.\" @(#)33	1.9  src/cmdtext/usr/share/lib/me/tmac.e, cmdtext, cmdtext720 10/30/91 11:13:16 
.. This is an automatically generated prolog. 
.. cmdtext720 src/cmdtext/usr/share/lib/me/tmac.e 1.9 
.. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
.. COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,1991 
.. All Rights Reserved 
.. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
.. disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
.\" COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services
.\" ORIGINS: 10,26,27
.\" (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989, 1991
.\" All Rights Reserved
.\" Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
.\" US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
.\" disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
.\"*									*
.\"*	******  - M E   N R O F F / T R O F F   M A C R O S  ******	*
.\"*									*
.\"*	Produced for your edification and enjoyment by:			*
.\"*		Eric Allman						*
.\"*		Electronics Research Laboratory				*
.\"*		U.C. Berkeley.						*
.\"*	current address:						*
.\"*		Britton-Lee, Inc.					*
.\"*		1919 Addison Street Suite 105				*
.\"*		Berkeley, California  94704				*
.\"*									*
.\"*	VERSION 2.28	First Release: 11 Sept 1978			*
.\"*	See file \*(||/revisions for revision history			*
.\"*									*
.\"*	Documentation is available.					*
.\"*									*
.\"	tmac.e	2.28	5/12/86
.\"	%beginstrip%
.\"	Code on .de commands:
.\"		***	a user interface macro.
.\"		&&&	a user interface macro which is redefined
.\"			when used to be the real thing.
.\"		$$$	a macro which may be redefined by the user
.\"			to provide variant functions.
.\"		---	an internal macro.
.\" 8/25/89  Made .so \\*(||/--   .so /usr/lib/me/--
.nr _0 \n(.c
.if !\n(.V .tm 1 5"You are using the wrong version of NROFF/TROFF!!"
.if !\n(.V .tm 1 6"This macro package works only on the version seven"
.if !\n(.V .tm 1 7"release of NROFF and TROFF."
.if !\n(.V .ex
.if \n(pf \
.	nx /usr/lib/me/null.me
.\"		*** INTERNAL GP MACROS ***
.de @C			\" --- change ev's, taking info with us
.nr _S \\n(.s
.nr _V \\n(.v
.nr _F \\n(.f
.nr _I \\n(.i
.ev \\$1
.ps \\n(_S
.vs \\n(_Vu
.ft \\n(_F
'in \\n(_Iu
.xl \\n($lu
.lt \\n($lu
.rr _S
.rr _V
.rr _F
.rr _I
.ls 1
'ce 0
.de @D			\" --- determine display type (Indent, Left, Center)
.ds |p "\\$3
.nr _d \\$1
.ie "\\$2"C" \
.	nr _d 1
.el .ie "\\$2"L" \
.	nr _d 2
.el .ie "\\$2"I" \
.	nr _d 3
.el .ie "\\$2"M" \
.	nr _d 4
.el \
.	ds |p "\\$2
.de @z			\" --- end macro
.if \n@>1 .tm >> @z, .z=\\n(.z ?a=\\n(?a
.if !"\\n(.z"" \
.	tm 1 8"Line %1$s -- Unclosed block, footnote, or other diversion (%2$s)"\\n(c.\\n(.z
.	di
.	ex
.if \\n(?a \
.	bp			\" force out final table
.rm bp
.rm @b\"			\" don't start another page
.if t \
'\".	wh -1p @m	\"Restore this line if cut marks are desired
.if \n@>1 .tm << @z
.de @I			\" --- initialize processor
.rm th
.rm ac
.rm lo
.rm sc
.rm @I
.de he			\" *** define header
.ie !\\n(.$ \
.	rm |4
.	rm |5
.el \
.	ds |4 "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
.	ds |5 "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
.de eh			\" *** define even header
.ie !\\n(.$ \
.	rm |4
.el \
.	ds |4 "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
.de oh			\" *** define odd header
.ie !\\n(.$ \
.	rm |5
.el \
.	ds |5 "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
.de fo			\" *** define footer
.ie !\\n(.$ \
.	rm |6
.	rm |7
.el \
.	ds |6 "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
.	ds |7 "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
.de ef			\" *** define even foot
.ie !\\n(.$ \
.	rm |6
.el \
.	ds |6 "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
.de of			\" *** define odd footer
.ie !\\n(.$ \
.	rm |7
.el \
.	ds |7 "\\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9
.de ep			\" *** end page (must always be followed by a .bp)
.if \\n(nl>0 \
.	wh 0
.	rs
.	@b
.de @h			\" --- header
.if \n@>1 .tm >> @h %=\\n% ?a=\\n(?a ?b=\\n(?b ?w=\\n(?w
.if (\\n(.i+\\n(.o)>=\\n(.l \
.	tm 1 9"Line %1$s -- Offset + indent exceeds line length"\\n(c.
