#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2019 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # sccsid = "@(#)69 1.16 src/rsct/rm/ER/cli/bin/lsevent.perl, errmcli, rsct_rady, rady2035a 11/12/15 16:39:02" #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Included Libraries and Extensions # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# use lib "/opt/rsct/pm"; use locale; use Getopt::Long; use CT_cli_utils qw(printIMsg printEMsg); use CT_cli_input_utils qw(escape_chars); use ERRM_cli_rc qw(ERRM_CLI_SUCCESS ERRM_CLI_RMC_ERROR ERRM_CLI_ERROR ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR); use ERRM_cli_utils qw(error_exit printCIMsg printCEMsg process_exit_code remove_api_error $TRUE $FALSE $CTBINDIR $CTDIR $DELIMITERI $DELIMITERO $RMC_CLI_USER_ERROR); #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global Variables # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "no_auto_abbrev", "no_ignore_case", "require_order", "prefix_pattern=(--|-)"); $Verbose = $FALSE; # default - verbose turned off $Opt_Cluster = $FALSE; # default - see -a $Opt_Event= $FALSE; # default - see -e $Opt_Status= $FALSE; # default - see -i $Opt_Nodes= $FALSE; # default - see -n $Opt_Entries= $FALSE; # default - see -O $Opt_Start_Time= $FALSE; # default - see -B $Opt_End_Time= $FALSE; # default - see -E $Opt_rR= $FALSE; # default - see -r or -R $Opt_A= $FALSE; # default - see -A $PROGNAME = "lsevent"; # Program Name for messages $MSGCAT = "errmcli.cat"; # msg catalogue for this cmd $LSMSG = "$CTBINDIR/ctdspmsg"; # list / display message rtn $ENV{'MSGMAPPATH'} = "$CTDIR/msgmaps"; # msg maps used by $LSMSG #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Variables # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# my $nodes= ""; my $node; my @w_nodes; my $entries; my $condition= ""; my @responses= (); my @output = (); my $cmd; my $rc= 0; my $i; my $common= ""; my $ResponseNames= ""; my $Etype; my @queries= (); my %event_spec = (); # indicate the event types specified my %etype_spec = (); # indicate the event types specified my $valid_opte = "AaBber"; my $valid_opte_simple = "abr"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Main Code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # parse the command line, exit if there are errors ($rc, $Start_Time, $End_Time, $nodes, $node, $entries, $event_type, $condition, @responses) = &parse_cmd_line;; ($rc == 0) || error_exit($rc); if ($Verbose) { printIMsg("IMsglseventStart"); } # if -a or -n was specified, make sure CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE # is set. If it isn't, set it to 4, DM/SR/Local if ($Opt_Cluster || $Opt_Nodes) { if (!defined $ENV{CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE}) { $ENV{CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE} = 4; } } else { $ENV{CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE} = 1; } # set the -n or -a if ($Opt_Nodes) { $nodes= "-n $nodes "; } elsif ($Opt_Cluster) { $nodes= "-a "; } # Get the LastSeqNumber if ($Opt_Entries) { $cmd = qq($CTBINDIR/lsrsrc-api -I $DELIMITERI -D $DELIMITERO -s IBM.AuditLog${DELIMITERI}"Name=='ERRM'"${DELIMITERI}LastSeqNumber 2>&1); @output = `$cmd`; $rc= $?; $rc = &process_exit_code($rc); # show any errors if there was a bad rc if ($rc != 0) { process_api_error($DELIMITERO,$rc,@output); # remove any error messages from the output to display @output = remove_api_error($DELIMITERO, @output); } $start= $output[0] - $entries; if ($start > 0) { $common= $common . "SequenceNumber>$start && "; } if ($Trace) { print STDERR "- LastSeqNumber= $output[0]\n"; } } # set the Start Time if ($Opt_Start_Time) { $common= $common . "Time>=#$Start_Time && "; } # set the End Time if ($Opt_End_Time) { $common= $common . "Time<=#$End_Time && "; } # set the condition if ($condition ne "") { $common= $common . "ConditionName=='$condition' && "; } # set the response if (@responses) { # set the response(s) if (@responses == 1) { $ResponseNames= "EventResponseName=='$responses[0]' && "; } else # if (@responses > 1) { $ResponseNames= "(" . join("||", map("EventResponseName=='$_'", @responses)) . ") && "; } } # set the Etype based on -e if ($Opt_Event) { $Etype = "("; $j = 0; if ($etype_spec{91} == $TRUE) { $Etype .= "Etype==91"; $j++; } if ($etype_spec{92} == $TRUE) { if($j != 0) { $Etype .= " || ";} $Etype .