# for documentation of this file's use, see the # 'NetBackup locale implementation' section below. /* ==================================================================== */ /* NetBackup common locales */ /* ==================================================================== */ TL 1 C :hh:mn:ss /mm/dd/yyyy . Veritas standard TL 2 ov :hh:mn:ss /mm/dd/yyyy . Veritas standard TL 2 ar :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Arabic TL 2 bg :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Bulgarian TL 2 ca :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Catalan TL 2 co :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Corsican TL 2 cs :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Czech TL 2 cy :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Welsh TL 2 da :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Danish TL 2 de :hh:mn:ss .dd.mm.yyyy . German TL 5 de_CH :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Swiss German TL 2 el :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Greek TL 2 en :hh:mn:ss /mm/dd/yyyy . English TL 5 en_UK :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . British English TL 11 en_UK.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss /mm/dd/yyyy . British English TL 5 en_US :hh:mn:ss /mm/dd/yyyy . American English TL 11 en_US.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss /mm/dd/yyyy . American English TL 2 eo :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Esparanto TL 2 es :hh:mn:ss -dd-mm-yyyy . Spanish TL 2 eu :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Basque TL 2 fa :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Persian TL 2 fi :hh:mn:ss .dd.mm.yyyy . Finnish TL 2 fr :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . France French TL 11 fr_FR.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . France French TL 5 fr_BE :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Belgian French TL 11 fr_BE.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Belgian French TL 5 fr_CA :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Canadian French TL 11 fr_CA.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Canadian French TL 5 fr_CH :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Swiss French TL 11 fr_CH.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Swiss French TL 5 fr_LU :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Luxembourg French TL 11 fr_LU.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Luxembourg French TL 2 fy :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Frisian TL 2 ga :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Irish TL 2 gd :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Scots Gaelic TL 2 hu :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Hungarian TL 2 is :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Icelandic TL 2 it :hh:mn:ss .dd.mm.yyyy . Italian TL 2 iw :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Hebrew TL 10 ja_JP.SJIS :hh:mn:ss /yyyy/mm/dd . Japanese TL 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP :hh:mn:ss /yyyy/mm/dd . Japanese TL 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss /yyyy/mm/dd . Japanese TL 2 ji :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Yiddish TL 2 kl :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Greenlandic TL 2 ko :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Korean TL 12 ko_KR.EUC-KR :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Korean TL 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Korean TL 2 lv :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Latvian TL 2 nl :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Dutch TL 2 no :hh:mn:ss .dd.mm.yyyy . Norwegian TL 2 pl :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Polish TL 2 pt :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Portuguese TL 2 ro :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Romanian TL 2 ru :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Russian TL 2 sh :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Serbo-Croatian TL 2 sk :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Slovak TL 2 sr :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Serbian TL 2 sv :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Swedish