.if t .if (\\n(.l+\\n(.o)>7.75i \
.	tm 1 10"Line %1$s -- Offset + line length exceeds paper width"\\n(c.
.\" initialize a pile of junk
.nr ?h \\n(?H			\" transfer "next page" to "this page"
.rr ?H
.nr ?c \\n(?C
.rr ?C
.rn |4 |0
.rn |5 |1
.rn |6 |2
.rn |7 |3
.nr _w 0			\" reset max footnote width
.nr ?W 0			\" no wide floats this page (yet)
.nr ?I 1
.\" begin actual header stuff
.ev 2
.\".if t .@m			\" output cut mark - deleted : restore if
.				\"  cut marks are later desired
.if \\n(hm>0 \
.	sp |\\n(hmu		\" move to header position
.@t $h				\" output header title
.if \\n(tm<=0 \
.	nr tm \n(.Vu
.sp |\\n(tmu			\" move to top of text
.mk _k				\" for columned output
.if \\n(?n .nm 1		\" restore line numbering if n1 mode
.nr $c 1			\" set first column
.if \n@>4 .tm -- @h >> .ns nl=\\n(nl %=\\n% _k=\\n(_k tm=\\n(tm
.ie \\n(?s \
.	rr ?s
.	rs
'	@b
.el \
.	@n			\" begin the column
.if \n@>2 .tm << @h
.if \nv=2 \
'\".	de @m		\" --- output cut mark (only on C/A/T-style)
'\".	@O 0		\" Definition deleted since cutmarks aren't needed
'\".	lt 7.5i
'\".	tl '\(rn''\(rn' \"Cut marks
'\".	@O
'\".	lt
'\"..			\"Restore to this line if later needed
.de @n			\" --- new column or page
.if \n@>3 .tm >> @n nl=\\n(nl %=\\n% ?f=\\n(?f ?o=\\n(?o
.if \\n(bm<=0 \
.	nr bm \\n(.Vu
.if (\\n(_w<=\\n($l)&(\\n(?W=0) \
.	nr _b (\\n(ppu*\\n($ru)/2u	\" compute fudge factor (must be < 1P)
.	if \\n(_bu>((\\n(bmu-\\n(fmu-(\\n(tpu*\\n($ru))/2u) \
.		nr _b (\\n(ppu*\\n($ru)-\n(.Vu
.	nr _b +\\n(bmu
.nr _B \\n(_bu
.ch @f
.wh -\\n(_bu @f
.nr _b +(\\n(ppu*\\n($ru)	\" add 1 paragraph v in case of sweep past
.if \n@>2 .tm @n .p=\\n(.p bm=\\n(bm _b=\\n(_b _B=\\n(_B
.nr ?f 0			\" reset footnote flag
.if \\n(?o \
.	(f _			\" reprocess footnotes which run off page
.	nf
.	|o
.	fi
.	)f
.	rm |o
.nr ?o 0
.if \\n(?T \
.	nr _i \\n(.i
.	in \\n($iu
.	|h			\" output the table header
.	in \\n(_iu
.	rr _i
.	mk #T			\" for tbl commands
.	ns
.if (\\n(?a)&((\\n($c<2):(\\n(?w=0)) \
.	nr ?a 0			\" output floating keep
.	@k |t
.	if \\n(?w \
.		mk _k		\" don't overstrike wide keeps
.	nr ?w 0
.$H				\" special column header macro
.de @f			\" --- footer
.if \n@>1 .tm >> @f %=\\n% nl=\\n(nl ?a=\\n(?a ?b=\\n(?b ?f=\\n(?f
.if \n@>2 .nr VL \\n(.pu-\\n(nlu
.if \n@>2 .tm @f bm=\\n(bm _B=\\n(_B _b=\\n(_b .p-nl=\\n(VL
.if \\n(?T \
.	nr T. 1			\" for tbl commands (to output bottom line)
.       ch @f			\" prevent loops at the bottom of the page
.	T# 1			\" output the sides and bottom lines
.	br
.ev 2
.ce 0
.if \\n(?b \
.	nr ?b 0
.	@k |b\"			\" output bottom of page tables
.if \\n(?f \
.	@o			\" output footnote if present
