#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2000,2019 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # sccsid = "@(#)05 1.28 src/rsct/rmc/cli/bin/lsactdef.perl, rmccli, rsct_rady, rady2035a 11/12/15 16:30:45" ###################################################################### # # # Module: lsactdef # # # # Purpose: # # lsactdef - Lists (displays) action definitions of a resource # # or resource class. # # # # Syntax: # # lsactdef [-h] [-c] [-p Property] [-s i|o] [-e] [-v] # # [-l|-i|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] # # [Resource_class [Action...]] # # # # Flags: # # -h Help. Writes this command's usage statement to stdout. # # -c Class. Displays the resource class action definitions. # # By default the resource action definitions are displayed.# # -p Property Displays actions with the specified Property. By # # default, only the definitions for public actions are # # displayed. To display all action definitions regardless # # of the action property, use the -p 0 flag. Refer to # # ct_mc.h for action properties. An or-ing of the # # properties will be accepted to display any action # # definition that has at least one of the specified # # properties. # # -s Displays the structured data definition for the action # # input or action response. # # i - Display the action input SD definitions. This is # # the default. # # o - Display the action response (output) SD definitions. # # -e Expands the descriptions. By default the definitions are # # displayed without the textual descriptions because they # # can be lengthy. Specify this flag to see both the # # definitions and descriptions. # # -v Display action input valid values. Since only valid # # values for action inputs are displayed, the -si flag # # must be given in conjunction with the -v flag in order # # to view valid values (if present). # # -l Long formatted output. One entry per line. This is the # # default display format. If the lsactdef command is # # issued with the -l flag, but without a resource class # # name, the -l flag is ignored when the command returns # # the list of defined resource class names. # # -i Input format. Generates a template of the Resource Data # # Input File. The output is displayed in long (stanza) # # format. Which after appropriate editing can be used as # # input to the runact command. The attribute's SD element # # data types are displayed as the value in the Attr=value # # pairs. It is suggested that when you use this flag, the # # output of the lsactdef command be directed to a file. # # The -i flag overrieds the -v flag. # # -t Tabular formatted output. Each attribute is displayed # # in a separate column one resource per line. # # -d Delimiter formatted output. The default delimiter is # # a colon (:). Use the -D flag if you wish to change # # the default delimiter. # # -D Delimiter Delimiter-formatted output that uses the specified # # delimiter. Use this flag to specify a delimiter other # # than the default colon (:). An example is when the data # # to be displayed contains colons. Use this flag to # # specify a delimiter of one or more characters. # # -x Exclude header. Suppress header printing. # # -T Trace. Writes the command's trace messages to standard # # error. For your software-service organization's use only.# # -V Verbose. Writes this command's verbose messages to # # standard out. # # # # Operands: # # Resource_class Resource class name. The name of the resource # # class whose action definitions you wish # # displayed. If no Resource_class operand is # # specified, a list of all the resource class # # names is displayed. # # # # Action If a Resource_class operand is specified, zero # # or more action names may be specified. If no # # Action operand is specified, the definitions for # # all the actions for the Resource_class are # # listed. Specific Action names may be entered # # to control which attributes are displayed and in # # what order. Actions must be separated by spaces. # # # # Description: # # The lsactdef command lists the action definitions of a resource # # or resource class. Use lsactdef with no operands specified to # # get a list of all resource class names. # # # # By default, the Resource action definitions are displayed. To # # see the resource class action definitions, specify the -c flag. # # # # By default, when no actions are specified on the command line, # # only actions that are defined as public are displayed. To # # override this default, use the -p flag or specify on the command # # line the names of the actions whose definition you wish to # # display. # # # # To see the structured data definition that is required as input # # when this action is invoked, specify the -s i flag. To see the # # structured data definition linked with the output that results # # from invoking this action, specify the -s o flag. # # # # By default, for the actions that contain descriptions, the # # descriptions are not displayed. Specify the -e flag to display # # the descriptions. Because the translation of these descriptions # # may take some time and because some of the descriptions are very # # long, the default is not to display these descriptions. If # # descriptions for members of the valid_vals list are available, # # they are displayed with the -e flag as well. # # # # By default, for action inputs that have defined valid values, the# # valid values are not displayed. Specify the -v and -si flags to # # view the valid values of action input structured data elements. # # Because valid values are not returned as part of the base action # # definition of the resource or resource class, and extra calls to # # RMC must be made to retrieve the valid values, the default is # # not to display them. Valid_vals and valid_vals_label fields are # # blank for pointer data types. # # # # # # Exit Values: # # 0 MC_CLI_SUCCESS Command completed successfully. # # 1 MC_CLI_RMC_ERROR Command terminated due to an underlying # # RMC error. # # 2 MC_CLI_ERROR Command terminated due to an underlying # # error in the command script. # # 3 MC_CLI_BAD_FLAG Command terminated due to user # # specifying an invalid flag. # # 4 MC_CLI_BAD_OPERAND Command terminated due to user # # specifying a bad operand. # # 5 MC_CLI_USER_ERROR Command terminated due to a user error. # # For example specifying an undefined # # Resource name as the Resource operand. # # # # Examples: # # lsactdef (lists all resource class names # # lsactdef IBM.Foo (lists resource actions definitions)# # lsactdef -c IBM.Foo (lists resouce class actions defs) # # lsactdef -s i -t IBM.Foo (lists resource actions