.nr _0 \n(c.
.\" @(#)18	1.2 11/21/89 11:43:01
.\" COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services
.\" ORIGINS: 26
.\"	@(#)float.me	2.2	2/26/81
.\"	%beginstrip%
.de (z			\" *** begin floating keep
.if \n@>4 .tm >> (z, .z=\n(.z
.@D 4 \\$1 \\$2
.nr ?T 0
.de )z			\" *** end floating keep
.if \n@>4 .tm >> )z, .z=\n(.z
.sp \\n(zsu
.if \n@>4 .tm -- )z << @), .z=\n(.z
.rr _0
.if !\\n(?b \
.	nr dn +(\\n(ppu*\\n($ru)/2u+\\n(zsu
.nr dl -\n(.H			\" fudge factor necessary to make it work
.ie ((\\n(dn+\n(.V)>=\\n(.t):(\\n(?a):((\\n(dl>\\n($l)&(\\n($c>1)) \
.	nr ?a 1
.	if (\\n(dl>\\n($l)&(\\n($m>1) \
.		nr ?w 1		\" mark wider than one column (top)
.	ds |x |t
.el \
.	nr ?b 1
.	if (\\n(dl>\\n($l)&(\\n($m>1) \
.		nr ?W 1		\" mark wider than one column (bottom)
.	nr _b +\\n(dnu
.	ch @f -\\n(_bu
.	ds |x |b
.da \\*(|x			\" copy to save macro
.ls 1
.nr ?k 1
.if \n@>4 .tm -- )z >> \\*(|x
\!.if \\\\n(nl>(\\\\n(tm+2v) .ne \\n(dnu-\\n(zsu
.|k\"				\" and the body
.if \n@>4 .tm -- )z << \\*(|x, .z=\\n(.z
.nr ?k 0
.rm |k\"			\" remove the temp macro
.in 0
.ls 1
.xl \\n($lu
.if \n@>4 .tm << )z, .z=\\n(.z
.de @k			\" --- output floating keep
.if \n@>4 .tm >> @k, $1=\\$1, .z=\\n(.z
.ev 1
.ls 1
.in 0
.sp \\n(zsu
.rm \\$1
.nr ?T 0
.nr c. \n(_0