/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* artex72Q src/artex/usr/include/artex.h */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* Restricted Materials of IBM */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2008,2019 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* @(#)06 src/artex/usr/include/artex.h, artex, artex72Q, q2019_13A4 2/4/19 09:51:47 */ #ifndef _H_ARTEXEXT #define _H_ARTEXEXT #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <artexerr.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Profile handle */ typedef void *artexProfileHandle_t; typedef enum { V_INTEGER, V_INTEGER_BI, V_INTEGER_SI, V_BOOLEAN, V_STRING, V_BINARY } artexValueType_t; /* * The following structure represents the application target of a parameter. */ typedef struct artexTarget { char *class; /* class of target, i.e. device, volume group... */ char *instance; /* instance of target, i.e. en0, rootvg... */ char *match; /* match regexp for filtering targete instance */ struct artexTarget *next; /* Next target in list */ } artexTarget_t; typedef artexTarget_t *p_artexTarget_t; /* * The following structure represents the properties of a parameter contained in a profile. * The value of a parameter is determined by its length and a pointer to the data. */ typedef struct { size_t valueLength; /* length of value data */ char *valueData; /* pointer to value data string */ artexValueType_t valueType; /* value type of the parameter */ } artexParamValue_t; /* * The following structure represents the property of a parameter. */ typedef struct artexProperty { char *name; artexParamValue_t value; /* value associated to the parameter */ struct artexProperty *next; /* Next property in list */ } artexProperty_t; typedef artexProperty_t *p_artexProperty_t; typedef struct artexParam { char *name; /* unique identifier of the parameter */ artexParamValue_t value; /* value associated to the parameter */ struct { int appType:1; /* parameter apply type */ int readOnly:1; /* indicate if parameter is read-only */ int reboot:1; /* indicate if parameter requires a reboot */ } flags; /* flags associated to the parameter */ p_artexTarget_t target; /* pointer to the first element of the list of targets for the parameter */ p_artexProperty_t property; /* pointer to the first element of the list of property for the parameter */ struct artexCat *parentCat; /* parent catalog or sub-category */ struct artexParam *next; /* next parameter in the profile list */ struct artexParam *nextCat; /* next parameter in the catalog list */ } artexParam_t; typedef artexParam_t *p_artexParam_t; /* *Seed data structure */ typedef struct artexSeeds { char *id; /* unique identifier of the seed */ char *parameterMatch; /*Match filter for parameter id */ p_artexTarget_t target; /* pointer to the first element of target list*/ struct artexCat *parentCat; /* parent catalog or sub-category */ struct artexSeeds *next; }artexSeeds_t; typedef artexSeeds_t *p_artexSeeds_t; /* * The following structure represents the catalogs and sub-categories included in the public * representation of a profile. */ typedef struct artexCat { char *id; /* identifier of the catalog or sub-category */ char *shortDesc; /* short description of catalog or sub-category */ char *desc; /* description of the catalog or sub-category */ p_artexParam_t paramList; /* pointer to 1st element of parameters list */ struct artexCat *childrenSubCatList; /* pointer to 1st element of sub-categories list */ struct artexCat *parentCat; /* pointer to parent catalog or sub-category */ struct artexCat *next; /* pointer to next category for the parent */ } artexCat_t; typedef artexCat_t *p_artexCat_t; /* * The following structure is the public representation of a ARTEX profile, including a parameters * list with their values and properties. */ typedef struct { char *id; /* unique identifier of the profile */ char *date; /* last modification date of the profile */ char *version; /* version of the profile */ char *shortDesc; /* short