# @(#)90        1.2  src/bos/etc/cron/cronlog.conf, cmdcntl, bos720 11/3/06 01:08:26
# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# bos720 src/bos/etc/cron/cronlog.conf 1.2 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2004,2006 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 

# The configuration file informs the cron daemon where and how to log the information. 
# If you do not use the -f flag, the cron daemon reads the default "/etc/cronlog.conf" 
# configuration file. 
# If cron fails to open the configuration file it continues with "/var/adm/cron/log". 

# The cron daemon ignores blank lines and lines beginning with a # (pound sign).

# Format 

# logfile Full path name of the log file. File is created with permission 664 if it doesn't exist.
# Log file should not be created in "/" file system. If cron is not able to create
# the logfile name, it creates a log of its activities in /var/adm/cron/log file 
# and all the below features will be turned off.

# size This keyword limits the size of a logfile. It is followed by a number and either
# a k (kilobytes) or m(megabytes). The default and minimum size is 30K. If the size
# value is invalid then rotation feature is turned off. 

# rotate This keyword specifies the total number of rotated files. It is followed by a number.
# if a number is not specified then there are unlimited number of rotated files.
# If keyword is not present then no rotation is done.
# If specified, then minimum of number of rotated files is 2. 

# compress This keyword specifies that the saved rotated files will be compressed.
# If keyword is not present then no compression is done. 

# archive This keyword specifies that the saved rotated files will be copied to a directory.
# It is followed by the directory name. If archive is not specified and rotation is
# valid then files are rotated in the directory of logfile. 

# quiet This keyword specifies that cron logging will be disabled. 

# Examples 

# 1. To log information in directory /home/user, log file cron.out, size of 2M ,
# total number of rotated files = 4, archive in /usr/home, compress archive files,
# create the configuration file as follows: 

# logfile=/home/user/cron.out 
# size=2m 
# rotate=4 
# archive=/usr/home 
# compress 

# 2. To log information in directory /home/user, log file cron.out, size of 50k ,
# unlimited log files, archive in /usr/home, compress archive files,
# create the configuration file as follows: 

# logfile=/home/user/cron.out 
# size=50k 
# rotate 
# archive=/usr/home 
# compress 

# 3. To log information in directory /home/user, log file cron.out, size of 50k ,
# total number of rotated files = 4, create the configuration file as follows: 

# logfile=/home/user/cron.out 
# size=50K 
# rotate=4 
# As archive is not specified the files will be rotated in "/home/user". 

# 4. To log information in directory /home/user, log file cron.out, size of 50k ,
# total number of rotated files = 4, archive in /usr/home, archive files without 
# compression,  no logging of cron jobs, create the configuration file as follows: 

# logfile=/home/user/cron.out 
# size=50K 
# rotate=4 
# archive=/usr/home 
# quiet 
# In this case cron.out will contain only debug or error messages. 

# For better performance the increase the size parameter and reduce the rotate parameter.