Ú'ResBP +)áá"áMSG_ERROR_VOLUME_NOT_PRESENTEDMSG_ERROR_NO_SNAPSHOT_TARGET_SELECTEDMSG_ERROR_CLI_NOT_FOUNDMSG_ERROR_INVALID_PRIVATE_DATAMSG_ERROR_FLASHCOPY_CREATION_FAILEDMSG_ERROR_FLASHCOPY_COW_CREATION_FAILEDMSG_ERROR_FLASHCOPY_RESYNC_FAILEDMSG_ERROR_INVALID_SPLIT_TYPEMSG_ERROR_CLI_NOT_INSTALLEDMSG_ERROR_NO_CREDENTIALSMSG_ERROR_ALT_NODE_INVALID_TARGETMSG_ERROR_ALT_NODE_INVALID_PRIMARYMSG_ERROR_IMPORT_DATA_ALLOCATION_FAILUREMSG_ERROR_HOSTNAME_LOOKUP_FAILEDMSG_ERROR_STORAGE_UNIT_LOOKUP_FAILED_FOR_IMPORTMSG_ERROR_HOSTCONNECTION_NOT_FOUNDMSG_ERROR_IMPORT_INVALID_DATAMSG_ERROR_CANNOT_RESTORE_ACROSS_STORAGE_UNITSMSG_ERROR_NO_CREDENTIALS_FOR_RESTOREMSG_ERROR_VERSION_CHECKMSG_ERROR_CLI_COMMAND_FAILEDMSG_ERROR_IMPORT_SKIPPEDMSG_ERROR_IMPORT_HOST_INVALIDMSG_ERROR_IMPORT_LOCAL_HOST_INVALIDMSG_ERROR_NO_ARRAYS_DISCOVEREDMSG_ERROR_DELAYED_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDMSG_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILEDMSG_ERROR_UNHANDLED_FIERROR_EXCEPTIONMSG_ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONMSG_ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXEC_PIPE_EXCEPTIONMSG_ERROR_UNHANDLED_INT_EXCEPTIONMSG_ERROR_UNHANDLED_RUNTIME_EXCEPTIONMSG_ERROR_UNHANDLED_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTIONMSG_ERROR_UDID_PARSING_EXCEPTIONªªªÜ-Volume data for source volume {0} is invalid.Ü.Internal error initializing a node for import.Ü0Unable to locate the DSCLI tool {0} at path {1}.Ü0DSCLI tool {0} installation path {1} is invalid.Ü6Caught unknown unhandled exception at {2}, {3, number}Ü6FlashCopy resync operation failed on storage unit {0}.Ü7IBM TotalStorage DS array plugin initialization failed.Ü7Caught unhandled exception {0} at {1}, {2}, {3, number}Ü8Installed version of DSCLI tool at {0} is not supported.Ü<Hostname lookup failed, cannot import / LUN mask the volume.Ü@Split type {0} is not valid for the IBM FlashCopy VxFI provider.Ü@Caught unhandled UDID parsing exception {0, number} for UDID {1}Ü@Caught unhandled FI ERROR exception {0} at {1}, {2}, {3, number}ÜBLogical Drive {1}##{2} NOT PRESENT ON THE HOST {3}/VolumeGroup {4}ÜCCaught unhandled C++ runtime exception {0} at {1}, {2}, {3, number}ÜDFlashCopy creation failed for source volume {0} on storage unit {1}.ÜENo snapshot target selected for source volume {0} on storage unit {1}ÜECaught unhandled exception as integer {0, number} at {2}, {3, number}ÜEIBM TotalStorage DS array plugin delayed initialization steps failed.ÜFCaught unhandled execution pipe exception {0} at {1}, {2}, {3, number}ÜGInvalid FlashCopy target data for importing / LUN Masking (fid_tmpobj).ÜKHost connection with name {0} not found on Storage Unit {1}. Import failed.ÜMFlashCopy source volume data is invalid and cannot be initialized / imported.ÜMFlashCopy target volume data is invalid and cannot be initialized / imported.ÜSUnable to discovery any storage units via DSCLI utility with the given credentials.ÜVFlashCopy creation with -nocp option failed for source volume {0} on storage unit {1}.ÜXNo login credentials have been configured for storage unit {0}. Cannot execute restore.Ü\Unable to locate Storage Unit with ID {0} in order to execute LUN masking operations on {1}.ÜdUnable to import any login credentials for any DS management appliances from configuration file {0}.ÜpDSCLI command {0} executed in file [{1}], line [{2,number}], failed with error [{3}] at [{4}], and output [{5}].ÜpImport of virtual disk {0} was not specified as local or remote/transportable and no import hosts are specified.܈Restore attempt of volume(s) from storage unit {0} to {1} is invalid. Cannot do FlashCopy restore across storage units in this version.ÜéImport host {0} is not known to the IBM Total Storage storage unit {1}. Use DSCLI to mkhostconnect {2} with the proper TCP/IP DNS host name. If the name of the DS host connection is different from the hostname the import will fail.ÝImport for local host {0} has no matching host connection with the same name in the DS Storage Unit {1}. Use DSCLI to mkhostconnect {2} with the proper matching DNS host name. The name of the host and the name of the DS host connection must match exactly."~\\Çe'^ÀœèÊ¡ý>ä†} ?CŠ?ë€Ìê¦4Z¯ fµ³Ï`’AYmüà0 =Ð (A4i±³ `mˆ¢ú(Ħä