--------------------------------------------------- trc file: "dev_jstart.new", trc level: 1, release: "722" --------------------------------------------------- sysno 00 sid EPP systemid 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX) relno 7220 patchlevel 0 patchno 1200 intno 20020600 make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized profile /usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd pid 47055196 * * ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL 1 * ACTIVE TRACE COMPONENTS All, egi * Mon Mar 10 09:05:06 2025 * * trace logging activated, max size = 52428800 bytes, 2 versions * arguments : arg[ 0] : jc.sapEPP_J00 arg[ 1] : pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd F F Mon Mar 10 09:05:08 2025 F ******************************************************************************** F Java environment properties (/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm) F root directory : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6 F vendor : SAP AG F version : 1.6.0_51 F cpu : ppc64 F java vm type : F java vm version : 6.1.053 23.5-b02 F jvm library name : libjvm.so F library path : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib F executable path : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin F ******************************************************************************** F SAP extensions : available F ******************************************************************************** I [Thr 01] MtxInit: 30002 0 2 F [Thr 01] *** LOG => connected to Enqueue Server. F [Thr 01] *** LOG => connected to Message Server. F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting run level 1. F ******************************************************************************** F Java process [deployment] properties: F section name : deployment F config file : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties F node name : Deploy_offline F home directory : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster F shutdown timeout : 136000 ms F exit timeout : 7000 ms F debuggable : false F debugger active : false F ******************************************************************************** F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Deploying offline components" (STARTING @ 0, INACTIVE). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 1. F ******************************************************************************** F Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/jstart F arg[ 1] = -nodeId=0 F arg[ 2] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd F arg[ 3] = -hostvm F arg[ 4] = -nodeName=deployment F arg[ 5] = -file=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties F arg[ 6] = -jvmFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm F arg[ 7] = -traceFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_deployment F arg[ 8] = -javaOutFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jvm_deployment.out F env : AIXTHREAD_COND_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_MUTEX_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_SCOPE=S F exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm F libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/os_libs F stdout : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_deployment.out F stderr : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_deployment.out F console : no F debugger: no F nice : no F ******************************************************************************** F Process Deploy_offline started with pid 48955874 F ******************************************************************************** F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process deployment started (pid 48955874). F F [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:05:12 2025 F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process deployment stopping (pid 48955874). F F [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:05:13 2025 F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD. F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process deployment stopped (pid 48955874). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Deploying offline components" (STOPPING @ 0, INACTIVE). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Run level 1 completed. F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting run level 2. F ******************************************************************************** F Java process [bootstrap] properties: F section name : bootstrap F config file : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties F node name : Instance_bootstrap F home directory : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster F shutdown timeout : 136000 ms F exit timeout : 7000 ms F debuggable : false F debugger active : false F ******************************************************************************** F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Synchronizing binaries" (STARTING @ 0, INACTIVE). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 2. F ******************************************************************************** F Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/jstart F arg[ 1] = -nodeId=0 F arg[ 2] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd F arg[ 3] = -hostvm F arg[ 4] = -nodeName=bootstrap F arg[ 5] = -file=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/startup.properties F arg[ 6] = -jvmFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm F arg[ 7] = -traceFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_bootstrap F arg[ 8] = -javaOutFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jvm_bootstrap.out F env : AIXTHREAD_COND_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_MUTEX_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_SCOPE=S F exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm F libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/os_libs F stdout : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_bootstrap.out F stderr : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_bootstrap.out F console : no F debugger: no F nice : no F ******************************************************************************** F Process Instance_bootstrap started with pid 17891830 F ******************************************************************************** F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process bootstrap started (pid 17891830). F F [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:05:18 2025 F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process bootstrap running (pid 17891830). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Synchronizing binaries" (RUNNING @ 0, INACTIVE). F F [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:05:19 2025 F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process bootstrap stopping (pid 17891830). F F [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:05:20 2025 F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Signal 20 SIGCHLD. F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process bootstrap stopped (pid 17891830). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Synchronizing binaries" (STOPPING @ 0, INACTIVE). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Run level 2 completed. F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting run level 3. F ******************************************************************************** F Java process [debugproxy] properties: F section name : debugproxy F config file : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/dproxy.properties F node name : Debug_Proxy F home directory : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/rdbg.proxy F shutdown timeout : 136000 ms F exit timeout : 7000 ms F debuggable : false F debugger active : false F ******************************************************************************** F ******************************************************************************** F ICM process [icm] properties: F section name : icm F config file : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/icm.properties F node name : ICM F home directory : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work F shutdown timeout : 122000 ms F exit timeout : 7000 ms F ******************************************************************************** F ******************************************************************************** F Java process [server0] properties: F section name : ID3269050 F config file : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster/instance.properties F node name : server0 F home directory : . F shutdown timeout : 136000 ms F exit timeout : 7000 ms F debuggable : true F debugger active : false F ******************************************************************************** F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "Starting the processes" (STARTING @ 0, INACTIVE). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 3, phase 0. F ******************************************************************************** F Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/icman F arg[ 1] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd F arg[ 2] = -nodeId=1 F arg[ 3] = -f F arg[ 4] = /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_icm F exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm F libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient F stdout : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_icm.out F stderr : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_icm.out F console : no F debugger: no F nice : no F ******************************************************************************** F Process ICM started with pid 38338848 F ******************************************************************************** F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process icm started (pid 38338848). F F [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:05:25 2025 F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process icm running (pid 38338848). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Starting nodes: runlevel 3, phase 1. F ******************************************************************************** F Starting process: /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/jstart F arg[ 1] = -nodeId=2 F arg[ 2] = pf=/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/profile/EPP_J00_epprd F arg[ 3] = -DSAPINFO=EPP_00_server0 F arg[ 4] = -hostvm F arg[ 5] = -nodeName=ID3269050 F arg[ 6] = -file=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/cluster/instance.properties F arg[ 7] = -jvmFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jstart.jvm F arg[ 8] = -traceFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/dev_server0 F arg[ 9] = -javaOutFile=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/jvm_server0.out F env : AIXTHREAD_COND_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_MUTEX_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEBUG=OFF F env : AIXTHREAD_SCOPE=S F exePath : PATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/oracle/EPP/112_64/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/eppadm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/home/eppadm F libPath : LIBPATH=/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/server:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/jre/../lib/ppc64/jli:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/EPP/SYS/exe/uc/rs6000_64:/oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sap/EPP/J00/j2ee/os_libs F stdout : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_server0.out F stderr : /usr/sap/EPP/J00/work/std_server0.out F console : no F debugger: no F nice : no F ******************************************************************************** F Process server0 started with pid 48955888 F ******************************************************************************** F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 started (pid 48955888). F F [Thr 01] Mon Mar 10 09:07:15 2025 F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Process server0 running (pid 48955888). F [Thr 01] *** LOG => Instance state is "All processes running" (RUNNING @ 1, ACTIVE).