# ## $!!3  *6@IS]foxN4EUctit >TY  Unable to open file %sInvalid syntax at column %u in line %u of file %sInvalid SQL Identifier at column %u in line %u of file %sMismatched IF/ELSE/ENDIF block at line %u in file %sUnsupported datatype in line %u of file %sInvalid WHENEVER condition at column %u in line %u of file %sInvalid WHENEVER action at column %u in line %u of file %sInvalid host variable at column %u in line %u of file %sStatement out of place at line %u in file %s 8 j AnAlready in a declare section at line %u in file %sNot in a declare section at line %u in file %sUnable to open include file "%s" at line %u in file %sUndeclared SQL Identifier "%s" at line %u in file %sUnrecognized Host Language syntax ignored at line %u in file %sUnable to open a cursor at line %u in file %sUnable to parse statement at line %u in file %sExpected "%s", but found "%.15s" at line %u in file %s >sGUnable to obtain bind variables at line %u in file %sUnable to obtain define variables at line %u in file %sOracle Error: %sOut of space - unable to allocate %u bytesUnable to log off from ORACLEIndicator variable "%s" has wrong type or length at line %u in file %sUndeclared indicator variable "%s" at line %u in file %sInvalid host variable "%s" at line %u in file %sRedeclared SQL Identifier "%s" at line %u in file %s P{ !$%&?'V(t)*Option "%s" not legal as EXEC ORACLE OPTIONAmbiguous option "%s"Invalid value given for option "%s"Invalid option "%s"Missing operand for option "%s"No input file name specifiedUnable to log on to ORACLE with "%s". ORACLE error number: %uUnable to open a cursorUnable to open input file "%s"Unable to open listing file "%s"Unable to open output file "%s"Must EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA when mode=ANSI and WHENEVER SQLWARNING used,2-j/23.5k6Array size mismatch in INTO/USING. Minimum is: %s(%u:%u)%s clause inappropriate at line %u in file %s. Ignored.Unterminated comment/string constant beginning near line %u in file %sUnable to generate descriptor in program unit ending line %u in file %sSize of VARCHAR %s is larger than 65533 in line %u in file %sFOR variable %s is invalid type at line %u in file %sExpected End-of-Statement at column %u in line %u of file %s728o<=>?]@Array "%s" not allowed as bind variable at line %u in file %sFOR clause not allowed on SELECT statement at line %u in file %s.Both CURSOR and STATEMENT have AT clauses at line %u of file %s.Error at line %u, column %u. PLS-%u: %sMust use option SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS(FULL) when there is embedded PL/SQLReached end of file %s before End-of-Statement at line %u!All uses of a given host variable must use identical indicator variables. A>BaCDEF@GvHIUserid required, but not specified.Userid only used when SQLCHECK = FULL, userid ignored.Ireclen exceeded. Line %u in file %s truncated.Host and indicator variables may not have the same name.Host variable "%s" has unsupported datatype at line %u in file %sIllegal syntax, Exponential value in SQL statement: %sUnable to open message file.Input file name length exceeds the maximum lengthCursor is declared but never OPENed at line %u in file %s. K>LdMNOP)QFRxS":" expected before indicator variableDISPLAY type must be SIGN LEADING SEPARATEColon usage with numeric label in WHENEVER statement is not ANSIFIPS warning: Invalid ANSI SQL IdentifierANSI requires colon on label in WHENEVER statementTYPE identifier already TYPEdScale specification not allowed for given datatypeLength and scale specifications must be an integerBind and define variables not allowed in CREATE statement U>VVWtXYZ[4\y]Error writing to file %sSource file %s has zero lengthEXEC SQL TYPE statement not allowed for this host languageUser defined type identifier expectedInvalid Oracle TYPE specificationPrecision/scale specification must be given for DECIMAL datatypeTYPE statement requires format specification for this Oracle datatypeLength and/or scale incompatible with specified Oracle datatypeInvalid or obsolete option, ignored ^>_l`abcCd|efArray length for char[n] datatype must be >= 2Missing PROGRAM, SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, or BLOCK DATA statementArray FETCH not allowed for mode=ANSI14Use of DECIMAL and DISPLAY types allowed only for COBOL and PL/IScale specification cannot be used in this contextLength cannot be given for types ROWID, DATE, or MLSLABELNon integer label is not ANSILower case 'e' in floating point number is not ANSIFOR UPDATE is an Oracle extension g>h^ijklmDn|oAT