/ / $Header: rdbms/mesg/opwus.msg /main/3 2010/03/08 00:04:38 dsirmuka Exp $ / / Copyright (c) 1992, 1997 by Oracle Corporation / NAME / opw.msg - / DESCRIPTION / / RETURNS / / NOTES / / MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) / anolan 05/14/97 - Demo. / ajasuja 05/26/93 - Creation / / / 1, 1, "Unable to open password-file" 2, 1, "Unable to close password-file" 3, 1, "Unable to read password-file" 4, 1, "Unable to write to password-file" 5, 1, "File with same name exists - please delete or rename" 6, 1, "System file blocksize too small" 7, 1, "Password is too long"