input SD) # # lsactdef -e IBM.Foo (lists rsrc actions def with desc) # # lsactdef -s o IBM.Foo ExecuteCommand (lists resource action # # response SD for ExecuteCommand # # action for IBM.Foo # # lsactdef -i IBM.Foo (lists template of action inputs # # to use as input to runact command # # lsactdef -v -si -IBM.Foo (lists resource action input SDs # # along with valid values, if present# # # # Man Page: # # For the most current detailed description of this command see # # the lsactdef man page in /opt/rsct/man. # # # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Inputs: # # /opt/rsct/msgmaps/mccli.lsactdef.map - message mapping # # /opt/rsct/msgmaps/mccli.mccli.map - message mapping # # # # Outputs: # # stdout - display of the resource action definitions. # # stderr - any error message. # # # # External Ref: # # Commands: ctdspmsg # # Modules: MC_cli_utils.pm, MC_cli_display_utils.pm, MC_cli_rc.pm # # CT_cli_utils.pm, CT_cli_data_type_utils # # Extensions: CT::MC, CT::MCerr, CT::CT # # Perl library routines: Getopt::Std # # # # Tab Settings: # # 4 and tabs should be expanded to spaces before saving this file. # # in vi: (:set ts=4 and :%!expand -4) # # # # Change Activity: # # 000512 SAB 64351: Initial design & write. # # 010311 SAB 63852: Prepared for GA. # # 010806 YSK 75111: Added -v, valid values support. # # 020307 JAC 80687: Remove -v and go back to old usage. # # 021220 JAC 88088: Use rmc api commands instead of extension. # # 030709 JAC 96745: Add delimiter to call to remove_api_error. # # 080122 JAC 145056: translate "action" title. # ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # General Program Flow/Logic: # # # # A. Parse command line flags and operands, determine which flavor # # of this command we are actually invoking. # # This command allows a user to see the Action definitions for # # the specified resource class. # # They can select to see one of: # # * Names of all defined resource classes on this system. # # * The Resource Class Action Definitions # # * The Resource Class Action Input Definitions # # * The Resource Class Action Response Definitions # # * The Resource Action Definitions # # * The Resource Action Input Definitions # # * The Resource Action Response Definitions # # * Resource Data Input File format for runact command. # # B. Initialize a session with RMC. # # C. Query the definition of the SD or Action using RMC. # # D. Display the requested definitions in the appropriate format. # # E. Cleanup. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Included Libraries and Extensions # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# use lib "/opt/rsct/pm"; use locale; use Getopt::Std; use autouse CT_cli_utils => qw( printIMsg printEMsg ); use MC_cli_rc qw(:return_codes); use autouse MC_cli_utils => qw( build_HoAttr qdef_resource_class error_exit process_exit_code process_api_error remove_api_error printCEMsg ); use autouse MC_cli_display_utils => qw( display_resource_data_api display_resource_data_api2 convert_sd_valid_values convert_sd_valid_values_label getIMsg ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global Variables # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# $TRUE = 1; $FALSE = 0; $Verbose = $FALSE; # default - verbose turned off # By default output is written in long format. $Opt_Long_Format = $TRUE; # default - see -l (long form) $Opt_Table_Format = $FALSE; # default - see -t (table) $Opt_Delm_Format = $FALSE; # default - see -d (delimiter) $Opt_Delm_Str = ":"; # default - see -D (colon :) $Opt_No_HDR = $FALSE; # default - see -x $Opt_Exp_Desc = $FALSE; # default - see -e $Opt_LS_Class = $FALSE; # default - see -c $Opt_LS_Input_File = $FALSE; # default - see -i $Opt_LS_SD = $FALSE; # default - see -s $Opt_SD_Input = $FALSE; # default - see -s i $Opt_Valid_Vals = $FALSE; # default - see -v $PROGNAME = "lsactdef"; # Program Name for messages $MSGCAT = "mccli.cat"; # msg catalogue for this cmd $CTDIR = "/opt/rsct"; # RSCT root directory $CTBINDIR = "$CTDIR/bin"; # Cluster Bin directory path $LSMSG = "$CTBINDIR/ctdspmsg"; # display message rtn. $ENV{'MSGMAPPATH'} = "$CTDIR/msgmaps"; # msg maps used by $LSMSG #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Variables # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# @LoSDAttr = (); %HoSDDefs = (); @LoActions = (); %HoActions = (); $rc = 0; $rc2 = 0; $DELIMITER = "tvrtvrtvr"; @lsr_out = (); @lsr_out2 = (); $j = 0; @attributes = (); @rresponse = (); #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Main Code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Parse the command line, exit if there are errors my ($rc, $resource, $req_properties, @actions) = &parse_cmd_line; ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); # set the quote string environment variable, if necessary if (!defined $ENV{CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING}){ $ENV{CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING} = 1; } # If no resource names were specified as an operand to this command # display the list of all resource names. if (!$resource) { # No resource operand # List the Resource Class Names # call lsrsrcdef-api to get the list of classes if ($Trace) { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: calling lsrsrcdef-api\n";} @lsr_out = `$CTBINDIR/lsrsrcdef-api -I $DELIMITER -D $DELIMITER -c "*" 2>&1`; # capture the return code from lsrsrcdef-api $rc = $?; $rc = process_exit_code($rc); if ($Trace) { print STDERR "lsrsrcdef-api results:\n"; print STDERR "@lsr_out"; print STDERR "$PROGNAME: lsrsrcdef-api returned $rc\n";} # show any errors if there was a bad rc if ($rc != 0) { process_api_error($DELIMITER,$rc,@lsr_out); } # remove any error messages from the output to display @lsr_out = remove_api_error($DELIMITER,@lsr_out); # extract only the class names for ($j=0;$j<=$#lsr_out;$j=$j+2) { @temp_line = split(/$DELIMITER/, $lsr_out[$j]); push @lsr_out2, $temp_line[0]; } # save the attribute name to display push @LoPAttr, "class_name"; # use table output format $Opt_Table_Format = $TRUE; $Opt_Long_Format = $FALSE; $Opt_LS_DAttr = $FALSE; $Opt_LS_PAttr = $FALSE; my $row_title = "resource"; # check for delimited output if ($Opt_Delm_Format) { $Opt_Table_Format = $FALSE; } # print output if lsrsrcdef-api command worked or there's # something to print if ($rc ==0 || $#lsr_out2 >=0 ) { # Display the Resource Class Persistent Attributes $rc2 = display_attributes_api("", $row_title, \@attributes, \@LoPAttr, \@lsr_out2); if ($rc == 0) { $rc = $rc2; } } ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); } # Create an Input file template suitable for input to