= "Etype==92"; $j++; } if ($etype_spec{118} == $TRUE) { if($j != 0) { $Etype .= " || ";} $Etype .= "Etype==118"; $j++; } if ($etype_spec{121} == $TRUE) { if($j != 0) { $Etype .= " || ";} $Etype .= "Etype==121"; $j++; } $Etype .= ") && "; } else { $Etype= "(Etype==91 || Etype==121) && "; } # set the TemplateId if ($Opt_rR) { if ($Opt_Status) # -i { push (@queries, "TemplateId>=39 && TemplateId<=51 && " . $Etype . $ResponseNames); } else { push (@queries, "TemplateId>=40 && TemplateId<=51 && " . $Etype . $ResponseNames); } } elsif ($Opt_A) { if ($Opt_Status) # -i { push (@queries, "TemplateId>=1 && TemplateId<=36 && "); if ($ResponseNames ne "") { push (@queries, "(TemplateId==37 || TemplateId==38) && " . $Etype); push (@queries, "TemplateId>=39 && TemplateId<=51 && " . $Etype . $ResponseNames); } else { push (@queries, "TemplateId>=37 && TemplateId<=51 && " . $Etype); } } else { if ($ResponseNames ne "") { push (@queries, "(TemplateId==37 || TemplateId==38) && " . $Etype); push (@queries, "TemplateId>=40 && TemplateId<=51 && " . $Etype . $ResponseNames); } else { push (@queries, "TemplateId>=37 && TemplateId<=51 && TemplateId!=39 && " . $Etype); } } } else { # multiple operand of -e is not acceptable without -rRA if (length($event_type) > 1 || $valid_opte_simple !~ /$event_type/) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageOperand", $opts{e}); &print_usage; exit ERRM_CLI_ERROR; } if ($Opt_Node) # -w { @w_nodes= split(",", $node); $Nodes= "(" . join("||", map("Node=='$_'", @w_nodes)) . ") && "; push (@queries, "TemplateId==38 && " . $Nodes . $Etype); if ($Opt_Status) # -i { push (@queries, "TemplateId>=32 && TemplateId<=34 && " . $Nodes); } } else { if ($Opt_Status) # -i { push (@queries, "TemplateId>=1 && TemplateId<=36 && "); } push (@queries, "(TemplateId==37 || TemplateId==38) && " . $Etype); } } for ($i=0; $i< @queries; $i++) { $queries[$i]= $common . $queries[$i]; $queries[$i]=~ s/ && $//; &get_records($nodes, $queries[$i]); } if ($Verbose) { printIMsg("IMsglseventEnd"); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # End Main Code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # parse_cmd_line - Parse the command line for options and operands. # # Set appropriate global variables as outlined below, make sure we # # have a valid combination of arguments / options. # # # # Return: # # $rc 0 Command line parsed fine, no problem. # # SR_CLI_BAD_FLAG Command line contained a bad flag. # # $Start_Time # # $End_Time # # $nodes # # $entries # # $event_type # # $condition # # @responses # # # # Global Variables Modified: # # $Opt_Cluster # see -a # # $Opt_Event # see -e # # $Opt_Status # see -i # # $Opt_Nodes # see -n # # $Opt_Node # see -w # # $Opt_Entries # see -O # # $Opt_Start_Time # see -B # # $Opt_End_Time # see -E # # $Opt_rR # see -r or -R # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub parse_cmd_line { my $Start_Time; my $End_Time; my $nodes; my $node; my $entries; my $event_type= ""; my $condition= ""; my @responses= (); my %opts = (); # Process the command line... if (!GetOptions(\%opts, 'h|help|version' , 'a' , 'A' , 'i' , 'r' , 'R' , 'T' , 'V' , 'B=s' , 'E=s' , 'e=s' , 'n=s' , 'O=i' , 'w=s' )) { &print_usage; # display proper usage return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; # return bad rc - bad flag } # Always accept the -h help flag regardless of other flags or operands if (defined $opts{h}) { # -h, help request &print_usage; # print usage statement exit(0); # all done with good return! } if (defined $opts{r}) { $Opt_rR= $TRUE; @responses= @ARGV; } elsif ($#ARGV >= 0) { $condition= shift @ARGV; @responses= @ARGV; } if (defined $opts{R}) { if (defined $opts{A}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-R", "-A"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } elsif (defined $opts{r}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-R", "-r"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } elsif ($condition eq "") { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliPrereqed", "-R"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } $Opt_rR= $TRUE; } elsif (defined $opts{A}) { if (defined $opts{r}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-A", "-r"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } elsif ($condition eq "") { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliPrereqed", "-A"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } $Opt_A= $TRUE; } elsif (!defined $opts{r} && $condition ne "" && @responses) { $Opt_rR= $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{B}) { $Opt_Start_Time= $TRUE; $Start_Time= $opts{B}; } if (defined $opts{E}) { $Opt_End_Time= $TRUE; $End_Time= $opts{E}; } if (defined $opts{O}) { if ($opts{O} <= 0) { printEMsg("EMsglseventBadEntryValue"); return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } elsif (defined $opts{a}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-O", "-a"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } elsif(defined $opts{n}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-O", "-n"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } $Opt_Entries= $TRUE; $entries= $opts{O}; } if (defined $opts{e}) { $event_type= $opts{e}; # verify its a valid event type for ($j=0;$j<length($event_type);$j++) { # look at each event type specified $tmp_event = substr($event_type,$j,1); if( ( $valid_opte !~ /$tmp_event/) || ($event_spec{$tmp_event} == $TRUE)) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageOperand", $opts{e}); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } $event_spec{$tmp_event} = $TRUE; $_ = $tmp_event; SWITCH: { if(/a/) {$etype_spec{91} = $TRUE; last SWITCH;} if(/r/) {$etype_spec{92} = $TRUE; last SWITCH;} if(/e/) {$etype_spec{118} = $TRUE; last SWITCH;} if(/b/) {$etype_spec{91} = $TRUE; $etype_spec{92} = $TRUE;last SWITCH;} if(/A/) { $etype_spec{91} = $TRUE; $etype_spec{92} = $TRUE; $etype_spec{118} = $TRUE; last SWITCH; } } } $etype_spec{121} = $TRUE; $Opt_Event= $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{a}) # -a, list all nodes { if (defined $opts{n}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-a", "-n"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } $Opt_Cluster = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{n}) # -n, list nodes { if ($opts{n} eq "") { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-n"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } $Opt_Nodes = $TRUE; $nodes= $opts{n}; } if (defined $opts{i}) { # -i, list status $Opt_Status = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{T}) { # -T, turn tracing on $Trace = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{V}) { # -V, turn verbose mode on $Verbose = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{w}) { # -w, node list if (defined $opts{r}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-w", "-r"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } elsif (defined $opts{R}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-w", "-R"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } elsif (defined $opts{A}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "-w", "-A"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } elsif (@responses) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliBadCombination", "-w"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } $Opt_Node = $TRUE; $node= $opts{w}; } # success return(0, $Start_Time, $End_Time, $nodes, $node, $entries, $event_type, $condition, @responses); } # end parse_cmd_line #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # get_records: get the records from the auditlog and display them # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub get_records { my ($nodes, $opt_s)= @_; if ($opt_s ne "") { # escape double quotes $opt_s =~ s/"/\"/sg; # enclose the opts in quotes $opt_s= "-s \"$opt_s\""; } $cmd = qq(/usr/bin/lsaudrec -l -S ERRM $nodes$opt_s Time Category Message 2>&1); @output = `$cmd`; $rc= $?; $rc = &process_exit_code($rc); if ($Trace) { print STDERR "- cmd:\n$cmd\n"; print STDERR "- lsaudrec results:\n@output"; print STDERR "- lsaudrec rc:\n$rc\n\n"; } # lsaudrec exits with rc=5 when the time format is not valid if ($rc) { if ($rc == 5) { printEMsg("EMsglseventBadTimeFormat"); &print_usage; exit ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } print @output; exit $rc; } print @output; # In case lsaudrec fails, but the rc=0 if ($output[0] =~ /^2639-105 lsaudrec:/) { exit ERRM_CLI_ERROR; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # print_usage : print the usage statement (syntax) to stdout. # # See this command's prologue syntax section for current usage. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub print_usage { printIMsg("IMsglseventUsage"); } # end print_usage