TL 2 th :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Thai TL 2 tr :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Turkish TL 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Simplified Chinese TL 9 zh_CN.GBK :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Simplified Chinese TL 14 zh_CN.GB-18030 :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Simplified Chinese TL 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Simplified Chinese TL 5 zh_TW :hh:mn:ss /dd/mm/yyyy . Traditional Chinese TL 11 zh_TW.BIG-5 :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Traditional Chinese TL 11 zh_TW.UTF-8 :hh:mn:ss -yyyy-mm-dd . Traditional Chinese /* ==================================================================== */ /* Mapping table between a real locale to a NetBackup common locale */ /* ==================================================================== */ TM 8 american 5 en_US TM 6 arabic 2 ar TM 8 arabic-w 2 ar TM 9 bulgarian 2 bg TM 8 c-french 5 fr_CA TM 7 chinese 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . Solaris TM 9 chinese-s 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . HP-UX TM 9 chinese-t 5 zh-TW . HP-UX TM 3 CHS 2 zh . Windows TM 3 CHT 11 zh_TW.BIG-5 . Windows TM 5 czech 2 cs TM 5 da_DK 2 da TM 5 Da_DK 2 da TM 6 danish 2 da TM 2 DE 2 de TM 5 de_AT 2 de TM 5 De_CH 5 de_CH TM 5 De_DE 2 de TM 5 de_DE 2 de TM 5 Du_BE 2 nl TM 5 Du_DL 2 nl TM 5 dutch 2 nl TM 5 el_GR 2 el TM 5 en_AU 5 en_UK TM 5 en_CA 5 en_US TM 5 en_GB 5 en_UK TM 5 EN_GB 5 en_UK TM 12 en_GB.roman8 2 en TM 5 en_IE 5 en_UK TM 5 en_JP 5 en_UK TM 5 en_NZ 5 en_UK TM 5 En_UK 5 en_UK TM 5 EN_US 11 en_US.UTF-8 . AIX TM 10 en_US.utf8 11 en_US.UTF-8 . HP-UX, Linux TM 10 en_US.UTF8 11 en_US.UTF-8 . Linux TM 11 EN_US.UTF-8 11 en_US.UTF-8 . AIX TM 11 en_US.UTF-8 11 en_US.UTF-8 . Solaris, Linux TM 11 en_US.utf-8 11 en_US.UTF-8 . Linux TM 3 ENG 5 en_UK TM 7 english 2 en TM 3 ENI 5 en_UK TM 3 ENU 2 en TM 5 es_AR 2 es TM 5 es_BO 2 es TM 5 es_CL 2 es TM 5 es_CO 2 es TM 5 es_CR 2 es TM 5 es_EC 2 es TM 5 es_ES 2 es TM 5 Es_ES 2 es TM 5 es_GT 2 es TM 5 es_MX 2 es TM 5 es_NI 2 es TM 5 es_PA 2 es TM 5 es_PE 2 es TM 5 es_SV 2 es TM 5 es_UY 2 es TM 5 es_VE 2 es TM 5 Fi_FI 2 fi TM 5 fi_FI 2 fi TM 5 Fi_SU 2 fi TM 7 finnish 2 fi TM 2 FR 2 fr TM 13 fr.ISO8859-15 2 fr . Solaris TM 13 fr_BE.8859-15 5 fr_BE . AIX TM 18 fr_BE.8859-15@euro 5 fr_BE . AIX TM 14 fr_BE.IBM-1252 5 fr_BE . AIX TM 15 fr_BE.ISO8859-1 5 fr_BE . Solaris TM 16 fr_BE.ISO8859-15 5 fr_BE . Solaris TM 21 fr_BE.ISO8859-15@euro 5 fr_BE . Solaris TM 10 fr_BE.utf8 11 fr_BE.UTF-8 TM 5 Fr_CA 5 fr_CA TM 13 fr_CA.8859-15 5 fr_CA . AIX TM 14 fr_CA.iso88591 5 fr_CA . HP-UX TM 15 fr_CA.ISO8859-1 5 fr_CA . Solaris, AIX TM 15 fr_CA.iso885915 5 fr_CA . HP-UX TM 10 fr_CA.utf8 11 fr_CA.UTF-8 TM 5 Fr_CF 5 fr_CA TM 13 fr_CH.8859-15 5 fr_CH . AIX TM 15 fr_CH.ISO8859-1 5 fr_CH . Solaris TM 10 fr_CH.utf8 11 fr_CH.UTF-8 TM 5 fr_FR 2 fr TM 5 Fr_FR 2 fr TM 13 fr_FR.8859-15 2 fr . AIX TM 18 fr_FR.8859-15@euro 2 fr . AIX TM 14 fr_FR.IBM-1252 2 fr . AIX TM 19 fr_FR.IBM-1252@euro 2 fr . AIX TM 14 fr_FR.iso88591 2 fr . HP-UX TM 15 fr_FR.ISO8859-1 2 fr . Solaris, AIX TM 16 fr_FR.ISO8859-15 2 fr . Solaris TM 20 fr_FR.iso885915@euro 2 fr . HP-UX TM 21 fr_FR.ISO8859-15@euro 2 fr . Solaris TM 12 fr_FR.roman8 2 fr TM 10 fr_FR.utf8 11 fr_FR.UTF-8 TM 13 fr_LU.8859-15 5 fr_LU . AIX TM 18 fr_LU.8859-15@euro 5 fr_LU . AIX TM 14 fr_LU.IBM-1252 5 fr_LU . AIX TM 15 fr_LU.ISO8859-1 5 fr_LU . Solaris TM 16 fr_LU.ISO8859-15 5 fr_LU . Solaris TM 21 fr_LU.ISO8859-15@euro 5 fr_LU . Solaris TM 10 fr_LU.utf8 11 fr_LU.UTF-8 TM 3 FRA 2 fr . Windows TM 3 fra 2 fr TM 3 FRB 2 fr . Windows TM 5 Fr-BE 2 fr TM 3 FRC 2 fr . Windows TM 5 Fr-CH 5 fr_CH TM 6 french 2 fr TM 3 FRL 2 fr . Windows TM 3 FRM 2 fr . Windows TM 3 FRS 2 fr . Windows TM 5 Fr-SW 5 fr_CH TM 6 german 2 de TM 5 Gr_GR 2 de TM 5 Gr_SW 5 de_CH TM 5 greek 2 el TM 6 hebrew 2 iw TM 9 hungarian 2 hu TM 9 icelandic 2 is TM 5 is_IS 2 is TM 2 IT 2 it TM 5 it_CH 2 it TM 5 it_IT 2 it TM 5 It_IT 2 it TM 7 italian 2 it TM 2 ja 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Solaris TM 5 Ja_JP 10 ja_JP.SJIS . AIX TM 5 ja_JP 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 . Linux # TM 5 ja_JP 