runact # Only 1 action name can be specified. elsif ($Opt_LS_Input_File) { # Select the actions that have at least one of the requested # properties or were in the list of actions specified on the # command line (action operands override -p flag). $rc = select_actions($resource, $req_properties, \@actions); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); $rc = qdef_sd($resource, \@actions, \@rresponse); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); # Format the Resource or Resource Class SD Actions Definition # into a form suitable for display. There may be 0 or more SDs. format_sd_defs_for_input($resource, \@rresponse, \@actions, \%HoSDDefs); # Display the Resource or Resource Class Action SD elements # in a format suitable for input to runact (once real values # are substituted into the attr=value pairs). $rc = display_sd_for_input(\@actions, \%HoSDDefs); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); } elsif ($Opt_LS_SD) { # Select the actions that have at least one of the requested # properties or were in the list of actions specified on the # command line (action operands override -p flag). $rc = select_actions($resource, $req_properties, \@actions); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); # If there are any SD action definitions that should be # displayed (there action has appropriate property) # let the subroutine make the call to the extension, and # handle all the assorted potential errors. if (scalar(@actions) > 0) { $rc = qdef_sd($resource, \@actions, \@rresponse); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); # Get response for valid values if they were requested by user. # Call subroutine to handle valid values extension. #if ($Opt_Valid_Vals && $Opt_SD_Input) { # my $usage = $Opt_LS_Class ? MC_VV_USAGE_CLASS_ACTION_INPUT # : MC_VV_USAGE_RSRC_ACTION_INPUT; # $response_vv = CT::MC::qdef_valid_vals_rsp_t->new; # $rc = qdef_valid_vals($session, $resource, \@actions, # $response_vv, $usage); # ($rc == 0) || error_exit($rc); #} # Format the Resource or Resource Class SD Actions Definition # into a form suitable for display. There may be 0 or more SDs. format_sd_defs($resource, \@rresponse, \@actions, \@LoSDAttr, \%HoSDDefs, $response_vv); } # Display the Resource or Resource Class Actions Defs & Desc $rc = display_sd_defs($resource, \@actions, \@LoSDAttr, \%HoSDDefs); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); } else { # list the actions of the class (or only the one(s) specified) $rc = qdef_actions($resource, $Opt_LS_Class, \@actions, \@rresponse); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); # Format the Query Definition Actions for a Resource into # a form suitable for display. format_actions($resource, \@rresponse, $req_properties, \@actions, \@LoActions, \%HoActions); # Display the Resource Actions Defs & Desc @actions = (); $rc = display_actions(\@actions, \@LoActions, \%HoActions); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); } exit $rc; #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # End Main Code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # parse_cmd_line - Parse the command line for options and operands. # # Set appropriate global variables as outlined below, make sure we # # have a valid combination of arguments / options. # # # # Return: # # $rc 0 Command line parsed fine, no problem. # # SR_CLI_BAD_FLAG Command line contained a bad flag. # # $resource Resource Class Name. # # $properties Attributes having these properties # # should be displayed. # # @actions Array of action names. # # # # Global Variables Modified: # # $Opt_Current output True (-c) print current cluster info # # $Opt_Exp_Desc output True (-e) print both definition # # and description (print all). # # $Opt_LS_Class output True (-c) display the class resource # # def vs just the resource def. # # $Opt_LS_Input_File output True (-i) create/list an input file # # suitable for runact. # # $Opt_LS_SD output True (-s) display the detailed # # structured data definition for a # # attr defined as an SD. # # $Opt_SD_Input output True (-s i) display the input action # # SDs, -s o dislplay the output action # # SDs (response SDs). # # $Opt_Valid_Vals output True (-v) display valid values. # # $Opt_Long_Format output True (-l) print one entry per line # # $Opt_Table_Format output True (-t) table format. # # $Opt_Delm_Format output True (-d|-D) print delimiter # # separated output. # # $Opt_Delm_Str output the string to use as the delimiter, # # default is colon (:). # # $Opt_No_HDR output True (-x) print without header # # $Verbose output True (-V) turn Verbose mode on. # # $Trace output True (-T) turn Trace mode on. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub parse_cmd_line { my(@original_argv) = @ARGV; my $resource = ""; my @actions = (); my %opts = (); # Process the command line... #if (!&getopts('hceip:s:dD:ltxvVT',\%opts)) { # Get options; if errors if (!&getopts('hceip:s:dD:ltxVT',\%opts)) { # Get options; if errors &print_usage; # display proper usage return MC_CLI_BAD_FLAG; # return bad rc - bad flag } # Always accept the -h help flag regardless of other flags or operands if (defined $opts{h}) { # -h, help request &print_usage; # print usage statement exit(0); # all done with good return! } # If no operands in lsactdef that is OK, it just means display # a list of all Resource Class Names # Get the arguments... if ($#ARGV >= 0) { $resource = shift @ARGV; # user specified resource @actions = @ARGV; # array of action names } # See which options/flags were used... if (defined $opts{c}) { # -c, rsrc class definitions $Opt_LS_Class = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{e}) { # -e, display all desc & def $Opt_Exp_Desc = $TRUE; } # -i overrides -s (only action input used for runact) if (defined $opts{i}) { $Opt_LS_Input_File = $TRUE; $Opt_SD_Input = $TRUE; } elsif (defined $opts{s}) { # -s, sd definitions $Opt_LS_SD = $TRUE; if ($opts{s} eq "i") { # qdef SD action input $Opt_SD_Input = $TRUE; } elsif ($opts{s} eq "o") { # qdef SD action response $Opt_SD_Input = $FALSE; } else { # -s flag requires i input | o output (response) printCEMsg("EMsgMCcliImproperUsageFlag", "-s $opts{s}"); &print_usage; return(MC_CLI_BAD_FLAG, $resource); } } # The -v flag is overriden by -i and req's -si if (defined $opts{v} && !defined $opts{i} && $Opt_SD_Input) { $Opt_Valid_Vals = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{p}) { # -p Property $properties = $opts{p}; # Make sure properties is a number (hex, octal or decimal) if ($properties !