description of the profile */ char *desc; /* description of the profile */ p_artexParam_t paramList; /* chained list of parameters included in the profile */ p_artexSeeds_t seedList; /* pointer to 1st element of seeds list */ p_artexCat_t catList; /* pointer to the first in the list of the catalogs referred by the parameters in this profile */ } binProfile_t; typedef binProfile_t *p_binProfile_t; /* * The following structure represents the constraints applied to a parameter. A parameter constraint * is used to indicated that it requires disruptive operations for the change to take effect. */ typedef struct artexConstraint { char *id; /* Constraint's id, only set for constraints defined at the catalog level */ char *msg; /* Optional message to be displayed */ char *preOp; /* Command to be executed before parameter is set */ char *postOp; /* Command to be executed after parameter is set */ struct { int bosboot:1; /* bosboot constraint */ } builtin; /* Bit field structure for builtin constraint */ } artexConstraint_t; typedef artexConstraint_t *p_artexConstraint_t; /* * The following structure is returned by the artexset() function. */ typedef enum { BOSBOOT_REQUIRED, REBOOT_REQUIRED, NONE_REQUIRED} requiredAction_t; typedef struct artexSetData { requiredAction_t requiredAction; /*Action required after artexset for changes to take effect*/ }artexSetData_t; /* * The following structure is returned by the artexpretend() function. This is a chained list of * fields to be displayed by the artexset -p command. */ typedef enum { APPLY_RUNTIME, APPLY_NEXTBOOT, APPLY_PROFILE} artexApplyType_t; typedef struct artexPretendData { char *paramName; /* name of the parameter */ artexParamValue_t paramValue; /* new value of the parameter */ artexApplyType_t paramApply; /* profile apply type */ bool paramReboot; /* catalog apply type (reboot or not) */ p_artexConstraint_t constraints; /* constraints (actions required) */ p_artexTarget_t target; /* parameter's list of targets needed to print targets*/ struct artexPretendData *nextPretend; /* next parameter to display in list */ } artexPretendData_t; typedef artexPretendData_t *p_artexPretendData_t; /* * Debug levels and categories */ typedef enum { COMMANDS = 0, DISCOVERY = 1, THREADS = 2, PARSING = 3, FLOW = 4 } artexDbgCat_t ; #define NB_CATEGORY 5 typedef enum { LEVEL_OFF = 0, LEVEL_FINE = 1, LEVEL_FINER = 2, LEVEL_FINEST = 3 } artexDbgLvl_t ; /* * The following structures are passed to the error and warning callback * functions. */ typedef struct { artexDbgLvl_t level; /* Debug level */ artexDbgCat_t category; /*Debug category */ char *message; /* Textual version of error code */ } artexDbg_t; typedef struct { artexErr_t code; /* Error code */ char *message; /* Textual version of error code */ char *details; /* Additional details on error */ pthread_t pthread; /* Pthread that raised the error */ } artexError_t; typedef artexError_t *p_artexError_t; typedef struct { artexWarn_t code; /* Warning code */ char *message; /* Textual version of warning code */ char *details; /* Additional details on warning */ pthread_t pthread; /* Pthread that raised the warning */ } artexWarning_t; typedef artexWarning_t *p_artexWarning_t; typedef void (*artexErrorCallback_t)(void *, p_artexError_t); typedef void (*artexWarningCallback_t)(void *, p_artexWarning_t); typedef void (*artexDebugCallback_t)(void *, artexDbg_t *); /* * ARTEX interface definitions. */ artexErr_t artexparse(const char *, artexProfileHandle_t *, bool); #define SELECT_DYNAMIC 0x1 #define SELECT_DISRUPTIVE 0x2 #define SELECT_REBOOT 0x4 #define SELECT_READ_WRITE 0x8 /* Select parameters which are not read-only */ #define DO_ONLY_IF_NOREBOOT 0 #define SELECT_NOREBOOT (SELECT_DYNAMIC | SELECT_DISRUPTIVE) #define SELECT_ALL 0xffffffff typedef uint32_t artexSelector_t; artexErr_t artexselect(artexProfileHandle_t, artexSelector_t, artexProfileHandle_t*); typedef enum { GET_CURRENT, GET_NEXTBOOT, GET_PROFILE } artexGetType_t; artexErr_t artexget(artexProfileHandle_t, artexGetType_t); #define