#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2001,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)49 1.6 src/hmc/ServiceRM/utils/addrmcacl, ServiceRM, rsct_roota, rootabase 9/12/05 13:14:07 if ( ($#ARGV<2) || ( ($#ARGV>=2) && ($#ARGV % 2 !=0) ) ) { print <<FNUSAGETEXT; usage : addrmcacl <Class> <Userdesc> <Permissions> [ <Userdesc> <Permissions> ... ] FNUSAGETEXT exit 1; } # sample input is: # addrmcacl IBM.Foo joe@LOCALHOST rw # $ClassName $UserDesc[0] $Perms[0] # addrmcacl IBM.Foo joe@LOCALHOST rw jane@somehost r # $ClassName $UserDesc[0] $Perms[0] $UserDesc[1] $Perms[1] # get the class name specified my $ClassName = $ARGV[0]; # get the pairs of user/permissions my @UserDesc = (); my @Perms = (); for (my $i=0, my $j=1; $j<=$#ARGV; $j=$j+2, $i++) { $UserDesc[$i] = $ARGV[$j]; $Perms[$i] = $ARGV[$j+1]; } # call RSCT command chrmcacls to modify RSCT ACLs file my $TRUE = 1; my $FALSE = 0; my @acl_stanza_lines = (); my $UPDACL_error = $FALSE; my $rc = 0; # create the ACL stanza lines that are needed # first for the Peer Domain class $acl_stanza_lines[0] = "$ClassName // $ClassName class - added by addrmcacl\n"; # add the user descriptions and permissions $j=1; for ($i=0,$j=1; $i<=$#UserDesc; $i++, $j++) { $acl_stanza_lines[$j] = " $UserDesc[$i] * $Perms[$i] // added by addrmcacl\n"; } # call chrmcacl using a pipe to pass the ACL info if ( open(UPDACL,"|/usr/sbin/rsct/install/bin/chrmcacl -a ") ) { if ( print UPDACL @acl_stanza_lines ) { if (!( close(UPDACL) )) { # close failed $UPDACL_error = $TRUE; } } # print failed else { $UPDACL_error = $TRUE; } } # open failed else { $UPDACL_error = $TRUE; } # check the return code in case of error from chrmacl $rc = $?; # if anything failed, print error message and exit if ( ($rc != 0) || $UPDACL_error ) { print STDERR "addrmcacl encountered an error trying to modify the RSCT ACLs file.\n"; exit(1); }