.ie \\n($c<\\n($m \
.	@c			\" handle new column
.el \
.	@e			\" new page
.if \n@>2 .tm << @f
.de @o			\" --- output footnote
.ls 1
.in 0
.if \n@>2 .tm 1 11"@o last printed text = %1$s placing @r trap at -%2$s"\\n(nl\\n(_B
.wh -\\n(_Bu @r
.if \n@>2 .tm 1 12"@o triggered @r (?o) = %1$s"\\n(?o
.if \\n(?o \
.	di			\" just in case triggered @r
.	if \\n(dn=0 \
.		rm |o
.		nr ?o 0
.	\}
.	nr dn \\n(_D
.	rr _D
.rm |f
.ch @r
.de @c			\" --- new column
.if \n@>2 .tm	>> @c %=\\n%
.sp |\\n(_ku
.@O +\\n($lu+\\n($su
.nr $c +1
.de @e			\" --- end page
.if \n@>2 .tm	>> @e
.@O \\n(_ou
.sp |\\n(.pu-\\n(fmu-(\\n(tpu*\\n($ru)	\" move to footer position
.@t $f				\" output footer title
.nr ?h 0
.de @t			\" --- output header or footer title
.if !\\n(?h \
.	sz \\n(tp		\" set header/footer type fonts, etc.
.	@F \\n(tf
.	lt \\n(_Lu		\" make title span entire page
.	nf
.	\\$1
.	br
.de $h			\" $$$ print header
.rm |z
.if !\\n(?c \
.	if e .ds |z "\\*(|0
.	if o .ds |z "\\*(|1
.if !\(ts\\*(|z\(ts\(ts \
'	tl \\*(|z
.rm |z
.de $f			\" $$$ print footer
.rm |z
.if \\n(?c \
.	if e .ds |z "\\*(|0
.	if o .ds |z "\\*(|1
.if \(ts\\*(|z\(ts\(ts \
.	if e .ds |z "\\*(|2
.	if o .ds |z "\\*(|3
.if !\(ts\\*(|z\(ts\(ts \
'	tl \\*(|z
.rm |z
.de @r			\" --- reprocess overflow footnotes
.if \n@>3 .tm		>> @r .z=\\n(.z ?f=\\n(?f ?a=\\n(?a ?b=\\n(?b _b=\\n(_b
.di |o				\" save overflow footnote
.nr ?o 1
.nr _D \\n(dn
.rn bp @b		\" --- begin page
.de bp			\" *** begin new page (overrides columns)
.nr $c \\n($m			\" force new page, not new column
.ie \\n(nl>0 \
.	@b \\$1
.el \
.	if \\n(.$>0 \
.		pn \\$1
.	if \\n(?I \
.		@h		\" 'spring' the header trap
.wh 0 @h			\" reset header
.rn ll xl		\" *** special line length (local)
.de ll			\" *** line length (global to environments)
.xl \\$1
.lt \\$1
.nr $l \\n(.l
.if (\\n($m<=1):(\\n($l>\\n(_L) \
.	nr _L \\n(.l
.rn po @O		\" --- local page offset
.de po			\" *** page offset
.@O \\$1
.nr _o \\n(.o
.de hx			\" *** suppress headers and footers next page
.nr ?H 1
.de ix			\" *** indent, no break
'in \\$1
.de bl			\" *** contiguous blank lines
.ne \\$1
.sp \\$1
.de n1			\" *** line numbering 1
.nm 1
.xl -\w'0000'u
.nr ?n 1
.de n2			\" *** line numbering 2
.nm \\$1
.ie \\n(.$ \
.	xl -\w'0000'u
.el \
.	xl \\n($lu
.de pa			\" *** new page
.bp \\$1
.de ro			\" *** roman page numbers
.af % i
.de ar			\" *** arabic page numbers
.af % 1
.de m1			\" *** position one space
.nr _0 \\n(hmu
.nr hm \\$1v
.nr tm +\\n(hmu-\\n(_0u
.rr _0
.de m2			\" *** position two space
.nr tm \\n(hmu+\\n(tpp+\\$1v
.de m3			\" *** position three space
.nr bm \\n(fmu+\\n(tpp+\\$1v
