Backup Oracle DB Menu The Backup Oracle DB menu is used to search the filesystem for Oracle SQL scripts to use for backups, to select Oracle SQL scripts, and to initiate Oracle's backup/restore utility using the selected scripts. The top of the screen contains the following: Search Path The current directory, where search operations will begin. Start Date End Date The beginning and end dates used in the search, which specify the range in which a file's modification date must be in order to be included in the search for files to back up. NetBackup will search for files that were made between and including these dates. When you start the menu interface, the Start Date is set to 01/01/70 00:00:00 for backups and archives and the End Date is set to 23:59:59 of the current day. Master Server The name of the NetBackup server that will process your backup request. Display Mode The format used in the display. Brief shows only file names, Verbose shows file names and attributes. Scripts Selected The number of scripts currently selected. Keyword Phrase A word or phrase used to identify the backup. When you restore files, you can search for files to restore by keyword phrase. Menu options: s) Select Scripts... Displays the selection screen, which lets you browse the filesystem to select scripts to use for restores. The Selections field shows the number of files/directories selected and Current Path shows the search path (selected in the restore menu). The selection arrow pointer (->) points to items in the list; use the option keys shown at the bottom of the screen to move the pointer and select items. The options are: Zoom (I)n Changes to the directory indicated; that directory will become the current path and its files and directories will be displayed. (Z)oom Out Changes the current path to the parent directory. (S)elect Adds the indicated item to the selection list; after selecting, an asterisk (*) will mark the item. If the item is selected already, it will be removed from the selection list. (B)ack Displays the previous screen of information. (F)wd Displays the next screen of information. (U)p Moves the pointer up one item in the list. (D)n Moves the pointer down one item in the list. (L)eft Shifts the display to the left. (R)ight Shifts the display to the right. (O)k Exits and returns to Backup of Files and Directories menu. To refresh the screen, press Ctrl+r. e) Edit/View Selected Scripts... Displays the selection edit screen, which lets you add and remove scripts from the selection list. The selection arrow pointer (->) points to items in the list; use the option keys shown at the bottom of the screen to move the pointer and select items. The options are: (A)dd Selection Adds a selection to the selection list. Choosing this option opens a dialog box in which you enter the absolute path of the script to be added. These selections can contain UNIX wild card characters; the wild card characters will not be expanded in bp, they will be expanded after the backup is initiated. Un(S)elect Removes the indicated item from the selection list. (C)lear Removes all items from the selection list. (B)ack Displays the previous screen of information. (F)wd Displays the next screen of information. (U)p Moves the pointer up one item in the list. (D)n Moves the pointer down one item in the list. (L)eft Shifts the display to the left. (R)ight Shifts the display to the right. (O)k Exits and returns to the menu. To refresh the screen, press Ctrl+r. i) Initiate Oracle DB Backup Using Selected Script(s) Initiates a backup using the scripts that were selected. You can choose to use a progress log to record the progress of the operation. Veritas recommends that you use a progress log to monitor the operation. p) Change Search Path... Changes the path where searches will begin. The path entered must be a valid directory. If the return key is pressed without entering a path or if the escape key is pressed the path will remain unchanged. UNIX wild card characters are not allowed in the path. d) Change Date Range... Changes the date range used for searchs. m) Change Master Server... Changes the server that will process the request. The server must be configured in NetBackup and the client must be in one of the server's backup policies. If the return key is pressed without entering a server name, the master server name will remain unchanged. k) Change Keyword Phrase... Changes the keyword phrase to associate with the backup. x) Change Display Mode to [Brief | Verbose] Changes the mode of the display in the search screen. Brief shows only file names. Verbose mode shows the standard UNIX file permissions. h) Help Displays this information. q) Quit Menu Returns to the main menu.