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . AIX, Linux TM 5 JA_JP 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 . AIX TM 10 ja_JP.AJEC 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 9 ja_JP.EUC 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 12 ja_JP.EUC_JP 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 11 ja_JP.eucJP 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Solaris, HP-UX, Linux TM 11 ja_JP.eucjp 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 13 Ja_JP.IBM-932 10 ja_JP.SJIS . AIX TM 13 Ja_JP.IBM-943 10 ja_JP.SJIS . AIX TM 15 ja_JP.IBM-eucJP 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . AIX TM 11 ja_JP.kana8 2 ja . HP-UX TM 12 ja_JP.mscode 10 ja_JP.SJIS . Linux TM 9 ja_JP.PCK 10 ja_JP.SJIS . Solaris TM 10 ja_JP.SJIS 10 ja_JP.SJIS . HP-UX, Linux TM 10 ja_JP.sjis 10 ja_JP.SJIS . Linux TM 10 ja_JP.ujis 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 10 ja_JP.utf8 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 . HP-UX, Linux TM 10 JA_JP.utf8 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 . Linux TM 10 ja_JP.UTF8 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 . Linux TM 11 JA_JP.UTF-8 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 . AIX, Linux TM 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 . Solaris, Linux TM 11 ja_JP.utf-8 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 . Linux TM 5 japan 2 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 8 japanese 2 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Solaris, HP-UX, Linux TM 13 Japanese-EUC 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 13 japanese.euc 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 14 japanese.sjis 10 ja_JP.SJIS . Linux TM 5 Jp_JP 12 ja_JP.EUC-JP . Linux TM 3 JPN 2 ja . Windows TM 3 jpn 2 ja TM 8 katakana 2 ja . HP-UX TM 5 KO_KR 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 . AIX TM 5 ko_KR 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 . Linux # TM 5 ko_KR 13 ko_KR.EUC-KR . AIX, Linux TM 11 ko_KR.euckr 12 ko_KR.EUC-KR . Linux TM 10 ko_KR.utf8 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 . HP-UX, Linux TM 10 ko_KR.UTF8 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 . Linux TM 11 KO_KR.UTF-8 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 . AIX TM 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 . Solaris, Linux TM 11 ko_KR.utf-8 11 ko_KR.UTF-8 . Linux TM 6 korean 2 ko TM 5 Nl_BE 2 nl TM 5 nl_BE 2 nl TM 5 No_NO 2 no TM 5 no_NO 2 no TM 9 norwegian 2 no TM 5 Po_PO 2 pl TM 6 polish 2 pl TM 10 portuguese 2 pt TM 5 pt_BR 2 pt TM 5 Pt_PT 2 pt TM 5 pt_PT 2 pt TM 8 rumanian 2 ro TM 7 russian 2 ru TM 13 serbocroatian 2 sh TM 7 slovene 2 sk TM 5 Sp_SP 2 es TM 7 spanish 2 es TM 5 Sv_FI 2 sv TM 5 Sv_SE 2 sv TM 7 swedish 2 sv TM 4 thai 2 th TM 5 tr_TR 2 tr TM 7 turkish 2 tr TM 2 zh 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . Solaris TM 6 zh.GBK 9 zh_CN.GBK . Solaris TM 5 Zh_CN 14 zh_CN.GB-18030 . AIX TM 5 zh_CN 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . Linux # TM 5 zh_CN 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . AIX, Linux TM 5 ZH_CN 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . AIX TM 9 zh_CN.EUC 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . Solaris TM 13 Zh_CN.GB18030 14 zh_CN.GB-18030 . AIX) TM 13 zh_CN.gb18030 14 zh_CN.GB-18030 . HP-UX, Linux TM 13 zh_CN.GB18030 14 zh_CN.GB-18030 . Solaris TM 12 zh_CN.GB2312 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . Linux TM 12 zh_CN.gb2312 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . Linux TM 9 zh_CN.gbk 9 zh_CN.GBK . Linux TM 9 zh_CN.GBK 9 zh_CN.GBK . Solaris TM 12 zh_CN.hp15CN 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . HP-UX TM 15 zh_CN.IBM-eucCN 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . AIX TM 10 zh_CN.utf8 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . HP-UX, Linux TM 10 zh_CN.UTF8 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . Linux TM 11 ZH_CN.UTF-8 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . AIX TM 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . Solaris, Linux TM 11 zh_CN.utf-8 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . Linux TM 5 zh_SG 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . Linux # TM 5 zh_SG 