/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* bos720 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libtspi/include/tss/tspi.h */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* @(#)16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libtspi/include/tss/tspi.h, libstss, bos720 8/12/11 05:50:23" */ #if !defined(_TSPI_H_) #define _TSPI_H_ #include <tss/tss_defines.h> #include <tss/tss_typedef.h> #include <tss/tss_structs.h> #include <tss/tss_error.h> #include <tss/tss_error_basics.h> #if !defined( TSPICALL ) #if !defined(WIN32) || defined (TSP_STATIC) // Linux, or a Win32 static library #define TSPICALL extern TSS_RESULT #elif defined (TSPDLL_EXPORTS) // Win32 DLL build #define TSPICALL extern __declspec(dllexport) TSS_RESULT #else // Win32 DLL import #define TSPICALL extern __declspec(dllimport) TSS_RESULT #endif #endif /* TSPICALL */ #if defined ( __cplusplus ) extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ // Class-independent ASN.1 conversion functions TSPICALL Tspi_EncodeDER_TssBlob ( UINT32 rawBlobSize, // in BYTE* rawBlob, // in UINT32 blobType, // in UINT32* derBlobSize, // in, out BYTE* derBlob // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_DecodeBER_TssBlob ( UINT32 berBlobSize, // in BYTE* berBlob, // in UINT32* blobType, // out UINT32* rawBlobSize, // in, out BYTE* rawBlob // out ); // Common Methods TSPICALL Tspi_SetAttribUint32 ( TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in TSS_FLAG attribFlag, // in TSS_FLAG subFlag, // in UINT32 ulAttrib // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_GetAttribUint32 ( TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in TSS_FLAG attribFlag, // in TSS_FLAG subFlag, // in UINT32* pulAttrib // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_SetAttribData ( TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in TSS_FLAG attribFlag, // in TSS_FLAG subFlag, // in UINT32 ulAttribDataSize, // in BYTE* rgbAttribData // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_GetAttribData ( TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in TSS_FLAG attribFlag, // in TSS_FLAG subFlag, // in UINT32* pulAttribDataSize, // out BYTE** prgbAttribData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_ChangeAuth ( TSS_HOBJECT hObjectToChange, // in TSS_HOBJECT hParentObject, // in TSS_HPOLICY hNewPolicy // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_ChangeAuthAsym ( TSS_HOBJECT hObjectToChange, // in TSS_HOBJECT hParentObject, // in TSS_HKEY hIdentKey, // in TSS_HPOLICY hNewPolicy // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_GetPolicyObject ( TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in TSS_FLAG policyType, // in TSS_HPOLICY* phPolicy // out ); // Tspi_Context Class Definitions TSPICALL Tspi_Context_Create ( TSS_HCONTEXT* phContext // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_Close ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_Connect ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_UNICODE* wszDestination // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_FreeMemory ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in BYTE* rgbMemory // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_GetDefaultPolicy ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_HPOLICY* phPolicy // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_CreateObject ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_FLAG objectType, // in TSS_FLAG initFlags, // in TSS_HOBJECT* phObject // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_CloseObject ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_HOBJECT hObject // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_GetCapability ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_FLAG capArea, // in UINT32 ulSubCapLength, // in BYTE* rgbSubCap, // in UINT32* pulRespDataLength, // out BYTE** prgbRespData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_GetTpmObject ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_HTPM* phTPM // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_SetTransEncryptionKey ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_HKEY hKey // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_CloseSignTransport ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_HKEY hSigningKey, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByBlob ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_HKEY hUnwrappingKey, // in UINT32 ulBlobLength, // in BYTE* rgbBlobData, // in TSS_HKEY* phKey // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByUUID ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_FLAG persistentStorageType, // in TSS_UUID uuidData, // in TSS_HKEY* phKey // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_RegisterKey ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_FLAG persistentStorageType, // in TSS_UUID uuidKey, // in TSS_FLAG persistentStorageTypeParent, // in TSS_UUID uuidParentKey // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_UnregisterKey ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_FLAG persistentStorageType, // in TSS_UUID uuidKey, // in TSS_HKEY* phkey // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_GetKeyByUUID ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_FLAG persistentStorageType, // in TSS_UUID uuidData, // in TSS_HKEY* phKey // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_GetKeyByPublicInfo ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_FLAG persistentStorageType, // in TSS_ALGORITHM_ID algID, // in UINT32 ulPublicInfoLength, // in BYTE* rgbPublicInfo, // in TSS_HKEY* phKey // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_GetRegisteredKeysByUUID ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_FLAG persistentStorageType, // in TSS_UUID* pUuidData, // in UINT32* pulKeyHierarchySize, // out TSS_KM_KEYINFO** ppKeyHierarchy // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Context_GetRegisteredKeysByUUID2 ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in TSS_FLAG persistentStorageType, // in TSS_UUID* pUuidData, // in UINT32* pulKeyHierarchySize, // out TSS_KM_KEYINFO2** ppKeyHierarchy // out ); // Policy class definitions TSPICALL Tspi_Policy_SetSecret ( TSS_HPOLICY hPolicy, // in TSS_FLAG secretMode, // in UINT32 ulSecretLength, // in BYTE* rgbSecret // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Policy_FlushSecret ( TSS_HPOLICY hPolicy // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Policy_AssignToObject ( TSS_HPOLICY hPolicy, // in TSS_HOBJECT hObject // in ); // TPM Class Definitions TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_KeyControlOwner ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in UINT32 attribName, // in TSS_BOOL attribValue, // in TSS_UUID* pUuidData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CreateEndorsementKey ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CreateRevocableEndorsementKey ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData, // in, out UINT32* pulEkResetDataLength, // in, out BYTE** rgbEkResetData // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_RevokeEndorsementKey ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulEkResetDataLength, // in BYTE* rgbEkResetData // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetPubEndorsementKey ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_BOOL fOwnerAuthorized, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData, // in, out TSS_HKEY* phEndorsementPubKey // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_OwnerGetSRKPubKey ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32* pulPubKeyLength, // out BYTE** prgbPubKey // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hKeySRK, // in TSS_HKEY hEndorsementPubKey // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_ClearOwner ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_BOOL fForcedClear // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CollateIdentityRequest ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hKeySRK, // in TSS_HKEY hCAPubKey, // in UINT32 ulIdentityLabelLength, // in BYTE* rgbIdentityLabelData, // in TSS_HKEY hIdentityKey, // in TSS_ALGORITHM_ID algID, // in UINT32* pulTCPAIdentityReqLength, // out BYTE** prgbTCPAIdentityReq // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_ActivateIdentity ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hIdentKey, // in UINT32 ulAsymCAContentsBlobLength, // in BYTE* rgbAsymCAContentsBlob, // in UINT32 ulSymCAAttestationBlobLength, // in BYTE* rgbSymCAAttestationBlob, // in UINT32* pulCredentialLength, // out BYTE** prgbCredential // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CreateMaintenanceArchive ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_BOOL fGenerateRndNumber, // in UINT32* pulRndNumberLength, // out BYTE** prgbRndNumber, // out UINT32* pulArchiveDataLength, // out BYTE** prgbArchiveData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_KillMaintenanceFeature ( TSS_HTPM hTPM // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_LoadMaintenancePubKey ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hMaintenanceKey, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CheckMaintenancePubKey ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hMaintenanceKey, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_SetOperatorAuth ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HPOLICY hOperatorPolicy // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_SetStatus ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_FLAG statusFlag, // in TSS_BOOL fTpmState // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetStatus ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_FLAG statusFlag, // in TSS_BOOL* pfTpmState // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetCapability ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_FLAG capArea, // in UINT32 ulSubCapLength, // in BYTE* rgbSubCap, // in UINT32* pulRespDataLength, // out BYTE** prgbRespData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetCapabilitySigned ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_FLAG capArea, // in UINT32 ulSubCapLength, // in BYTE* rgbSubCap, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData, // in, out UINT32* pulRespDataLength, // out BYTE** prgbRespData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_SelfTestFull ( TSS_HTPM hTPM // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CertifySelfTest ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetTestResult ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32* pulTestResultLength, // out BYTE** prgbTestResult // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetRandom ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulRandomDataLength, // in BYTE** prgbRandomData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_StirRandom ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulEntropyDataLength, // in BYTE* rgbEntropyData // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetEvent ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulPcrIndex, // in UINT32 ulEventNumber, // in TSS_PCR_EVENT* pPcrEvent // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetEvents ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulPcrIndex, // in UINT32 ulStartNumber, // in UINT32* pulEventNumber, // in, out TSS_PCR_EVENT** prgPcrEvents // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetEventLog ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32* pulEventNumber, // out TSS_PCR_EVENT** prgPcrEvents // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Quote ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hIdentKey, // in TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Quote2 ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hIdentKey, // in TSS_BOOL fAddVersion, // in TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData, // in, out UINT32* versionInfoSize, // out BYTE** versionInfo // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_PcrExtend ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulPcrIndex, // in UINT32 ulPcrDataLength, // in BYTE* pbPcrData, // in TSS_PCR_EVENT* pPcrEvent, // in UINT32* pulPcrValueLength, // out BYTE** prgbPcrValue // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_PcrExtendRaw ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_PCR_EVENT* PcrEvent // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_PcrRead ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulPcrIndex, // in UINT32* pulPcrValueLength, // out BYTE** prgbPcrValue // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_PcrReset ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_AuthorizeMigrationTicket ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hMigrationKey, // in TSS_MIGRATE_SCHEME migrationScheme, // in UINT32* pulMigTicketLength, // out BYTE** prgbMigTicket // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CMKSetRestrictions ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_CMK_DELEGATE CmkDelegate // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CMKApproveMA ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HMIGDATA hMaAuthData // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_CMKCreateTicket ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hVerifyKey, // in TSS_HMIGDATA hSigData // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_ReadCounter ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32* counterValue // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_ReadCurrentTicks ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TPM_CURRENT_TICKS* tickCount // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_DirWrite ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulDirIndex, // in UINT32 ulDirDataLength, // in BYTE* rgbDirData // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_DirRead ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in UINT32 ulDirIndex, // in UINT32* pulDirDataLength, // out BYTE** prgbDirData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Delegate_AddFamily ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in, must not be NULL BYTE bLabel, // in TSS_HDELFAMILY* phFamily // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Delegate_GetFamily ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in, must not NULL UINT32 ulFamilyID, // in TSS_HDELFAMILY* phFamily // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Delegate_InvalidateFamily ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in, must not be NULL TSS_HDELFAMILY hFamily // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Delegate_CreateDelegation ( TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in BYTE bLabel, // in UINT32 ulFlags, // in TSS_HPCRS hPcr, // in, may be NULL TSS_HDELFAMILY hFamily, // in TSS_HPOLICY hDelegation // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Delegate_CacheOwnerDelegation ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in, must not be NULL TSS_HPOLICY hDelegation, // in, out UINT32 ulIndex, // in UINT32 ulFlags // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Delegate_UpdateVerificationCount ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HPOLICY hDelegation // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Delegate_VerifyDelegation ( TSS_HPOLICY hDelegation // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_Delegate_ReadTables ( TSS_HCONTEXT hContext, // in UINT32* pulFamilyTableSize, // out TSS_FAMILY_TABLE_ENTRY** ppFamilyTable, // out UINT32* pulDelegateTableSize, // out TSS_DELEGATION_TABLE_ENTRY** ppDelegateTable // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_DAA_JoinInit ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY hIssuerKey, // in UINT32 daaCounter, // in UINT32 issuerAuthPKsLength, // in TSS_HKEY* issuerAuthPKs, // in UINT32 issuerAuthPKSignaturesLength, // in UINT32 issuerAuthPKSignaturesLength2, // in BYTE** issuerAuthPKSignatures, // in UINT32* capitalUprimeLength, // out BYTE** capitalUprime, // out TSS_DAA_IDENTITY_PROOF** identityProof, // out UINT32* joinSessionLength, // out BYTE** joinSession // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_DAA_JoinCreateDaaPubKey ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HDAA_CREDENTIAL hDAACredential, // in UINT32 authenticationChallengeLength, // in BYTE* authenticationChallenge, // in UINT32 nonceIssuerLength, // in BYTE* nonceIssuer, // in UINT32 attributesPlatformLength, // in UINT32 attributesPlatformLength2, // in BYTE** attributesPlatform, // in UINT32 joinSessionLength, // in BYTE* joinSession, // in TSS_DAA_CREDENTIAL_REQUEST** credentialRequest // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_DAA_JoinStoreCredential ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HDAA_CREDENTIAL hDAACredential, // in TSS_DAA_CRED_ISSUER* credIssuer, // in UINT32 joinSessionLength, // in BYTE* joinSession // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_DAA_Sign ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HDAA_CREDENTIAL hDAACredential, // in TSS_HDAA_ARA_KEY hARAKey, // in TSS_DAA_SELECTED_ATTRIB* revealAttributes, // in UINT32 verifierNonceLength, // in BYTE* verifierNonce, // in UINT32 verifierBaseNameLength, // in BYTE* verifierBaseName, // in TSS_HOBJECT signData, // in TSS_DAA_SIGNATURE** daaSignature // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest ( TSS_HTPM hTPM, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_BOOL closeAudit, // in UINT32* pulAuditDigestSize, // out BYTE** prgbAuditDigest, // out TPM_COUNTER_VALUE* pCounterValue, // out TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData, // out UINT32* ordSize, // out UINT32** ordList // out ); // PcrComposite Class Definitions TSPICALL Tspi_PcrComposite_SelectPcrIndex ( TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in UINT32 ulPcrIndex // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_PcrComposite_SelectPcrIndexEx ( TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in UINT32 ulPcrIndex, // in UINT32 direction // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_PcrComposite_SetPcrValue ( TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in UINT32 ulPcrIndex, // in UINT32 ulPcrValueLength, // in BYTE* rgbPcrValue // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_PcrComposite_GetPcrValue ( TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in UINT32 ulPcrIndex, // in UINT32* pulPcrValueLength, // out BYTE** prgbPcrValue // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_PcrComposite_SetPcrLocality ( TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in UINT32 LocalityValue // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_PcrComposite_GetPcrLocality ( TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in UINT32* pLocalityValue // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_PcrComposite_GetCompositeHash ( TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite, // in UINT32* pLen, // in BYTE** ppbHashData // out ); // Key Class Definition TSPICALL Tspi_Key_LoadKey ( TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_HKEY hUnwrappingKey // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_UnloadKey ( TSS_HKEY hKey // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_GetPubKey ( TSS_HKEY hKey, // in UINT32* pulPubKeyLength, // out BYTE** prgbPubKey // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_CertifyKey ( TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_HKEY hCertifyingKey, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData // in, out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_CreateKey ( TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_HKEY hWrappingKey, // in TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite // in, may be NULL ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_WrapKey ( TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_HKEY hWrappingKey, // in TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite // in, may be NULL ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_CreateMigrationBlob ( TSS_HKEY hKeyToMigrate, // in TSS_HKEY hParentKey, // in