/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos72X src/bos/kernel/sys/lvdd.h                              */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,2021              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* @(#)18  src/bos/kernel/sys/lvdd.h, sysxlvm, bos72X, x2021_06B0 2/4/21 04:31:03 */
#ifndef _H_LVDD
#define _H_LVDD

#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef _KERNEL
#include <sys/iostat.h>

 * COMPONENT_NAME: (SYSXLVM) Logical Volume Manager - 18
 * ORIGINS: 27
 * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988, 2007
 * All Rights Reserved
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

 * defines for Logical Volume Device Driver ext parameter for readx and
 * writex system calls and structure definition for XLATE ioctl.
 * WRITEV, is passed through to the underlying disk driver.  HWRELOC and
 * UNSAFEREL are here to allow a consistent interface with the entire
 * class of disk device drivers.  Their use is invalid with the logical
 * volume manager.

#define	LVDD_RSVD  0xf0000000	/* The upper 4 bits are used internally	*/

#define WRITEV	   0x0001	/* for this request perform physical	*/
				/* write verification			*/

#define HWRELOC	   0x0002	/* for this request perform hardware	*/
				/* bad block relocation			*/

#define UNSAFEREL  0x0004	/* for this request perform bad block	*/
				/* relocation even if unsafe		*/

#define RORELOC	   0x0008	/* for this request perform READ ONLY	*/
				/* bad block relocation			*/
				/* ie. relocate only existing defects	*/ 

#define	NO_MWC	   0x0010	/* only valid on writex call to inhibit	*/
				/* normal mirror write consistency	*/
				/* rules.				*/

#define	MWC_RCV_OP 0x0020	/* Set on readx call to indicate this	*/
				/* request is doing a mirror write	*/
				/* recovery operation. i.e. a resync	*/
				/* of one LTG				*/

#define RESYNC_OP  0x0080	/* for this request resync partition 	*/
				/* logical track group(LTG)		*/
#define AVOID_C1   0x0100	/* this request avoid the copy 1 (primary)  */
#define AVOID_C2   0x0200	/* this request avoid the copy 2 (secondary)*/
#define AVOID_C3   0x0400	/* this request avoid the copy 3 (tertiary) */

#define NO_OVERLAP_OP 0x800

                                /* 0x1000: see rpv_aio_config.h (reserved) */
                                /* 0x2000: see rpv_aio_config.h (reserved) */

#define BYPASS_HDCRYPT 0x4000 	/* Set on readx, writex calls to indicate that	*/
				/* encryption/decryption must be bypassed       */

#define HDCRYPT_CONV_BUF 0x8000 /* hdcrypt driver sets this for encryption conversion buf */
#define	AVOID_SHFT	8	/* number of places to shift to align AVOID */
				/* mask if built dynamically		    */

#define AVOID_MSK  (AVOID_C1 | AVOID_C2 | AVOID_C3)  /* Mask for avoid bits */

#define NUMCOPIES 3		/* max number of copies per logical part. */

#define LV_READ_BACKUP 0x100000
#define LV_READ_STALE  0x200000
#define LV_READONLY_MIRROR 0x400000
#define LV_READ_DUMP 	0x800000



/* The following enum types are used to define the supported PV type
 * restrictions possible for a VG. These PV types are supported by
 * VG creation, maintenance, and query functions. This numeric enum 
 * definition should ALWAYS match the flag value specified in 
 * sys/devinfo.h under the scdk64 flags section!
 * none = 0
 * SSD = 1  (The flag DF_SSD is 0x1 in devinfo.h)
typedef enum {none, SSD} pv_type_t;

/* arg structure passed in for Logical Volume Device Driver XLATE ioctl - 
 * returns the physical dev_t & physical block number for the logical block 
 * number & mirror copy specified.

struct lpview {
	int 	lpnum;			/* logical partition number */
	struct  lview {
	   short pvnum;			/* physical volume number */
	   unsigned int ppnum;		/* physical partition number */
	   char  ppstate;		/* state of the physical partition */
           char  res[3];		/* reserved/padded space */
	} copies[NUMCOPIES];