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . AIX, Linux TM 12 zh_SG.gb2312 13 zh_CN.GB-2312 . Linux TM 9 zh_SG.gbk 9 zh_CN.GBK . Linux TM 10 zh_SG.utf8 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . Linux TM 11 zh_SG.UTF-8 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . Linux TM 11 ZH_SG.UTF-8 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 . Linux TM 5 zh_TW 11 zh_TW.BIG-5 TM 5 ZH_TW 11 zh_TW.UTF-8 . AIX TM 10 Zh_TW.big5 11 zh_TW.BIG-5 . AIX TM 10 zh_TW.big5 11 zh_TW.BIG-5 . HP-UX, Linux TM 10 zh_TW.BIG5 11 zh_TW.BIG-5 . Solaris TM 10 zh_TW.utf8 11 zh_TW.UTF-8 . HP-UX, Linux TM 10 zh_TW.UTF8 11 zh_TW.UTF-8 . Linux TM 11 ZH_TW.UTF-8 11 zh_TW.UTF-8 . AIX TM 11 zh_TW.UTF-8 11 zh_TW.UTF-8 . Solaris, Linux TM 11 zh_TW.utf-8 11 zh_TW.UTF-8 . Linux /* ==================================================================== */ /* Mapping table between a real locale to an Oracle locale */ /* ==================================================================== */ OR 1 C 25 AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII OR 2 en 25 AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII # OR 5 en_US 25 AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII OR 8 american 25 AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII OR 7 english 25 AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII OR 12 en_GB.roman8 25 AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII OR 3 ENU 29 AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252 OR 5 en_GB 35 ENGLISH_UNITED KINGDOM.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 2 de 27 GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 5 de_DE 27 GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 6 german 27 GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 2 fr 26 FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1 # OR 5 fr_FR 26 FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 6 french 26 FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 2 es 26 SPANISH_SPAIN.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 5 es_ES 26 SPANISH_SPAIN.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 7 spanish 26 SPANISH_SPAIN.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 2 ja 22 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16EUC OR 5 ja_JP 22 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16EUC OR 8 japanese 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 10 ja_JP.SJIS 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 15 ja_JP.IBM-eucJP 22 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16EUC OR 5 Ja_JP 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 13 Ja_JP.IBM-932 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 13 Ja_JP.IBM-943 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 3 JPN 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 11 ja_JP.eucJP 22 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16EUC OR 9 ja_JP.PCK 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 2 zh 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK # OR 5 zh_CN 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK OR 7 chinese 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK OR 9 chinese-s 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK OR 13 zh_CN.GB18030 37 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS32GB18030 OR 9 zh_CN.EUC 39 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16CGB231280 OR 6 zh.GBK 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK OR 9 zh_CN.GBK 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK OR 13 zh_CN.gb18030 37 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS32GB18030 OR 12 zh_CN.hp15CN 39 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16CGB231280 OR 13 Zh_CN.GB18030 37 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS32GB18030 OR 5 Zh_CN 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK OR 15 zh_CN.IBM-eucCN 39 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16CGB231280 OR 9 zh_CN.gbk 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK OR 11 ja_JP.UTF-8 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.AL32UTF8 OR 10 ja_JP.utf8 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.AL32UTF8 OR 11 JA_JP.UTF-8 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.AL32UTF8 