SET_AND_CHECK 0x1 #define ROLLBACK 0x2 #define SET_AND_DISCOVER 0x4 #define KEYID 1 #define KEYID_LOG 2 typedef uint32_t artexSetflags_t; artexErr_t artexset(artexProfileHandle_t, artexProfileHandle_t, artexSetflags_t, artexApplyType_t, artexSetData_t*); artexErr_t artexpretend(artexProfileHandle_t, p_artexPretendData_t*); typedef int artexDiffResult_t; #define DIFFRESULT_MATCH 0x0 #define DIFFRESULT_VALUE 0x1 #define DIFFRESULT_FLAG 0x2 #define DIFFRESULT_FLAG_AND_VAL 0x3 #define DIFFRESULT_MISSING 0x4 #define DIFFRESULT_PROPERTY 0x8 #define DIFFRESULT_ERR (artexDiffResult_t) -1 typedef int artexDiffFlag_t; #define DIFFFLAG_SUMMARY 0x1 #define DIFFFLAG_INFO 0x2 #define DIFFFLAG_SYSCOMPARE 0x4 /* type artexDiffData */ #define TYPE_PARAMETER 0x0 #define TYPE_SEED 0x1 typedef struct artexDiffDataParameter { artexParamValue_t value; struct artexParameterFlag { int appType:1; int readOnly:1; int reboot:1; } flags; char *parameterMatch; /* for seed only */ p_artexTarget_t target; /* parameter's list of targets */ p_artexProperty_t property; /* pointer to the first element of the list of property for the parameter */ } artexDiffDataParameter_t; typedef struct artexDiffData { int type; /* parameter or Seed */ struct artexDiffData *nextParam; /* pointer to next parameter in list */ char *paramName; /* parameter name */ char *catName; /* catalog name */ artexDiffResult_t result; /* indicates if the parameters match or not: see above constants (DIFFRESULT_...) */ artexDiffDataParameter_t *param1; /* 1st parameter (from profile #1) */ artexDiffDataParameter_t *param2; /* 2nd parameter (from profile #2) */ artexValueType_t paramType; /* parameter type */ char * description; /* parameter description */ } artexDiffData_t; typedef artexDiffData_t *p_artexDiffData_t; typedef union { p_artexDiffData_t diffData; char *xmlDiff; artexProfileHandle_t profileHandle; } diffResult_t; typedef enum { DIFF_O_ALL, DIFF_O_COMMON, DIFF_O_DIFF } diffOutput_t; typedef enum { DIFF_F_XMLP, DIFF_F_XML, DIFF_F_BIN } diffOformat_t; artexErr_t artexdiff(artexProfileHandle_t, artexProfileHandle_t, diffOutput_t, diffOformat_t, artexDiffFlag_t, int *, diffResult_t*); artexErr_t artexph2xml(const artexProfileHandle_t, bool, char**); artexErr_t artexph2bin(const artexProfileHandle_t, binProfile_t*); artexErr_t artexphdup(artexProfileHandle_t, artexProfileHandle_t*); artexErr_t artexphfree(artexProfileHandle_t); void artexdifffree(p_artexDiffData_t diffData); artexErr_t artexinit(); void artexcleanup(); artexErr_t artexmerge(const char**, bool, char*, char*, char**); typedef enum { RDLOCK, WRLOCK } lockType_t; artexErr_t artexlock(lockType_t, int keyid); artexErr_t artexunlock(lockType_t, int keyid); artexErr_t artexerr(artexErr_t, char**); artexErr_t artexlist(char***, char*); artexErr_t artexcat(char***); void artexSetErrorCallback(artexErrorCallback_t, const void *); void artexSetWarningCallback(artexWarningCallback_t, const void *); void artexSetWarningComCallback(artexWarningCallback_t, const void *); void artexSetDebugCallback(artexDebugCallback_t, const void *); void artexSetDebugLogCallback(artexDebugCallback_t, const void *); void artexSetDebugLevel(artexDbgLvl_t); void artexSetDebugCat(artexDbgCat_t, bool); artexErr_t artexldapget(const char*, char**); artexErr_t artexldaplist(char***); void artexRetrieveCoreVers(char**); artexErr_t artexRetrieveProfileVers(char*, char**); artexErr_t artexIncRevision(artexProfileHandle_t*); artexErr_t artexSetRevision(artexProfileHandle_t*, char*); void artexSetComments(artexProfileHandle_t*, char*); char * artexCategoryDebug(artexDbgCat_t); void artexDebug(artexDbgCat_t, artexDbgLvl_t, char *, ...); bool artexIsDbgOn(artexDbgLvl_t level, artexDbgCat_t dbgcat); typedef enum { UNDEFINED_RESULT = -1, EQUAL_VERSIONS, V1_GREATER, V2_GREATER} artexCompVersions_t; artexCompVersions_t artexCompareVers(char*, char*); artexErr_t artexphreduce(artexProfileHandle_t ph); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _H_ARTEXEXT */