.de m4			\" *** position four space
.nr _0 \\n(fmu
.nr fm \\$1v
.nr bm +\\n(fmu-\\n(_0u
.if \n@>3 .tm >> m4 nl=\\n(nl %=\\n% ?f=\\n(?f ?o=\\n(?o
.if \\n(bm<=0 \
.     nr bm \\n(.Vu
.if (\\n(_w<=\\n($1)&(\\n(?W=0) \
.     nr _b (\\n(ppu*\\n($ru)/2u      \" compute fudge factor (must be < 1P)
.     if \\n(_bu>((\\n(bmu-\\n(fmu-(\\n(tpu*\\n($ru))/2u) \
.             nr _b (\\n(ppu*\\n($ru)-\n(.Vu
.     nr _b +\\n(bmu
.nr _B \\n(_bu
.ch @f
.nr _b +(\\n(ppu*\\n($ru)         \" add 1 paragraph v in case of sweep past
.wh -\\n(_bu @f
.if \n@>2 .tm m4 .p=\\n(.p bm=\\n(bm _b=\\n(_b _B=\\n(_B
.de sk			\" *** leave a blank page (next page)
.if \\n(.$>0 \
.	tm 1 13"Line %1$s -- I cannot skip multiple pages"\\n(c.
.nr ?s 1
.de re			\" *** reset tabs (TROFF defines 15 stops default)
.ta 0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i +0.5i
.if t .ig
.de re			\" *** reset tabs (NROFF version)
.ta 0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i +0.8i
.de ba			\" *** set base indent
.ie \\n(.$ \
.	nr $i \\$1n
.el \
.	nr $i \\n(siu*\\n($0u
.de hl			\" *** draw horizontal line
.\"		*** PARAGRAPHING ***
.de pp			\" *** paragraph
.lp \\n(piu
.de lp			\" *** left aligned paragraph
.if \\n(.$ \
.	ti +\\$1
.nr $p 0 1
.de ip			\" *** indented paragraph w/ optional tag
.if (\\n(ii>0)&(\\n(ii<1n) \
.	nr ii \\n(iin
.nr _0 \\n(ii
.if \\n(.$>1 \
.	nr _0 \\$2n
.@p \\n(_0u
.if \\w"\\$1" \
.	ti -\\n(_0u
.	ie \\w"\\$1">=\\n(_0 \
.		br
.	\}
.	el \&\\$1\h'|\\n(_0u'\c
.rr _0
.de np			\" *** numbered paragraph
.if \\n($p<0 \
.	nr $p 0			\" reset number after .bu
.nr $p +1			\" increment paragraph number
.@p \w'\0(000)\0'u
.ti -\w'\0(000)\0'u
.de bu			\" *** bulleted paragraph
.if \\n($p<0 \
.	ns			\" don't space between .bu paragraphs
.nr $p 0-1			\" mark "bulleted paragraph" mode
.@p \w'\0\(bu\0'u
.ti -\w'\0\(bu\0'u
.de @p			\" --- initialize for paragraph
.@I				\" initialize macro processor
.if "\\n(.z"|e" .tm 1 14"Line %1$s -- Unmatched continued equation"\\n(c.
.in \\n($iu+\\n(pou
.if \\n(.$ \
.	in +\\$1n
.ce 0
.@F \\n(pf
.sz \\n(pp
.sp \\n(psu
.ne \\n(.Lv+\\n(.Vu
.\"		*** SECTION HEADINGS ***
.de sh			\" &&& section heading
.rn sh @T
.so /usr/lib/me/sh.me
.sh "\\$1" "\\$2" \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8
.rm @T
.de $p			\" $$$ print section heading
.if (\\n(si>0)&(\\n(.$>2) \
.	nr $i \\$3*\\n(si
.in \\n($iu
.ie !"\\$1\\$2"" \
.	sp \\n(ssu 		\" one of them is non-null
.	ne \\n(.Lv+\\n(.Vu+\\n(psu+(\\n(spu*\\n($ru*\\n(.Lu)
.	ie \\n(.$>2 \
.		ti -(\\n(siu-\\n(sou)
.	el \
.		ti +\\n(sou
.	@F \\n(sf
.	sz \\n(sp
.	if \\$3>0 \
.		$\\$3
.	if \w"\\$2">0 \\$2.
