"  ".9CQZitbk~ 3 P k   no error print this message.stop advertising a host. The address of the host is optional.unknown command: "%s" Disconnected fromstart the gnsd server.stop the gnsd server.advertise a host using the IP address.create an alias for the host.delete an alias for a host.get the value of one or all parameters.set the value of a parameter.unset the value of a parameter.save the configuration.set tracing level. Jn)Amquery for the version of the server.query for the status of the server.set the logging level.parameter has no default value.reset value of a parameter to default.undo changes made in the current session.no changes to save. no changes to rollback. "%s" is only available in interactive mode. Server abort exception caught - shutting down.Creation of name object for configuration file "%s" failed. >f 6!c"Configuration file "%s" does not exist. Initialization of object for configuration file "%s" failed. Open of configuration file "%s" failed. Read of configuration file "%s" failed. Close of configuration file "%s" failed. Server failed to start: %sUnexpected end of line found in record "%s". Too few arguments for value of parameter "%s" Minimum: %d Too many arguments for value of parameter "%s" Maximum: %d #P$%&'()?*n+{,-.Record "%s" contains too few fields. Minimum: %u. Specified: %u. Record "%s" contains too many fields. Maximum: %u. Specified: %u. YesNoinvalid value for floating point parameter: "%s": "%s" invalid value for integer parameter: "%s": "%s" invalid value for boolean parameter "%s": "%s" Usage: %s %s invalid configuration method: "%s" no file name specified. initialization failed: %s no value found for parameter "%s". /J0t1234566_7u89multiple values found for parameter "%s". type mismatch "%s". Expected: %s Actual: %s. unknown parameter: "%s". failure to convert parameter value "%s" to "%s". unsupported query type: "%s"Initialization of OCR at level %u failed. %s validate that a host has been advertised.Invalid IP address: %sGet addresses for a given host.Unable to resolve host name "%s"Invalid process type specified. :D;o<=>? @QAlBCInvalid number of arguments specified: %d. Unknown command: %u. Conversion of string value "%s" failed with error %d. Internal error. Server spawn failed: could not access subdirectory %s under %s. Server spawn failed: executable not accessible: directory: %s file: %s spawn of server %s failed. Unable to create backup for configuration file %sService advertisement initialization failed. Service advertisement termination failed. D\EFGHIJK!L1MHNfOPQService advertisement stop failed. Service registration failed. Service location failed. Transport initialization failed. Connection to server failed. Send failed Wait for client connection failed Receive failed. %s Packet ignored: %s. Invalid DNS message received. No space in packet buffer. Length: %u. Remaining: %uBonjour initialization failed. Wait for a DNS server request failed. The GNS service is not running. R>SbTwUVWX YDZThe GNS service is already running. Invalid option: "%s" Invalid trace level: "%s" An argument must be specified for the "%s" option.Service location initialization failed. Listen on endpoint "%s" failed. Listen on %s port %u failed due to a lack of privileges. Not enough arguments specified for the "%s" option. Number specified: %u. Minimum number: %u. Too many arguments specified for the "%s" option. Number specified: %u Maximum number: %u. [b\n]y^_`a b)c>d`e~fghiVersion: %s Status: %s Server failed during start up. DNS service query failed: %s. Invalid IP address for name "%s": "%s" Connection to the mDNS server failed: %s. Advertisement of "%s" failed. Name already exists. Multicast DNS server not running. The alias "%s" already exists.The alias "%s" does not exist.The host name "%s" does not exist.Command processed. Server shut down.Server terminated with error. jDkplmnop3qSstGetting information about interfaces failed.Getting information about interface "%s" failed.Multicast listener stopped.No interfaces available.One or threads failed - check log. Acquisition of privileges needed to perform operation failed.Platform initialization failed. Switch from user "%s" to user "%s" to perform a network operation failed. Authentication failed due to network failure.Authentication operation timed out uVvvwxyz{|)}A~YnAuthentication protocol failure.Client was rejected: %s.Subdomain: %s Creation of configuration file "%s" failed. Trace level set to %u.Dynamic messaging initalization failed - error %d---- BEGIN STATE DUMP -------- END STATE DUMP ----GNSD started on node %s.self-check succeeded.Privileged user "%s" does not exist.Unprivileged user "%s" does not exist.Privileged group "%s" does not exist. V{(Htno privileges to access OCR key "%s".no privileges to get value for OCR key "%s".user "%s" not authorized to run command.Exception received: %sInvalid host name: "%s".Mandatory parameter "%s" is not configured.Query for a host address failed.get the name of the subdomain served by GNS.No thread names specified.Invalid thread name "%s"OCR key "%s" does not exist.The address "%s" already exists.Open of OCR key "%s" failed. Pn>TSubdomain "%s" already exists.Subdomain "%s" does not exist.The host "%s" already exists.Address "%s" for name "%s" does not exist.Address "%s" for name "%s" is not serviced by GNS.GNSD stopped on node %s.Host address "%s" does not exist.Alias "%s" is invalid.Host domain "%s" does not match GNS subdomain "%s"Self-check failed.Length of subdomain "%s": %s exceeds the maximum: %s.Invalid subdomain: "%s"8nSutrace level %u is less than the minimum %u - ignoring.trace level %u is greater than the maximum %u. Using the maximum value instead.Server state: %sInitialization or shut down in progress.Port used for multicast communication: %s.Port used for communication with the DNS server: %s.Failed to set GNS trace level: %s.Name "%s" and address "%s" will not be advertised due to configuration change. DMiconnection with Cluster Synchronization Services failed. Error: %u. Failed to retrieve cluster name: Error: %u.Running as user "%s" which is not privileged.Creation of OCR key "%s" failed. %sOperation is unsupported.Name advertisement or alias re-creation failed.Spawn of thread "%s" failed.Thread "%s" failed on startup.Invalid alias "%s" specified for name "%s"Domain given in alias "%s" for name "%s" does not match GNS domain "%s".8T]GNS has not been configured.Packet replay detected - dropping connection.Invalid packet received - dropping connection.Packet security check failed.Invalid packet type received.Resolution of name "%s" failed.No forwarded query received from DNS for name in "%s" domain, check DNS configurationIf BIND is being used and the zone is being forwarded, the entry will likely look like the following: JSzone %s { type forward; forward only; forwarders { %s port %d; }; };%s Unable to resolve self-check name.Number of retries exceeded maximum: %u.Operation has to be retried.Invalid argument.Insufficient privileges.Listening address "%s" is not on the public network.The value for parameter "%s": %d may only be from %d to %d.query for records stored in GNS.No records found for "%s".No records registered.8\ 5l%s Open of OCR key "%s" failed. %sDeletion of OCR key "%s" failed. %sTime needed for resolution of name "%s": %s ms exceeded threshold of %s msQuery received for subdomain "%s" from server %s port %s at %sSelf-check succeeded after previous failure.%s Self-check failed due to failure in name resolution.If a zone is being delegated to GNS, the entries needed to be added to the DNS configuration will likely look like the following:%s NS %s DJu=~%s. %s%s first self-check name resolution failed.%s first self-check failed.%s self-check succeeded after failure.%s self-check succeeded while in "recovery" state.%s self-check failed while in "recovery" state.Creation of a network endpoint failed.Creation of a network endpoint failed due to lack of permissions.Network endpoint "%s" already in use.Listen for DNS requests failed. IP address %s port %u is in use.>Mfailed to get value for OCR key "%s". %sInternal error.