~ /^(0x|\d+)\d*/) { printCEMsg("EMsgMCcliImproperUsageFlag", "-p $opts{p}"); return MC_CLI_USER_ERROR; } # Convert properties specified in hex or octal to decimal $properties = oct $properties if $properties =~ /^0/; # Just some mininmal range checking - valid property values only # range between 0x0001 to 0x0020 but allow for growth here # -p 0 means display actions with any property if ($properties < hex("0x0000") || $properties > hex("0xFFFF")) { printCEMsg("EMsgMCcliImproperUsageFlag", "-p $opts{p}"); return MC_CLI_USER_ERROR; } if ($properties == 0) { $properties = hex("0xFFFF"); } } else { # Default to display only public actions $properties = hex("0x0002"); # Default to Public property } # The -l flag overrides -t which overrides -d which overrides -D flag # When -i flag used always display in long format if (defined $opts{l} || defined $opts{i}) { # -l long format, $Opt_Long_Format = $TRUE; # 1 entry per line } elsif (defined $opts{t}) { # -t tabular format $Opt_Table_Format = $TRUE; $Opt_Long_Format = $FALSE; } elsif (defined $opts{d}) { # -d delimiter format $Opt_Delm_Format = $TRUE; $Opt_Long_Format = $FALSE; } elsif (defined $opts{D}) { # -D <delimiter> format $Opt_Delm_Format = $TRUE; $Opt_Long_Format = $FALSE; $Opt_Delm_Str = $opts{D}; } if (defined $opts{x}) { # -x do not print header $Opt_No_HDR = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{T}) { # -T turn trace on $Trace = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{V}) { # -V verbose $Verbose = $TRUE; } return(0, $resource, $properties, @actions); # success } # end parse_cmd_line #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # print_usage - print the usage statement (syntax) to stdout. # # See this command's prologue syntax section for current usage. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub print_usage { printIMsg("IMsglsactdefUsage"); } # end usage #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # qdef_actions - function to call lsrsrcdef-api to list the actions # # of a class. # # # # Parameters: # # $resource input Name of the resource class whose # # action definition we want. # # $query_class_actions in 1 - query resource class actions. # # 0 - query resource actions. # # @$r_actions input Reference to array of action names. # # @$response in/out Reference to a list containing the # # result of the lsrsrcdef-api call. # # # # Return: # # $rc return code. # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_Exp_Desc input TRUE if display def & description. # # $Opt_LS_Class input TRUE if display resource class def # # versus the resource def. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub qdef_actions { my ($resource, $query_class_actions, $r_actions, $response) = @_; my $rc = 0; my @lsr_out = (); my $cmd_flg = ""; my $action_count = scalar(@$r_actions); my $action_list = ""; my $action_name = ""; # see if descriptions are required if ($Opt_Exp_Desc) { $cmd_flg = "-q";} # decide which actions to list, class or resource if ($query_class_actions) { $cmd_flg .= " -A";} else { $cmd_flg .= " -a";} # build action list for lsrsrcdef-api if ($#$r_actions >= 0) { foreach $action_name (@$r_actions) { $action_list .= $DELIMITER . $action_name; } } # call lsrsrcdef-api to get the action information if ($Trace) { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: calling lsrsrcdef-api\n";} @lsr_out = `$CTBINDIR/lsrsrcdef-api -I $DELIMITER -D $DELIMITER $cmd_flg "${resource}${action_list}" 2>&1`; # capture the return code from lsrsrcdef-api $rc = $?; $rc = process_exit_code($rc); if ($Trace) { print STDERR "lsrsrcdef-api results:\n"; print STDERR "@lsr_out"; print STDERR "$PROGNAME: lsrsrcdef-api returned $rc\n";} # show any errors if there was a bad rc if ($rc != 0) { process_api_error($DELIMITER,$rc,@lsr_out); } # remove any error messages from the output to display @lsr_out = remove_api_error($DELIMITER,@lsr_out); @$response = @lsr_out; return $rc; } # end qdef_actions #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # qdef_sd - function to call lsrsrcdef-api to get input/response # # information. # # # # Parameters: # # $resource input Name of the resource class whose SD # # definition we want. # # @$r_actions input Reference to array of action names. # # @$response in/out Reference to list of information # # returned from lsrsrcdef-api. # # # # Return: # # $rc return code. # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_Exp_Desc input TRUE if display def & description. # # $Opt_LS_Class input TRUE if display resource class def # # versus the resource def. # # $Opt_SD_Input input TRUE if display action input SDs. # # FALSE if display action response SDs. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub qdef_sd { my ($resource, $r_actions, $response) = @_; my $rc = 0; my @lsr_out = (); my $cmd_flg = ""; my $action_list = ""; my $action_name = ""; # see if descriptions are required if ($Opt_Exp_Desc) { $cmd_flg = "-q";} # decide which actions to list, # class or resource, and input or response # listing the class, check input vs response if ($Opt_LS_Class) { if ($Opt_SD_Input) { $cmd_flg .= " -X";} else { $cmd_flg .= " -Y";} } # listing the resource, check input vs response else { if ($Opt_SD_Input) { $cmd_flg .= " -x";} else { $cmd_flg .= " -y";} } my $action_count = scalar(@$r_actions); # build action list for lsrsrcdef-api if ($#$r_actions >= 0) { foreach $action_name (@$r_actions) { $action_list .= $DELIMITER . $action_name; } } # call lsrsrcdef-api to get the action information if ($Trace) { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: calling lsrsrcdef-api\n";} @lsr_out = `$CTBINDIR/lsrsrcdef-api -I $DELIMITER -D $DELIMITER $cmd_flg "${resource}${action_list}" 2>&1`; # capture the return code from lsrsrcdef-api $rc = $?; $rc = process_exit_code($rc); if ($Trace) { print STDERR "lsrsrcdef-api results:\n"; print STDERR "@lsr_out"; print STDERR "$PROGNAME: lsrsrcdef-api returned $rc\n";} # show any errors if there was a bad rc if ($rc != 0) { process_api_error($DELIMITER,$rc,@lsr_out); } # remove any error messages from the output to display @lsr_out = remove_api_error($DELIMITER,@lsr_out); @$response = @lsr_out; return $rc; } # end qdef_sd #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # select_actions - Returns a list of action names that have at least # # one of the requested properties or was specified as the action # # operand on the command line. Action operands override -p flag. # # # # Parameters: # # $resource input Name of the resource class whose # # action definitions we want. # # $req_properties input Return actions with at least one of # # these properties. # # @$r_actions in/out Reference to list of action names. # # On input actions from command line # # (if any). # # On output filtered list of act names. # # # # Return: # # $rc return code. # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_LS_Class input TRUE if display resource class def # # versus the resource def. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub select_actions { my ($resource, $req_properties, $r_actions) = @_; my @req_actions = (); my @r_info = (); my @actions = (); my @loActions = (); my $action_name; my $action_prop; my $prop; my $rc = 0; # Get the actions info for the resource class # (either resource actions or class actions $rc = qdef_actions($resource, $Opt_LS_Class, \@actions, \@loActions); ($rc == 0) || exit($rc); my $response_cnt = $#loActions; my $r; # Build the action name list for ($r = 0; $r <= $response_cnt; $r++) { # parse the action information chomp($loActions[$r]); @r_info = split (/$DELIMITER/, $loActions[$r]); # get the name and properties $action_name = $r_info[0]; $action_name =~ s/^\"//; $action_name =~ s/\"$//; $action_prop = $r_info[3]; # Filter out the actions that are not required # Actions requested as operands to this command always get # displayed ($r_actions), otherwise display any action # that has at least one of the requested properties. #(required_attr($action_name, $actions->properties($a), # $r_actions, $req_properties)) || next; $prop = 0; if ( $action_prop =~ /long_running/) { $prop = $prop | 1;} if ( $action_prop =~ /public/) { $prop = $prop | 2;} if ( ($req_properties & $prop) == 0 && ($req_properties != hex("0xFFFF")) ) { next;} push @req_actions, $action_name; } if (scalar(@$r_actions) == 0) { foreach $action_name (@req_actions) { push @$r_actions, $action_name; } } return $rc; } # end select_actions #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # format_actions - formats the qdef actions into a complex hash of # # attribute elements %rHoAttr which can then be easily displayed # # using utility display_resource_data. # # # # Parameters: # # $resource input Resource Name # # $response input lsrscdef-api output structure. # # $req_properties input Filter out actions that do not have # # at least one of the specified required # # properties. Actions specified on the # # comman line override this. # # @$r_actions input If Empty format all the actions # # that have at least one of the required # # properties otherwise only format # # actions in this list. # # @$rLoActions in/out Reference to the list of action names # # that are also in HoActions. # # %$rHoActions in/out Reference to the hash of actions. # # # # Global References: # # None. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub format_actions { my($resource, $response, $req_properties, $r_actions, $rLoActions, $rHoActions) = @_; my($r, $j); # format each of the actions in the response structure so # can use more generic printing.... # permissions is commented out right now since RMC wasn't setting # it. my %HoRspAttr = ( "action_name" => 1, "display_name" => 1, "description" => 1, "properties" => 1, "confirm_prompt" => 1, "action_id" => 1, "variety_list" => 1, "variety_count" => 1, "timeout" => 1, # "permissions" => 1, ); my %elements = (); my @r_info = (); my $response_cnt = $#$response; my $i = 0; my $prop = 0; # go through the lsrsrcdef-api out and assign the values in order for ($r = 0; $r <= $response_cnt; $r++) { chomp($$response[$r]); @r_info = split (/$DELIMITER/, $$response[$r]); # Filter out the actions that should not be displayed # Actions requested as operand to this command always get # displayed ($r_actions), otherwise display any action # that has one of the requested properties. #(required_attr($actions->action_name($a), # $actions->properties($a), $r_actions, $req_properties)) || # next; $prop = 0; if ( $r_info[3] =~ /long_running/) { $prop = $prop | 1;} if ( $r_info[3] =~ /public/) { $prop = $prop | 2;} if ( ($req_properties & $prop) == 0 && ($req_properties != hex("0xFFFF")) ) { next;} if ($HoRspAttr{"action_name"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "action_name"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[0]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } if ($HoRspAttr{"display_name"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "display_name"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[1]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } if ($HoRspAttr{"description"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "description"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[2]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } if ($HoRspAttr{"properties"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "properties"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR_ARRAY"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[3]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } if ($HoRspAttr{"confirm_prompt"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "confirm_prompt"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[4]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } if ($HoRspAttr{"action_id"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "action_id"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_UINT32"; # Really a CT_UINT16 $elements{at_value} = $r_info[5]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } if ($HoRspAttr{"variety_list"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "variety_list"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_SD_PTR_ARRAY"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[6]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } if ($HoRspAttr{"variety_count"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "variety_count"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_UINT32"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[7]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } if ($HoRspAttr{"timeout"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "timeout"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_UINT32"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[8]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, \%elements, $i); } # TODO: add permissions back in when they really get set # Permissions have not been set in this release # if ($HoRspAttr{"permissions"}) { # %elements = (); # $elements{at_name} = "permissions"; # $elements{at_dtype} = CT_UINT32; # $elements{at_value} = $actions->permissions($a); # build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoActions, $rHoActions, # \%elements, $i); # } $i = $i + 1; } # end for responses return; } # end format_actions #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # format_sd_defs_for_input - formats the structured data definitions # # actions. 