.	if \w"\\$1">0 \\$1\f1\ \ \&
.el \
.	sp \\n(psu
.@F \\n(pf
.sz \\n(pp
.de uh			\" *** unnumbered section heading
.rn uh @T
.so /usr/lib/me/sh.me
.uh "\\$1"
.rm @T
.\"		*** COLUMNNED OUTPUT ***
.de 2c			\" *** double columned output
.if \\n($m>1 \
.	1c			\" revert to 1c if already 2c
.nr $c 1
.nr $m 2
.if \\n(.$>1 \
.	nr $m \\$2
.if \\n(.$>0 \
.	nr $s \\$1n		\" param 1: column seperation
.nr $l (\\n(.l-((\\n($m-1)*\\n($s))/\\n($m
.xl \\n($lu
.mk _k
.de 1c			\" *** single columned output
.nr $c 1
.nr $m 1
.ll \\n(_Lu			\" return to normal output
.sp |\\n(.hu
.@O \\n(_ou
.de bc			\" *** begin column
.sp 24i
.de (z			\" &&& begin floating keep
.rn (z @V
.so /usr/lib/me/float.me
.(z \\$1 \\$2
.rm @V
.de )z			\" &&& end floating keep
.tm 1 15"Line %1$s -- unmatched .)z"\\n(c.
.de (t			\" XXX temp ref to (z
.(z \\$1 \\$2
.de )t			\" XXX temp ref to )t
.)z \\$1 \\$2
.de (b			\" *** begin block
.@D 3 \\$1 \\$2
.sp \\n(bsu
.de )b			\" *** end block
.if (\\n(bt=0):(\\n(.t<\\n(bt) \
.	ne \\n(dnu		\" make it all on one page
.ls 1
.in 0
.xl \\n($lu
.rm |k
.sp \\n(bsu+\\n(.Lv-1v
.de @(			\" --- begin keep
.if !"\\n(.z"" .tm 1 16"Line %1$s -- Illegal nested keep %2$s"\\n(c.\\n(.z
.di |k
.de @M			\" --- set modes for display
.nr ?k 1
.@C 1
.@F \\n(df
.vs \\n(.su*\\n($Ru
.if "\\*(|p"F" \
.	fi			\" set fill mode if "F" parameter
.if \\n(_d=4 \
.	in 0
.if \\n(_d=3 \
.	in +\\n(biu
.	xl -\\n(biu
.if \\n(_d=1 \
.	ce 10000
.de @)			\" --- end keep
.if !"\\n(.z"|k" .tm 1 17"Line %1$s -- Close of a keep which has never been opened"\\n(c.
.nr ?k 0
.in 0
.ce 0
.de (c			\" *** begin block centered text
.if "\\n(.z"|c" .tm 1 18"Line %1$s -- Nested .(c requests"\\n(c.
.di |c
.de )c			\" *** end block centered text
.if !"\\n(.z"|c" .tm 1 19"Line %1$s -- Unmatched .)c"\\n(c.