/* 32 bit structures */

#if  (!defined(__64BIT__) && !defined(LVMBIGTYPES)) || defined(__KERNEL_LVM)

struct xlate_arg {

	int lbn;		/* logical block number to translate	*/
	int mirror; 		/* which copy to return pbn for:	*/
				/*		1=copy 1 (primary)	*/
				/*		2=copy 2 (secondary)	*/
				/*		3=copy 3 (tertiary)	*/
	dev32_t p_devt;		/* physical dev_t (major/minor of disk)	*/
	int pbn;		/* physical block number on disk	*/

struct lv_info{
	struct unique_id	vg_id;		/* volume group id */
	short			major_num;	/* major number of lv */
	short			minor_num;	/* minor number of lv */
	int			max_lps;	/* max # of lps allowed on lv */
	int			current_lps;	/* current num lps for lv */
	char			mirror_policy;	/* parallel,sequential,striped*/
	char			permissions;	/* read-write or read-only */
	char			bb_relocation;	/* bad block relocation */
	char			write_verify;	/* write verification */
	unsigned int		num_blocks;	/* num of 512 byte blocks */
	char			mwcc;		/* 
						 * 0 = non-active
						 * 1 = active, original mwcc
						 * 2 = passive mwcc
						 * 4 = undergoing passive recov
	char			mirr_able;	/* able to be mirrored */
	char			num_mirrors;	/* number of current mirrors*/
	char			striping_width;	/* stripe width */
	unsigned int		stripe_exp;	/* stripe block exponent val */
	unsigned int		backup_mirror;  /* online backup mirror msk */
						/* AVOID_C1 first copy */
						/* AVOID_C2 second copy */
						/* AVOID_C3 third copy */
	int			rsvd1;
	int			rsvd2;
	int			rsvd3;
	int			rsvd4;


/* mwcc states */
#define MWCC_NON_ACTIVE		0

#if  (defined(__64BIT__) || defined(LVMBIGTYPES)) && !defined(__KERNEL_LVM)
struct xlate_arg {
struct xlate_arg64 {

	daddr64_t lbn;		/* logical block number to translate	*/
	int mirror; 		/* which copy to return pbn for:	*/
				/*		1=copy 1 (primary)	*/
				/*		2=copy 2 (secondary)	*/
				/*		3=copy 3 (tertiary)	*/
	dev64_t p_devt;		/* physical dev_t (major/minor of disk)	*/
	daddr64_t pbn;		/* physical block number on disk	*/

#if  (defined(__64BIT__) || defined(LVMBIGTYPES)) && !defined(__KERNEL_LVM)
struct lv_info{
struct lv_info64{
	struct unique_id	vg_id;		/* volume group id */
	int			major_num;	/* major number of lv */
	int			minor_num;	/* minor number of lv */
	int			max_lps;	/* max # of lps allowed on lv */
	int			current_lps;	/* current num lps for lv */
	daddr64_t		num_blocks;	/* num of 512 byte blocks */
	char			mirror_policy;	/* parallel,sequential,striped*/
	char			permissions;	/* read-write or read-only */
	char			bb_relocation;	/* bad block relocation */
	char			write_verify;	/* write verification */
	char			mwcc;		/* mirror write consist check*/
	char			mirr_able;	/* able to be mirrored */
	char			num_mirrors;	/* number of current mirrors*/
	char			striping_width;	/* stripe width */
	unsigned int		stripe_exp;	/* stripe block exponent val */
	unsigned int		backup_mirror;  /* online backup mirror msk */
						/* AVOID_C1 first copy */
						/* AVOID_C2 second copy */
						/* AVOID_C3 third copy */
	int			rsvd1;
	int			rsvd2;
	int			rsvd3;
	int			rsvd4;
	int			rsvd5;
	int			rsvd6;
	int			rsvd7;
	int			rsvd8;

struct cfg_assist {
	long	  flags;	    /* Flags defined below */
	long long throughput;   /* Average throughput of disks under the file
			         * system in KB/sec. 
	long long latency;      /* Average latency of all disks under the file
			         * system in milliseconds 
	int		  vg_max_transfer;             /* vg_max_transfer size in KB. */
	int		  write_atomicity;             /* write atomicity in KB */
	int		  atomic_write_alignment;      /* required alignment for write 
							* atomicity in KB. 
	int		  ideal_sequential_read_size;  /* Ideal sequential read size of the 
							* disks under the file system in KB 
	int		  ideal_sequential_write_size; /* Ideal sequential write size of the 
							* disks under the file system in KB 
	int		  ideal_random_read_size;      /* Ideal random read size of the
							* disks under the file system in KB
	int		  ideal_reandom_write_size;    /* Ideal random write size of the 
						        * disks under the file system in KB 
	int		  stripsize;    /* stripsize of the disks under the file system in
					 * KB 
	int		  stripesize;   /* stripesize = (stripsize*num spindles) in raid 
			                 * arrayparity in KB 
	int		  parallelism;  /* Number of spindles that comprise the RAID device
                           	 * which can be concurrently read from or 
							 * written to in parallel. 
	short     pv_restrict;  /* PV type restriction */
	char      reserved[18]; /* reserved for future. */