UINT32 ulMigTicketLength, // in BYTE* rgbMigTicket, // in UINT32* pulRandomLength, // out BYTE** prgbRandom, // out UINT32* pulMigrationBlobLength, // out BYTE** prgbMigrationBlob // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_ConvertMigrationBlob ( TSS_HKEY hKeyToMigrate, // in TSS_HKEY hParentKey, // in UINT32 ulRandomLength, // in BYTE* rgbRandom, // in UINT32 ulMigrationBlobLength, // in BYTE* rgbMigrationBlob // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_MigrateKey ( TSS_HKEY hMaKey, // in TSS_HKEY hPublicKey, // in TSS_HKEY hMigData // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_CMKCreateBlob ( TSS_HKEY hKeyToMigrate, // in TSS_HKEY hParentKey, // in TSS_HMIGDATA hMigrationData, // in UINT32* pulRandomLength, // out BYTE** prgbRandom // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Key_CMKConvertMigration ( TSS_HKEY hKeyToMigrate, // in TSS_HKEY hParentKey, // in TSS_HMIGDATA hMigrationData, // in UINT32 ulRandomLength, // in BYTE* rgbRandom // in ); // Hash Class Definition TSPICALL Tspi_Hash_Sign ( TSS_HHASH hHash, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in UINT32* pulSignatureLength, // out BYTE** prgbSignature // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Hash_VerifySignature ( TSS_HHASH hHash, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in UINT32 ulSignatureLength, // in BYTE* rgbSignature // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Hash_SetHashValue ( TSS_HHASH hHash, // in UINT32 ulHashValueLength, // in BYTE* rgbHashValue // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Hash_GetHashValue ( TSS_HHASH hHash, // in UINT32* pulHashValueLength, // out BYTE** prgbHashValue // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Hash_UpdateHashValue ( TSS_HHASH hHash, // in UINT32 ulDataLength, // in BYTE* rgbData // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Hash_TickStampBlob ( TSS_HHASH hHash, // in TSS_HKEY hIdentKey, // in TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData // in ); // EncData Class Definition TSPICALL Tspi_Data_Bind ( TSS_HENCDATA hEncData, // in TSS_HKEY hEncKey, // in UINT32 ulDataLength, // in BYTE* rgbDataToBind // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Data_Unbind ( TSS_HENCDATA hEncData, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in UINT32* pulUnboundDataLength, // out BYTE** prgbUnboundData // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_Data_Seal ( TSS_HENCDATA hEncData, // in TSS_HKEY hEncKey, // in UINT32 ulDataLength, // in BYTE* rgbDataToSeal, // in TSS_HPCRS hPcrComposite // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_Data_Unseal ( TSS_HENCDATA hEncData, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in UINT32* pulUnsealedDataLength, // out BYTE** prgbUnsealedData // out ); // NV Class Definition TSPICALL Tspi_NV_DefineSpace ( TSS_HNVSTORE hNVStore, // in TSS_HPCRS hReadPcrComposite, // in, may be NULL TSS_HPCRS hWritePcrComposite // in, may be NULL ); TSPICALL Tspi_NV_ReleaseSpace ( TSS_HNVSTORE hNVStore // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_NV_WriteValue ( TSS_HNVSTORE hNVStore, // in UINT32 offset, // in UINT32 ulDataLength, // in BYTE* rgbDataToWrite // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_NV_ReadValue ( TSS_HNVSTORE hNVStore, // in UINT32 offset, // in UINT32* ulDataLength, // in, out BYTE** rgbDataRead // out ); // DAA Utility functions (optional, do not require a TPM or TCS) TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_IssuerKeyVerify ( TSS_HDAA_CREDENTIAL hDAACredential, // in TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY hIssuerKey, // in TSS_BOOL* isCorrect // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_Issuer_GenerateKey ( TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY hIssuerKey, // in UINT32 issuerBaseNameLength, // in BYTE* issuerBaseName // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_Issuer_InitCredential ( TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY hIssuerKey, // in TSS_HKEY issuerAuthPK, // in TSS_DAA_IDENTITY_PROOF* identityProof, // in UINT32 capitalUprimeLength, // in BYTE* capitalUprime, // in UINT32 daaCounter, // in UINT32* nonceIssuerLength, // out BYTE** nonceIssuer, // out UINT32* authenticationChallengeLength, // out BYTE** authenticationChallenge, // out UINT32* joinSessionLength, // out BYTE** joinSession // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_Issuer_IssueCredential ( TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY hIssuerKey, // in TSS_DAA_CREDENTIAL_REQUEST* credentialRequest, // in UINT32 issuerJoinSessionLength, // in BYTE* issuerJoinSession, // in TSS_DAA_CRED_ISSUER** credIssuer // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_Verifier_Init ( TSS_HDAA_CREDENTIAL hDAACredential, // in UINT32* nonceVerifierLength, // out BYTE** nonceVerifier, // out UINT32* baseNameLength, // out BYTE** baseName // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_VerifySignature ( TSS_HDAA_CREDENTIAL hDAACredential, // in TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY hIssuerKey, // in TSS_HDAA_ARA_KEY hARAKey, // in TSS_HHASH hARACondition, // in UINT32 attributesLength, // in UINT32 attributesLength2, // in BYTE** attributes, // in UINT32 verifierNonceLength, // in BYTE* verifierNonce, // in UINT32 verifierBaseNameLength, // in BYTE* verifierBaseName, // in TSS_HOBJECT signData, // in TSS_DAA_SIGNATURE* daaSignature, // in TSS_BOOL* isCorrect // out ); TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_ARA_GenerateKey ( TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY hIssuerKey, // in TSS_HDAA_ARA_KEY hARAKey // in ); TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_ARA_RevokeAnonymity ( TSS_HDAA_ARA_KEY hARAKey, // in TSS_HHASH hARACondition, // in TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY hIssuerKey, // in TSS_DAA_PSEUDONYM_ENCRYPTED* encryptedPseudonym, // in TSS_DAA_PSEUDONYM_PLAIN** pseudonym // out ); // Callback typedefs typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_CallbackHMACAuth) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in TSS_HOBJECT hAuthorizedObject, // in TSS_BOOL ReturnOrVerify, // in UINT32 ulPendingFunction, // in TSS_BOOL ContinueUse, // in UINT32 ulSizeNonces, // in BYTE* rgbNonceEven, // in BYTE* rgbNonceOdd, // in BYTE* rgbNonceEvenOSAP, // in BYTE* rgbNonceOddOSAP, // in UINT32 ulSizeDigestHmac, // in BYTE* rgbParamDigest, // in BYTE* rgbHmacData // in, out ); typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_CallbackXorEnc) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in TSS_HOBJECT hOSAPObject, // in TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in TSS_FLAG PurposeSecret, // in UINT32 ulSizeNonces, // in BYTE* rgbNonceEven, // in BYTE* rgbNonceOdd, // in BYTE* rgbNonceEvenOSAP, // in BYTE* rgbNonceOddOSAP, // in UINT32 ulSizeEncAuth, // in BYTE* rgbEncAuthUsage, // out BYTE* rgbEncAuthMigration // out ); typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_CallbackTakeOwnership) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in TSS_HKEY hObjectPubKey, // in UINT32 ulSizeEncAuth, // in BYTE* rgbEncAuth // out ); typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_CallbackSealxMask) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in TSS_HKEY hKey, // in TSS_HENCDATA hEncData, // in TSS_ALGORITHM_ID algID, // in UINT32 ulSizeNonces, // in BYTE* rgbNonceEven, // in BYTE* rgbNonceOdd, // in BYTE* rgbNonceEvenOSAP, // in BYTE* rgbNonceOddOSAP, // in UINT32 ulDataLength, // in BYTE* rgbDataToMask, // in BYTE* rgbMaskedData // out ); typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_CallbackChangeAuthAsym) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in TSS_HOBJECT hObject, // in TSS_HKEY hObjectPubKey, // in UINT32 ulSizeEncAuth, // in UINT32 ulSizeAuthLink, // in BYTE* rgbEncAuth, // out BYTE* rgbAuthLink // out ); typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_CollateIdentity) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in UINT32 ulTCPAPlainIdentityProofLength, // in BYTE* rgbTCPAPlainIdentityProof, // in TSS_ALGORITHM_ID algID, // in UINT32 ulSessionKeyLength, // out BYTE* rgbSessionKey, // out UINT32* pulTCPAIdentityProofLength, // out BYTE* rgbTCPAIdentityProof // out ); typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_ActivateIdentity) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in UINT32 ulSessionKeyLength, // in BYTE* rgbSessionKey, // in UINT32 ulSymCAAttestationBlobLength, // in BYTE* rgbSymCAAttestationBlob, // in UINT32* pulCredentialLength, // out BYTE* rgbCredential // out ); typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_DAA_Sign) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY daaPublicKey, // in UINT32 gammasLength, // in BYTE** gammas, // in UINT32 attributesLength, // in BYTE** attributes, // in UINT32 randomAttributesLength, // in BYTE** randomAttributes, // in UINT32 attributeCommitmentsLength,// in TSS_DAA_ATTRIB_COMMIT* attributeCommitments, // in TSS_DAA_ATTRIB_COMMIT* attributeCommitmentsProof, // in TSS_DAA_PSEUDONYM_PLAIN* pseudonym, // in TSS_DAA_PSEUDONYM_PLAIN* pseudonymTilde, // in TSS_DAA_PSEUDONYM_ENCRYPTED* pseudonymEncrypted, // in TSS_DAA_PSEUDONYM_ENCRYPTED* pseudonymEncProof, // in TSS_DAA_SIGN_CALLBACK** additionalProof // out ); typedef TSS_RESULT (*Tspicb_DAA_VerifySignature) ( PVOID lpAppData, // in UINT32 challengeLength, // in BYTE* challenge, // in TSS_DAA_SIGN_CALLBACK* additionalProof, // in TSS_HDAA_ISSUER_KEY daaPublicKey, // in UINT32 gammasLength, // in BYTE** gammas, // in UINT32 sAttributesLength, // in BYTE** sAttributes, // in UINT32 attributeCommitmentsLength,// in TSS_DAA_ATTRIB_COMMIT* attributeCommitments, // in TSS_DAA_ATTRIB_COMMIT* attributeCommitmentsProof, // in UINT32 zetaLength, // in BYTE* zeta, // in UINT32 sFLength, // in BYTE* sF, // in TSS_DAA_PSEUDONYM* pseudonym, // in TSS_DAA_PSEUDONYM* pseudonymProof, // in TSS_BOOL* isCorrect // out ); #if defined ( __cplusplus ) } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* _TSPI_H_ */