.br				\" force out final line
.if \n@>4 .tm >> .)c .l=\\n(.l .i=\\n(.i $i=\\n($i dl=\\n(dl
.ev 1
.ls 1
.in (\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu-\\n(dlu)/2u
.if \n@>4 .tm -- .)c << .in .l=\\n(.l .i=\\n(.i dl=\\n(dl
.rm |c
.de (q			\" *** begin block quote
.@C 1
.sp \\n(qsu
.in +\\n(qiu
.xl -\\n(qiu
.sz \\n(qp
.de )q			\" *** end block quote
.sp \\n(qsu+\\n(.Lv-1v
.nr ?k 0
.de (l			\" *** begin list
.sp \\n(bsu
.@D 3 \\$1 \\$2
.de )l			\" *** end list
.sp \\n(bsu+\\n(.Lv-1v
.nr ?k 0
.\"	EQN
.de EQ			\" &&& begin equation
.rn EQ @T
.so /usr/lib/me/eqn.me
.EQ \\$1 \\$2
.rm @T
.\"	TBL
.de TS			\" &&& begin table
.rn TS @W
.so /usr/lib/me/tbl.me
.TS \\$1 \\$2
.rm @W
.de ]-			\" &&& initialize reference
.rn ]- @]
.so /usr/lib/me/refer.me
.rm @]
.de ]<			\" &&& initialize reference
.rn ]< @]
.so /usr/lib/me/refer.me
.rm @]
.if n .ds [. " [
.if t .ds [. \s-2\v'-.4m'\f1
.if n .ds .] ]
.if t .ds .] \v'.4m'\s+2\fP
.if n .ds <. "
.if t .ds <. .
.if n .ds >. .
.if t .ds >. "
.de IS			\" *** start ideal picture
.nr g7 \\n(.u
.ls 1
.de IF
.if \\n(g7 .fi
.de IE			\" *** end ideal picture
.if \\n(g7 .fi
.\"	PIC
.de PS			\" *** start picture: $1=height, $2=width in units
.if t \
.	sp 0.3
.in (\\n(.lu-\\$2u)/2u
.ne \\$1u
.nr g7 \\n(.u
.ls 1
.de PE			\" *** end picture
.if \\n(g7 .fi
.if t .sp .6
.de GS			\" *** start gremlin picture
.nr g7 (\\n(.lu-\\n(g1u)/2u
.if "\\$1"L" .nr g7 \\n(.iu
.if "\\$1"R" .nr g7 \\n(.lu-\\n(g1u
.in \\n(g7u
.nr g7 \\n(.u
.ls 1
.ne \\n(g2u
.de GE			\" *** end gremlin picture
.if t .sp .6
.de GF			\" *** finish gremlin picture; stay at top
.if \\n(g7 .fi
.\"		*** FONT AIDS ***
.de sz			\" *** set point size and vertical spacing
.ps \\$1
.vs \\n(.su*\\n($ru		\" default vs at pointsize + 20%
.bd S B \\n(.su/3u
.de r			\" *** enter roman font
.nr _F \\n(.f
.ul 0
.ft 1
.if \\n(.$ \&\\$1\f\\n(_F\\$2
.rr _F
.de i			\" *** enter italic
.nr _F \\n(.f
.ul 0
.ft 2
.if \\n(.$ \&\\$1\f\\n(_F\\$2
.rr _F
.de b			\" *** enter boldface (underline in NROFF)
.nr _F \\n(.f
.ul 0
.ft \\n($b
.if \\n(.$ \&\\$1\f\\n(_F\\$2
.rr _F
.de rb			\" *** enter real boldface (not underlined in NROFF)
.nr _F \\n(.f
.ul 0
.ft 3
.if \\n(.$ \&\\$1\f\\n(_F\\$2
.rr _F
.de u			\" *** enter underlined word
.de q			\" *** enter quoted word
.de bi			\" *** enter word in bold italics
.ft 2
.ie t \&\k~\\$1\h'|\\n~u+(\\w' 'u/4u)'\\$1\fP\\$2
.el \&\\$1\fP\\$2
.de bx			\" *** enter boxed word
.ie \\n($T \&\f2\\$1\fP\\$2
.el \k~\(br\|\\$1\|\(br\l'|\\n~u\(rn'\l'|\\n~u\(ul'\^\\$2
.de sm			\" *** print in smaller font
.de @F			\" --- change font (8 -> underlined, 0 -> no change)
.nr ~ \\$1
.if \\n~>0 \
.	ul 0
.	if \\n~>4 \
.		nr ~ \\n($b
.	ft \\n~
.rr ~
.\"		*** FOOTNOTING ***
.de (f			\" &&& begin footnote
.rn (f @U
.so /usr/lib/me/footnote.me
.(f \\$1 \\$2
.rm @U
.de )f			\" &&& end footnote
.tm 1 20"Line %1$s -- unmatched .)f"\\n(c.
