# @(#)69	1.5  src/bos/usr/bin/uucp/Devices, cmduucp, bos720 6/15/90 23:56:59
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# bos720 src/bos/usr/bin/uucp/Devices 1.5 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985,1989 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# ORIGINS: 10  27  3 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985, 1989
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
# Execute /usr/lib/uucp/uucpadm for on-line uucp configuration help.
# Some sample entries:
# NOTE - all lines must have at least 5 fields 
#    use '-' for unused fields
# The Devices file is used in conjuction with the Dialers file.
# Types that appear in the 5th field must be either built-in
#  functions (801 or TCP) or standard functions whose name appears
#  in the first field in the Dialers file.
# Two escape characters may appear in this file:
# - \D which means don't translate the phone #/token
# - \T translate the phone #/token using the Dialcodes file
# Both refer to the phone number field in the Systems file (field 5)
# \D should always be used with entries in the Dialers file, since the
# Dialers file can contain a \T to expand the number if necessary.
# \T should only be used with builtin functions that require expansion
# NOTE: - if a phone number is expected and a \D or \T is not present
#	a \T is used for a builtin, and \D is used for an entry
#	referencing the Dialers file. (see examples below)
# ---Standard modem line
# ACU tty1 - 1200 hayes \D
# ACU cul02 cua02 1200 801
# ACU tty1 - 1200 penril
# or
# ACU tty1 - 1200 penril \D
# ---A direct line so 'cu -lrs0001' will work
# Direct tty1 - 9600 direct
# ---Access a direct connection to a system
# systemx tty1 - Any direct
# where the Systems file looks like
# systemx Any systemx 9600 - "" \r\d\r\d\r in:--in: uucp word: uucppw
#	(The third field in Systems matches the first field in Devices)
# ---Standard TCP uucico connection, ie. no 'cu' support.
# TCP - - - TCP
# NOTE: blank lines and lines that begin with a <space>, <tab>, or # are ignored