0 or more SDs may have been defined. A complex hash # # is constructed - # # level 1: Complex hash # # key is action name (see mc_sd_rsp_t in ct_mc.h) # # data hash of definition data for an SD. # # level 2: Complex hash # # key is element name (see mc_sd_element_t in ct_mc.h)# # data value # # x $rHoSDDefs - to really see what is created. # # x $$rHoSDDefs{$response->program_name($r)} to see level 2. # # The hash for each action (level 2) can be easily displayed # # using the MC_cli_display_utils::display_resource_data. # # # # Parameters: # # $resource input Resource Name # # $response input Reference to lsrsrcdef-api output. # # @$r_actions input Reference to the list of actions # # to be displayed, if empty display all # # actions. # # %$rHoSDDefs in/out Reference to the hash of Action SD # # element definitions. # # # # Global References: # # None. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub format_sd_defs_for_input { my($resource, $response, $r_actions, $rHoSDDefs) = @_; my @actions = (); my @r_info = (); my $response_cnt = $#$response; # format each of the actions in the response structure so # can use more generic printing.... my ($r, $e); my @LoAttr = (); my %HoAttr = (); my %elements = (); my $element_name = ""; for ($r = 0; $r <= $response_cnt; $r++) { chomp($$response[$r]); @r_info = split (/$DELIMITER/, $$response[$r]); $action_name = $r_info[0]; $action_name =~ s/^\"//; $action_name =~ s/\"$//; # Building up hash of attr=value pairs where the attribute # is really an SD element name, value is the element data type # Filter out elements that have already been processed $element_name = $r_info[1]; $element_name =~ s/^\"//; $element_name =~ s/\"$//; (exists $HoAttr{$element_name}) && next; %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = $element_name; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $data_type = $r_info[2]; $data_type =~ s/^CT_//; $data_type = lc $data_type; $elements{at_value} = "\"".$data_type."\""; #$elements{at_value} = $data_type; $elements{at_id} = $r_info[5]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, \@LoAttr, \%HoAttr, \%elements, 0); # at the end of this definition for this action? if ( ($r == $response_cnt) || ($$response[$r+1] =~ /${DELIMITER}0\n$/) ) { # Put this SD Attribute definition in the hash with the rest of # the SD attributes definitions. push @actions, $action_name; $$rHoSDDefs{$action_name} = { %HoAttr }; } if ( ($r < $response_cnt) && ($$response[$r+1] =~ /${DELIMITER}0\n$/) ) { @LoAttr = (); %HoAttr = (); } } # end for each response # If the action array isn't set then set it to the actions return # by RMC if (scalar @$r_actions < 1 && scalar @actions > 0) { push @$r_actions, @actions; } return; } # end of format_sd_defs_for_input #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # format_sd_defs - formats the structured data definitions for # # actions. 0 or more SDs may have been defined. A complex hash # # is constructed - # # level 1: Complex hash # # key is action name (see mc_sd_rsp_t in ct_mc.h) # # data hash of definition data for an SD. # # level 2: Complex hash # # key is element_name (see mc_sd_element_t in ct_mc.h)# # data value # # x $rHoSDDefs - to really see what is created. # # x $$rHoSDDefs{action-name} to see level 2. # # The hash for each action (level 2) can be easily displayed # # using the MC_cli_display_utils::display_resource_data. # # # # Parameters: # # $resource input Resource Name # # @$response input Reference to lsrsrcdef-api output. # # @$r_actions input Reference to the list of actions to be # # displayed, empty display all actions. # # @$rLoSDAttr in/out Reference to the list of SD attributes # # (element fields) that are also in # # HoSDDefs. # # %$rHoSDDefs in/out Reference to the hash of Action SD # # element definitions. # # $response_vv input Valid values response structure. # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_Valid_Vals input TRUE if valid values are being # # displayed. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub format_sd_defs { my($resource, $response, $r_actions, $rLoSDAttr, $rHoSDDefs, $response_vv) = @_; my @actions = (); my $r; # format each of the Action SDs in the response structure so # can use more generic printing.... # Hash of field names in the qdef_sd_rsp_t (mc_sd_element_t) my %HoRspAttr = ( "element_name" => 1, "display_name" => 1, "description" => 1, "element_data_type" => 1, "element_index" => 1, "valid_vals" => $Opt_Valid_Vals, "valid_vals_label" => $Opt_Valid_Vals ); my %elements = (); my @r_info = (); my $action_name = ""; my $response_cnt = $#$response; my %HoAttr = (); @$rLoSDAttr = (); for ($r = 0; $r <= $response_cnt; $r++) { chomp($$response[$r]); @r_info = split (/$DELIMITER/, $$response[$r]); $action_name = $r_info[0]; $action_name =~ s/^\"//; $action_name =~ s/\"$//; if ($HoRspAttr{"element_name"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "element_name"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[1]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoSDAttr, \%HoAttr, \%elements, 0); } if ($HoRspAttr{"display_name"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "display_name"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[3]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoSDAttr, \%HoAttr, \%elements, 0); } if ($HoRspAttr{"description"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "description"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[4]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoSDAttr, \%HoAttr, \%elements, 0); } if ($HoRspAttr{"element_data_type"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "element_data_type"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_CHAR_PTR"; $data_type = $r_info[2]; $data_type =~ s/^CT_//; $data_type = lc $data_type; $elements{at_value} = "\"".$data_type."