.de $s			\" $$$ footnote separator
.if n \
.	sp 0.3
.\"		*** DELAYED TEXT ***
.de (d			\" &&& begin delayed text
.rn (d @U
.so /usr/lib/me/deltext.me
.(d \\$1 \\$2
.rm @U
.de )d			\" &&& end delayed text
.tm 1 21"Line %1$s -- unmatched .)d"\\n(c.
.de (x			\" &&& begin index
.rn (x @U
.so /usr/lib/me/index.me
.(x \\$1 \\$2
.rm @U
.de )x			\" &&& end index entry
.tm 1 22"Line %1$s -- unmatched .)x"\\n(c.
.de th			\" *** set "thesis" mode
.so /usr/lib/me/thesis.me
.rm th
.de +c			\" *** begin chapter
.ep				\" force out footnotes
.if \\n(?o:\\n(?a \
.	bp			\" force out a table or more footnote
.	rs
.	ep
.nr ?C 1
.nr $f 1 1
.ds * \\*[1\\*]\k*
.if \\n(?R \
.	pn 1
.in \\n($iu			\" reset the indent
.ie \\n(.$ \
.	$c "\\$1"
.el \
.	sp 3
.de ++			\" *** declare chapter type
.nr _0 0
.if "\\$1"C" \
.	nr _0 1			\" chapter
.if "\\$1"RC" \
.	nr _0 11		\" renumbered chapter
.if "\\$1"A" \
.	nr _0 2			\" appendix
.if "\\$1"RA" \
.	nr _0 12		\" renumbered appendix
.if "\\$1"P" \
.	nr _0 3			\" preliminary material
.if "\\$1"B" \
.	nr _0 4			\" bibliographic material
.if "\\$1"AB" \
.	nr _0 5			\" abstract
.if \\n(_0=0 \
.	tm 1 23"Line %1$s -- Bad mode to .++"\\n(c.
.nr ?R 0
.if \\n(_0>10 \
.	nr ?R 1
.	nr _0 -10
.nr ch 0 1
.if (\\n(_0=3):(\\n(_0=5) \
.	pn 1			\" must do before .ep
.ep				\" end page for correct page number types
.if \\n(_0=1 \
.	af ch 1
.	af % 1
.if \\n(_0=2 \
.	af ch A
.	af % 1
.if \\n(_0=3 \
.	af % i
.if \\n(_0=4 \
.	af % 1
.if \\n(_0=5 \
.	af % 1
.if \\n(.$>1 \
.	he \\$2
.if !\\n(_0=\\n(_M .if \\n(_M=3 \
.	pn 1
.nr _M \\n(_0
.rr _0
.de $c			\" $$$ print chapter title
.sz 12
.ft B
.ce 1000
.if \\n(_M<3 \
.	nr ch +1
.ds {c 1 44"CHAPTER"
.ds {d 1 45"APPENDIX"
.ie \\n(_M=1 \\*({c\ \ \\n(ch
.el .if \\n(_M=2 \\*({d\ \ \\n(ch
.if \w"\\$1" .sp 3-\\n(.L
.if \w"\\$1" \\$1
.if (\\n(_M<3):(\w"\\$1") \
.	sp 4-\\n(.L
.ce 0
.ds {c 1 46"Chapter"
.ds {d 1 47"Appendix"
.ie \\n(_M=1 \
.	$C \\*({c \\n(ch "\\$1"
.el .if \\n(_M=2 \
.	$C \\*({d \\n(ch "\\$1"
.de tp			\" *** title page
.pn \\n%
.de ac			\" *** setup for ACM photo-ready paper
.rn ac @T
.so /usr/lib/me/acm.me
.ac "\\$1" "\\$2"
.rm @T
.de lo			\" *** pull in the set of local macros
.\" all these macros should be named "*X", where X is any letter
.so /usr/lib/me/local.me
.rm lo
.de lh			\" *** letterhead
.so /usr/lib/me/letterhead.me
.\"		*** DATES ***
.if \n(mo=1 .ds mo 1 24"January"
.if \n(mo=2 .ds mo 1 25"February"
.if \n(mo=3 .ds mo 1 26"March"
.if \n(mo=4 .ds mo 1 27"April"
.if \n(mo=5 .ds mo 1 28"May"
.if \n(mo=6 .ds mo 1 29"June"
.if \n(mo=7 .ds mo 1 30"July"
.if \n(mo=8 .ds mo 1 31"August"
.if \n(mo=9 .ds mo 1 32"September"