clause is an Oracle extensionFOR clause is an Oracle extensionKeyword WORK required here by ANSIRELEASE is an Oracle extension to the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statementsThe CONNECT statement is Oracle implementation dependentThis statement is not supported by ANSIDynamic SQL and PL/SQL are Oracle extensions to ANSI SQLOracle extension to the WHENEVER statementSQLCHECK value in EXEC ORACLE statement exceeds command line value p>q\rstuvAw~xDatatype not supported by ANSIValue of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE optionLength spec required in EXEC SQL VAR statements for VARxxx typesArray required hereThis array already given in an ARRAYLEN statementInvalid ARRAYLEN length variable typeUse of host variable initialization not supported by ANSI SQLValue of const variable in INTO clause will be modifiedFile I/O error during code generation yDzp{|~)+NgArrays of VARCHAR pointers are not supportedInput file name and output file name are identicalEntire VARCHAR declaration must be on same lineCOMMON_NAME option is specified too lateCould not find or open system configuration file%sCommand line processor severe errorOption "%s" must be givenIndicator array size must not be less than its host variableCommand line option MODE=ANSI required with option NLS_LOCAL=YES >i[Result Set Cursor usage is not standard SQLInvalid SQL_CURSOR declarationInvalid use of SQL cursor host variableResult Set Cursors are not implemented in this precompilerCannot change MAXLITERAL after an EXEC SQL statementCREATE FUNCTION/PROCEDURE/PACKAGE/TRIGGER are Oracle extensionsThread Safety is not implemented in this precompilerNo EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement encounteredRuntime context variable not of correct type D}(WUNSAFE_NULL=YES must be used with DBMS=V7 and MODE=ORACLEThis statement can only be used with THREADS=YESIllegal value for host option, ignoredDBMS=V6 no longer supported; using DBMS=NATIVEYou are not authorized to run Pro*COBOLYour Pro*COBOL authorization is about to expireInvalid character "%c" in indicator area at line %u in file %sInvalid continuation at line %u in file %sIn an EXEC statement at end-of-filePROCEDURE DIVISION not found8sA~EXEC statement cannot begin in Area A at line %u in file %sWORKING-STORAGE SECTION not foundMultiple element records not allowed in DECLARE sectionFor hostlan = COB74, a SQL statement must be followed by ELSE or "."Invalid use of NULL character in character literalUSAGE IS BINARY clause must be terminated by "." on same lineDATA DIVISION not foundInvalid use of PIC N array variable "%s" at line %u in file %s >o>L\MN"VARYING" not supported with PIC N PICTURE clauseCannot equivalence PIC N variable %s"N" character literals not supported in embedded PL/SQLThe SQLCA and a SQLCODE variable cannot both be usedConversion buffer size can only be specified for character typesInvalid conversion buffer sizeYou are not authorized to run Pro*FORTRANYour Pro*FORTRAN authorization is about to expireInvalid label at line %u in file %s Dgxy8hYou are not authorized to run Pro*CYour Pro*C authorization is about to expireIdentifier "%s" truncated to 31 charactersYou are not authorized to run Pro*PL/IYour Pro*PL/I authorization is about to expireYou are not authorized to run Pro*PascalYour Pro*Pascal authorization is about to expireYou are not authorized to run Pro*AdaYour Pro*Ada authorization is about to expireNo Package, Procedure or Function statement seen in %sz8yyIdentifier on line %d in file %s too long for code generated in file %sInvalid EXEC SQL INCLUDE of file %s found at line %u in file %sFIPS warning: Unsupported datatype in line %u of file %sFIPS warning: Undeclared host variable "%s" at line %u in file %sINTO/Bind variableEnd-of-SQL-stmt:GETPUTBlock.FieldINTOVALUESVALUES (...) clauseEnd-of-VALUES-clauseSQ0SQLSQLCA SQLCA, $%+3<dloq&sqlca, ]End-of-File)(,ANYSTATEMENTCURSORDEFINEDATABASEundefined0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,FORAT: or string/numeric const&Pro*COBOLyesnolongshortquoteapostansi14terminalnoneOptions:vPICTURE clauseEND-EXECTIMESCONTINUE.."      #/;EGRW_ipv !"#4:IaddressEnd-of-Statementoraclelimitedfullansi13iso13ansi13/iso13iso14ansi14/iso14ROLLBACK TO FOR UPDATEISPro*FORTRANPro*CPro*PL/IPro*PascalPro*Adasyntaxsemanticsansiisoansi/isokr_cansi_cv6v7vnativev8Allocated memory block has been overfilled. 5n6789 :; <.