\""; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoSDAttr, \%HoAttr, \%elements, 0); } if ($HoRspAttr{"element_index"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "element_index"; $elements{at_dtype} = "CT_UINT32"; $elements{at_value} = $r_info[5]; build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoSDAttr, \%HoAttr, \%elements, 0); } if ($HoRspAttr{"valid_vals"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "valid_vals"; ($elements{at_dtype}, $elements{at_value}) = convert_sd_valid_values($response_vv, $r, $response_vv->count($r), $data_type, $element_index); build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoSDAttr, \%HoAttr, \%elements, 0); } if ($HoRspAttr{"valid_vals_label"}) { %elements = (); $elements{at_name} = "valid_vals_label"; ($elements{at_dtype}, $elements{at_value}) = convert_sd_valid_values_label($response_vv, $r, $response_vv->count($r), $element_index, $data_type); build_HoAttr($elements{at_name}, $rLoSDAttr, \%HoAttr, \%elements, 0); } # at the end of this definition for this action? if ( ($r == $response_cnt) || ($$response[$r+1] =~ /${DELIMITER}0\n$/) ) { # Put this SD Attribute definition in the hash with the rest of # the SD attributes definitions. push @actions, $action_name; $$rHoSDDefs{$action_name} = { %HoAttr }; } if ( ($r < $response_cnt) && ($$response[$r+1] =~ /${DELIMITER}0\n$/) ) { %HoAttr = (); @$rLoSDAttr = (); } } # end for each response # If actions specified on command line display in that order # otherwise display in the order RMC returned them. if (scalar @$r_actions < 0 && scalar @actions > 1) { push @$r_actions, @actions; } return; } # end of format_sd_defs #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # display_actions - displays the action names and values for # # each element stored in %$rHoAttr. Only the actions that # # are listed in the array $r_actions are displayed using the # # appropriate output format (long, delimitter, or tabular). # # If $r_actions is empty all actions in %$rHoAttr are displayed. # # # # Parameters: # # @$r_actions input Action names from command line. # # @$rLoActions input Reference to List of Action Names # # %$rHoActions input Reference to Hash of Actions # # # # Returns: # # $rc Return code (0 = success). # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_Long_Format input TRUE if should display one per line. # # $Opt_Table_Format input TRUE if should display in table form. # # $Opt_Delm_Format input TRUE if should display with delimiter. # # $Opt_Delm_Str input Actual delimiter to display with. # # $Opt_No_HDR input TRUE if should not display header. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub display_actions { my($r_actions, $rLoActions, $rHoActions) = @_; my ($header, $row_title); my $print_format = "long"; my $delim = ""; my $rc = 0; # Determine if displaying in long, delimiter or tabular/column format. if ($Opt_Long_Format) { $print_format = "long"; } elsif ($Opt_Table_Format) { $print_format = "column"; } elsif ($Opt_Delm_Format) { $print_format = "delim"; $delim = $Opt_Delm_Str; } # Display a catalogued message as the header instead of using # the header printing capability of display_resource_data $header = ""; if (!$Opt_No_HDR) { ($Opt_LS_Class) ? printIMsg("IMsglsactdefLsRsrcClassActDefHdr", $resource) : printIMsg("IMsglsactdefLsRsrcActDefHdr", $resource); } #$row_title = "action"; my @out_title = getIMsg("IMsglsactdefActionTitle"); $row_title = $out_title[0]; # Display the actions in the order that they were requested # on the command line. If no action names were specified on # the command line display them in the order that RMC returned # them. if (scalar(@$r_actions) == 0) { $r_actions = $rLoActions; } # For debugging to reference one element # $rHoActions->{$attr_name}[$row]{at_value} $rc = display_resource_data_api2($print_format, $Opt_No_HDR, $r_actions, $row_title, $rHoActions, $delim, $header); return $rc; } # end display_actions #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # display_sd_for_input - display the Resource or Resource Class # # SD Action Input Element names and values (values are just the # # data type since action elements do not have default values). # # In a format suitable for input to runact after appropriate # # manual editing. # # # # Paramaters: # # @$r_actions input Reference to List of Action Names # # %$rHoSDDefs input Reference to Hash of Actions and their # # SD elements. # # # # Returns: # # $rc 0 - for success, non-zero - failure. # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_LS_Class input TRUE if displaying Class Action input. # # $Opt_Long_Format input TRUE if should display one per line. # # $Opt_Table_Format input TRUE if should display in table form. # # $Opt_Delm_Format input TRUE if should display with delimiter. # # $Opt_Delm_Str input Actual delimiter to display with. # # $Opt_No_HDR input TRUE if should not display header. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub display_sd_for_input { my($r_actions, $rHoSDDefs) = @_; my $row_title = "structured_data"; # programmic name from ct.h my $print_format = "long"; # input format is long format my $delim = ""; my $rc = 0; (!$Opt_No_HDR && $Opt_LS_Class) && print "ResourceClassAction::\n"; (!$Opt_No_HDR && !$Opt_LS_Class) && print "ResourceAction::\n"; if (scalar @$r_actions < 1) { push @$r_actions, keys %$rHoSDDefs; } my @fields = (); # display all fields in HoSDDefs my $i = 0; foreach $action (@$r_actions) { ($i > 0) && print "\n"; my $col_title = "# action_name = $action"; # For debugging to reference one element # $rHoSDDefs->{$action_name}{$element_name} @fields = keys %{$$rHoSDDefs{$action}}; $rc = display_resource_data_api2($print_format, $Opt_No_HDR, \@fields, $row_title, $$rHoSDDefs{$action}, $delim, $col_title); ($rc == 0) || return($rc); $i++; } return $rc; } # end display_sd_for_input #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # display_sd_defs - displays the SD definition for the action input # # or response for the resource or resource class (-c) specified # # on the command line. Zero or more SDs may have been formatted # # to be displayed. # # # # Parameters: # # $resource input Name of resource. # # @$r_actions input Reference to an array of action names, # # the ones to be displayed. # # @$rLoSDAttr input Reference to List of SD Element field # # names. # # %$rHoSDDefs input Reference to Hash of Actions and their # # SD Elements. # # Returns: # # $rc Return code (0 = success) # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_LS_Class input TRUE if listing resource class SD defs # # $Opt_SD_Input inupt TRUE if listing SD action input defs. # # FALSE if listing SD response defs. # # $Opt_Long_Format input TRUE if should display one per line. # # $Opt_Table_Format input TRUE if should display in table form. # # $Opt_Delm_Format input TRUE if should display with delimiter. # # $Opt_Delm_Str input Actual delimiter to display with. # # $Opt_No_HDR input TRUE if should not display header. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub display_sd_defs { my($resource, $r_actions, $rLoSDAttr, $rHoSDDefs) = @_; my $print_format = "long"; my $delim = ""; my $rc = 0; # Determine if displaying in long, delimiter or tabular/column format. if ($Opt_Long_Format) { $print_format = "long"; } elsif ($Opt_Table_Format) { $print_format = "column"; } elsif ($Opt_Delm_Format) { $print_format = "delim"; $delim = $Opt_Delm_Str; } # Display a header for the data using a catalgued message if (!