConnection() { my ($proxyLocation, $proxyPort) = @_; my $result = 1; my $classpath = &java_classpath(); my $cmd = &getJava()." -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true -cp $classpath com.ibm.esa.activation.ConnectivityServiceTest testProxyConnection $proxyLocation $proxyPort"; my $pid = open2(\*RDR, \*WTR, $cmd); while () { $result = $_; } return $result; } ################################################################################ sub testProxyConnectionSecure() { my ($proxyLocation, $proxyPort, $userid, $pwd) = @_; my $result = 1; my $classpath = &java_classpath(); my $cmd = &getJava()." -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true -cp $classpath com.ibm.esa.activation.ConnectivityServiceTest testProxyConnectionSecure $proxyLocation $proxyPort $userid $pwd"; my $pid = open2(\*RDR, \*WTR, $cmd); while () { $result = $_; } return $result; } ################################################################################ sub HeartBeat() { my $result = 1; my $classpath = &java_classpath(); my $cmd = &getJava()." -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true -cp $classpath com.ibm.esa.activation.ConnectivityServiceTest HeartBeat"; my $pid = open2(\*RDR, \*WTR, $cmd); while () { $result = $_; } return $result; } ################################################################################ sub java_classpath() { my $classpath=""; my @ecc_jars = <\/usr\/ecc\/lib\/*.jar>; foreach my $file (@ecc_jars) { $classpath="$classpath:$file"; } return $classpath; } ################################################################################ sub add_ETC_HOSTS() { my ($ip, $host) = @_; open ETCHOSTS, "< /etc/hosts"; my @lines = ; my $found = 0; my $entry = "$ip\t$host\n"; foreach (@lines) { if ($_ =~ m/www.ibm.com/) { $found = 1; } } close ETCHOSTS; if ( ! $found ) { open ETCHOSTS, "> /etc/hosts"; foreach (@lines) { print ETCHOSTS $_; } print ETCHOSTS "$entry"; close ETCHOSTS; system("touch ".ADDED_FILE); } return 0; } ################################################################################ sub remove_ETC_HOSTS() { if (-f ADDED_FILE) { open ETCHOSTS, "< /etc/hosts"; my @lines = ; close ETCHOSTS; open ETCHOSTS, "> /etc/hosts"; foreach (@lines) { if ($_ !~ m/www.ibm.com/) { print ETCHOSTS $_; } } close ETCHOSTS; system("rm ".ADDED_FILE); } return 0; } 1;