.if \n(mo=10 .ds mo 1 33"October"
.if \n(mo=11 .ds mo 1 34"November"
.if \n(mo=12 .ds mo 1 35"December"
.if \n(dw=1 .ds dw 1 36"Sunday"
.if \n(dw=2 .ds dw 1 37"Monday"
.if \n(dw=3 .ds dw 1 38"Tuesday"
.if \n(dw=4 .ds dw 1 39"Wednesday"
.if \n(dw=5 .ds dw 1 40"Thursday"
.if \n(dw=6 .ds dw 1 41"Friday"
.if \n(dw=7 .ds dw 1 42"Saturday"
.\".ie \n(yr>9 .ds td \*(mo \n(dy, 19\n(yr
.\".el .ds td \*(mo \n(dy, 190\n(yr
.ds td0 0
.if (1m<0.1i)&(\nx!=0) \
.	vs 9p			\" for 12-pitch DTC terminals
.rr x
.nr $r \n(.v/\n(.s		\" ratio of vs to ps for .sz request
.nr $R \n($r			\" ratio for displays & footnotes
.nr hm 4v			\" header margin
.nr tm 7v			\" top margin
.nr bm 6v			\" bottom margin
.nr fm 3v			\" footer margin
.nr tf 3			\" title font: (real) Times Bold
.nr tp 10			\" title point size
.hy 14
.nr bi 4m			\" indent for blocks
.nr pi 5n			\" indent for paragraphs
.nr pf 1			\" normal text font
.nr pp 10			\" normal text point size
.nr qi 4n			\" indent for quotes
.nr qp -1			\" down one point
.nr ii 5n			\" indent for .ip's and .np's
.nr $m 1			\" max number of columns
.nr $s 4n			\" column separation
.ds || /usr/lib/me
.if \n@>0 .ds || .
.bd S B 3
.ds [ \u\x'-0.25v'
.ds ] \d
.ds < \d\x'0.25v'
.ds > \u
.ds - --
.if t \
.	ds [ \v'-0.4m'\x'-0.2m'\s-3
.	ds ] \s0\v'0.4m'
.	ds < \v'0.4m'\x'0.2m'\s-3
.	ds > \s0\v'-0.4m'
.	ds - \(em
.	nr fi 0.3i
.if n \
.	nr fi 3n
.nr _o \n(.o
.if n .po 1i
.if \n(.V=1v \
.	nr $T 2
.if n .if \n(.T=0 \
.	nr $T 1
.if \nv=2 \
.	nr $T 0
.	po -0.5i		\" make ugly line on LHS on C/A/T typesetters
.if \n($T \
.	if \n($T=1 \
.		po 0
.	ds [ [
.	ds ] ]
.	ds < <
.	ds > >
.nr $b \nb			\" figure the real font 8 font
.rr b
.if \n($b=0 \
.	if n .nr $b 2		\" italic
.	if t .nr $b 3		\" bold
.nr ps 0.5v			\" paragraph pre/post spacing
.if \n($T \
.	nr ps 1v
.if t .nr ps 0.35v
.nr bs \n(ps			\" block pre/post spacing
.nr qs \n(ps			\" quote pre/post spacing
.nr zs 1v			\" float-block pre/postspacing
.nr xs 0.2v			\" index prespacing
.nr fs 0.2v			\" footnote prespacing
.if \n($T \
.	nr fs 0
.if n .nr es 1v			\" equation pre/postspacing
.if t .nr es 0.5v
.wh 0 @h			\" set header
.nr $l \n(.lu			\" line length
.nr _L \n(.lu			\" line length of page
.nr $c 1			\" current column number
.nr $f 1 1			\" footnote number
.ds * \*[1\*]\k*\"		\" footnote "name"
.nr $d 1 1			\" delayed text number
.ds # [1]\k#\"			\" delayed text "name"
.nr _M 1			\" chapter mode is chapter
.ds lq \&"\"			\" left quote
.ds rq \&"\"			\" right quote
.if t \
.	ds lq ``
.if t \
.	ds rq ''
.em @z
.de sc			\" *** define special characters
.so /usr/lib/me/chars.me
.rm sc
.ll 6.0i
.lt 6.0i