/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos72Q src/bos/usr/include/langinfo.h                         */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,2019              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* @(#)42  src/bos/usr/include/langinfo.h, libcnls, bos72Q, q2019_13A4 2/6/19 00:44:41 */
 * COMPONENT_NAME: (LIBCNLS) Standard C Library National Language Support
 * ORIGINS: 27
 * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989, 1992
 * All Rights Reserved
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

#ifndef _H_LANGINFO
#define _H_LANGINFO

#ifndef _H_STANDARDS
#include <standards.h>

#ifndef _H_NL_TYPES
#include <nl_types.h>


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define D_T_FMT    1  /* string for formatting date and time */
#define D_FMT      2  /* string for formatting date */
#define T_FMT      3  /* string for formatting time */
#define AM_STR     4  /* string for a.m. */
#define PM_STR     5  /* string for p.m. */

#define ABDAY_1    6  /* abbreviated first day of the week (Sun) */
#define ABDAY_2    7  /* abbreviated second day of the week (Mon) */
#define ABDAY_3    8  /* abbreviated third day of the week (Tue) */
#define ABDAY_4    9  /* abbreviated fourth day of the week (Wed) */
#define ABDAY_5   10  /* abbreviated fifth day of the week (Thu) */
#define ABDAY_6   11  /* abbreviated sixth day of the week (Fri) */
#define ABDAY_7   12  /* abbreviated seventh day of the week (Sat) */

#define DAY_1     13  /* name of the first day of the week (Sunday) */
#define DAY_2     14  /* name of the second day of the week (Monday) */
#define DAY_3     15  /* name of the third day of the week (Tuesday) */
#define DAY_4     16  /* name of the fourth day of the week (Wednesday) */
#define DAY_5     17  /* name of the fifth day of the week (Thursday) */
#define DAY_6     18  /* name of the sixth day of the week (Friday) */
#define DAY_7     19  /* name of the seventh day of the week (Saturday) */

#define ABMON_1   20  /* abbreviated first month (Jan) */
#define ABMON_2   21  /* abbreviated second month (Feb) */
#define ABMON_3   22  /* abbreviated third month (Mar) */
#define ABMON_4   23  /* abbreviated fourth month (Apr) */
#define ABMON_5   24  /* abbreviated fifth month (May) */
#define ABMON_6   25  /* abbreviated sixth month (Jun) */
#define ABMON_7   26  /* abbreviated seventh month (Jul) */
#define ABMON_8   27  /* abbreviated eighth month (Aug) */
#define ABMON_9   28  /* abbreviated ninth month (Sep) */
#define ABMON_10  29  /* abbreviated tenth month (Oct) */
#define ABMON_11  30  /* abbreviated eleventh month (Nov) */
#define ABMON_12  31  /* abbreviated twelveth month (Dec) */

#define MON_1     32  /* name of the first month (January) */
#define MON_2     33  /* name of the second month (February) */
#define MON_3     34  /* name of the third month (March) */
#define MON_4     35  /* name of the fourth month (April) */
#define MON_5     36  /* name of the fifth month (May) */
#define MON_6     37  /* name of the sixth month (June) */
#define MON_7     38  /* name of the seventh month (July) */
#define MON_8     39  /* name of the eighth month (August) */
#define MON_9     40  /* name of the ninth month (September) */
#define MON_10    41  /* name of the tenth month (October) */
#define MON_11    42  /* name of the eleventh month (November) */
#define MON_12    43  /* name of the twelveth month (December) */

#define RADIXCHAR 44  /* radix character */
#define THOUSEP   45  /* separator for thousands */

#if  (_XOPEN_SOURCE<600) || defined(_ALL_SOURCE)
#define YESSTR    46  /* affiramitive response for yes/no queries */
#define NOSTR     47  /* negative response for yes/no queries */

#define CRNCYSTR  48  /* currency symbol; - leading, + trailing */
#define CODESET 49   /* codeset name */

/* Additional constants defined in XPG4 */

#define T_FMT_AMPM    55  /* am/pm time formating string */
#define ERA           56  /* era description segments */	 	
#define ERA_D_FMT     57  /* era date format string */	 	
#define ERA_D_T_FMT   58  /* era date and time format string */
#define ERA_T_FMT     59  /* era time format string */
#define ALT_DIGITS    60  /* alternative symbols for digits */	 	
#define YESEXPR       61  /* affirmative response expression */	 	
#define NOEXPR        62  /* negative response expression */	 	

#ifndef _LOCALE_T
#define _LOCALE_T
typedef void *  locale_t;

#ifdef _NO_PROTO
extern char *nl_langinfo();
#if (_XOPEN_SOURCE >= 700)
extern char *nl_langinfo_l();
extern char *nl_langinfo(nl_item);
#if (_XOPEN_SOURCE >= 700)
extern char *nl_langinfo_l(nl_item, locale_t);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _XOPEN_SOURCE */

#ifdef _ALL_SOURCE

#ifndef __H_LOCALEDEF
#include <sys/localedef.h>

*  nl_items to support implementation of NLgetenv
#define NLLDATE    50
#define NLTMISC    51
#define NLTSTRS    52
#define NLTUNITS   53
#define NLYEAR     54

** if this number changes, it MUST be changed
** in sys/localedef.h
#ifndef _NL_NUM_ITEMS
#define _NL_NUM_ITEMS 63

#endif /* _ALL_SOURCE */

#endif /* _H_LANGINFO */