=:>G?V@[A^BaC|DEPRO* Internal Error detected while attempting pccfre(%8.x,%u). PRO* Internal Error detected while attempting pccrlc(%8.x,%u,%u). Command line options: symbolhost_languageinput_filenameinclude_pathlist_filenameoutput_filenameAM_IDusrpwdSize of Context Area (in K)If yes, use ASA carriage controlBeginning FORTRAN label to generateDefine a symbol for use in IFDEFFhGHIJKLM2NVOnPQRSTUEnd FORTRAN label to generateIf yes, display errors to terminalInput file formatIf yes, hold OraCursor (don't reassign)COBOL, COB74, FORTRAN, Pascal, PLIInput filenamePathname for EXEC SQL INCLUDE filesIf yes, generate inline code (no AM)Input file record formatInput file record lengthCOBOL literal delimiterLeft margin (PL/I only)List filenameList file record formatList file record lengthList typeV\WuXYZ[\]^2_G`_abcMax len of literal stringMax nr of OraCursors in Cursor CacheIf ansi, follow ANSI standards (ISO13 is a synonym for ANSI13)Output (generated code) filenameUse ORACAOutput file record formatOutput file record lengthList file page lengthAccess Module IdentifierIf yes, rebind on every FETCH/USINGIf yes, generate reentrant codeIf yes, release OraCursor after executeRight margin (PL/I only)dnefghij8k?lOmWnaoppuqrstIf yes, generate FOUND error on SELECTSQL checking levelSQL checking levelOracle logon user id and passwordIf yes, generate xref for PRO* symbols "[*]" indicates this option legal via EXEC ORACLE OPTIONUNKNOWNPrecompiling %s Userid: Password: Current OptionsPage Return code: %uNumber of messages at severity %c: %uNumber of input lines: %uNumber of host variables declared: %uunvwxyz{|}~/ZNumber of cursor names: %uNumber of statement names: %uMaximum bytes used: %uSQL IdentifiersHost VariablesRefDefPre-defined symbolFatal error occurred in PL/SQL with current SQL statement. PRO* has detected an internal error (%d). Please contact Oracle Corporation Customer Support. Current_of_cursorpc5fty called!error - could not find bind variable in list! Assertion Failure: # Jg =mIf yes, perform FIPS flaggingOutput #line compiler control lines filename *Prefix for generated common block namesGenerate K&R C or ANSI CV7/V8 compatibility modeIf yes, allow multiple subprogs with SQL per sourceIf yes, allow automatic connect to ops$ accountscomp/comp-5 in Pro*COBOLIf yes, accept user defined VARCHAR group itemsIf yes, accept PIC N host variable declarations Pz:VohiIf yes, assume there is a SQLCODE variableIf yes, multi-threaded support is providedIf yes, unsafe null fetches are allowedValid host languages: AdaValid host languages: CValid host languages: COBOL, COB74Valid host languages: FORTRANValid host languages: PascalValid host languages: PLIIf integer, comp-1 as short and comp-2 as longObsolete in the current and future releasesIf yes use ASA carriage control jJkplmnopMqwrstIf yes, assume SQLCODE variable existsIf yes, allow automatic connect to ops$ accountsObsolete in the current and future releasesIf yes generate ANSI C Code Prefix for generated common block names [*]If integer, comp-1 as short and comp-2 as longGenerate comp-5 rather than comp variablesUsed to specify user defined configuration filesV7/V8 Compatibility modeReserved for internal use onlyDefine a symbol for use in IFDEF uVvwxyz{#|1}X~Obsolete in the current and future releasesIf yes, display errors to terminalIf yes, perform FIPS flaggingFormat of input file lines If yes, hold OraCursor (do not reassign) [*]Host languageInput filenamePathname for EXEC SQL INCLUDE files [*]Obsolete in the current and future releases*irecfm*Input file record lengthOutput #line compiler control linesDelimiter for COBOL string literals Vanv;nLeft marginList filename*lrecfm*List file record lengthList type [*]Maximum length of literal string [*]Max nr of OraCursors in Cursor Cache [*]If ansi, follow ANSI standards If yes, allow multiple subprogs with SQL per sourceIf yes, accept PIC N host variable declarationsOption specific to StratusOutput (generated code) filenameUse ORACA communications area [*] PXq.Ye*orecfm*Output file record lengthList file page lengthDisplay Precompiler's version of PL/SQLObsolete in the current and future releasesObsolete in the current and future releasesObsolete in the current and future releasesIf yes, release OraCursor after execute [*]Right marginIf yes, generate FOUND error on SELECT [*]SQL checking level If yes, Ada tasking support is provided,JtReserved for internal use onlyIf yes, multi-threaded support is providedIf yes, unsafe null fetches are allowedOracle logon user id and passwordIf yes, accept user defined VARCHAR group itemsIf yes, generate symbol cross references [*]