$Opt_No_HDR) { if ($Opt_LS_Class) { ($Opt_SD_Input) ? printIMsg("IMsglsactdefLsRsrcClassActInHdr", $resource) : printIMsg("IMsglsactdefLsRsrcClassActRspHdr", $resource); } else { ($Opt_SD_Input) ? printIMsg("IMsglsactdefLsRsrcActInHdr", $resource) : printIMsg("IMsglsactdefLsRsrcActRspHdr", $resource); } } # Display the action SD elements in the order that they were requested # on the command line. If no Action names were specified on the command # line display them in the order that RMC returned them. if (scalar @$r_actions < 1) { push @$r_actions, keys %$rHoSDDefs; } my $row_title = "sd_element"; # use programmic name for NLS my $i = 0; foreach $action (@$r_actions) { ($i > 0) && print "\n"; my $col_title = "action_name $action:"; $rc = display_resource_data_api2($print_format, $Opt_No_HDR, $rLoSDAttr, $row_title, $$rHoSDDefs{$action}, $delim, $col_title); ($rc == 0) || return($rc); $i++; } return($rc); } # end display_sd_defs #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # display_attributes_api - displays the attributes names and values # # for each element stored in %$rHoAttr. Only the attributes that # # are listed in the array $r_attributes are displayed using the # # appropriate output format (long, delimitter, or tabular). # # If $r_attributes is empty all attributes in %$rHoAttr are # # displayed. # # # # Parameters: # # $col_title input Title/Header that gets displayed # # before any attributes. # # $row_title input Title/Header that gets displayed # # before each new attribute. # # @$r_attributes input Attribute names from command line. # # @$rLoAttr input Reference to List of Attributes Names # # %$rHoAttr input Reference to Hash of Attributes # # # # Returns: # # $rc Return code. # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_Long_Format input TRUE if should display one per line. # # $Opt_Table_Format input TRUE if should display in table form. # # $Opt_Delm_Format input TRUE if should display with delimiter. # # $Opt_Delm_Str input Actual delimiter to display with. # # $Opt_No_HDR input TRUE if should not display header. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub display_attributes_api { my($col_title, $row_title, $r_attributes, $rLoAttr, $rHoAttr) = @_; my $print_format = "long"; my $delim = ""; # Determine if displaying in long, delimiter or tabular/column format. if ($Opt_Long_Format) { $print_format = "long"; } elsif ($Opt_Table_Format) { $print_format = "column"; } elsif ($Opt_Delm_Format) { $print_format = "delim"; $delim = $Opt_Delm_Str; } # Display the attributes in the order that they were requested # on the command line. If no attribute names were specified on # the command line display them in the order that RMC returned # them. if (scalar(@$r_attributes) == 0) { $r_attributes = $rLoAttr; } # For debugging to reference one element # $rHoAttr->{$attr_name}[$row]{at_value} my $rc = display_resource_data_api($print_format, $Opt_No_HDR, $r_attributes, $row_title, $rHoAttr, $delim, $col_title); return $rc; } # end display_attributes_api #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # qdef_valid_vals - function to call the CT::MC::qdef_valid_ # # values_bp extension. Based on above code. # # # # Parameters: # # $session input RMC session handle. # # $resource input Name of the resource class whose attr # # definitions we want. # # @$r_attributes input Reference to array of attribute names. # # $response in/out Response data structure, on output # # this will point to the real resposne. # # $usage input One of mc_vv_usage_t enum types. # # # # Return: # # $rc return code. # # # # Global References: # # $Opt_Exp_Desc input TRUE if display def & description. # # # #TODO: While support for retrieving valid values through action # # invokation is documented in the API, as of 8/6/01, it has not # # yet been implemented. Once it is implemented in the RMC C API,# # support for retrieving valid values using actions should be # # added to this command. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub qdef_valid_vals { my ($session, $resource, $r_actions, $response, $usage) = @_; my $rc = 0; my $options = $Opt_Exp_Desc ? MC_QDEF_OPTS_NONE : MC_QDEF_OPTS_NODSCRP; my $error = CT::MC::errnum_t->new; my $act_count = scalar(@$r_actions); $Trace && print STDERR "Calling CT::MC::qdef_valid_values_bp\n"; $rc = CT::MC::qdef_valid_values_bp($session, $response, $error, $options, $resource, $usage, $r_actions, $act_count); $Trace && print STDERR "Return CT::MC::qdef_valid_values_bp\n"; $rc = error_check("mc_qdef_valid_values_bp", $resource, $response, $rc, $error); return $rc; } # end qdef_valid_vals #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # error_check - checks the return code from the RMC function and # # the error response return code. If an error is detected # # appropriate error messages will be displayed. # # # # Parameters: # # $rmc_function in Name of the rmc function that was # # called and whose error code we are # # checking. # # $rmc_class in The rmc class name. # # $response in RMC response # # $rmc_rc in The rmc function return code. # # $error in The error response. # # # # Return: # # $rc return code. # # # # Global References: # # None. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub error_check { my ($rmc_function, $rmc_class, $response, $rmc_rc, $error) = @_; my $rc = 0; my $err_rc = $error->errnum(); if ($rmc_rc != 0) { printEMsg("EMsglsactdefLsActDefError", $rmc_class); my $rmc_rc_hex = sprintf "0x%8.8lx", $rmc_rc; printCEMsg("EMsgMCcliMCFunctionFailure", $rmc_function, $rmc_rc, $rmc_rc_hex); $rc = MC_CLI_RMC_ERROR; return $rc; } # Check the errnum in each of the RMC responses for (my $r = 0; $r < $response->array_count; $r++) { # get the error that goes with the specific response if ($r > 0) { $response->error($error, $r); $err_rc = $error->errnum(); } if ($err_rc != 0) { if ($err_rc == RMC_ECLASSNOTDEFINED) { printCEMsg("EMsgMCcliClassNotDef", $rmc_class); $rc = MC_CLI_USER_ERROR; } elsif ($err_rc == RMC_EBADACTIONNAM) { print STDERR $error->error_msg; $rc = MC_CLI_USER_ERROR; } elsif ($err_rc == RMC_EACCESS) { print STDERR $error->error_msg; $rc = MC_CLI_USER_ERROR; } else { printEMsg("EMsglsactdefLsActDefError", $rmc_class); my $err_rc_hex = sprintf "0x%8.8lx", $err_rc; printCEMsg("EMsgMCcliMCFunctionFailure", $rmc_function, $err_rc, $err_rc_hex); print STDERR $error->error_msg; $rc = MC_CLI_RMC_ERROR; } } # end if } # end for return $rc; } # end error_check