OR 11 zh_CN.UTF-8 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8 OR 10 zh_CN.utf8 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8 OR 11 ZH_CN.UTF-8 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8 # Added SUSE Linux English, French, Japanese, Korean, Chinese locales on # 8/12/2012. OR 5 en_US 29 AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 15 en_US.iso885915 30 AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P15 OR 10 en_US.utf8 25 AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 OR 5 fr_FR 26 FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1 OR 10 fr_FR@euro 27 FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P15 OR 10 fr_FR.utf8 22 FRENCH_FRANCE.AL32UTF8 OR 11 ja_JP.eucjp 22 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16EUC OR 10 ja_JP.sjis 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 15 ja_JP.shiftjisx 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS OR 10 ja_JP.utf8 23 JAPANESE_JAPAN.AL32UTF8 OR 11 ko_KR.euckr 24 Korean_Korea.KO16KSC5601 OR 10 ko_KR.utf8 21 Korean_Korea.AL32UTF8 OR 5 zh_CN 39 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16CGB231280 OR 13 zh_CN.gb18030 37 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS32GB18030 OR 9 zh_CN.gbk 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK OR 10 zh_CN.utf8 33 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.AL32UTF8 OR 5 zh_TW 36 TRADITIONAL CHINESE_TAIWAN.ZHT16BIG5 OR 10 zh_TW.big5 36 TRADITIONAL CHINESE_TAIWAN.ZHT16BIG5 OR 11 zh_TW.euctw 35 TRADITIONAL CHINESE_TAIWAN.ZHT32EUC OR 10 zh_TW.utf8 35 TRADITIONAL CHINESE_TAIWAN.AL32UTF8 /* ==================================================================== */ /* NetBackup locale implementation */ /* ==================================================================== */ # # The locale implementation in NetBackup uses a mapping technique that allows # the interoperability between heterogeneous platforms with non-standardized # locale naming conventions. For example, US English would be called 'en_US' on # Solaris but 'american' on an HP9000. NetBackup manages this problem # using a file called .conf found in the directory /usr/openv/msg. # # The .conf file serves several functions so there are different line types # found in the file. The line type is a 2 letter identifier starting in column # 1. A # sign is a comment line as well as any unrecognized line type. # # The current line types are: # # TL- Locale definition line, for defining time format # TM- Locale mapping line # OR- Oracle mapping line # # The TL line uses the following format: # # TL <lc> <common_local_name> <time_definition> <date_definition> # # TL- Locale definition line type # # lc- Locale name character count # This is used to determine how long the locale name is. This # allows embedded spaces in the locale name. # # common_local_name- # This is the name of common locale being defined. # # time_definition- # This defines the format of the time. The first character in this # field defines the time separator character, normally ':'. Then # time is described with a string of the following form: # :hh:mn:ss # This means colon separator hours:minutes:seconds. The valid key # fields are hh,mn,ss,HH. An hh indicates 24 hour time. # HH indicates 12 hour AM/PM format(not supported). # # date_definition- # This defines the date format the same way the time format does. # The keys are yy,yyyy,mm,dd. # yy=2 character year. yyyy=4character year. mm=month number. # dd=day of month. For example, # .yyyy.mm.dd would display 1997.3.26 for March 26, 1997. # Note that anything after the date definition is ignored. # # The TL line serves 2 purposes, to define the common locales and the time/date # format for that common locale. (Common locales are the locales used by the # NetBackup and are passed between clients and servers. The commonlocales are # defined by the locales available on the Solaris operating system.) # # The TL line uses the following format: # # TM <lc> <real_locale> <lc2> <common_locale> # # TM- Locale mapping line type # # lc- Length of the real locale # # real_locale- # Name of line being mapped to a common locale # # lc2- Length of the map to common local name # # common_locale- # Name of common locale that real_locale will map to # # There must be a TM line in this file for every locale that may be used # that is not a common locale. For example, 'en' on Solaris may be a valid # locale and should be defined with a TL line time. On a HP9000, 'en' is # not a valid locale. The locale for English on an HP9000 is 'english'. # There must be a TM line type to map english to en. The line would appear as # follows: # # TM 7 english 2 en # # On an HP for example, when a client is started, the locale of 'english' would # be looked up in the .conf file and the locale of 'en' would be used. This # locale may then be passed to a server. If the server is also an HP, the file # would be used to map the locale back to 'english'. This is done by scanning # both TM and TL line types. If the locale matches a common locale defined by # a TL, the locale is tested by a setlocale. This will fail for 'english', so # the search continues. When the TM line list above is reached, the name # 'english' is tried with a setlocale and it will work. If no mapping works, # 'C' locale is used. # # This method could cause ambiguities because not all mapping orders may be # defined. We have attempted to do this but new problems could come up. # An example of how this could fail: # # Assume the fictional locale called gibberish. Assume that the common locale # for gibberish is gib. Also assume that there are 3 different locales of # gibberish. They are gibberish-east, gibberish-west and gibberish for central. # If the only common locale definition is gib, the following line entries would # be found in .conf: # # TL 3 gib :hh:mn:ss /yy/mm/dd . Definition of common locale for gibberish # TM 9 gibberish 3 gib . Map gibberish to gib # TM 9 gibberish-east 3 gib . Map gibberish-east to gib # TM 9 gibberish-west 3 gib . Map gibberish-west to gib # # The problem with this is that there is not a 1 to 1 relationship between the # locales. All three gibberishes map to gib. The problem is in mapping back # to the real locale. If the system only has one installed so that a setlocale # fails, everything will work. If not, then some file modifications are # required. # # There are several solutions but the easiest is to remove the gibberish-east # and gibberish-west TM lines and add 2 TL lines for gibberish-east and # gibberish-west. In the /usr/openv/msg directory, the message files for gib # must be linked to gibberish-east and gibberish-west. # # If now you also had a server that was a Solaris, that .conf would have to # have the common gibberish locales added plus a mapping of gib to all of the # gibberish locales. The resulting files follow: # # HP's .conf file # TL 9 gibberish :hh:mn:ss /yy/mm/dd . # TL 14 gibberish-east :hh:mn:ss /yy/mm/dd . # TL 14 gibberish-west :hh:mn:ss /yy/mm/dd . # # Solaris' .conf file # TL 9 gibberish :hh:mn:ss /yy/mm/dd . # TL 14 gibberish-east :hh:mn:ss /yy/mm/dd . # TL 14 gibberish-west :hh:mn:ss /yy/mm/dd . # TM 3 gib 9 gibberish # TM 3 gib 9 gibberish-east # TM 3 gib 9 gibberish-west # # The mapping of gib to 3 locales may seem odd at first. Any time gib is used # as a locale it will be mapped to gibberish, so what do the other 2 do? If a # locale is passed from a client of gibberish-west, the locale on the Solaris # machine must be set to gib. These two lines allow the common locales of # gibberish-east and gibberish-west to map to gib. # # The OR line provides the mapping between the real_locale that has been # defined in the TL and TM sections and an Oracle locale that is set using # Oracle's NLS_LANG parameter. The NLS_LANG parameter sets the language, # territory, and client's character set to be used by Oracle for the client # application. For any real_locale that is being used, there should be a # corresponding oracle_locale value that will be used for Oracle message and # name data to be displayed in the client application. # # Note that this section is used only if the NetBackup Oracle Agent is # installed on the client. # # The OR line uses the following format: # # OR <lc> <real_locale> <lc2> <oracle_locale> # # lc- Length of the real locale # # real_locale- # Name of real locale being mapped to an Oracle locale # # lc2- # Length of the Oracle locale name # # oracle_locale- # Name of Oracle locale # # # Please use <space> instead of <tab>.