/* cfg_assist flags */

#define CFG_RUNTIME     0x0001 	/* Give runtime throughput/latency for */
                                /* supported storage devices */

/* mirror/stripe policies */
#define SEQUENTIAL  1       /* mirrors are written and read sequentially */
#define PARALLEL    2       /* mirrors are written in and read parallel */
#define STRIPED     5       /* lvs are striped, no mirrors allowed */

/* permissions */
#define READ_ONLY	0
#define	READ_WRITE	1

/* Value required for the FORCEOFF_VG ioctl */
#define FORCE_VG_OFF    0x888

/* logical volume driver io control commands */
#define LVIOC		('v'<<8)
#if  (defined(__64BIT__) || defined(LVMBIGTYPES)) && !defined(__KERNEL_LVM)
#define	XLATE		(LVIOC|14)	/* translate lbn->pbn		    */
#define	XLATE		(LVIOC|1)	/* translate lbn->pbn		    */
#define	GETVGSA		(LVIOC|2)	/* get a copy if the memory version */
					/* of the VGSA			    */
#define CACLNUP		(LVIOC|3)	/* Clean up the MWC cache and write */
					/* it to all PVs in the VG	    */
#define LP_LVIEW	(LVIOC|4)	/* send a logical view of a lp back */
#define PBUFCNT		(LVIOC|5)	/* increase pbuf pool size */

#ifdef GSCLVMD
#define CONC_STATE	(LVIOC|6)	/* see if vg is in concurrent mode */
#endif /* GSCLVMD */

#if  (defined(__64BIT__) || defined(LVMBIGTYPES)) && !defined(__KERNEL_LVM)
#define LV_INFO		(LVIOC|15)	/* get lv info */
#define LV_INFO		(LVIOC|7)	/* get lv info */

#define LV_QRYBKPCOPY	(LVIOC|8)	/* get backup mirror copy mask */
#define LV_SETBKPCOPY	(LVIOC|9)	/* set backup copy mask */
#define LV_FSETBKPCOPY	(LVIOC|10)	/* force set backup mirror copy mask */
#define GETBIGVGSA	(LVIOC|11)	/* Get bigvg incore VGSA */
#define SET_SYNC_ON_RD	(LVIOC|12)	/* any read of any mirror causes sync */
#define CLR_SYNC_ON_RD	(LVIOC|13)	/* stop mirror sync on every read */
#define	XLATE64		(LVIOC|14)	/* translate lbn->pbn		    */
#define LV_INFO64	(LVIOC|15)	/* get lv info */
					/* 16: see lvdd_internal.h */
#define LV_HOLD_IOS	(LVIOC|17)	
					/* 18: see lvdd_internal.h */
					/* 19: see lvdd_internal.h */
					/* 20: see lvdd_internal.h */
					/* 21: see lvdd_internal.h */
#define GET_SVG_VGSA    (LVIOC|22)	/* Get SVG incore VGSA */
#define LVM_CFG_ASSIST  (LVIOC|23)	/* Get lv performance and config statics */
#define FORCEOFF_VG     (LVIOC|24)      /* Force a VG off-line */
					/* 25: see lvdd_internal.h */
					/* 26: see lvdd_internal.h */
					/* 27: see lvdd_internal.h */
					/* 28: see lvdd_internal.h */
					/* 29: see lvdd_internal.h */
					/* 30: see lvdd_internal.h */
#define	DMP_XLATE64	(LVIOC|31)	/* translate lbn->pbn for dumpdevice    */
#define BLV_XLATE64	(LVIOC|33)	/* translate lbn->pbn for bootdevice	*/

#endif /* _H_LVDD */